//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 The revolution // Story: Welcome to the new colossus // by Bronycommander //------------------------------// Chapter 7: The revolution Balthazar awoke with a strange feeling, the ground feeling very…soft. His eyes felt heavy as he slowly opened them, finding himself in an alleyway. At first, he thought he was in a sleeping bag due to the soft ground, until he looked down, startling. He was lying in a pile of bodies, apparently poisoned. In panic, muttering “Hurts...” over and over again, he crawled backward in an attempt to get out. The stallion stopped to struggle as he saw a shadow at the end of the alleyway, staring at it in fear as it came closer. It was a pony in golden armor, one of his own soldiers, looking at him with a stern expression. “Blessed one...Grant me your aid. Quickly.” Balthazar said to his soldier with a hint of fear. “Quickly!” He yelled as the pony spoke into his radio. “What are you doing? I...I...I am your master! I am anointed! No! Stop you fools! I'm not one of them! I'm not one of them!!!” He yelled as a troop transport arrived, another soldier holding a flamethrower walked ahead, pointing it at him. “PLEASE!” In that moment, he woke up with a gasp, panting heavily. “Balthazar, are you alright?” Fray asked with concern, standing next to him. “Just…a bad dream.” He replied. Due to being cyborgs, they had to recharge, although they could be active for a very long time without recharging. It worked quite simple, they just had to connect themselves with any charging station, being in a semi-conscious state. It also fed their brain with nutrients, they both had never understood how that worked. The two stallions used the stations in the hanger bay, where the helicopters were located and the Haunebu-V. In the morning, they checked up on Dinky and Johann, who slept in the room of William and Anya. They had to smile, seeing the filly hugging her stepfather in her sleep. He gave her safety, she gave him something he could have never been otherwise. The filly stirred in her sleep, yawning, smiling at her stepfather as he awoke and the two stallions. “Good morning!” He exclaimed in joy. “Morning.” Balthazar and Fray replied, with her father returning a smile as they went into the galley for breakfast. As the two family members breakfasted, they heard the wonderful music of clarinet player Jacques 'Paris Jack' LeRoy, a African-American and member of the New Orleans Resistance cell led by Horton Boone, the man who had drunk the whiskey with Blazkowicz as his party yesterday, having her and her father and two friends introduced to everyone. “That really sounds wonderful, Jack, where did you learn to play so good?” The filly complimented him. With a smile, he replied, “The streets of New Orleans were alive with music. You carried the gift and the music would just slip into your bloodstream. Mastering that gift? Playing without hitting a single blewey? Now that took practice. Years and years of practice. And a bucket load of discipline.” “I can imagine that, the mother of my friend Tootsie also had to practice long to play her Lyre.” It remembered of her friends, but knew she had to stay strong. “Everyone. Wyatt has gone missing. Captain Blazkowicz is conducting a search.” Grace Walker, the woman the group had seen talking to Sigrun and made a toast on William, also being the leader of the resistance in New York, announced on the intercom. In the moment she had spoken, said man walked in. “Hey, Paris Jack. So, you seen Wyatt around?” “I saw him late last night. He was not doing well.” He then told how he called him out for using drugs, telling him that it doesn't help. Annoyed, Wyatt walked to the shooting range. “So…you saw him walking towards the shooting range?” “M-hm. looked like he was heading for a trip.” “Uh, thanks.” “Can we help you, Blazkowicz?” Dinky asked him. “Of course.” He smiled. With that as answer, the group walked to the shooting range. Balthazar looked around. “Okay, where could he-“ He couldn’t finish as he tripped, falling down some stairs leading to a secret area of the shooting range, landing with a loud “thud” on the ground. “This fricking sucks!” He exclaimed in disappointment. “You okay?” Fray asked as he helped him up. “You forget you saw that, Fletcher Fray!” The armored unicorn exclaimed a bit angered. “Duly nodded.” The small hallway led to a ladder leading down to another area only illuminated by red lights. A hatch and the end blocked the way, William blew it open with his Dieselkraftwerk, a variant of the LaserKraftWerk, which used diesel-powered grenades as ammo. Behind it was a door, he opened it, seeing Wyatt on the other side, lying on the ground with a handgun in his hand. “The little guy died this morning. He didn't eat his cheese. Starved to death. So it goes.” He mumbled in a depressed and sad tone. “Wyatt?” William asked him. “Who?” You. I’m talking to you, Wyatt.” “Oh, the kid? Yeah, he's not here anymore. He went looking for the truth but he didn't like what he found.” “Look, um, you’re talking crazy man. You gotta get with the program, we need you, we’re moving out, come on, Wyatt.” The Captain quickly figured out he had a nervous breakdown. “Kid's father had his future all staked out for him. Ivy league straight to the top congressional power. Cut him off when he joined the military. Ungrateful brat, he called him. The kid's mother fell into a depression in that big dark house. Same day the kid shipped off four Europe, she swallowed a bottle of pills. And that was it. That was that.” Wyatt mumbled in response with a sad, depressed voice. “Imma take you to Set. He gonna fix you right up. You, you’re just a little confused, is all. Come on now.” In the moment he walked towards Wyatt, the younger man took hastily a sitting position, aiming the gun at his head, breathing heavily, causing Dinky to gasp in shock, her stepfather and two friends having neutral expressions. “No, no, no, no, Wyatt. Come on now.” William tried to calm him down, reaching for the gun. The young man pointed the gun at William, finger off the trigger, the filly noticed. “Wyatt. I’m your buddy, remember?” Blazkowicz said in a calming voice before his buddy pointed the gun back at his head again. “He saw perfect patterns... swallowing branches of a great tree. The all-knowing space entity at the center, gazing upon him.” Wyatt mumbled before William struggled for the gun with him. “The kid was approaching the apex of the universe... but it all slipped away. And a colossal black trench opened up...swallowing the colors and the kid couldn't see anything...except for a trans-dimensional gaping maw...swallowing his soul! Oh, nothing matters anymore, man! Oh, sunset for humanity.” He yelled, then stopped to struggle, breathing rapidly. “Tell'em that he's sorry. Tell'em...Tell'em that he loved them.” Before struggling again, leading to Blazkowicz knocking him out. Due to this move, the filly noticed that William had some kind of ring around his neck, wondering why but assumed it had to do with his revival. Without a word, she and the others helped William to carry Wyatt to the Infirmary. "It will take a while until he could wake up. I try to eliminate the Übercommanders in New Orleans and on Venus in the meantime.” William suggested, looking over his friend with guilt. “Is there some way we could help?” Balthazar asked him. “Thanks, but I’d like to do this myself.” “Just please, don’t kill James,” Dinky replied with a hint of fear. The American patted her. “I won’t, promise.” As he left for the helm to get the locations of the Übercommanders, Bauer asked, “What could we do now?” The filly thought for a moment, then had an idea. “What