Twilight Daylight

by thedarktome

Chapter 41 - Wedding Arc Part 1

When the gems arrived three days later at the base in Lavender, Arcadia knew it was finally over. The Royalty of Psera were at the Aquata Station in Lavender this morning with the cool wind. Right there by the ocean with their eyes on the ship pulling back into the locks with the others. A platoon of military were around, watching it in a calm fashion as it slowed to a stop next to them. Once it did, the pod that had a mobile walkway moved forward and pressed it to a large steel door near the side. After a few seconds, the door pushed open and a bunch of soldiers filed out, obviously tired from the week at sea. According to an executive at Serl, they had already deposited the gems at Serl two days before it got to this point. Thus closing the trade agreement, and starting a new task.

Preparing for the Psera Royal Wedding. It was still January, plenty of time since the wedding was in March. Back in Equestria, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were relaying Twilight's news to Night Light and Velvet. The both of them were very excited to help, and Flurry "couldn't wait to put a sunflower in Aunt Twilight's hair". Of course there were rules, but all of that could be addressed later. Arcadia had to say something proud to the Soldiers getting off the ship. The waves crashing against the shore of the automatic ports reached her ears. The smell of the salt water wafted up to her muzzle. Her eyes eyeing the soldiers with an intense gaze of deep violet. They were beginning to gather in front of the busy base behind the station in a large group, eyes and attention on her and ignoring the pods and more behind them moving past.

After a few more minutes, she stepped forward with a proud grin. "Thank you everyone for risking your lives to ensure we obtained these gems and Equestria their steel! The agreement has been closed and Psera can now move on to better things!"

"Like the wedding, WHOO!!" The rest of them cheered with that one pony in the back, striking into an applause and whistling.

Arcadia and Madun blushed and waved kindly at the crowd before they became quiet one more. "Yes, like the wedding," Arcadia agreed. "We get married on March Ninth and are preparing for our first child afterwards. I can't wait to begin a new family. But for now, I just wanted to recognize all our brave mares and stallions who risked their lives at sea. Thank you very much, I am very grateful. That is all I have to say. Enjoy your week off."

The soldiers all bowed before shuffling away to do whatever while Arcadia turned and headed back to the Royals. They looked pleased with her statement. Molten Ice sighed and whispered, "You will make a great queen, Lady Arcadia, I can see that now."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Twilight responded. She walked with the rest of them towards the Royal Chariots on the side, ready to go and head back to Cop. Twilight had scheduled for one day off each week to get ready for her wedding coming up. Today she was going to try on her dress with Merry, Gardeen, her mother, and Cadance. Flurry Heart will come along too. Oh, and Molten Ice. Can't forget the Great Queen of Psera attending a Royal Wedding.

Twilight was beyond excited she and Equestria had gotten over their conflict. As well as the fact that Psera was willing to possibly continue trading with them in the future. It was a possibility that was open for discussion with the Congress. Not the senate, but the Congress. It was going to be an intense debate.

But while Twilight got comfortable next to her fiance, her thoughts changed from excitement to worry. Her signature smile dropped into her standard thoughtful one. Blueblood still has not been found on Psera. But Twilight knew he was there somewhere. She could feel him using large quantities of magic and it worried her greatly. What he was doing with large sums of magic on a land without that type of magic was troubling enough as it is. But a crazy stallion using it? He obviously didn't like Madun. But was he a target? Blueblood was crazy enough to go after anyone.

"Stop thinking about it," Twilight whispered to herself. "You'll be fine, he won't ruin your special time."

She took a deep breath and put her mind on other things. Like the fact that her friend and assistant Gardeen was taking Light Pink to the wedding with her as a date! That was something she wasn't expecting. Arcadia still remembered that conversation.

Yesterday, Noon-ish

Arcadia sighed and placed another document to the side of her wooden desk back inside her large office in the COTG. The floors were carpeted dark brown with a small bookcase on the right, and a refreshment area on the left. A single wooden desk with a few pictures on the left edge, a stack of three books on the right edge, and a stack of papers in front of Twilight. All in all, the room was pretty plain with only a few adornments. But she had to start small with a single couch, a dining table, and another table where she can hold her meetings and calls. Gardeen seemed to be the only friendly visitor.

