//------------------------------// // Meeting the Headmistress // Story: MLP at Hogwarts // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Professor Celestia POV Rainbow Dash is amazing. She can do such impressive magic feats without knowing of her own brilliance. And she's polite, and easy to make friends with. How can I help her enhance her magic? Suddenly, my mind drifted off to what happened years before... Flashback: I was sitting by Professor Trelawney's bedside. She was fatally ill, and healers told me she's going to die soon. Professor Trelawney is like a mother to me, since I'm an orphan. Suddenly, her heart rate slowed, and I gasped. "T...Ti...Tia. c...come...over here." she whispered. I immediately rushed over to her, and knelt down. She said in a harsh voice I only heard once before,"W...When the first...first Muggle-born Sl...Slytherin comes to Hogwarts, t...then will the legendary...legendary Elements finally...reunite. She will possess i...incredible...magic powers, and...you have to teach...teach her how to enhance them...Tia...she will bring peace to the world, forever...with her friends...she will surely...step on a road to success...will...surely step on a road to...su...success..." Professor Trelawney fell limp and moved no more. I fell on top of her and sobbed, sobbed for no one to hear. Healers came, took her body away and I never saw my mentor again. "The words she said...I remembered them forever." I muttered to myself. A gust of wind blew in, and my papers were blown away. I sighed, and picked some of them up. A figure flew past my window and I looked closer. It was Rainbow Dash. She was floating in midair, moving her hands about, and laughing happily. Whoa. She can even control wind? I have to meet her privately soon. Rainbow Dash POV After all the lessons, I can finally go and do my homework. I was heading to the common room, when Blaze came running towards me. "Rainbow! Prof.Celestia wants to find you!" he cried, and passed me a note. I read it and this is what it said: Dear Miss Rainbow Dash, Please come to the statue of the gargoyle as fast as you can. Say,"Pear drop." to it, and the gargoyle will jump aside, and there will be a route to my office. There is something I have to tell you. Professor Celestia. So she wants to find me huh? Ok! It's not every day that you get a visit from the Headmistress herself. I must be important. Not. I'm worthless. But anyway, I headed down the corridor, and along passages. Finally, I arrived at the stone gargoyle. I said awkwardly,"Pear drop." Not knowing what to expect, it came as a shock when suddenly the gargoyle came to life and sprang aside, revealing a passage and revolving stairs. Whoa. This. Is. Awesome! I wish my room could have such stuff. I stepped on a rung of the stairs, an it started transporting me to the Headmistress's office upstairs. I arrived, and knocked on the ornate snowy-white wooden door. "Come in!" called a voice. I opened the door tentatively, and saw a beautiful sight. So beautiful that beautiful is an understatement. Professor Celestia's office was pure white, with streaks of real fire chandeliers on the walls and ceiling. Her desk was the colour of the sun, and stacks of papers were on top of it. Different ornaments were placed on shelves after shelves, along with elusive volumes of history and dark arts. What surprised me most was the stunning phoenix perching on Professor Celestia's shoulder, singing softly. "Hi, Rainbow. Like my office?" asked Prof.Celestia. I was so shocked that I just nodded. She continued,"I have to tell you something, but before I start, please sit down." Prof.Celestia waved her wand, and an armchair appeared out of thin air, and landed behind me. I sank into it. "What is it, Professor?" I asked as politely as I could. She sighed and said,"I asked about you from other teachers. They all said you are bright, and you understand the most difficult magic in minutes. You can do literally anything, and from what Professor Shining Armour said, you can produce an Alicorn Patronus." "Yes, Professor. Expecto Patronum!" I said, focusing my mind of the delight I felt when flying in midair with my hands. A silvery Alicorn burst out from my wand, and cantered around the room before it disappeared without a sound. "Do you know that an Alicorn is the most powerful animal in history? The phoenix is only second to it." said Professor Celestia, stroking her phoenix. It let out a high note, and I felt like I had drank a warm bowl of soup. I said,"Yes. It possesses amazing strength, it's tears have healing powers, and it's song is magical to all those who hear it." "Yes, but from what I know, you match the description of a girl in a prophecy. She has great powers, and will reunite the legendary Elements. I heard the prophecy with my own ears." Professor Celestia waved her wand again, and a screen appeared, showing a frail, elderly woman. She said in a harsh voice,"W...When the first...first Muggle-born Sl...Slytherin comes to Hogwarts, t...then will the legendary...legendary Elements finally...reunite. She will possess i...incredible...magic powers, and...you have to teach...teach her how to enhance them...Tia...she will bring peace to the world, forever...with her friends...she will surely...step on a road to success...will...surely step on a road to...su...success..." She fell silent. I looked back at Professor Celestia and saw tears brimming in her eyes. Being the comforting girl I am, I asked,"Professor? What's wrong?" "That woman...was my mentor. I was orphaned at the age of six, and Professor Trelawney took me in. She cared for me like a daughter, and she taught me the Inner Eye and its powers. I became a Seer, like her, but one day she fainted and I brought her to St. Mungo's. She died a week later, and I never got to thank her...I'm not worth of her love." sobbed Professor Celestia. Even though she is a professor, and I'm a mere student, but I hugged her softly and whispered,"It will be alright." She calmed down soon enough, and said."Thank you, Rainbow. For helping me. You're not like other students I taught. They back away in fear of me, and never dare to tell me their secrets." I smiled.