//------------------------------// // New Heroes Part 1 // Story: New Beginnings // by Saro0fdemonz //------------------------------// A small beam of sunlight managed to break its way into the room, falling onto the sleeping pegasi's face. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes with a hoof and slipping out of her bed. Her bright yellow mane was a mess,streaks of red in between. She stopped at a mirror across from her bed, brushing out her mane slowly as the suns rays continued to pour into her room. She was surprised nopony had come to wake her up yet. By now everypony was usually outside and busy. She set her brush down and began on her tail, she liked to keep it braided but today she just brushed it out. Satisfied with her appearance, she stood and walked downstairs, suddenly stopping as she caught her parents rolling around on top of each other on the floor. "ugh...mom..." they both stopped as they heard their daughter and pushed to their hooves. "Sorry 'bout that. We didn't wake ya did we?" she shook her head as the orange work pony made her way to the kitchen. Sunburst sighed as she reached the base of the stairs, her mother placing some glasses over her eyes. "I know you don't like 'em Squirt but you gotta wear them for a while." she sighed, adjusting the glasses on her face. In her mind the only thing they were good for was for covering a few of her freckles, though she kinda liked her freckles. The white spots sat between her eyes and just above her muzzle. Her eyesight had always been horrible but she always tried forcing herself to go without wearing the glasses. Her mother didn't like them either but knew they were for the best. "Are ya'll gonna come eat breakfast or do ah have to eat all these pancakes by mahself?" her mom called from the kitchen. They looked at each other at the thought of Applejacks famous pancakes and rushed into the kitchen. Luna watched as her sister lifted the sun into the sky, a small smile gracing the Alicorns' face. She turned, nudging her wife gently. That night had been one of the few that they had managed to get any real sleep and though she wanted to let Twilight rest a bit more they both had matters to tend to. "Hm...five more minutes Lulu..."she mumbled cutely. Luna sighed and leaned forward, gently grabbing the mares ear in her teeth. She slowly grinded her teeth back and forth, eliciting a moan from the mare. "L...Luna..." Twilight's eyes opened slowly and Luna's breath caught in her throat at the sight of them. Two swirling orbs of violet. "You never wake me up this early. Something on your mind?"Twilight asked. Luna sighed, turning away for a moment. Her attempt at avoiding her lovers gaze was foiled as the mare placed a hoof under her chin and forced her head back to her gently. Luna felt herself drifting as the mare kissed her, calming her nerves. "You can tell me anything Lulu..." Twilight whispered softly as she broke the kiss "I'm worried Twilight..." she said quietly. "About what?" "About...about you hating me..."Luna admitted. Twilight stared at her in shock. "Luna...why would you worry about something as silly as that?" "I thought you might hate me...for making you an Alicorn...being forced to outlive your friends...its haunted me ever since I cast the spell..." She explained. Twilight sighed and pulled Luna close to her, pressing her forehead against hers. "Luna, I will never hate you. Before you cast the spell...I was worried. At first I was just worried about Nyx. That I would have to leave her behind and that she wouldn't be ready for something like that. But then...then I was worried about you too. You were alone for so long, even before you were banished...I couldn't bring myself to even think of what sort of pain you would feel if I left you. Sure you would have Nyx, but I know you. It wouldn't be the same. I always knew that I would leave my friends behind one day, or that they would leave me. And I was content living my life as it was knowing that. I just didn't want to leave you and Nyx behind. Thanks to you I don't have to." Twilight held her close, wrapping her wings around her lover comfortingly as she sobbed into her coat. Their moment was broken by a gentle knock on the door. Twilight lifted her head, seeing a small dark blue filly peek her head inside. "Momma? is everything ok?" her cute voice rang out across the room. Luna sniffed and smiled at the filly. "Everything is fine sweety. Why don't you go find Nyx and get some breakfast?" Twilight giggled. The filly nodded and rushed away from the door, calling for her big sister. Twilight smiled, lightly kissing Luna's cheek. "You also gave me that cute little filly. There is no way I could ever hate you Luna." "AWWWWWW, but mooooom!" the orange colt whined as the unicorn worked on his mane. "I don't wanna go to Aunt Rarity's! She always tries to dress me up and Uncle Spike always makes me play with Emerald and Amethyst." he continued with a pout. Sweetie Belle could only sigh as her son argued with her. She understood his reasons, she had never really liked styling for her sister either. Though after the Sisterhooves social they had become closer than ever and she had put up with it. "I know you don't like it but Rarity loves you just as much as she loves her own children and she wants to see you again. Don't worry, you'll have your mother with you and she won't let Rarity dress you up." His eyes grew wide and a smile spread across his face. "She's gonna be here?! I thought she had practice!" he gasped. Sweetie Belle giggled a little. "She's taking some time off so she can be here with us." "AWESOME!" he screamed, ruining half of the work Sweetie Belle had put into his mess of a mane as he bounced up and down with joy. She sighed a little and brushed it off to the side. "I swear you have your mothers mane." "Yea but he has your eyes." She heard from the doorway. She smiled seeing Scootaloo standing there, her son rushing to hug her. Scootaloo chuckled and wrapped a hoof around him "Hey there squirt, you behave for your mom while I was away?" he nodded and Scootaloo looked up at Sweetie Belle. "Well there was the issue of that vase, but he swears it was an accident." Sweetie Belle joked. "Oh? Well we might not have time to