about bringing Anya breakfast?” “Sounds good to me.” The woman awoke with a yawn as a delicious smell entered her nose, seeing Dinky walking in with a breakfast board, toast and a glass of juice on it. “Thank you, Dinky, that’s very kind of you.” Anya’s heart was warmed by this, enjoying the breakfast with every bite. “You’re welcome. I also wanted to congratulate for becoming a mother!” The filly said with glee. “Me too, my congratulations,” Johann added, his head lowered, making Anya notice a slight sign of remorse. “Thank you, I carry twins.” The filly grinned as she heard this. “If it makes you feel any better, if how you've taken care of Dinky's anything to go by, you'd be a great father.” “Yeah, I just sometimes have to think back.” He replied. “If I may ask, why has William that…ring around his neck?” The foal asked with curiosity. “Oh, that? It’s a Bio-engineered Super Soldier Body Carline recovered some time ago. We used it to save William’s life. A fascinating piece of technology and science.” “The doctor could only dream of something like this. He'd want to get his claws on this.” Fray mumbled in awe. “Which Doctor?” Dinky asked him, catching the stallion off guard. “I’ll explain that another time, okay?” “Okay.” The filly replied. They all then walked to the helm, seeing Sigrun working tirelessly on a terminal to decrypt the ODIN Codes. “Oh, hello.” She said, surprised to see them. “Hello. Any luck with the codes so far?” Bauer asked. “Not yet, but I’m working on it. I’m also sorry for what my mother did to you.” The young woman lowered her head in shame and guilt. The little unicorn gave her a hug. “it’s okay, Sigrun. You’re not to blame. You're nothing like her. And you should be proud of that. My parents thought me to see others from the inside, not the outside.” Dinky tried to comfort her. “Yes, Sigrun, I saw how different you were when you saved Wyatt and tried to be fair to the others, you can be proud of that,” Johann added. The German girl smiled. “Thank you.” Grace walked out of her quarter, trying to find her lighter but couldn’t. “Do you have a light?” She asked Balthazar, pointing to his weapon. “Uh, sure.” He replied surprised and lighted it for her, causing Fray to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” “It’s just…how many of your troops did ask you for a light?” Balthazar thought for a moment. “Way too often, was one of the reasons I forbid it.” The filly noticed that Grace's hand was scared. “What happened to your hand?” She asked, having a hint of pity in her voice. Taking a deep breath, Grace replied, “I was there when the bomb hit.” Her voice was shaken. “I survived relatively unscathed cause I was underground at the time. When I came up…Looked like a vision out of Dante’s Inferno, you know what I’m saying?” Only Johann nodded, the others stared, trying to understand. “I remember maimed people just wandering through the smoke. I remember…the screams echoing through the bombed out buildings. Like howling ghosts.” She took another deep breath. “And I remember this mother and son. This boy was blindly stumbling through the chaos, his arms were outstretched….Calling out for his mama. And the heat from the bomb had…melted the skin of his arms and they just drooped…like he was wearing a shirt that was a couple of sizes too big. And I remember his mama. She was crawling to get to him. And the half of her body…was all gone. It was just…gone.” Again a deep breath. “What are you thinking in a moment like that? When you know you’re losing everything you love? What are you thinking in a moment like that, huh?” She asked them all with a shaken voice as everything flashed before her eyes. Johann pointed at her cigarette, noticing it was about to burn on her hand but it was too late as she flinched. “Damn. That’s gonna leave a mark.” The ponies just stared, trying to process what Grace had told them. Fletcher and Balthazar had both seen their fair share of horrible things, things that would hunt them to this day. Both nothing could compare to the Atom bomb. “This is why you don't let machines do your fighting. Machines don't think...” Balthazar exclaimed in disbelief. “And thinking is something a fight should never be without. Bodies rotting, neither dead nor truly alive. Left screaming, left suffering. To send others to Tartarus before death. We have a word for a magic like that...Necromancy. It is a crime against the equine race. It is purely and simply...evil!” “Monsters did this,” Fray said stunned. “Not monsters. Men.” Grace countered. “Do you mean, you used to be soldiers?” Bauer asked the former unicorns. “Well…Yes.” Balthazar admitted with a hint of being uncomfortable. Fletcher started, “When Nightmare Moon emerged and was banished by her own sister...Not all of Equestria considered it justified. There were those who saw Celestia as the betrayer. Imprisoned for a thousand years, banished from her own kingdom, then of all times Luna found attention...respect...support. Those who were willing to fight to bring her to the throne founded what was known as the Lunar Republic, to overthrow Celestia, bring Luna back and place her on her sister's throne...I was among their command. In fact, before her banishment, I served as one of Princess Luna's personal bodyguards, the Eternal Knights, alongside Domino, Saracen, White Wolf and our Lord Commander Midnight Blade.” “Celestia wasn't alone in all this chaos however. As you can tell from my armor, I served alongside her foremost generals and strategists. The Elements of Harmony were lost during Nightmare Moon's awakening and Princess Celestia was nearly driven mad by grief, unable to face her subjects. It fell to the most influential nobles and the most experienced officers to keep Equestria stable as Luna's servants fought to avenge their exiled figurehead. I can’t remember much how we ended up on Earth, but we fought each other before this.” Balthazar explained. “You mean it was like...a rebellion?” The filly asked, trying to make sense of it. “Not quite. More like a Civil War.” Fray replied. “Province fought province, family fought family, sister fought sister. What happened to the Princesses happened to all of Equestria.” Balthazar finished. The words were crushing on Dinky, in her home world, civil war was inconceivable. War, because of a misunderstanding as this? Celestia hadn’t a choice when she banished her sister. “Then why did you help us?” Johann asked shaken. “After landing on Earth, we both had to realize the only way to survive was to work together, especially after that…operation. I had a hard time believing it, but after one year I and Fray came to realize the civil war might be over in a stalemate, as none side can precede without us. We have no home, no reason to continue the fight, it would be pointless. The only thing left to do is to help those in need. Like you, Dinky.” Balthazar said to her, his voice without any emotion. It took the filly a moment to process everything. “O-okay…Might I ask what you had planned to do after the war would be over?” Fray shrugged. “To be honest, I never had the possibility to think about it.” “Me neither, I was too focused on the war, trying to think of tactics and strategies against the Lunar forces.” Balthazar added. “I see. I’m sorry if it woke bad memories.” Johann lowered his head in shame. Fray waved a hoof. “It’s alright, it was bound to happen to explain our backstories.” Set spoke up, “I hate to interrupt but I took a closer look at your…bodies. It appears they are a combination of the prototype robot and the Bio-engineered Super Soldier Body, as you both seem to have Contraptions like Blazkowicz has.” It wasn’t surprising to them. “Yeah, we both tested them in the early