Two Girls Read a Fanfic

by ForeverCaseInPoint

The Renaissance

If there is one word to describe changes in Crystal Preparations Academy, it is Archery.
Archery is its focus now that being expected to win becomes more and more impossible,
unsensible, and unreasonable.

Speaking of reasoning, Crystal Preparations Academy prepares students for their future
encounters with people. CPA's reasoning comes down to the expression made out of archery
that even the best people for the job(s) are varied and care is necessary to use
anything and anyone to their best potential for they are fragile.

Students now must pass archery to graduate in CPA, training them to not hit friendly
targets under any circumstances even if all targets fire back, even friendly targets.
Most of these friendly targets fire back only after they were hit.

In a nutshell, changes in the world left Crystal Preparations Academy to prepare its
students for all adult life.

Don't worry, Crystal Preparations Academy can still be called Crystal Prep Academy.

This is the Crystal Prep Academy renaissance.

Friendship is the one word to describe the changes in Canterlot High School,
magic included.

Although friendship have always had some importance in Canterlot High School,
only after the recent changes did Canterlot High School organize its sense of

Needless to say, the academic preformance in Canterlot High School have apperently
skyrocketed dramatically since the changes in Canterlot High School.

This is the Canterlot High School renaissance.