//------------------------------// // Chapter III: The Conflict of Non Ignorance // Story: Mein Kleiner Fuhrer: Triage at Death // by Omicron Omega //------------------------------// Now that i have discovered that the nazis have returned, We needed to recon it first, from what technology they have. Maybe their technology would help us get out of this world, But that would be an Impossible Task, Nazis will not help anyone and probably they will capture and experiment my companions if they spotted us. So i got one option to verify and gather their intelligence.... I needed to use my Spying skills in the factory.... I knew I'm one of their minions serving their empire, but for now, I can somehow be a spy, gathering intelligence from enemies and i will do that agaisnt the nazis. I don't want these wretched scums to lurk around this world. So I created request to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, step upon me and listen. In the past, I'm a minion from one of those empire. But now i turned agaisnt them, If they have high technology. Maybe their machines can get us out of this world, So for my formal plannings, you need to fly high and scout the area but don't get spotted, were all dead meat if you two pegasus' are spotted, Because this nazis are very cruel that they experiment everything that they saw, Try to look if there are any good shining objects. As for me, i would go closer, sneak past the security and hopefully if i found one guard alone. I would capture him and beat the crap out of him" As then Rainbow Dash gets spooked by my plan agaisnt the guard and creates a question "Then what would you do to that guard?" "I'm going to make him unconscious, Take off his clothes and wear it, so that other guards will think that I'm one of them. But once you see that I'm beating a nazi guard, get back to safety and wait for me till i go back" Now, fluttershy creates a question "Then what if you didn't come back?" I became silent to myself, and became nervous about her question, But as then i take it like a fuhrer "Then, you will be on you're own. If i didn't come back, then stay away from this empire and find another empire that can utterly support you. Now GO!" I ran towards the middle, while Rainbow Dash flies at the right side and Fluttershy fly at the left side, As then when i reach the main entrance of the Factory, I see guards patrolling the main entrance so that i hide at a boulder, How come they are patrolling? There are no enemies in this world, Or maybe they already have an enemy?....... I try to pick that who could i sincerely strike, But as then, one of the guards take a break from his guard duty and left only one guard guarding the main entrance. As then i must lure the guard here so i can formally beat the crap out of him with my bare hands. I pick a peeble that is common for distracting guards, and throw it at my side, creating a sound that could spook the Nazi guard. It was a good one, The nazi guard goes closer from where am i hiding, I'm prepared for my oncoming attack agaisnt this facsist rascal. As then i punch the guard several times in the face, disarm him and bang his head at the boulder making him unconscious, As then the guard is down. I literally take off his clothes and wear it. For one fact, As the nazis disappeared from the face of the earth, I have kept a nazi officer hat inside my robe for centuries, I take it out and thank god it has no damage upon it, The nazi suit is somehow bad from me, But atleast hats makes anything good. For now i headed towards the main entrance, atleast no-one is guarding. But as then when I'm going to open the gate, that leads to the Factory, Someone just opened it. and some of the other guards are back, I became nervous to myself but not too nervous, I already experienced talking to nazis in english or german. As then these guards just Sieg heil infront of me, which makes my mind fighting from nervousity and laughter. But as then i spoke; "Why are you guards are not guarding this entrance" As then one of the guards replied "Sorry,Mein Gruppenführer. We are intending to take a small nazi break to replenish our energy" That is the worse possible excuse i heard about the nazi times, But i sincerely saw their old weapons but there are recent add-ons in it, Laser pointed MP40 with some grenade launcher, A double tubed panzerschreck well that's cool, But Why are they using those old junk? My weapon is more like ten times more powerful than their weapons, But i must see their further technology, so i can pick up some intelligence, but most importantly if they created a map in this world, then i would surely take that map so that i can simply know where am i and pick up the possible nazi territories. As for now i spoke "Since i got some bitter appointments to do. But from every military education, there are no breaks, you must work 48 hours a day for the fuhrer, Well then you have a warning, But when i ever catch you guards doing nothing again?! Then i would probably gassed you all from you're lack of efforts!" I totally lied at most of my speech, But the nazi guards are too stupid that they didn't know I'm against them. I