Twilight lifted another document from her daily deposit of work and sighed at the type of form. 19-A. Another pony asking for land. Why doesn't anyone go to the Mayor's office anymore? That doesn't make a lot of sense to ask a Queen for land in a different city. It's not like they were building a military base or a new Serl location... Right?

She couldn't ponder it further when someone knocked on her door. She glanced up past her sheet and ordered, "Come in!"

Gardeen opened the door and accepted the invitation with her saddlebags. She must have completed the trip to Rayray, Arcadia thought. Smiling, she greeted, "Hello, Gardeen. How was it?"

"He was ignorant," Gardeen responded in the most blandest voice she could. Once the door was closed, she took a seat in front of Arcadia's desk and huffed. "He kept asking about the update on the status of land. Why do ponies want land so badly all of a sudden? It wasn't like that before."

Arcadia chortled and explained, "Well since we just brought a bunch of gems over from Equestria, everyone here is going to want to buy some, modify them somehow once Serl figures it out, then sell them. The Elite Class is going to anyway. They want to create businesses with stores. And they need property."

"Ah, okay," Gardeen whispered. "Seems a little too early though, right?"

Arcadia shrugged and responded, "They don't care. That's why they keep asking me about buying the land. Once again?" Arcadia used her magic to grab one, two... Thirty sheets from the pile, shaving off one third of the stacks and dropping them into a stack on the floor. "Go see the Mayor's Office. But enough about my struggles. How are you... And Pink?" Arcadia added that last bit with a wink.

Gardeen flushed and answered, "W-Well... We went out to eat again, but she keeps dodging the question everytime I ask if this is a date."

Arcadia gasped and fawned, "Awww, that's so shy of her. She acts like one of my friends in Equestria. Fluttershy. Except Light Pink actually talks at full volume."

"Yeah. Well since she wasn't going to ask, I decided to do it for her. I asked her on a date."

Arcadia was taken back. And a little confused. "But... I thought you said you didn't like mares."

Gardeen shook her head and clarified, "I don't like romantic relationships."

"So you made up your mind then," Arcadia assumed. Then leaned back in her chair, kicked her hooves up on her desk and sighed. Gardeen looked her up and down before she explained. "I won't be able to do this in the future, Gardeen. Let me have this one."

"Yeah, that round belly's going to stick out like a rubber ball and look weird in that chair." A pencil hit her forehead while they laughed.

"Oh stop, I won't be that noticeable... I think. Anyway, what did Pink say?"

Gardeen rubbed the spot where the pencil hit and answered, "She squealed really loud first, tackled me in a hug second, then quietly answered 'yes' directly afterwards. Our date's next week. I'm planning on taking her to your wedding as a date too."

Arcadia glanced to the side awkwardly. Then locked onto Gardeen and asked, "To my wedding as a... Date?"

Ah, right! Sometimes she forgets Arcadia isn't from Psera. It's just been so long. Gardeen quickly backpedaled and explained, "Well let me explain. Weddings on Psera are a little different, as I'm sure you already know. A wedding here is viewed as a symbol of love, comfort, and loyalty. So even if this weren't a Royal Wedding, it would still be viewed as a wedding with a bunch couples and more. So don't be alarmed, I'm not going to be the only pony there bringing a date, I promise you. I know it may seem strange and a little offensive, but that's just the way things work here on Psera."

Arcadia pursed her lips and blinked the strangeness away. "Well... Alright. I just don't want my wedding being viewed as just some sort of event."

Gardeen shook her head and answered, "It's not. Just symbolism. As a matter of fact, when you two kiss, many other couples will at the same time. I promise."

Present Day and Time

Although Arcadia was still a little skeptical, she trusted in Madun to make sure that wasn't the issue. He backed Gardeen up with the fact that that was the reason so much news were covering the event in Psera. Because it was like an "out of the blue love-thing," as Merry put it when she asked her next. Arcadia wasn't sure she liked the thought of it being a publicized event, but ran with it anyway.

After a few more minutes, the chariot Arcadia and Madun were soaring over Pser in landed back down in front of the Castle in Cop, ready to relax and take it easy. Well Arcadia was. Madun had something else going on she believed.

Thanks to a week of rain, the concrete underneath their hooves were wet and cool when they stepped out of the chariot and into the fullness of the hot sun, smiling at the landscape. Because the rain backed them up, many Pserateps were out and about getting things done that they couldn't while trapped underneath roofs and falling water. A regular day as usual. Long-winged Pegasi soaring over and through the tall skyscrapers that made up Cop. Pods passing by that beeped to the King and his beloved Queen.