phases, I have the Constrictor Harness and Ram Shackles, while Balthazar has only the latter,” Fray said with an unimpressed tone. A man and woman walked in. “That sounds convenient, we could need said Contraptions for some help.” The man said to them. “How can I be of assistance?” Fray asked. “I’ll help in any way I can,” Balthazar added. “Good. Follow me, sir Fray. Balthazar, follow the lady.” They both did as told, Fletcher got led to a small storage room with a ventilation pipe. “Section 66G was sealed off because of a gas leak back then when Blazkowicz first took over the U-boat. Now there’s something rotten in there and we have to get rid of it. We have a serious fly infestation at our hands. You have that extraordinary Constrictor Harness and so I speculated you could venture unto Section 66G through the ventilation system, and turn off the gas so that I may send a cleanup crew up there. Here, allow me to open this hatch for you.” He removed it, causing a swarm of flies to come out. “Ugh. Smells of death.” He complained as Fray climbed into the pipe. “Remember the gas leak. You mustn’t’ fire any weapons: It will cause an explosion that will kill you and sink the boat. Godspeed, sir!” It wasn’t a problem as the former stallion could use his hooves/fists and had also an extendable blade for close combat. Once he reached the other end, the sight of flies and trash were everywhere. This must be one foul smell, good I can’t smell anymore. Fray thought as he moved through the corridors, everything was wrapped into red light. After crawling through another pipe, he spotted a Kampfhund at the corridor, lunging towards him but he quickly sliced the dog into the neck. “I guess the dogs might be responsible for the smell I suppose. Maybe.” After climbing through another 2 pipes, another dog crossed his way, which he sliced before it could harm him. As he went through another pipe, Fray could see the valve at the end of a small corridor. “Ah, finally. Now, let’s-“ A growl interrupted him as a Kampfhund stormed out of the corridor, lunging at him, knocking him down. The dog bit his left hind leg but Fletcher reacted quickly, stabbing the dog into the throat. Getting up, the stallion turned the valve, turning the gas off, then used another pipe to get back to the man. “Good graces, you made it out, Fray! Heard some awful noises and wagered there was trouble. I will make sure the cleanup crew has been turned off.” “Glad I could help,” Fletcher replied as he walked out. Wonder how Balthazar is doing. The woman led Balthazar on the elevator in the main catwalks connecting all sections. “Stay on the platform.” She used the switch and the elevator moved down. “Grace told me to organize the storage bay at the moon pool. It’s been in shambles since the Ausmerzer attack. But all the vittun entrances are blocked by debris, I can’t even get in there! Come with me and clear the entrances. I really don’t want to let Grace down. I know you have extra strength from your Ram Shackles contraption. So hopefully, you can find a way through the debris.” “No problem.” The unicorn jumped into the water, being waterproof, swimming to the catwalk on the other side of the Moon Pool, seeing some boxes blocking the entrance. Without hesitation, he started to sprint, plowing through the boxes, clearing the way. Inside the room, a few more boxes blocked the door on the other side, Balthazar destroyed them, so the woman could open it. “Now I just have to figure out how to get this place organized. “Thank you for your help.” “Your welcome.” The stallion replied, walking back to the elevator. This woke an old memory in him. Ugh, reminds me when that one soldier screwed it up with counting boxes in the delivery. He and Fray then got back to the control room as one of Grace walked up to them. Nice job, you two. I could need your help with something…special.” “Uh, sure, what do you need?” Fletcher asked. “We managed to capture an SS officer but he won’t talk.” “Interrogation isn’t my specialty, I'll see what I can do.” “I'll help if it's required,” Balthazar added as they followed her into a small back room, seeing a man with blue eyes and blonde hair tied up in a chair, with other resistance members standing around him “Talk!” The woman demanded and punched the man furiously across the face. “What's the password for the Ausmerzer?! Talk, you son of a bitch!!!” The officer in return yelled, “Gibbon whore!” spitting blood in Grace's face. Grace drew back with an angered snarl. “Screw this! Give me something sharp!” She yelled at the others and Fray’s expression became one of discomfort. “...Maybe we should come back later.” He suggested to his comrade. “That won't be necessary.” Balthazar replied and cleared his throat before asking calmly and politely, “Mrs. Walker?” She turned towards him with a suspicious look. “If it's permissible, may you let me try?” “You?” Grace asked in distrust. “I have a certain...method if you'll allow me to employ it?” She made a show of smiling sweetly in a sardonic manner. “Sure, sweetie...right after I cut something off.” “Mrs. Walker, may I dissuade you?” The golden stallion asked, still calm as Fray watched with unease as Grace grabbed a screwdriver. “'Fraid not.” “Five minutes”, the stallion added in a slightly hastily voice, pausing for a moment. “That's all I ask. Then, if my methods prove unproductive, you may do as you wish...” Everyone was silent. Grace then tilted her eyebrow at Balthazar and threw the screwdriver down to the floor with a clatter.” “Fine. But we're not leaving this room until this bastard spills, one way or another.” She demanded as she stepped back Balthazar nodded. “Quite understood.” He sat down in front of the Officer who sneered at him with contempt. “One of Richmond's toys, eh? Englishmen are so unreliable.” He taunted and looked into what were the stallion’s eyes. “Don't glare at me...I'm not impressed. You kill me and we'll bring you a whole new kind of hell!” The cyborg remained silent for a few seconds, then lit his horn up and the Officer's bonds were undone, The female resistance leader turned to Fletcher in confusion. “What the hell's this jackass doing?” “Please remain patient, Miss Walker...and less of the racial slurs,” Balthazar replied and took the officer's hands in his hooves, placing them together and tilted his head, his horn still lit. “Are you completely abnormal? Do you know who I am?” The German taunted in disgust “Yes. Completely.” Balthazar said as he looked up. “Osmund Fulbert Weislinger, born in Erkner, Brandenburg 1910. Enlisted in the Reichswehr in 1928, transferred to the SS-VT in 1935. SS Service Number- 368, 945. Took part in the Invasion of North America in 1948, saw fighting at Charlestown and Cape Feare, promoted to Hauptsturmfuhrer and awarded the Iron Cross which you keep in a drawer by your bedside after you scratched it when you fell on the cobblestones three feet from the explosion at the Heydrich Memorial eighteen months ago.” Weislinger’s eyes and mouth were wide opened. “Wha...how...” “What the f...” Walker mumbled in confusion as Fletcher explained it to her. “This is...very advanced magic. Nothing like this has been seen for years. Other ponies know how to protect themselves from it but...I've never seen what it can actually do.” “Who...who told you?” Weislinger asked with fear in his voice Balthazar rubbed Weislinger's hands with his hooves. “You did. And you've so much to tell me. You see, my kind utilize many different kinds of magic. Friendship chiefly among them.” “Your kind would...Soft-headed beasts, the lot of you.” The SS member managed to gather some courage. “Yet we prosper. But you see, there are other kinds of magic. Friendship was