see Aj and Grandma Rainbow then..." his eyes grew even wider. "AWWWW, but it was an accident! I'm really sorry" he said, lowering his head. Scootaloo gently kissed his forehead. "Its fine Squirt. Come on, lets give your mom some peace and quiet. Oh almost forgot." She walked over, pulling Sweetie Belle into a passionate kiss. She almost fell over in laughter as she heard Piper groan in disgust behind her "EWWWW! MOOOOM!" she chuckled again, gently biting Sweetie Belle's bottom lip. "We'll finish later" she whispered just loud enough for the disgusted colt to hear. Sweetie Belle felt a chill run through her and smiled. "Alright, just don't be out too late. I might have to wear those special socks so I won't get cold without you." Scootaloo grinned, and reluctantly pulled away. "We'll be back soon!" she called out to her as they went out the door. Sweetie Belle smiled as she sat alone in their home. "Home..."she said quietly. "Thats right. This is MY home." She stood with a sigh. "Now where did I put those socks..." Nova walked through the halls of the castle, searching for her sister. Most likely Nyx would be with Spell Nexus and Riku in the main library. Nova peeked through the doorway and smiled, seeing her sister exactly where she thought she would be. Nyx smiled as she spotted the filly in the doorway. She said something to Spell Nexus and the Unicorn nodded, setting some books aside and leaving. "Good Morning Princess Nova, I trust you slept well?" Spell Nexus asked her. She nodded and mumbled a reply. He chuckled and walked down the hall, leaving her alone with Nyx and Riku. Riku smiled at the little filly and she rushed into the library, hugging him tightly. "Hey don't jump me like that Nova, Nyx might get jealous if I have a pretty filly like you stuck on me." Nova giggled, looking up at her sister who pretended to be upset with Riku. "Oh how could you Riku, leaving me for such a cute little filly." The three fell into a fit of laughter, Nyx pulling her sister into a hug. "Nyx, I saw momma cryin about somethin. She said everything was ok but I'm still worried." Nyx nodded and sat down. "Mother has a long past sis, a lot of the things she's done like to sneak up on her and make her sad. But don't worry, as long as she has mom she'll never really be sad. Now come on, lets go get some breakfast. Are you coming Riku?" she asked, turning to him. "hm? Oh sorry I was distracted for a moment. A certain ponies flank caught my eye." Nyx blushed, making Nova giggle. "Riku! don't use that kind of language around Nova, what if she repeats that?" He shrugged "Do you have a special somepony who you might be staring at Nova?" Nyx stared at him in surprise. "Riku!" he chuckled. "I'm just kidding." Nova smiled, her worries about her parents fading away as she walked to the kitchens with her sister and Riku. Sunburst smiled, hearing the front door creak open, Scootaloo and her son Piper walking in. "Hey Squirt, hey mini-squirt" Rainbow said with a smile. "Wow, not so much a mini-squirt anymore. Ya'll sure have grown since we last saw ya Piper. Ah hope ya'll have been stayin out of trouble." "Well I heard something about a vase." Scootaloo said with a small smile "Moooooom!" Scootaloo laughed, ruffling his mane. "I'm kidding. He's been pretty well behaved. I thought I'd bring him to see you guys on our way to Rarity's." Piper stared at Sunburst and laughed, he had never seen her wearing glasses before. "Whats with the glasses?" Scootaloo smacked him upside his head with her wing. "OW! Mom!" the young pegasus whined, looking up at her. "Be nice. She needs those to see." "Its alright Big Sis...I'm use to it." Scootaloo sighed and sat beside the filly. "Come on, don't be like that. You know, when I was your age my wings were so tiny I couldn't even attempt a take-off. Everypony made fun of me cause I was the only pegasus who couldn't actually fly." "R...Really?" Scootaloo nodded. "I use to be one of the worst fliers in Equestria. Everypony called me 'Rainbow Crash'"Rainbow said from across the table. Sunburst blinked in shock, staring at her mother. She couldn't even imagine her mother being a poor flier. "The point they are tryin to make sugarcube, is that yer perfect th' way ya are. And when th' time comes yer gonna shine brighter than anypony else." "Pfft, not me." Piper interrupted. a glance from Applejack silencing him. Rainbow chuckled and shook her head. "He's definitely your kid Scoots." Honeycrisp gulped as she stared down from atop the cloud. Her father stood beneath her wearing a smile. Her mother hovered beside her as she slowly opened her wings. "Remember what I taught you and have fun with it, ok? Don't hurt yourself and don't worry. If you fall we'll catch you." Fluttershy said softly, her voice comforting the frightened pegasus. Honeycrisp smiled at her mother and nodded, stepping off the cloud and screaming, her wings latching themselves to her body. Big Macintosh moved into position to catch her, blinking as the weight he expected to feel wasn't there. He looked up to see his daughters wings flapping slowly, keeping her hovering in mid-air. He chuckled seeing that she had covered her face with her hooves, fearing the drop. "Ya'll can open yer eyes now." He said to her. she slowly opened her eyes and gasped, looking back at her wings. "Ah'm flying? Ah'm flying!" she screamed happily, flipping in the air and giggling. Fluttershy landed beside her husband, the two smiling as they watched their daughter drift through the air. "Ah'm a bit worried she's gonna crash into sumtin Shy." Fluttershy nuzzled his cheek and smiled. "It'll be ok Mackie. She might be quiet like me, but she has your strength. Anything she might hit should be worried how its going to come out of the crash. Though I'm kinda worried too. But its like Rarity said 'You have to let her spread her wings eventually and if you hold her back she's just going to do it anyway.' It'd be better to have her crash while we're here to help her rather than have her run off and hurt herself all alone." Big Macintosh nodded, keeping his eyes on the pegasus in the air. "Come on down from there Honey" he called out to her. She nodded and lowered herself to the ground, still smiling as her parents walked over to