Never the Final Word (Vol. 2)

by FanOfMostEverything

Georg's Double Edge (PresentPerfect's "Let's have some fun at my expense")

"The horror! The HORROR!" Rarity cringed away, nearly curled into a ball and trembling. "No," she whispered. "Stay away."

Skull chortled and took a step forward with a clicking and jingling of piercings. "So you don't like my outfit? I made it myself. I call it... Skull Fashion." He lifted one foreleg and shook it to let the tiny silver skull piercings touch with the fairy-like tinkle of tiny bells. "I've got skulls embroidered on the kneepads, skulls on the shoulderpads--"

"Bladed," whimpered Rarity. "I noticed. But that's not it. I can't believe you... monster!"

"Yeah," gloated Skull with another step forward. "I used tiny little skulls to decorate the bigger skulls."

"Still not it," gasped Rarity, twitching and trembling as if she were trying to tunnel out of the corner of the room. "Your coat... That terrible, horrible shade of fuchsia. And your orange mane! It's unnatural!"

"Don't care," said Skull, taking one last step to tower over her. "Now, before I end you and get back to the rest of the losers, you got any last requests?"

"Just one." Rarity stopped trembling and looked up, studying him with an experienced eye. "Blue, I think. Cerulean blue."

"Cerulean?" Skull blinked a few times as unpracticed neurons in his brain fired. "Do you expect me feed you or something?"

"No, Mister Skull." Rarity stood up with the coiled fire hose behind her expanding with pressure, and the nozzle pointed firmly at Skull's face. A few dark blue droplets of water dripped down from the tip, most likely from the five or six empty packets of Goops for Stuff Permanent Color Changing Formula scattered around her hooves.

"I expect you to dye."