made to counter the dark Magic of Hatred, which you seem to favor to an absurd degree. There are the mid and minor schools, Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, etc. But one school I found particularly interesting was a neutral magic. One that can aid both light and dark Magic almost simultaneously. One that drives ponies to both good and bad and lingers deep in the psyche forever after...the Magic of Guilt.” The stallion replied and Weislinger laughed derisively. “Is this some therapist act, animal? You plan to shame me into aiding you. Pathetic! We are the Master Race! We feel no guilt for we commit no wrong!” In response, the unicorn gave him a steely glare, his voice turning eerily quiet and calm as he said, “So you were right in what you did...Is that what you believe? You were right to do it...” “Do what?” “What you did to Tilda.” “Wha...” Before the man could process everything, all the color drained from his face as he started shaking, his face became a picture of horror. “Your daughter. Your only daughter. The light of your dear wife's life. You'd so longed to have a child to teach and treat and adore...But when she emerged...She didn't fit!” Balthazar exclaimed. “No, I...I don't know what you're talking about.” “You feared...You did your research, praying you were wrong.” Balthazar continued. “This is ridiculous! S-stop this!” “And when you knew...You made a choice. Your daughter...or your Reich!” The stallion exclaimed again “She was filth! She was an inhuman creature, born to spread waste and pain to everything around her! It was the only choice, the kinder choice!” The man exclaimed before he suddenly twisted in his chair, mouth open in a silent scream. “What the hell's he doing?!” Grace yelled in shock, her expression terrified. “Don't...don't go near him...” Fletcher advised with the same expression. Weislinger’s mouth was agape, wheezing in agony as an invisible force appeared to bend him backward. “Please...please...” “Your daughter was autistic...Wasn't she?” His interrogator concluded. “Yes!” “That's why you did it.” “Yes!” The SS officer replied and the hold subsided. He fell forward into his chair and gasped for breath.” “...and you believe you did the right thing?” The pony wanted to know. Weislinger looked at Balthazar venomously. “Yes. I do. Surprised to hear that?” He sneered. “We do not break. Ever. She needed to die. It was safer that way. She was simple, unpredictable. She was...completely mad. She had to go!” He justified himself as Balthazar took his hand again. “Go where, daddy?” The voice of a girl echoed through the room. “What?” The man looked around frantically, the others did the same. “T...Tilda?” “Yes, daddy.” The echoing voice replied. “Wh-where are you?” “I'm right here, daddy.” All then looked in the direction it was coming from, realizing it was the golden armored stallion. “What? H-h-how are you doing that? What is this?!” The prisoner demanded to know with fear in his voice. “What's wrong, daddy?” Balthazar asked with complete innocence. Grace gasped slightly. “How in the holy mother of...” Fletcher, growing increasingly worried, looked at his comrade. “Balthazar?” “Who are these men, daddy?” “Stop! Stop this!” Weislinger yelled as he tried to pull his hand free. “Where are they taking us, daddy?” The pony asked before his voice started to sound frightened. “Where are you going, daddy?” “Stop it! Let me go!” “What is this place, daddy? They're hurting me, daddy?! Where are you, daddy?!” The pony yelled in fear and the man started to cry. “Please!” Grace struggled not to cover her eyes. “This...Oh my god, this is sick!” Fletcher couldn’t watch this anymore, wanting to move but his legs didn’t respond as he yelled, “Balthazar, stop!” Balthazar started to scream like a child. “Let me out, daddy! I can't breathe, daddy! It hurts! Daddy, it hurts!” He then cried. “It hurts! It hurts!” “No! No! They said it would be painless! It was meant to be painless!” The man yelled in terror. “Why, daddy...Why did you do this...” Now, the officer started to weep. “...I had to...” “You...killed me...daddy...” “No...” He sobbed Balthazar: then yelled angrily. “You killed me, daddy!” “No!” Her father exclaimed in terror. Balthazar’s voice became almost demonic it was echoing in the ears of everyone around. “YOU KILLED ME!” “I'm sorry!” Weislinger fell upon Balthazar, sobbing wildly. Balthazar held him gently, almost parent-like as he sobbed, “I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! “...I know.” Fletcher’s face became slightly one of fury. “Balthazar! That's enough!” “Of course. That should do it.” He replied and looked Weislinger in the eyes calmly as he asked. “What is your name?” “Osmund...Weislinger...” He mumbled with sadness “What happened to your daughter?” “...I sent her to the gas chambers...” “And why did you do that?” The man broke completely down, sobbing. “Because she was different.” “There, there...Now, one more question...What is the password for the Ausmerzer’s defense systems? “It’s…complicated, I must explain it to a person with knowledge of it.” The man replied. “Thank you, Mr. Weislinger. You've been very helpful.” Balthazar said and stood up and turned to the Resistance who stared at him in shock, “The darkest secrets in a sinner's mind simply cannot be buried no matter how hard he tries. Break through that and he'll open like a vault...” He then glanced around. Is everyone alright? You all rather unwell.” “Please…don't do that again.” Grace managed to say. “Well, clearly...After all, he talked..” Fletcher slowly nodded. “I believe there’s no longer point in killing him, being a broken man is punishment enough.” “I…agree. I arrange his release.” The resistance leader replied, still slightly shocked. Meanwhile on the Ausmerzer Günther let out a sigh. He had to attend between some commanders and General Engel, he always found those meetings boring and Engel’s presence wasn’t really pleasant at all. On the other hand, he could acquire useful information for the resistance. As he entered the conference room she saw the woman talking with an Übercommander. “You are to find where she has hidden herself from me and retrieve her. Then, and please listen very carefully here, I want her to experience the full consequences of her actions.” She said in a cold voice, having an emotionless expression. While the bulk part of the Kreisau circle was rotted out, she knew her daughter was still alive and somewhere out there. “You...would have us put her to death?” The officer asked nervously and a bit scared. “Of course not.” The woman replied. “For a woman to murder her own daughter is unspeakable. I simply want her...disciplined.” She smiled sardonically. “...I'm afraid I don't quite understand.” The General’s expression became one of anger. “Idiot!” She punched him in the face and pinned him to the ground with one boot. “I want her brought to me, brought before the faces of every German, every American, every human or subhuman under the Reich, and disciplined! I want her stripped of the honor that makes her my daughter, that makes her a pure German woman! I want her on her hands and knees, howling like the bloated beast she is, bleeding from a thousand wounds as the instruments of her discipline rip through her miserable body and leave her a quivering, bloody slab of inhuman waste, gasping for air and begging for mercy! And I want the world to bear witness to her punishment so that all may witness the fate of any worthless daughter that dares betray their parent's cause!!!” Everyone, save for James, who stayed neutral, stared in terror at the woman, pale-faced and speechless at her angry and apparently mad behavior. After what seemed like hours, the