her. "Did ya see that mom!? did ya see?! Ah flew all by mahself! Did ya see dad?!" she asked them. They smiled, walking with the excited filly toward their home. "Yes we saw and you were amazing up there. I can't wait to tell Rainbow Dash and Rarity what an amazing flier you are." the filly grinned, bouncing beside her mother. Emerald took a deep breath and leapt from the rooftop, flapping her wings as hard as she could, only managing to roll herself around in the air. She screamed as she plummeted to the ground, blinking as she suddenly stopped. She sighed in relief seeing that her brother had caught her. "S...Sorry..." she said softly, he grinned and set her down. "Its alright Emy. It took me a while to learn to fly too. But jumping off the roof is just gonna get mom mad at you. Can you imagine if she saw your hair like this?" he joked, making her laugh. The sound of their father clearing his throat behind them stopped their laughter. They turned, finding him and their mother watching them with small smiles. "And what exactly were you imagining dear?" Rarity asked. Amethyst stood upright, his sister shrinking behind him. "I was remembering when you found us playing around in the mud out back." He said without a flicker of fear. Rarity smiled, looking over at Spike, the dragon nodding his approval. "I'm proud of you Amethyst. Being able to speak your mind to me this way. Though I do hope I don't become the center of your jokes." The Kirin nodded, Emerald hiding behind him. "Emerald dear, you don't have to hide. you aren't in any trouble. Though your brother is right. You shouldn't be leaping from the roof, especially without anypony out here watching you." "s...Sorry mother..." she said softly. "Its quite alright dear, now, why don't we all go inside and get ready for Pipers visit?" Piper sighed, his head sore from being smacked repeatedly. In truth it was his fault for being mean to his Aunt. It was kinda weird thinking of Sunburst like that. They were the same age after all. Scootaloo sat outside of Rarity's store, turning to look at him. "Ready Squirt?" she asked "Please don't let her dress me up..." Scootaloo knocked on the door gently, a shy green face appearing as the door opened up. The young Kirin who answered smiled and turned her head back inside the house. "Mother! Aunt Scootaloo and cousin Piper are here!" "Emerald Dear, use your inside voice please" Rarity called back, the Kirin wincing a little. "Sorry Mother." Piper was never happier in that moment that Rarity was only his aunt. He would take his mother smacking him upside his head every day if it meant he didn't have to spend that time with Aunt Rarity. He gulped as the mentioned Unicorn welcomed them into her home, a few pieces of fabric floating around her. "Oh its so good to see you dear. I was worried Sweetie Belle was hiding you from me. I thought of the most perfect suit for you the other day." Scootaloo placed a hoof over Pipers' mouth before he could protest. "Actually Rarity this is more of a playdate visit. You wouldn't want him to ruin your design playing outside would you?" Rarity gasped "I most certainly would not. I suppose we could schedule another time for it then. Emerald! Amethyst!" Rarity called, the two peeking their heads around the corner. "Your cousin is here to play with you. No roughhousing and please don't touch anything in my workroom." "We understand mother." they said together. Pipers eye twitched. Their like drones... he thought to himself. Amethyst, Piper and Emerald sat in a small circle, looking at one another. "So...what do you do for fun around here? play dress up?" Piper joked. Emerald mumbled something, hiding behind her brother. "Whats her problem?" "She doesn't have a problem. She just doesn't like attention." Amethyst explained, wrapping a wing around her. "So she's a scaredy-cat?" Amethyst remained calm as the words left Piper's mouth, but smoke drifted from his nostrils. Emerald grabbed his arm gently and shook her head. He nodded and took a slow breath, exhaling a small green and blue flame as he calmed himself. "WHOA! That was cool!" Piper said, pointing a hoof at the flames. "You've never seen dragon fire?" "Well I saw Uncle Spike use his during that fireworks show. But his is just green. Can you do that again?" Amethyst shrugged. "Yea, easily." Amethyst exhaled, letting the flames swirl around his face, Pipers eyes wide in amazement. "Amy...Mother said you shouldn't play with it like that..." Emerald said quietly. Piper burst into laughter, falling onto his back. "AMY?! HA! Your nickname is Amy?! Thats so girly!" Amethyst raised an eyebrow. "Your name is Piper. Think about that for a minute." Amethyst said. Piper stopped laughing and stared at him. "Aw buck, your right" Emerald gasped, staring at Piper with wide eyes. "What?" he asked, looking at her. "You...you said..." "Emy, go inside and get some snacks." Amethyst said, pushing her away. "What the buck is her problem?" Amethyst spun, glaring at Piper. The pegasus gulped, staring back. "Watch what you say in front of my sister. You might be my cousin but that won't stop me from showing you your place." He said under his breath "Understood?" The pegasus nodded frantically, scared for his life. -- Scootaloo watched as Emerald made her way past and smiled. "Hey Emy, having fun?" Emerald froze and mumbled something. "Its alright Emy, you can talk to me." Scootaloo smiled and Spike gave her a nod. "Scootaloo is your Aunt and one of the kindest ponies I know. You don't have to be scared of her Emy." Emerald nodded, sitting beside her father for comfort. She took a deep breath and spoke quickly. "WeweresittingoutsidejusttalkingthenAmystartedplayingwithhisfirebreathandIwarnedhimheshouldn'tthenPipersaid bu...um..." she mumbled the last part, Scootaloo's ears pricking upward. "He said what?" Scootaloo asked quietly. "Um...well...I...I don't think he meant to say it...but..he..said..um...B.U.C...um...well..that word..." she mumbled. Scootaloo stood, spike placing his claw on her shoulder. "Now wait just a second Scootaloo." "Spike, kitchen, now." Scootaloo said to him. He nodded and kissed Emeralds forehead. "Wait here Emy." "I'm sorry! I didn't want to get him in trouble!" she called out, her ears hanging