While they were led up to the door, Merry shimmied up Arcadia's side and sang, "Almost here~!"

Arcadia awkwardly glanced to her and asked, "Er... What is?"

"Your wedding! Oh, and the moment when you try on the dress so I can make modifications!" She turned to Madun and scolded, "No peeking! Sorry, I'm stealing your wife for the day!" He couldn't respond since she turned back to Arcadia and whispered, "Mommy and daddy?" The guard ahead opened the door and saluted when they walked in, heading towards the Elevator.

Arcadia shook her head and answered, "Just mom, Cadance, possibly Flurry, Molten, and you. Nopony else is looking at me in my dress. Firehead will have to wait until the wedding." She heard Madun grumble something beside her that was quickly rectified when Arcadia leaned up and nuzzled him under his chin when they entered the Elevator.

"Oh please!" Merry cried. "King Butt will be just fine, he can relax for a bit. Drink some orange juice."

Madun rolled his eyes and stated, "Merry, Orange Juice is your thing."

"Fine. Prune Juice."

"Juice in general is your thing. I think I'll take this day off to work. Probably check on Serl for Twilight." The doors for the elevator parted, letting them off onto the Royal Floor where the Throne Rooms, Bedrooms, and Offices were located. They were nearly empty right now because everyone were in their offices or had left to go to work. Arcadia could already hear the scribbling of pens on paper as they moved down the hall. They were nowhere near the offices yet. And Merry wasn't letting her go that way either. Or Molten Ice.

The Great Queen laid a wing over her son's back and said, "We're taking your fiancee to Merry's to get some adjustments and such. If the Equestrians show up, have the Guard direct them to Merry's suite."

Arcadia leaned up and pecked his lips then allowed Merry to guide her to the left, leaving Madun standing there alone with the guard. He barely got a say in. So he settled with a sigh and continued walking with the guard towards the Suite. This gave him ample time to get an update. Without taking his eyes off the hall in front of him, he requested, "I want an update on the Rogue Unicorn."

A female guard on the right answered to his request. "Arcadia reports sensing large amounts of magic being used in Merōl. But each time one of our guards get close, the pony is gone. But we know for a fact sir that he is plotting something dangerous because there are large burn marks in the area where he was presumed to be. He knows we know."

Madun hummed silently with straight eyebrows. "I want this pony found. If you spot him, dhoot him. A large scorch mark means intended violence if present at every single location he is detected. I know for a fact teleportation doesn't leave those. Let Secretary Manny know I want him shot and apprehended if you spot him."

"Yes, sir."

Blueblood had to admit, this was a really nice place to hide in. Merōl. A town full of big warehouses and facilities that made Equestria look bad. Apparently, there was talk about gems somewhere on this land. He really wanted to go check that out. But had a little issue on his hooves. Getting back to Equestria. He got here by a portal from Twilight. So the only way to get back was through Twilight. And those Guards securing that castle she resides at weren't letting anyone past. He was also very aware that Twilight could sense his magic, which was why he kept leaving each time he practiced on this spell that involved a Crossbow and arrows. These ponies had a weakness to magic. He would use that weakness well.

But for right now, Blueblood had to think about how to get to a city called Eventa as he walked invisible through Merōl's quiet residential area, full of green grass and "modern homes". No trees in sight or tall grass. Everything was spread out, and the sun was hitting him directly on the back of his white coat while he walked up this large hill looking over Merōl below. According to words that reached his ears, the wedding was being held in a building called Events at Eventa. A historical landmark. Some pony said it was a city inside a city.

"Yeah, right," he muttered. Canterlot is a city inside a city. Not this Events at Eventa. Not in his mind. He needed to get there as soon as possible. But where was it?

A little walk towards a store and a teleport inside was his next stop. It was busy with Pserateps grabbing supplies and whatnot for activities he didn't care about. He was more focused on the display screen hanging above him he spotted outside through the fruit he was ducking behind when a "Pod", as they called them moved past, packed with four of those guards that had on way too much black gear bearing the term ELITE on the front in basic white font. Same on the sides.

Above his position, a newscaster was on the screen doing a report on the "Wedding of the Century between Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle and King Madun." They were reporting on where to go and the best times to leave the cities based on distance away from Psera and weather forecasts. From Cop it was... One hundred miles?!!