officer slowly got up of the floor, saluting with a shaking hand. “A-a-a-as you wish, General Engel.” “See that it is done. I'll pin a medal on whoever's brave enough to grapple with her. It would be as if they fought alone against an enemy vessel.” She cackled loudly. Slowly, the other officers around her obediently laugh weakly, while James just stared in disgust. “Now, I have a scheduled appearance on the Jimmy Carver show. Captain Decker, you’re in command of the Ausmerzer while I’m gone.” “Yes, General.” He saluted. As everyone left, the Erstecommander grinned, it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of the General and free America from the Regime’s iron grip. Being finally alone, he gave Jonas a sign, he nodded without a word. Dinky and Johann walked past the ammo depot as one resistance member walked up to them. “Can you help me with something?” “Sure.” Dinky grinned, always easy to help where she could. “I was doing inventory in the ammo depot when this gigantic example of a rat jumped straight at me. Biggest rat I’ve ever seen in my life, big as a dog! If I hadn’t been so lucky that a box fell on top of it and trapped it, I’m not sure what would have happened. You gotta get to the ammo depot and take care of it, man. Be careful not be bit, I’ll guarantee it’ll give you tetanus and god knows what else!” Bauer just rolled his eyes, knowing the man was exaggerating, there was no way a rat could be that big. The filly saw the box in the depot and lifted it up, the rat made a squeaking noise as if it said thanks, then started to run away. “Run and hide, little guy. Ain’t your fault you’re a rat.” Bauer mumbled, the ponies in Equestria, especially Fluttershy, appreciated almost every animal, mice included and Dinky never wanted to kill anything, not even a rat. After Blazkowicz returned from his missions, everyone met in the meeting and planning room as Grace had news. “My brothers and sisters. Check this out. We got an anonymous hint that in less than six hours Frau Engel is gonna make a scheduled appearance on the Jimmy Carver show, live from Hollywood, California. Now, while that cow is getting her butt kissed on national television, we gonna infiltrate the Ausmerzer, disable the ODIN defense system and hijack her ship. And then we find that bag and take her out.” “Frau Grace.” Sigrun joined them. “I decrypted the ODIN codes Herr Blazkowicz brought back from Venus. Turns out it’s just one simple word: Valhalla. Type in Valhalla in any of the ODIN terminals, and you have permission to shut down the automatic defense systems.” “Well, alright. Now go, nazi. Like I was saying, we gonna find that brat and we are going to take her out-“ “Grace,” Sigrun said in a stern tone. “What?” The Woman turned around, only to get slapped by the German with enough force to fall to the ground, surprising everyone. As the American got up, Sigrun grabbed her by the throat, causing her to gasp for air. “Don’t ever call me a Nazi again. I’m not a Nazi. You do have not the right to label me as something I’m not. As someone less than yourself. A someone less than human. Say it! I’m not a Nazi!” Sigrun yelled in an angry and desperate voice. “Alright. Okay, I get it. You’re not a Nazi.” Grace managed to get out, struggling to breathe. Sigrun let go of her and turned to Bombate, sobbing. “And you! I’m…in love with you. Don’t you understand that you dumb…idiot? And it hurts. It hurts that you are so stupid you don’t love me back. But…I will dry the tears from my eyes…get over it, and move on. Because I don’t need you to be happy. I will just be mentally using your body from time to time for my own personal pleasure. And there’s nothing you can do about that!” She shouted angrily and turned away, Bombate was quite surprised, unable to process it. “Sigrun?” Grace caught her breath. “What?! I’m leaving, ok?!” “No, wait!” Grace yelled and Sigrun stopped. Breathing heavily, the African-American smiled. “Don’t be silly. You’re coming with us.” “Can I help too?” The unicorn foal asked with a pleading expression. “I know to appreciate that you want to help but it would be too dangerous for you, Dinky.” Her stepfather replied. “Please?” She asked, showing puppy eyes, causing William to chuckle. “Look Dinky, after everything up to know, the last thing we want to do is put you in danger. But...I think we can find something for you to do, don't worry.” With that, they boarded the helicopter, flying to the Ausmerzer as Sigrun explained how they had to move in. “We have to approach fast and low. That will buy us time before we are detected by ODIN’s radar. Once we are directly below the Ausmerzer, we must ascend rapidly and vertically. This will give is the greatest chance of surviving ODIN’s opening salve. If we are lucky we make it back out before ODIN has a missile lock on us.” Wyatt steered the helicopter above a catwalk, Dinky, Johann, Fletcher, Balthazar, Blazkowicz and Anya jumped on it, seconds before a Missile pod got a lock in it, firing a missile. Wyatt flew a lopping around the catwalk, causing the missile to miss and hit the entrance instead. The catwalk started to collapse where the missile had landed, causing the group to run to the other side, the door closed but Dinky and Anya managed to jump through it, opening it for the rest of the group. The door inside was closed, Fray held a hoof up. “Those horns aren’t just for show you know.” It the metallic horns of the unicorns’ bodies were sensors, allowing them to scan what’s on the other side. “Several soldiers and drones, they are already alerted.” “Not that it will help.” William pressed the button to open it, the child stayed back as her friends cleared the room. Balthazar forced the soldiers to cover with his flamethrower, allowing the others to flank them easily. Bauer felt no remorse killing other Germans, he had killed before to keep Dinky save, knowing that Jonas wasn’t among those men, firing his MP61. He also had an Assault rifle with Armor piercing rounds on his back from the armory to destroy mechanic enemies. Fray used also his MP61, saving his rifle for long range combat. As only one soldier remained, Balthazar sprinted towards him, throwing him to the ground with his Ram Shackles, killing him instantly. With the area being secure, Anya reported, “Sigrun, we’re in.” “There are three different ODIN Control Centers on the Ausmerzer. Two of them controlling the automated defense system. The HUGIN Control Center for the port defenses, the MUNIN Control Center for the starboard defenses. Finally, there’s the ODIN Main Control Center for the ship itself.” “Understood. How do we get to them?” “There’s a terminal concealed in the floor of the room which will open the door leading to the HUGIN Control Center.” As the woman had said it, the filly took notice of a triangle in the middle of the room, pointing at it. “The other parts of the ship are harder to access from your location. Bring up the ship’s schematics in the terminal and see if there’s a way to reach them, Anya.” The woman activated it and it rose out of the ground. “William, you and the others find the HUGIN Control Center and shut down the port defense system. I’ll stay here and try to figure out our way around the ship.” Blazkowicz took the lead, barely having made one step as a group of soldiers opened fire, Bauer pressed Dinky behind the wall for cover, she covered her ears. Fray noticed a Supersoldier in the middle of the group, aiming down his rifle, firing a shot on the jetpack, the explosion took the entire group out, leaving only burning corpses. “Nice shot,” William commented. Bauer carried Dinky, she had her eyes closed as they moved on, opening them again after they had passed the bodies. At