down against her head. "You don't need to apologize Emerald, you didn't do anything wrong." Spike looked outside, seeing Amethyst glaring at Piper. He pointed a claw at the scene. "See Scootaloo? Its already being handled. Though I don't approve of how he is going about it, its probably the best way to get it through his head." "I don't know what to do Spike. I barely know my own son, I'm always away and busy with work and when I'm here I barely get to spend time with him or Sweetie Belle. How am I suppose to get him to behave? How do you and Rarity pull it off?" "Scootaloo, have you seen Rarity when she gets angry?" Scootaloo shook her head and Spike chuckled. "Well Amethyst and Emerald have. It only took once for them to see that. Though it had more of an affect on Emy than Amethyst." "Thats why she's scared like that?" "Sort of...she's always been afraid of being judged by others. Just being who she is draws attention to her and it scares her to have so many ponies watching her. When she saw Rarity angry with her...It was a turning point for her. She strives to always do the right thing and to make sure others do as well. but her shy nature keeps her from speaking up." "What about Amethyst?" Scootaloo asked, watching as Amethyst scolded her son. "Amethyst is the older brother. And I couldn't be more proud of him." "Though he is a bit foalish like his father at times." Rarity added as she stepped into the kitchen. She sighed a little watching the scene outside unfold. "Aren't you going to stop him dear?" Rarity asked. Spike shook his head. Rarity turned to Scootaloo who only sighed. "He doesn't listen to me Rarity. I was hopin Spike could give me some pointers, though from what I hear its you thats kept your little ones on the straight and narrow." Rarity bit her lip and sat. "I didn't mean to lose my temper with them. I scold myself every day when I see the look in my poor Emeralds eyes. I scarred my own children..." Rarity felt tears sting her eyes and gasped as she felt claws wrap around her. She looked down to see Emerald hugging her tightly. "Please don't cry Mother..." Emerald said quietly. Rarity slowly wrapped her hooves around her daughter. Spike smiled, pulling them both into a hug. Scootaloo smiled to herself, leaving them to have their moment. She walked outside, a grin appearing on Pipers face for a moment. He rushed past Amethyst. "MOM! Amethyst is being mean to me and I didn't even do anything wrong!" Scootaloo looked at Amethyst. "Is this true Amethyst?" The kirin turned to face her, staring her right in the eye. "Its true for the most part Aunt Scootaloo. I wasn't exactly being as nice as I should have been and my reason is probably a bad one." "What reason is that?" "He cursed in front of my sister." "I DID NOT!" Piper yelled angrily. Amethyst continued as if Piper had said nothing. "Emerald already deals with enough at school. She doesn't need her own family poking fun at her and mouthing off." "He's lying! I didn't do anythi..." Scootaloo put a hoof against his mouth and pointed to the window. "We were watching Piper. Do you have anything you want to say?" The pegasus gulped and stammered excuses. "Well, while you think about what you've done I think Rarity has something for you." Scootaloo turned, her son following after her. "Rarity, would you mind showing me that wonderful suit you mentioned? I'm sure Piper would LOVE to try it on." "Prince Riku you don't have to cook! Thats why we are here!" the chef tried to argue. Riku sighed and shook his head. flipping the pancake he was making. "My name is Riku, not Prince Riku. And I want to cook. This meal is special." "Simple pancakes your majesty? surely we could make something better for you." Riku sighed. The only drawback of the best decision of his life. The constant attempts of the royals to pamper him. Nyx peeked her head into the kitchen, Nova sitting on her back. Nyx sighed a little to herself. She hated seeing Riku like this. It made her feel like it was her fault. She walked into the kitchen, Riku lifting a wing to hide a plate full of pancakes, the chef turning and bowing to her. "Horte Cuisine, my husband wishes to make us a special breakfast and you are slowing his efforts and leaving us hungry. We would appreciate it if you would leave him be so that he may finish." "o..of course Princess." The chef retreated into another section of the kitchen, making Nova giggle. "So much for making it a surprise." Riku mumbled, lowering his wing. Nova's eyes twinkled at the sight of the pancakes. Riku usually only made his pancakes on special occasions like her birthday. She had tried asking the chef to make them for her but they didn't taste anything like Riku's. "Your Special Pancakes!" she yelled happily, stumbling off Nyx's back. She gasped as Nyx caught her in her magic. Nyx gently set her down and she sighed in relief, running over to Riku. Riku smiled at the excited look on the filly's face. Nyx walked up beside him, gently kissing his cheek. Nyx whispered something in his ear, making him blush. He quickly placed pancakes on a few plates and lifted them with his magic, carrying them to a nearby table. Nyx smiled to herself and sat, watching as Nova dove into her plate. Riku thought of what nyx had said to him. I wonder if I would be a good father... Twilight sat inside the Library, smiling at the pile of books she found. "Nyx, you really need to learn to clean up after yourself." Twilight sighed and searched through the numerous tomes. She was searching for one book in particular. She smiled as she spotted it, pulling it from its shelf in her magic. Luna peered over her shoulder. "Whats this Dear?" "Its something I thought I had lost." Luna read the cover "Spells for Young fillies." Twilight smiled. "Its the first book I ever read. I think its time Nova starts proper studying. She's too afraid of Spell Nexus to learn from him." Luna smiled, kissing her cheek. "So you're going to teach her dear?" Twilight nodded, grabbing a few more books. "Try not to cram too much into her head Dear." "I won't, I won't." Sweetie Belle peeked her head through the kitchen door as Scootaloo stepped inside with Piper. The younger pegasus grumbled under his breath, wearing a black and red suit with a