Blueblood nearly lost focus on his invisibility spell but managed to bring it in. The reporter stated, "If you are in Merōl, you are three hundred sixteen miles away from Eventa. So your best bet would be to leave one week before the wedding on March Ninth! Be ready for some traffic though! Citizens from all over the country will gather under one roof, one stadium, to witness the happiness of our saviour, Arcadia! The rise of a new Queen!"

Blueblood had heard enough. He needed to get to Eventa. But how? Humming, Blueblood turned and anxiously walked back out the door into the patched sunlight, nearly bumping into a Pseratep foal playing with some type of toy with his mother. Blueblood needed a plan. A good one.

The sunlight shone bright onto the garden in front of the Royal Suite through a high window in the roof of the Castle of the Gods, accelerated by mirrors on the tunnel it blares through. It highlighted the gold plating of the Royal Guard standing at post and watching Madun as he watered the flowers, tending to the miniature park there. Everyone all over Psera knew Madun had a soft side for nature. It was no surprise to see him planting seeds, creating a bench or some other hardware in the engineering room. He had a team of ponies that could do it for him, but he insisted on doing it himself to "gain strength and character." These flowers needed watering. He had a filly—COLT! He had a colt on the way. It was definitely a colt. No filly, a colt.

Madun stopped raking and closed his eyes, sighing in an emotion he hasn't felt for awhile. Nervousness. He's always been calm and collected. Anticipating the next step and anything else. But recent events were telling him anticipation was not in the cards. He pushed the rake to the side and looked up at the sunroof, instantly regretting that decision. He quickly rubbed his eyes when the Comm Blocks in the facility blared off, reporting of an arrival in the Hive's Independant Portal Room, the location for Arcadia's Independent Portal for Equestria. Madun groaned and waved towards them. "Direct them to Merry's," he ordered.

One of the Guards nodded and did as asked while another left their post to approach him. She was concerned for his state of mind. Especially after watching him tend to his beloved garden. "My King," she whispered. "Are you alright?"

Madun sighed and answered, "Just... Just nervous to be honest."

"Marriage jitters?"

"Marriage jitters, coronation jitters, and.... Father jitters."

She nodded and made a motion, requesting to take a seat. He shrugged and continued to plant a few more seeds while she took a seat on the marble floor. "I know how you are feeling. Not the coronation, but the marriage and foal bit. Having a child can be a very... Trying moment. The time leading up to it is like waiting for a hurricane to approach. You know it's coming, but you don't know what's going to happen when it does. I've been there. I have a husband and a son and daughter. The day I got married was very nervous. But then I learned my husband... He was nervous too. But he told me something that made me feel secure and safe."

Madun set down the bag of seeds and asked, "What was it?"

"He said that devotion is always a scary thing. Having a family on your own is a scary thing. But the truth is... You are never truly alone. All around, you have others who have been through the same thing you're feeling so I asked them for help. Most of the time, my friends would take me out, get me to have some fun. Things of that nature. Have some time off. I know Arcadia is if she's around Princess Merry." Madun couldn't argue with that.

Arcadia stood in the middle of Merry's way too extravagant suite, wearing the golden diamond studded tiara in front of Molten Ice, Merry, and Gardeen. They were sitting on the couch, she as standing up in front of them as "eye candy," as Mery called it. Molten Ice was calmly sipping a cup of tea, eyeing Arcadia as she turned. She raised her head out of the cup and stated, "I believe it is time we moved on to the main event, don't you think Arcadia?"

Arcadia dropped the pose and nodded. But Merry was resilient. She shook her head and answered, "Nope, uh uh! Not until momma comes out and—" Someone interrupted Merry on the outside of the door by knocking on it. Everyone turned towards it when they did and Merry yelled, "Who is it?"

"Elite, ma'am," a guard on the other side answered. "Visitors from Equestria have arrived." Twilight Velvet was carrying Flurry on her back while Cadance was waiting for it to open.

Merry squeaked and quickly bolted towards the box holding the dress and opened it up. "Quick, grab it," she ordered to Arcadia. Using her magic, she did before Merry unceremoniously pushed her towards the library, out of sight and out of mind. "Mom, open the door."