the end of the corridor was the HUGIN Control Center, a commander was in the room. Fray raised a hoof. “Wait here, William, we take care of that.” “Okay.” He and Dinky watched as the 2 cyborgs and human entered the room, the guards greeting them, thinking they were allies. Fray waked behind the commander, drawing his SMG. “Hands up!” The commander startled but did obey, his men aiming their weapons at Fletcher. “Weapons Down! We’re taking this ship!” Fray yelled as his comrades primed their weapons in the corners of the room. “You...you're mad! You've no chance in hell!” the officer yelled in disbelief. “Maybe so. And if you take issue with my recommendation, go right ahead and point a gun on us but keep this in mind. We've already got this far. Right now, Terror-Billy is tearing through the main defenses and none of your higher-ups are any the wiser. By the end of today, Fraulein Engel will be receiving a well-deserved death! I can't imagine any of you fancy joining her but if I'm wrong, now is the time to say!” He pointed out. After a brief moment of silence, the guards looked at each other, then placed their weapons on the ground and raised their hands. “Thank you. I'm glad this doesn't have to end in more death than necessary.” Balthazar walked over to the commander taking the headset, destroying it while William walked over to the terminal to deactivate the defenses. “Well done, William. The port defense systems are offline. Get back here as soon as possible. I think I’ve found a way to reach our other objectives.” Anya reported after he had entered the code. “Now, everyone on the ground,” Balthazar ordered, the Germans did as told, hands behind their back. Dinky had already seen enough death, she shouldn’t see them as merciless killers. The group moved to a door leading outside to the outer catwalks, two commanders were patrolling there with a super soldier nearby. “That super soldier could be a problem in staying undetected.” Johann pointed out. “He won’t, I’ll take care of him, do your thing,” William replied. The others nodded, Dinky and Blazkowicz watched as Johann sneaked behind the commander standing with his back next to the door. “Freeze!” “Don’t shoot!” The officer begged, dropping his weapon, hands up in surrender. “On the ground.” The commander did as told, Bauer threw his headset overboard, Fray and Balthazar held the other guards up. As only the super soldier was left, still unaware of what was happening, William aimed his Dieselkraftwerk at him, firing a grenade, it pasted to the jetpack. With the press of the button, it exploded, killing the cyborg in a small fireball, the body burned. Upon reaching the door at the other end and getting back inside, Anya reported in to hurry, as she needed help, with gunshots in the background. William detached a mounted Lasergewehr at the entrance and charged it. The filly saw the turbine spinning, emitting a red glow and exhibited red lightning. Around the corner was a group of normal soldiers and a super soldier, Blazkowicz pulled the trigger, the gun sounded like dubstep of DJ Pon-3 as the red sustained beam vaporized everything in its path. Fray let out a whistle. “That’s what I call firepower. Back in the room where they had started, they saw the woman on one transport pods. “I’ve reprogrammed these pods to take us to the upper part of the ship. We can reach the other ODIN centers from up there.” She turned to Johann and the ponies. “For you, I reprogrammed an elevator.” “Okay, we see you up there,” Fray said as he and the others stepped into the elevator, while B.J. took the second pod. As the elevator reached its destination, they walked through a small corridor to a large door at the end, the switch sparking. “Looks like it’s broken but it I’m pretty sure it can be opened from the other side.” Fray looked around, seeing a vent on the ceiling. “Dinky, could you please climb through and open the door?” “Of course.” She grinned, Fray helped her up. The filly knew it was a bit risky but she doubted the soldier would shoot her should she be spotted, doing the trick William had showed her to stay calm as she crawled through the vent, coming to a control room, it overlooked a big storage room with a large container in the middle. Walked up to the terminal, she looked around until she saw a button for the door, pressing it. It opened, the group walked into the room, scanning for enemies, then inspected the container. Something told her whatever was in there couldn’t be good for them. From the size, a Zitadelle could fit in easily. With a loud metallic groan, the container deformed as if something tried to break through, the group aimed their weapons at it, It got blown open, throwing Fray over. Dinky’s eyes went wide as she saw what walked out of the container. A robot as large as a Zitadelle, looking like an Alicorn with a dark body, a blue glowing mane and Cyan eyes, wearing a metallic night blue helmet and chest armor. The filly couldn’t hear anything but see that Fray looked shocked at the robot. It rose its forelegs to stomp him but he managed to roll out of the way. They all fired their weapons at the Alicorn but even armor-piercing rounds seemed not to harm it at all. With a red glow and exhibited red lightning, the horn fired a red sustained beam at Balthazar who dived out of the way. Dinky watched terrified but knew they wouldn’t last long against this mechanical nightmare. Rushing to a terminal, she tipped on it, looking for a way to shut the robot down. “Come on! Come on!” She yelled, seeing that the Alicorn started to jump into the air and dived into the ground, creating a shockwave that threw the group over, then pinned them down, charging it’s horn to finish them off, they all struggled in vain. With only seconds to spare, the filly hit the enter button. “Please work!” She begged, looking nervously at the robot who stared at the three soldiers. With a loud powering down sound, the eyes and mane ceased to glow and the robot collapsed. Relieved, the group looked up to the control, seeing Dinky who waved, Johann have a thumb up as she took the stairs down to them. “Okay…How did he manage to make this?!” Balthazar asked in disbelief. “I don’t know and I don’t wanna know,” Fray replied disgustedly. As the golden stallion stood up, his face mask fell off, revealing his brain in a glass box, red glowing points connected with wires in front of it serving as his “eyes”, causing Dinky to shriek in terror, the others, save for Fray, stared in shock. “Oh, sorry.” He said embarrassed, taking his mask back on rather hastily, then checked the shutdown robot, finding fuel pipes in the Alicorn’s hind legs, severing them and ignited it. “That way, they can’t use it anymore.” He said as the metal started to melt. “Good thought.” Fray agreed as they moved on, coming to one of the outside decks, seeing a large tower at the other side, looking like the bridge of the ship. Just in that moment, William joined them by coming up a ladder. “Must be the ODIN Main Control Center. I’m on my way, Anya.” They heard him mumbling as the ventral launchers deployed two transport pod into the air, they exploded and one super soldier landed into the outside deck from the pods. Fray aimed down his scope, firing on the jetpacks, making short work of the super soldiers before they could react. William jumped down into the deck the cyborgs had patrolled, followed by Johann and Balthazar. Fletcher lowered himself. “Climb on, Dinky.” She did as told and he also jumped down, landing elegantly on the lower deck. Two commanders, a regular soldier and a Marksman patrolled the deck, completely oblivious of the deaths of the cyborgs, Blazkowicz and Dinky waited as the others neutralized