matching tie. Sweetie Belle could tell from their faces that something was wrong. "Go to your room Piper." Scootaloo said quietly, he lowered his head and walked to his room, slamming the door. Sweetie Belle looked at her worriedly. "What happened?" She asked, almost dropping the spoon she held in her magic. Scootaloo shook her head and sat at the table, her head down. Sweetie Belle set the stove to simmer and sat beside her, placing a mug of cider in front of her. Scootaloo sat up a little and sipped from the mug, sighing quietly. "He made fun of Sunburst, cussed in front of Emy then lied to my face Belle..." Scootaloo said with tears in her eyes. Sweetie Belle hugged her. "He's a young colt Scoots. He's gonna do things like this." "Does he do this when I'm not around?" She asked softly. Sweetie Belle shook her head. "He tries his best to behave when your not here..." She said quietly. "So he's only bad when I'm around, what kind of mother am I?" "Scoots. He behaves when your gone, because when he sees you again he wants to see you happy that he's been good. He can't help misbehaving. He uses you as incentive to make himself behave. When your here he doesn't have that incentive anymore." Sweetie Belle wiped away her tears, placing a kiss on her cheek. "He wants to be good. But he is who he is. Remember how much trouble we use to get into?" Scootaloo laughed a bit and sighed, staring into her mug. "We were just little fillies tryin to get our cutie marks." "We still got in trouble." Sweetie Belle rubbed her hoof against Scootaloo's wing slowly. Scootaloo sighed quietly and relaxed. "How about, we go have a nice quiet warm bath and I get those socks out." Sweetie Belle whispered softly in her ear. Scootaloo blushed, her wings opening up. She set the mug down and smiled, pulling Sweetie Belle into a kiss. "That sounds wonderful." Sweetie Belle shook her flank back and forth slowly as she made her way toward their bathroom. Scootaloo following after with a smile, her worries fading for a moment as she watched the unicorn. Sweetie Belle sat next to the tub, freeing her hair of the ribbon that held it, letting it fall down her neck as she turned on the water. They stepped into the tub together, sighing as the water soaked into their coats. Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around Sweetie Belle, the unicorn leaning back against her. She shut off the water and laid her head back far enough to run her tongue over Scootaloo's lips. Honeycrisp hummed quietly along with her father and mother as they made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Her mother was making good on her promise about her flying and she couldn't be happier. Sunburst sat on the porch with Rainbow Dash, talking about her first flight. Honeycrisp smiled and ran forward, hugging her tightly. "Guess what, guess what!" she whispered excitedly. "What Crisp?" Sunburst asked with a laugh. She had never seen her cousin this excited before. "I flew today! I even did a flip!" Rainbow and Sunburst blinked, looking from the excited filly to Fluttershy and Big Macintosh. "Eeyup. she sure did. Though the fall had her screamin fer a moment. Once she knew she was flyin it was like she had become an entirely new filly." Rainbow grinned. "Thats awesome Honey, maybe you can take Sunny here out for a flight. She's taking her first go today." Applejack made her way outside, smiling once she spotted her brother. "Well howdy Macintosh, bout time ya made yer way here. Applebloom should be on her way in just a little while. Timber wolves started a howlin last night and ah need all the help ah can get to get ready for th' harvest." "Ya'll know Apple Bloom is the best zap apple jammer we've got Sis, but ah'll do mah part in harvestin th' apples." "Oh I'll help too" Fluttershy said with a smile. "Oh no sugarcube, ya'll ain't gonna be liftin a hoof. Ah already heard th' news and yer gonna have yerself a nice long rest. Rainbow can ah count on ya to make sure of that?" Rainbow saluted, getting a laugh out of everypony. "Pegasi and Fluttershy duty, on it ma'am" Rainbow grinned as Applejack kissed her cheek. "Alright Macintosh, lets get started." "Hayseed! Penny! hold still!" Applebloom sighed, tying the bow in place. "Momma ah don't wanna go, can't we just stay here with papa?" Hayseed asked, pouting a little. "Sorry, we're all going. Your mother has to help Aunt Applejack and Uncle Macintosh with the harvest. But I suppose we could stay." Pip said as he sat down near the twins. "Really?!" they said together. "If you don't want anypony to have any zap apple jam that is." They both gasped and shook their heads. "No zap apple jam?!" the twins exclaimed in horror "No Zap Apple Jam." he repeated grimly. Both fillies sat still as their mother tied their bows into their hair, sighing and kissing her husbands cheek. "What would ah do without you?" "Tons of things. I'm just good with these two." Applebloom giggled shaking her head. "Alright everypony, lets get a move on, those apples ain't gonna harvest themselves!" "RIGHT!" the twins said together, following their parents toward Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom smiled, seeing her brother and sister setting everything up for the Harvest. "Why don't ya'll go say hi to em before goin t' see Aunt Rainbow?" The twins nodded, rushing together toward Applejack "Auntie Applejack! Auntie Applejack!" they called together. "Well if it ain't the cutest twins in all equestria. Now what are ya'll doin here? Ain't ya suppose t' be with Aunt Dashie?" "Momma wanted us t' come see ya before we went t' see Auntie Dashie" Hayseed said with a smile. "Yea, since ya'll are gonna be so busy with th' harvestin and all" Penny said with a smile of her own. "Well that was mighty nice of her. It sure is good t' see ya'll again. Ah think there is some left over cider back at th' house. Tell Dashie I said to get ya'll some." "YAY! thanks Aunt Applejack!" they ran off toward the house, saying bye to their parents as the couple walked by. "Hey sis. Hows everythin goin with th' harvest?" Applebloom asked "So far so good Applebloom. Ah need ya'll t' get everythin ready. Yer our star Zap Apple Jammer after all." Applebloom nodded and gave Pip a quick kiss on the cheek. "Ah'll