Seriously? Molten rolled her eyes and yelled, "Enter!" The Guard outside pushed it open, revealing Merry's lavish suite and the light coming through the ceiling to the female family of Twilight. Molten smiled and waved. "Welcome! Come in, please. Merry has been waiting for you to arrive so she can whisk her to the back and finally apply final adjustments."

Arcadia's voice poked in when she stated, "It's been driving me crazy. Ow! Merry!"

"Hold still, Lady in Waiting, I have to apply this final stitching," Merry retorted.

Cadance chuckled while Flurry jumped off her grandmother's back and up to Molten Ice. With a cute grin, she waved and greeted, "Hi! I'm Flurry!"

Molten chuckled and greeted, "I know, we've met before. I'm Queen Molten Ice, former Queen of Psera for over two thousand years." Cadance and Twilight Velvet were speechless while Flurry tried to wrap her tiny little head around it.

She settled with, "Nuh uh, that's not a number! Let me guess, you ruled this planet for two years!" Merry spat out in laughter in the library, guffawing in tears while Arcadia tried her hardest not to.

Cadance came to Molten's rescue and stated sweetly, "No, sweetheart, do you know how old Aunt Celestia is?"

Flurry shook her head and answered, "No."

"Celestia is older than her."

"Since we're comparing ages..." Twilight poked her head out from behind the wall separating the library from the living room. "Dad has a birthday coming up. What are you going to do for Grandpa's birthday, Flurry?"

"Oh! Oh! Hi, Aunt Twilight!" Flurry quickly scampered over to the wall and ducked behind it. "Oh, what is this?! You look so pretty!"

Merry chuckled and made it known, "Looks like you got the approval of cute and tiny niece!"

"Ack! Flurry!" Flurry was wrapped up in a violet glow and teleported back to the couch, blinking away tiny spots. "You weren't supposed to see yet!"

"Actually, we're done, you can walk out now."


"Yeah, girl. Go for it." Merry walked out from behind the wall and faced the others. She stopped in front of the wall and cleared her throat before yelling, "Presenting before all of Psera, the bride! Bring her forth!" While Merry pretended to play some fanfare, Twilight slowly stalked out from behind the wall mildly lushing and making her way into the living room with long wings trailing the floor behind her underneath the long silky trail of the dress. Her face was lightly hidden behind a recently added white veil, topped off with a silver diamond riddled tiara.

Twilight Velvet, Cadance, Molten Ice, and Flurry gasped before Velvet squealed and looked around for a camera. "Oh my goodness! My little filly is so beautiful, oh look at the colors! Gold, white and purple! Ah, I wish I had a camera!"

Cadance strode forward and circled twilight with a proud grin when she stopped in the middle of the room. "You are truly magnificent, Twilight. Oh, I can't wait to see you... Walk the... aisle?" Twilight Velvet and Cadance shared a look and a shrug. They had no idea how it was supposed to work.

Merry walked towards the couch to get a better look and corrected, "Royal Weddings require Chariots. Madun rides in first when the host yells, 'Bring forth the Groom.' The ponies cheer, the deep music plays, the chariot rides all the way to the stage for five miles while the Bride is prepared on her own. When he reaches it, the king jumps off and takes his space in front of his Ushers and Stallion of Honor.

"Once a few words are said by the host about the Groom, he calls, 'Bring forth the Bride. That's an important one. While Arcadia rides in on a much longer chariot, pages are in the rear of it, holding the train of this dress, because Arcadia's wings are really long. Once she reaches the stage, the steps are lowered at the front, then she is led up to take her place in front of her Bridesmaids and Best Mare. After a few more words are said about her, the host asks for the vows. The groom goes first, then the bride second. That's the second most important part. Then the host asks for the ring. Somepony that you decide on—"

"Me, me!" Flurry interrupted. She jumped up and down in place with a waving hoof. "Oh! Pick me, aunt Twilight! Me!"

Arcadia silently laughed and replied, "We'll see Flurry."

Merry continued, "The pony chosen walks out with the ring necklaces. The exact same one she has on. Sorry, Lady, you have to take it off on your wedding day so it can go in the box and we can put it back on again. The stallion puts it around the Groom's neck then around the bride's. Then the host says you kiss the Bride, boom. You're married!"

Merry pulled a bouquet of roses from somewhere and tossed them to Arcadia, which she caught with her magic. That immediately reminded her. "Oh, and please, I beg you, PLEASE!! Don't throw the bouquet. It'll be pure chaos."