the guards by holding them up and telling them to lie down, then used some ladders to get up the decks to the control center. As they got near another control room, they had to realize that a commander was in it, a few soldiers, a super soldier and robotic dog guarding him. Again, William placed grenades on the cyborg and robot, detonating them once the guards were held up. A mechanic roar came out of the smoke where the dog had been, the filly’s eyes went wide in fear as the robotic dog ran out smoking but still working, the eye glowing red. In the moment Blazkowicz aimed his Assault Rifle, a grenade was thrown out of the control room, landing near the dog, exploding in a large electromagnetic field, it twitched and fell to the ground before exploding into pieces. “Equipping me with electromagnetic grenades was a smart idea by Richmond, I give him that,” Fray commented with a grin as they moved up the ladder to the upper main canon deck. The American took notice of a large weapon lying on a cart, picking it up. “What’s that?” Dinky asked curiously. “As far as I know, it’s called Übergewehr. According to a research note I found on Venus, it’s an energy weapon using charged laser energy mixed in with diesel fuel. Let’s give this a test run, shall we?” William asked as they took the main elevator, charging the weapon. A red beam in the Übergewehr lighted up, showing how much it was charged, emitting red lighting like the Lasergewehr. In the moment the elevator reached the took, the ventral launchers again deployed super soldiers. William pulled the trigger as the first cyborg had landed on the deck, the Übergewehr fired a red glowing energy sphere, vaporizing anything in it’s path. Fray killed the other super soldier with a well-aimed shot to the jetpack. “Engaging!” A voice shouted, regular soldiers deployed, Bauer picked Dinky up and brought to her to one of the weapon cabinets for cover, she covered her ears from the noise as he picked them off. Two more super soldiers got deployed, charging at Fray and Balthazar, who used their Ram Shackles on them. With a loud clang! the Supersoldiers got thrown back a few meters, having been killed instantly. “Too easy.” Balthazar taunted. Then, a gate at the other end deformed with a loud metallic groan, the soldiers aimed their weapons at them, ready to face whatever would come out. It were two heavy robots, armed with dual Übergewehrs landed on the deck. “Guess they kept the heavy guns for the last defense.” Balthazar commented with a hint of surprise and fear as the robots charged their weapons, Blazkowicz took cover in the cabinet where Dinky and Bauer where, Fray and Balthazar used the cabinet on the other side, the robots separated, sieging the cabinets. “There must be a way to defeat them!” the filly yelled in despair. “Is there a problem, there is a solution!” Bauer switched to his rifle, peeking out of cover and fired a few shots at the left arm of the robot, then went back in cover so the robot couldn’t target him. Repeating this a few times, he managed to destroy it, and William charged up his new weapon and fired, the robot exploded into pieces, only the legs and lower body remained, burning. The unicorns used a similar tactic. Balthazar peeked out of cover and back, firing at the right arm to get the attention of the robot, while Fray sneaked around, flanking it, firing on the other arm. The robot wasn’t able to fire at both targets simultaneously, leading to it’s destruction as the arms failed, exploding and leaving a burning wreck. Noticing that his weapon was almost out of fuel, the golden armored cyborg refueled it at a nearby charging station. “How much fuel do you actually have?” Fletcher asked as he had noticed that his comrade never refueled it since the Venus. “More than you can burn in one night.” He replied after it was fully refueled. “Uh-huh. For some reason, this fight feels like a deva-vu.” Fray couldn’t tell why, but it felt so strange, as if he had done this before. William smiled satisfied. “Can you feel it, General? You are the old and weak. And this is your day of doom.” He then dropped the heavy weapon, so he could climb up the ladders to the ODIN Main Control Center located in the bridge of the Ausmerzer, which was surprisingly empty. Blazkowicz tipped on a thermal to open the door as Anya came running out of a side door. “Watch out!” A squad of soldiers with a Panzerhund came out of the door he just opened. Anya slid past the soldiers, throwing a bunch of grenades, grabbing the American and dived into a dig as the robot used his flamethrower, Bauer did the same with Dinky, followed by the two cyborgs. The explosion blew the soldiers to pieces but only slightly damaged the Panzerhund. What happened next was surprising and shocking for the 4 males. As Anya’s top was on fire, she took it off, blood splattered on her as she fired dual Assault rifles on the robot, screaming while being topless and blood showering down on her until the Panzerhund exploded. Johann instantly covered Dinky’s eyes, not noticing the filly had closed her eyes already as Anya breathed heavily. “Wow.” Was everything William said, being impressed. His lover smiled. “Darling…I think I’m done with this.” Bauer looked down, trying not to blush. While Fray and Balthazar had seen many…unusual things before, they both were glad they couldn’t blush anymore, having neutral reactions, as even they had never seen something like this before. The filly kept her eyes shut until William offered his jacket to Anya. He chuckled. “No offense but I could imagine your friend White Wolf could do something like this.” He knew from Fray’s and Balthazar’s past as they had told him and Wyatt about it on their way to the Ausmerzer. “Trust me, Blazkowicz, this wouldn’t end well, the moment I or Midnight would say wow,” Fray replied a bit embarrassed. “I guess that that was all they had,” Johann commented at the mess. Fletcher turned towards the main door. “I’m still scanning one.” Quick as a flash, a bullet was fired and an clang! noise was heard. Dinky’s eyes went small in shock. Fray had caught a bullet headed for her with his fingers, before firing a short burst with his MP61 at the shooter who died with a scream. “Make that zero.” He said as he dropped the bullet. Shortly after, the others joined, Grace laughed, giving William a handshake and asked Anya, “You ok?” “I’m fine.” Then Grace tipped the code word into the main terminal. After a few seconds of checking the code, the screen turned green. “Access granted. Welcome, commander.” A robotic voice said as confirmation. “I don’t believe it. We got your ship, cow.” Grace cheered in triumph. Look here, Frau Engel still shootin’ crap on the TV.” Horton pointed to a screen, showing the TV interview. “’..this was your dress? I thought it was a trash bag.’” The General and the moderator laughed together. “Hilarious. Wunderbar, wunderbar! We’ll be right back with more from Frau Engel and…Die Käfer! After…” Horton destroyed the screen with a shot from his handgun. “Can I stay here? I just can’t be a part of what must be done.” Sigrun asked, feeling uncomfortable “Me neither.” Dinky added. “It’s okay. You both earned your keep. Now for the rest of y’all. You ready to start a revolution?” “Startling a revolution is like starting a fire. All it needs is a spark.” Balthazar raised his weapon as they left. Now alone, the young unicorn decided to ask her friend something. “Sigrun, I just want to say…” She struggled to find the right words. “Look, it's okay Sigrun. Grace is...A lot of very bad things happened because of...” “My mother...You can say it…” Sigrun finished, her voice neutral. “I don't want to...” Dinky took a deep breath, “But because