be back in a bit. Why don't you go spend time with th' girls?" Pip nodded, watching as she left. "Those fillies of yers sure do seem like a hooffull Pip." Macintosh said as he passed by, carrying a bucket on his back. "They are, though I've learned how to handle them." "Lucky you. Most of us are still tryin t' figure out th' secret to gettin a hold of the reigns so t' speak. Rarity an Spike got a hold of theirs, ya'll got a hold of yers. Far as ah know shy and macintosh are doin fine with Honey, little filly had her first flight today." "Eeyup" Macintosh said with a grin before grabbing another bucket. "What about you and Miss Dash?" "Pip, ah already told ya, ya don't have t' say 'miss' like that. We're family. Just Applejack and Rainbow, alright?" Pip nodded. "Sorry mi...Applejack. Old habits die hard." "Ah know what ya mean." she set a bucket down beside a tree. "As fer yer question, only problems we've had are with Sunny not wantin to wear her glasses. She dang near slammed right into one of th' trees without em." she said with a sigh, hefting a bucket onto her back. "Its almost funny, poor mare who can't see is worried about what others will think of how she looks. She worries too much about those glasses. They actually look cute on her." "Well Pip, seein as ya'll have a ways with the little fillies why don't ya give Sunburst a try? Ah'm sure ya'll can get through t' her." Applejack said to him as she set down another bucket. "I'll give it my best shot Applejack" The twins sat, waiting for their cider with eager smiles, watching their cousins flying around in circles and giggling. Rainbow came outside, carrying a tray of cider. "Alright everypony, get it while its hot!" The pegasi landed, happily accepting mugs of their families famous cider "Room for one more?" Pip asked with a smile as he stepped onto the porch. "Whoa Pip, where'd all that muscle come from?" Rainbow asked. Pip chuckled, ruffling Penny's mane. "Mostly from this one, though this one had a lot to do with it." the twins giggled, looking up at him. "Pa's th' strongest pony we know Aunt Dashie. Besides uncle Macintosh." "I dunno, maybe they should hoofwrestle!" Rainbow suggested. Pip shook his head. "Me and Macintosh? I'm tough but Big Macintosh is Big Macintosh for Celestia's sake. Only Pony in Equestria to survive..." He looked back and forth dramatically, looking down on the four young fillies sipping cider. "THE STARE!" They gasped and he chuckled. "I'm sure you of all ponies know what i'm talking about Honey." the little filly nodded, still in shock. "Momma used th' stare on mah papa?" she asked "Yes and it didn't work." "Why would momma do that to Papa though?" "They were having an argument of course." everypony just stared at him. "What could those two ponies possible argue over?" Rainbow asked. "They were arguing over what to name Honey. Macintosh wanted to call her Honeycrisp, Fluttershy wanted to call her Sunshine Apple. It got to the point where Fluttershy in her anger used THE STARE on macintosh. Big Macintosh only stared back until Fluttershy gave in." "Wow...hey how do you know all this?" "Applebloom told me." he winked "So, I'll say it again. Big Macintosh is Big Macintosh. Doesn't matter how tough a pony gets, there isn't a pony alive that could best that machine of a stallion. Well in a test of strength anyway. Rainbow Dash has him beat on speed." Rainbow giggled. "I see how Applebloom fell for you. Your good with that flattery." "I try." he shrugged and smiled at the fillies. "So I hear a certain little filly had an amazing first flight today. There was also talk of another filly. Something about her glasses ruining her adorable face." Rainbow glared at him for a moment, almost everypony knew how much Sunburst hated her glasses. Before Rainbow could let her anger loose Pip continued. "Though I don't see how these things could possibly do that. You've got that wonderful smile, those bright shining eyes and your parents determination. Why should these bother you?" he asked, placing a hoof gently against the glasses. "Ya really think all that 'bout me Uncle Percy?" "Of course I do. And I'm not the only one." "But what about all those ponies that are always makin fun o' me?" Pip scoffed and raised his nose in the air. "Those poor fillies are just jealous of you. Its their way of defending themselves Sunny. You see, they all have something they think makes them less special, less important. So to make themselves feel better they try to bring you down to their level. But you can't let them. Because your a better pony than that." Sunburst hugged him and he smiled, wrapping a hoof around her. "Thanks Uncle Percy. Ah feel a lot better knowin that." Rainbow smirked. "You sure have a way with the fillies." "Don't tell Applebloom that" he joked. Nova yawned, laying down on Riku's back. "I think its time for someponies nap." Riku said with a smile. "Huh? wait, i'm not tired! I don't need a na..."she yawned again, her eyes drifting downward. Riku chuckled and carried the little filly to her room, Nyx walking beside him. He gently placed the sleeping Alicorn into her bed, pulling the bow from her hair and setting it on her bedside table. "You really would make a good father Riku." Nyx whispered beside him. He turned to her. "Nyx...This is kinda weird to ask but...do you want a foal of your own?" Nyx blushed and lowered her head, drawing circles in the floor with her hoof. "Well...I've thought about it..." "And?" he asked, ignoring his own blush. Nyx raised her head and kissed his lips softly. "I want a foal...But...I didn't wanna force you into something like that..."she said softly. Riku blushed and wrapped a wing around her, pulling her close to him as he kissed her. "Nyx. I want you to be happy. I would do anything to see you smile. If a foal is what you want then we'll just have to give you one." she looked into his eyes, her cheeks flushed red. "R...Riku...do you really mean that?" He kissed her lips softly, sending a shudder through her entire body. "I do." Amethyst sighed to himself a little. "Mother, do we really have to go all the way to canterlot?" he asked. "Amethyst Dear, this is important. I have a very important client in Canterlot and Princess Twilight wishes to see you