MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani


Rainbow Dash POV

I ran, away from everyone and everything.

I could hear Altius running after me, calling,"Rainbow! Wait!"

But I won't. I'm a Mudblood. Why would she even care about me? I'm a waste of space. No one cares. Aunt and Uncle abuse me. Daydream teases me. Mum, Dad and Blitz don't even spend the time to really talk to me. The teachers only pretend they care. The students call me rude names and bully me. I'm better off alone, in the Forbidden Forest, being chewed to death by monsters.

I turned into a shortcut, a long and narrow passageway. I guess that no one will find me here, since it's a secret passage.

I muttered,"Accio knife."

A knife flew down the passage to me. I caught it and started cutting myself on my arms, writing words with each cut.






Freak of nature.



Messed up.

I didn't bother to clean myself up, even though I know the siphoning spell.

Blood was all over the knife, my robes and my arms.

I know no one cares anyway. The scars, emotional or physical, will remain.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps.

"Rainbow? Rainbow? Rainbow!" cried voices.

Altius, Applejack, Blaze, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fleetfoot rushed to my side.

"Darling? What happened?" asked Rarity.

I just played with the knife in my hand.

"W...Wait! Is that a knife?" cried Altius.

She snatched it away and examined it.

Fluttershy whispered,"It is one, Altius."

Meanwhile, Fleetfoot started wiping off the blood on my arms and she gasped.

She stuttered,"Dashie...what did you do?"

She saw the words carved onto my arms.

"Tergeo." muttered Altius, and the blood was siphoned off.

Pinkie Pie started saying stuff randomly,"Why, Dashie? You're supposed to be happy! Should I go get you a cupcake? Oh! What flavour do you want? Strawberry Surprise? Chocolate Crush? Or...Lemon Love?' Maybe Cherry Pu-"

"WILL YOU FUCKING SHUT UP?" yelled Altius.

"Okie dokie lokie!" chirped Pinkie, and stood straight like a soldier.

Applejack knelt down and whispered in my ear,"You're beautiful, unique, special, talented, a prodigy, a legend, and much, much, much more. Don't be let down by what others' say. (I wish my loved ones would say this to me...) No one can replace you, Rainbow. We love you."

I said, my voice cracking,"Bu...But why"

"Even though you're a Muggle-born, but you're the legendary girl who can do a Sonic Rainboom. You are powerful with magic, and can do magic beyond your age. You are also a good singer, a responsible student, and a good and loyal friend. You gave Applejack half of your antidote." said Altius.

I shook my head and replied,"Because there's extra."

"No! Believe us! We are always here for you, no matter what. I know you, because I experienced bullying back in first grade. Mum told me the same things, and I learnt that they are just jealous of me! They humiliate me to make themselves feel better, and I told the bullies so, and we became friends in the end. You can do it too!" encouraged Blaze.

I don't want to believe them. I'm useless.

Suddenly, a voice rang out in my head,"Dashie, it's Blitz."

"W...What?" I said out loud.

"Sis, I love you so much, remember that charm bracelet I gave you? It has a symbolic meaning to it. Your personality is colorful, like the color of your hair. You have a bright future, but you need to get over the dark times before you can see the light."

I said,"Ok, Blitz. I love you."

"I love you too."

Someone was shaking me.


I opened my eyes and saw I was lying on the floor, and Applejack was shaking me like crazy.

"You started talking to yourself and fell down? What's wrong?" she asked anxiously.

I replied,"I believe you. I have purpose in this world."

I stood up and walked back to my dorm.

I wrote another song:

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I've messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better.
I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time
I had to get my life
To get my life together
But I didn't

1993 you gave birth to me
Sweet little baby girl had the world at my feet
Before I could even stand.
Cradled me in your right and your left hand
a precious bundle of un-made plans.
Hopes and dreams of bigger things
a bright future so it seemed
But that light grew a little less bright as
I grew up we began to fight
When I was 13
I was so damn mean
Running away had nothing more to say
Then I hate you
But that's not true now
I just don't
I just don't,
I just don't know how to say

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I've messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better.
I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time
I had to get my life
To get my life together
But I didn't

You never talk about me to your friends
Because you must be so embarrassed
I dropped out of college without any plans
I moved back home
I couldn't even pay rent.
I was living on your couch
trying to figure it out
cutting myself up
tearing myself down

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I've messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better.
I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time
I had to get my life
To get my life together
But I didn't

I'm sorry that
I couldn't buy you that house upon that hill
Or take care of all your medical bills
I know I didn't make you proud
I should've been someone by now
But I never figured out how
I'm sorry that
I couldn't buy you that house upon that hill
Or take care of all your medical bills
I know I didn't make you proud
I should've been someone by now
But I never figured out how

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I've messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better.
I'm sorry mom and dad
For all the time
I had to get my life
To get my life together...

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I've messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better.
I'm sorry mom and dad
For all the time
I had to get my life
To get my life together
But I didn't

Sincerely, Your Daughter

I know I messed up sometimes, but I will do better. I promise, Blitz, no matter where you are.