of those bad things she's...slow to trust people like you. People who know those things are bad, even if it hasn't happened to them. That's what makes you better than your mother. And...that's what makes you one of us. Grace doesn't hate you, not really. Nobody here does. You know that, don't you?” “...Danke...” The young woman said surprised and tried to turn away but paused as she was hugged by Dinky. “You know...I was really happy when you showed up here. Because it proved ponies right back home. The Princesses back in Equestria have a very important rule that you proved right.” The filly pointed out. “And...what was that?” Sigrun did not understand. “That anyone can earn friendship if they just try hard enough. What your mother did, what...the Nazis did...I can understand why everyone else was angry. But I knew it was unfair to be angry at you and now the others know. And you knew they'd be angry. You knew you'd have to try hard to earn their trust, their friendship, and start a new life...But you did it anyway.” Sigrun blinked in confusion. “Wh...what are you trying to say?” Dinky looked up at her and smiled. “I'm saying you're a really brave woman, Sigrun Engel...And I'm proud to be your friend.” The Overweight German stared as she tried to make sense of the words, then tears appeared in her eyes as she held Dinky close. “O-one...has ever said to me before...” She hugged Dinky, crying with happiness. The unicorn returned it gladly. “Dinky...Whatever happens…I hope you return home and be reunited with your mother.” “I hope so too.” The group leaved the elevator to the entrance of the studio, noticing a soldier sleeping on a chair at the back door, Grace sliced him. The Tone crew got caught by surprised, startling as they got held at gunpoint, begging not to be killed. William and Johann used this to get behind the stage, B.J. inspected his hatchet. “Feeling it, general? Doom is coming.” “Wunderbar! Wunderbar! Let’s hear it for the band. Give it up for the fine young men of Die Käfer!” Jimmy Carver announced as applaud sounded, unaware of the intruders. “Best players money can buy. Please leave your tip on the way out.” Laugher sounded. “Alright, okay. Welcome back! We’re here with a true hero. One of the biggest names we’ve ever had on this show. The scourge of terrorists everywhere. General Engel! Yeah, yeah, right! General Engel!” Again applaud. “Thank you! You are too kind. Thank you.” The woman smiled. “Alright, alright, General. I’m gonna say what’s on everybody’s mind. Take us through the moment you executed Terror-Billy? W-w-what was that like for you? It must have been so emotional?” Jimmy asked eagerly as William and Bauer took an elevator up to the light rig. “Well, Jimmy, I remember as I was swinging my sabre, I thought to myself: We are safe now. Terror-Billy was a terrible threat to everyone’s safety. A demon…disguised as a man. But I have proven that even a demon will fall before the righteous hammer of the Reich.” Engel told in detail as applaud followed. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Aha! Yes!” Jimmy exclaimed. “And people of America, I promise you this: If there are any demons amongst you, we will hunt them down. Just like William Joseph Blazkowicz, they will die and burn until they are no longer a threat to the decent folk.” “Woo! You hear that? Did you hear that? Yes!” Carver cheered. ”Powerful words, General. Powerful words.” “You all saw the pictures. There was a lot of blood…things got messy. But through it all…all I could think was…How this man…took my beloved daughter from me. Sorry.” The General had a faked sad voice, making Johann’s blood boil. “Oh, general, general, I think I speak of all of America when I say Sigrun must be so proud of you, wherever she is tonight.” Jimmy believed her lie in sympathy. “She was always a little on the heavy side, you know. And very vulnerable to bad influences. We were thinking to send her to the…Euthanasia…” “Ah! Euthanasia?” The mercy killing?” Jimmy figured out. “Yeah.” “But…You know then…She turned things around. And just when it happened…she told me…’Mutti…I wanna lose weight. I wanna be heathy and strong like you.” She let out a faked sob, which worked on real on the moderator. “Aw…General. Listen. Tell me something. How do you stay so slim?” They both started to laugh. “German genes and discipline! But the ultimate testament to German resolve is: That Terror-Billy is gone forever.” She replied cheerful. “And we. And we are forever grateful isn’t that right folks? Yeah! Forever grateful! General Engel! May I say, general. I have had many people on this show, but few have shown the integrity and grace, that you have. And I, I am not just saying this because she paid me.” Jimmy joked. There was a moment of silence bore both laughed. “Wunderbar! Wunderbar! Alight! Alright! A lot of fun shimmer down everybody it’s time to pay the bills. We’ll be right back with more from the lovely General Engel. After this.” Jimmy announced, followed by applaud. This disgusted Johann even more that Frau Engel putted on the facade of a caring mother who loved her daughter, being devastated by her defection as he noticed that William inspected his hatchet again. “This needs to happen up close. For you, Caroline.” He took the elevator at the other end down, while Bauer took aim with his MP61. “What the hell? It’s terror-Billy!” Carver yelled in fear upon spotting him, felling with the band. The General was also visibly horrified, screaming, “You are dead! I severed your head from your shoulders! I killed you!” She drew her handgun but Bauer shot it out of her hand and Blazkowicz chopped her right hand off. In response, she tried to use her remaining hand to draw a knife, only to be hit into the left side of the brain from his hatchet. With a shocked expression, the woman stared at William as he leaned close, blood splattering out of the wound, not able to believe he had survived. “Lady... That the best you got? Then your best won't do. You among wolves now. And these are our woods.” He said as the woman was writhing and spluttering in pain before splitting her face in two, dealing the killing blow. The rest of the group secured the studio, Grace looked into the camera. “My brothers and sisters of the United States of America! Don’t listen to that lying bitch! These Nazi bastards are all gonna get what’s coming to them. Tonight. We are not gonna take it anymore!” As she mentioned to Wyatt to continue, Balthazar burned the German Flags in the studio. “Americans. Americans... wherever you are. I wish I had words of comfort...to give you. Like the warm winds that this Nazi general sent down from above. But from me...you will not get...comfort. Only the cold...agonizing...truth. And the truth...is...this great nation...has been raped...and pillaged...by the greatest...enemy...of our time. They ask you to sell...your liberty....to purchase your safety. To kneel...to the new order, to submit...to the winds of change...But my...fellow...Americans! They...that sow the wind...shall reap...the whirlwind. You were born...in the land of the free. You fought the kings of old and broke them. You gave your lives...for the simplest...but most essential truth of all: Give me liberty...or give me death! In your veins runs the blood of revolutionaries. So tonight, brandish your guns...your knives, and your fist. Seek out your oppressors wherever they are and tell them: We don't want nothing...not a thing from you. Tonight...we show those that sow the wind... the whirlwind!” Wyatt delivered his speech as they all posed in front of the camera, with Blazkowicz noticed something in the pocket of the lifeless general, happy to see it again. The revolution had begun.