and your sister." "S...She won't use us for her experiments will she Mother?" Emerald asked quietly from beside her brother. "Dear, wherever did you hear such absurd things?" "F...From Piper...h..he said that The Princess was gonna experiment on us since we aren't real ponies..." "Since we're freaks is what he said." Amethyst said with a hint of anger in his voice, smoke drifting from his nostrils. "Amethyst your steaming again. I know your upset with Piper but you need to control your anger. You two aren't freaks and don't let anypony tell you differently." "Your father is right. You two are my darling gems and I don't care what anypony else has to say about it. Now, is everypony ready?" They nodded and together stepped outside and into the carriage that had been sent for them. "Wow...this is so amazing." Emerald shook with excitement as the pegasi took the sky, pulling their carriage into the air. Twilight smiled at the sleeping form of her daughter, setting the book down on the bedside table. She gently nudged her. "Nova dear, time to get up." Nova yawned, her wings fluttering a bit as she opened her eyes. She smiled and sprang up to her hooves, looking up at the alicorn. "Mommy!" she giggled as the filly hugged her. "Nova, I thought it would be a good idea for you to begin your magic studies." The filly looked up at her with fear in her eyes, making her giggle. "Don't worry Sweetie. I'm going to be the one teaching you." Nova sighed in relief and blinked as her mane fell over her eyes. She looked around finding her bow and lifted it with her magic, carefully tying her hair back with it. "Mommy...is momma ok?" she asked, trying to stay calm, though her lip quivered a bit. "She's fine Nova." Nova lowered her head. "Big sis said momma has things that sneak up on her and make her sad. Things she's done. What did momma do to make herself sad?" "Its a long story dear...Its not one for little fillies either." Nova pouted and Twilight lifted the book from the bedside table. "Right now we have this. I'll make you a deal. You study with me and we'll go talk to her about it, ok?" Nova nodded and sat as her mother opened the book, going over basic spells. "oh hello Applebloom, time for zap apple harvest already?" the mare in the shop asked with a smile as Applebloom tested a pot with her teeth. She nodded with a smile. "Eeyup, its gonna be one heck of a harvest too. Ah hope t' make my best zap apple jam this year." "Well I'll have to stop by for a jar!" The unicorn lifted the pots into Appleblooms saddlebag after they were paid for, bidding her farewell and turning to her next customer. Applebloom hummed a little as she walked throughout Ponyville, a smile on her face as a few clouds drifted by. She stopped by a few beehives and picked one up, grabbing a jar from her bags. She sat and tilted the beehive slightly "hello old friends, nice t' see all of ya'll again." she said as the bee's circled around her, some landing on her chin and buzzing happily. She giggled a little, setting down the beehive "Ah'll be seein ya'll around. Ya'll have a good day!" she said, waving goodbye to the bees and heading back towards Sweet Apple Acres. She was stopped by a tall mare. "Hello there Applebloom. I hear the zap apples are coming in. You do remember our deal don't you?" the mare said "Ah seem t' recall a certain pony deciding she didn't much care for the Apple family business. That there deal belonged t' yer pa and Granny Smith. Both of em are gone now and ah already gave ya a chance at mah zap apple jam." "Come now Applebloom, we both know you need my bits." "Ah don't need nuthin from the likes of you. My zap apple jam makes more than enough money fer us ever since it started sellin in canterlot. So ifn' ya don't mind, ah've got work t' do!" Applebloom stomped past Diamond Tiara, her face scrunched up in anger. She tried to calm down as she walked back toward sweet apple acres, the mare following after her. "Please Applebloom..." she stopped in her tracks, turning back to her. If she was willing to actually say please to her she must have been desperate. "Ah'll make ya a deal Tiara. Ya'll can come by and buy a couple jars t' sell fer yer pa's business and ifn' ya'll can keep a level head ah might let ya buy a few more and we'll see how things go from there. deal?" Diamond Tiara bit back her pride and nodded. "Deal." The guards grinned a little, seeing Spike walk up to the gate. "Good to see ya again Spike, its been ages." Spike grinned and hugged the guard. "Yea it really has been a long time. How are the twins?" the guard shrugged. "Trust me, ya don't wanna know. Those two never sleep." Spike chuckled a little. "Well, have ya tried calling up Pinkie Pie?" "You mean that crazy mare?! well..uh..." "hey, she's crazy but she's pretty good with twins. If you want I can let her know about you when I head back to Ponyville." "Really? well that'd be great Spike!" "Dear, we're on a schedule." Rarity said from beside him. "oh right. Well I'll be seein you around, we've got some business to attend to." "Thanks again Spike." The dragon nodded, walking through the gate, followed by his family. Canterlot hadn't really changed much over the years. Celestia preferred to keep it as it was and nopony really cared to say otherwise. They were happy leaving things as they were. Spike chuckled a little, watching as Emeralds eyes scanned everything. "You know Emy, I use to live here." she turned to him in shock. "Y...You lived here in canterlot father?!" He nodded. "Yup. Back when I was just a little dragon. I was Twilights' number one Assistant." "What happened?" Ameythyst asked. "Well, I grew up, fell in love, made a family. We're still close friends, but we have our own lives to take care of now." "So wait...you're friends with Princess Twilight?" Emerald asked as they neared the castle. "Twilight has been a dear friend of ours for years Emerald. It was actually Twilight who brought all of us together." Rarity smiled a little as a thought came to her. "In fact, if not for Twilight, I would have never met your father." "But you know, Twilight wasn't always a princess. She was actually a unicorn like your mother." The two kirins looked at each other then back at their parents. "But how did she