"Oh yeah, no, don't," Molten backed up. "There will be thousands of couples underneath that one roof, you've seen how many when you first came here. All those fillies going straight for that itty, bitty, tiny bouquet of flowers. Utter. Chaos. Like a wild party. Try to refrain from throwing it."

Arcadia grinned sweetly and walked around in her dress. "I wasn't planning on it. How do I look? Do you think Madun will like it?"

Cadance fawned and answered, "His eyes are going to bug out. He'll never want the moment to stop." Arcadia blushed while Merry poked back in.

"Wait until you see Madun's suit! Arcadia's going to guu—uuh, I almost forgot there was a little filly in here, how are you sweetheart?"

Flurry pointed up at her and asked, "You talk funny."

"Oh, girl you don't have to tell me twice, I know I do. Blazing loves it."

Merry flipped her hair around while Arcadia laughed and stated, "Blazing's never around when I visit. Why is that?"

Merry stood back up and walked over to look at the dress. "Well Blazing is at you-know-where, gazing at the stars or something. All you eggheads are so... Nerdy. Lady Arcadia is an exception." Twilight rolled her eyes at the same time Merry winked. "I'm just waiting for Madun to become a little obsessed with science next because his wife is into it. Then his foal gets into it. And can I just be honest and say I'm a little nervous about becoming a mother." Merry straightened out the trail and stepped back to look it over. "Should the dress have more lace?"

Cadance shook her head and answered, "It looks beautiful. And don't worry about becoming a mother yet, you two. Wait until the final month. In the meantime, worry about taking it easy."

Molten added from the couch, "And about how hard you're hitting your spouses." The three by the couch snickered at fond memories.

"When I was pregnant with little Flurry Heart," Cadance recalled. "Your brother was doing everything to be near when he was needed and away when he wasn't. The Guards would always say that he was out handling something at the office, but I knew for a fact he was hiding. Because in my final two months he stuck around."

Twilight Velvet said, "Now when I was pregnant with you dear, I was... I don't know how to put it." She looked up to the ceiling to think deeply. "I was... extra, I guess. Doing things that didn't really need to be done. I was constantly active. So the best thing to tell your spouses would be to... Hide."

The adult mares all laughed while Flurry between her mother's hooves tried to figure out what pregnancy was. In the end she just decided to stay quiet and admire the really pretty dress in front of her.

"Two floors... Another two floors..." Blueblood sighed and groaned tiredly as me moved unseen throughout the town of Merōl by creeping through the residential district. Many of the homes had two floors, something rarely seen in Equestria if at all. The lawns were clean and had a few relaxation items. Lawn Chairs, grills, all kinds of nice things. Equestria didn't have most of this. Another reason why Twilight had to help them instead of these ponies.

"Hello, neighbor!" Blueblood froze and turned to the left side of the street at a Pseratep male wearing a business suit and holding a suitcase, waving to a home across the street.

Another male with a bunch of construction wear was stepping out of his house with his wings raised, possibly about to take to the air. Taken back a little bit, the Pseratep stopped and waved back. "Good morning! How are you?"

"Uggh!" He groaned. Then pretended to wipe sweat off his face. "Tired already. Heading to the factory?"

"Yep, more material needed for the spring comin' up after the snow falls. Heading to Skies North?"

"Yep." He patted the side of his suitcase and decreed, "Managing the mall isn't going to do much this time of year, but it still needs to be done. You goin' to the wedding?"

"Yessir. I'm taking an early Radwood out of here tomorrow." Wait, Early Radwood? Blueblood trained his ear harder on their conversation. "The moment Lady Arcadia and King Madun released the wedding date, the Bureau of Transportation setup Radwoods all over the nation to travel straight to Eventa. I'm taking the first one out of here tomorrow and using my vacation time to bring my wife and son. Just to show how much I love them."

"Really?" The other asked. "Where can I get tickets?"

The construction worker shook his head and answered, "No tickets right now, which is why I'm taking the early Radwood tomorrow. The first ones out are free, then after that there are tickets. The one I'm taking is at the Radwood station by the mine." Blueblood hummed. That could be his transportation straight to Eventa. Those were a lot of miles and he had to get there. Whatever these Radwoods were they could possibly get him to the area faster.