become a Princess?" they asked together. "Ah, now that is a fun story." they turned to see Twilight standing in front of them. Spike hugged her tightly, the Alicorn returning the gesture. "Its so good to see you Spike. and this must be Emerald, I've heard much about your magical talents." at the mention of her name Emerald shrank back behind her mother. "Sorry Twilight. She is a bit shy. Its not everyday you meet a princess after all." Rarity said with a smile. "I understand Rarity, my little Nova is the same. Come on out Nova, don't you want to meet Spike?" A head peeked its way around the Alicorn, the bright blue eyes locking onto Emerald. The kirins' eyes locked onto the alicorn filly, the two walking toward one another. They sat, staring at one another, mirroring the others movements as they tilted their heads to one side, then the other. Rarity and Twilight giggled at the display. "I'm Emerald" "I...I'm Nova" The two smiled at one another. Amethyst grinned a little, his father doing the same. Emerald didn't really have any friends, due to her appearance and shy nature. It was a wonderful sight to see her make a new friend so quickly. Though Amethyst intended to keep an eye on Nova, he didn't want his sister to get hurt again. Spike noticed the look on his sons face, placing a claw on his shoulder and shaking his head. Spike turned back to Twilight. "So, you wanted to test their magical abilities Princess Twilight?" Spike asked. Twilight sighed. "Spike...for the last time. Just call me Twilight." Twilights ear twitched and she sighed, a group of guards surrounding her. "Guards, stand down." "We cannot Princess." Twilight sighed. "Very well. I'm sorry about all of this. The guards have been...well..." "I understand Twilight. Though what could possibly be a threat to Canterlot now?" Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head. "Nova, why don't you take Amethyst and Emerald to the gardens. Nyx should be there." Nova nodded "Come on!" She smiled, leading the two of them away, a pegasus guard flying above them. "I thought you wan..." Twilight raised a hoof. "Follow me." she said softly, turning and heading into the castle. Spike and Rarity exchanged worried glances, following after the Alicorn. "I need those cupcakes!" a stallion called from across the kitchen "Comin right up Mister Cakie!" a young pink zebra mare called back, spinning the tray of cupcakes on top of her head. She stood on her hind hooves, holding a tray on each forehoof and walked to the counter, setting all three trays down in front of the stallion, making him chuckle. "What would I do without you around Swirl?" "You'd probably notice your muffins are burning." another mare said from the front counter. "my muffins? Oh shoot!" he flung the oven open and sighed as he pulled out the burnt muffins. Strawberry swirl giggled and took a bite out of one. "MMMM! needs just a bit more pecan in it." she said with a giggle. "Well, we'll have to tell Dinky those are gonna take us a bit longer." Pumpkin said with a sigh. "No we won't silly filly." Strawberry reached into a cabinet, pulling out a full tray of perfectly baked muffins. "I keep a few around in case of burnt muffin emergencies" Pound cake laughed and shook his head "Your a life saver Swirl." "Just doin my job!" she bounced over to the counter with the tray, dropping the muffins in a bag. She grinned, seeing a tall pink mare enter the store. She zipped over to her, throwing her hooves around her. "Hey mom!" "Well hey there cupcake!" the two giggled and hugged one another. "MMM, somethin smells good in here. Ah wonder what it could be." Braeburn said as he entered the store, carrying a box on his back. Strawberry stared at the box with wide eyes, her hind hoof twitching. "Is that..." she gasped. "A slice of Applejacks famous Triple decker Deluxe Apple pie!?!?!" Braeburn grinned and nodded. "Yer mother and Ah wanted to bring it to ya as a 'congrats on doing so well' present. It was more yer mothers idea though." Braeburn said with a grin, Pinkie kissing his cheek as the zebra took hold of the box. She smiled seeing that it was more than just a slice. It was an entire pie! She squealed happily, bouncing into the kitchen. "Pound! Pumpkin! I need your help!" both of them came rushing to her. "Everything ok Swirl?" they asked together, she nodded and opened the box. "I need your help to eat all this yummy super fantastic scrumptious apple pie my momma and papa brought me!" she grinned and the twins burst into laughter. "Sure thing Strawberry." The twins watched as her mother walked back and forth, giving a speech to a bunch of jars. She slammed her hoof on the counter and one cracked. Applebloom glared at the jar and flung it into a trash can. "Now we ain't gonna have any others crack under th' pressure now are we?!" she asked the jars. After a moment she nodded. "Good, lets get t' work!" Applebloom gave Penny and hayseed each a paintbrush and told them to start painting polka dots on the walls. They stared at her confused. "Ya want us t' paint Auntie Applejacks Kitchen momma?! But won't she get mad at us?!" Penny Apple asked. Applebloom shook her head. "Ya'll let me worry about Applejack. If she really wants th' best zap apple jam in Equestria then we've gotta do things by th' book. Now git t' paintin!" "Ma'am yes ma'am!" they shouted together with a salute, giggling and running around the house, painting polka dots everywhere. Applejack peeked her head inside and chuckled. "Ah see ya'll have em paintin already. Ya really think this'll be yer best harvest sis?" "T' be honest ah dunno Applejack. But ah've gotta do my best."The earth pony said with a sigh, surprised as Applejack hugged her tightly, Applebloom felt a tear sting her eye as she leaned against her sister. "Ah know how much ya'll miss her Applebloom...she would be so proud of ya..." Applebloom sniffed, taking a slow ragged breath as her sister ran a hoof through her mane. "Ya'll don't have to push yerself so hard though sugarcube. Ya'll are the best Zap Apple Jammer we've ever had and ah know Granny Smith was, is, and always will be proud of ya sis." Applebloom smiled, hugging her older sister tightly and sighing as she let go. "Thanks Applejack...Ah needed that." "Anytime sis."