He knew where the mines for the city of Merōl were, he's passed the entrance multiple times. Now he just had to locate a Radwood. Turning around, Blueblood shuffled off with all his things. Crossbow and arrows. He just needed to get into Eventa.


Rarity jumped out of her throne inside Twilight's old Equestrian castle from Pinkie's sudden yell in her ear. Pinkie tossed a platter of pancakes onto the middle of the Cutie Map back in Twilight's old castle. The rest of the Element Bearers watched it drop down into the middle before reaching out to grab a few. Satisfied, Pinkie hopped onto her own thrown and dug into the plate already setup. While they ate, Applejack glanced to the only chair unoccupied. Twilight's. There even seemed to be a little dust on it.

Concerned, she swallowed her food and asked, "Is anypony else worried about the fact that if trouble does stir up that Twilight won't be around to help?"

Everyone stopped eating and turned to the throne. The chair looked extremely daunting without someone in it. Something Spike made known.

"It looks weird like that," he whispered sadly. "The leader of pretty much everything is leading somewhere else."

Rarity sighed and suggested, "Well the least we can do is make sure her wedding is top notch. Right girls?"

The table erupted into cheers before ideas were passed around. By Pinkie. "I think we should hang up a whole lot of banners! Oh! Or how about so many balloons you can't see where you're going?"

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof out in an attempt to calm her down. "Uhh... Pinkie—"

"Or how about presents, Equestria style! So many presents, you have to open them all to get to the good one."


"Or maybe—"

"Pinkie!" Applejack yelled. Pinkie ceased her rambling. "Maybe we should wait until we're actually back in Events at Eventa to meet up with the ponies chosen before we start making plans, okay? We're headin' up there this mornin' anyway. Hurry up an' eat so we can go."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie pulled her head back then sailed it straight into her pancakes, literally diving in.

Fluttershy commented from the side, "Now everypony? Remember this: Even though Twilight said she forgave us, nothing really locks it in like designing her beautiful wedding and ceremony."

Rainbow proudly added, "The Egghead finally found her stallion. Now let's make it a Happily Ever After!" The rest of the table cheered with her, then quickly engulfed their pancakes so they could start moving.

Swallowing her mouthful, Applejack cleared her throat. "Now from what Sunset told me we'll be meetin' up with a pony named... Gardeen after we're checked in. Never heard of her."

Spike swallowed his own food and clarified, "Gardeen is Twilight's assistant. She came here one time, remember?"

"No, I don't."

"Oh. Well yeah, that's Twilight's assistant over there." Spike stuffed his face once more, forcing a grimace out of Rarity. Then popped out of his chair. "Is everypony ready?"

"Wait!" Pinkie grabbed around ten more pancakes and practically threw them all into her mouth. "Ready!"


Besides the regular stop at the Hive in the Castle of the Gods by a Guardspony, the only noise that reached Gardeen's ears were the talk from other ponies down the large and grand hallways. Their voices reflected off the walls fitted with photographs, art, and some statues. The Castle was in fact a very old building, holding years worth of historical artifacts. Including the three pages found in the Legendary Narmeelah's Diary, something everyone on Psera knew existed, but never found. Maybe one day they'd find it. Maybe.

The door to the Hive opened up so Rarity could walk out first and look around with eyes full of curiosity. She raised a hoof to her mouth and whispered, "Oh my, I just realized... How exactly do you navigate this building?" The rest of the mares walked out, flanked by two Elite Guards.

Applejack hummed and answered, "Not... Sure." All the signs were in Old Pseratopian. Navigating this place was next to impossible on their own. No wonder they needed a guide.

Unseen, Gardeen adjusted her badge and calmly trotted her way over from the side with a smile. White coat brushed, mane smooth and bouncy, long wings preened, clipboard in hoof.

"Hi!" She greeted. They all immediately turned their sights to her. "You must be Lady Arcadia's friends. I'm Gardeen, her Official Personal Assistant. I'll be escorting and guiding you to Eventa so you can meet with the King and Lady in Waiting's chosen designers."

"Designers?" Rarity asked. She was confused. And a little surprised. "Wait, I thought she said we were going to be her designers."

"No, no. Lady Arcadia meant that you can put in your own things alongside them. A mix of Equestria and Psera. His highness also agreed to the idea. Now if you'll all follow me, I'll get you on your way."