was now alone again, without my companions, but there is no turning back, As I enter the factory and saw some new technologies; like a saw, from one of the guard's weapons. But the MP44 has gone into ruins, I literally saw some new vehicles, Tanks that can load and transport 10 people, Some new turrets. But the technology that has my most interest from the past is still on going. It is the Landkreuzer P.1000 ratte super heavy tank, I saw a picture or painting of it's demonstration. From the past, i wanted to ride that monster. But Albert Speer cancelled it, and that perished my happiness, For now i totally move onto the offices, Maybe i could find some documents and maps. But as then when i entered the office, I encountered an Oberstgruppenführer or a supreme group leader. For now i did the nazi salute and Inform something "Mein Oberstgruppenführer There is somehow a technical problem going on with the tanks, Although i got some appointments to do, commanded by the Fuhrer. I would remain here" I gulp and breath calmly and act like a General "As you wish, Gruppenführer. But I got some question for you, I've never seen you in this party before?, and you seem to be too young from becaming a Gruppenführer" "It- It-.... It's my formal leadership upon my mind" For now he left the office. Phew that was close.... For now i take some of the documents left on the desk and I focus on finding more documents, Intelligence, Planned Objectives and especially i take a book, because i like silent reading, Maybe this book will not bore me everynight. As then i hide it in my inner torso clothes, left a note and leave the office. For the reader who reads this note, Faildolf Shitler sucked. You can't sincerely find me, I am the one who will find you... - Hermann Fegelein Now i created topics that are full of lies, just to spy agaisnt this nazi empire. But as then when i went to the main core of the factory, I was curious from what's inside that generator, So i look upon the glass door and saw..... More like a Blue Orb to me. I became intrested with it, But I got another curious mind. How the hell did the nazis get this power? Well i must take it. As i open the door and go closer to the orb, I felt some electric shock in my body, But i don't care, I would just take the orb, get out of the factory, Run like hell and a profit.... Now i started to touch the orb, I can't believe that this orb electrifies me, The orb is somehow attached at my hands so i can't get it out. I heard an alarm sounding, but i still can't let the orb go because it is seemingly attached to my hands. I tried to struggle but it's no use It continues to electrified me, I can feel my pain going through my body. But as then the orb i touched became red. And begins to collapse like a dying star, Now i close my eyes thinking that this would be my end. But all the sudden, Everything goes black in my mind and my vision. It's been a while since Omega headed towards the factory, we are now back from where the last time we take a plan, But Omega is not back yet. I needed to be patience. To not bore myself, I somehow started a little Conversation upon Fluttershy. "So Fluttershy.... how did you met Omega?" Fluttershy slowly acted as usual and talks "Well.... for some reason... I just saw him carrying me, But my skin felt so hot that i didn't know what he has done to me" "Omega explained it to me that you were floating on a hot spring, unconscious. He tries to examine if you supposed to be dead or alive. So that Omega carried you and take you somewhere cold. As when you became conscious again you flipped out and try to struggle-" "And that means you were watching us, whole the time?" "Well yeah, sort of...." As then i saw her face point towards the Factory with a sad face. "Ohh.... I hope that he's okay" As then i saw an explosion in the factory. Did something just happened, to Omega? As the explosion affected the Factory, I saw a launched object at the sky, but somehow it's acceleration fades away and falls at the sky. I tell Fluttershy to follow me, Fly through the air to get closer from the one i saw. As i get closer, My mind became weird. But when i get to it's side, I saw it.... It was a stallion with a fancy hat. The stallion seem to have some several wounds, So i poke him in the face with my hoof, Now he opens his eyes and saw my face. I spoke with cosmic gentle upon him "Are you okay? Mister?" As then he spoked negatively "Who you calling Mister? Did you actually forgot my name? Rainbow Dash?" "I actually don't know you're Name, Mister" He facehoofed But as then he saw his own hoof, He literally freaks out with panic "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED! , RAINBOW DASH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!" So i touch his head to calm him down, but he still struggles. "Calm down, Mister" He spoke once again with fear "WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN!?! I NEED TO GET MY HUMAN BODY BACK-" I stop him from blocking his mouth, with my hoof. But first i must calm him down, so he can explain more freely I spoke very gentle to him "Just calm down, calm down, everything is fine....." He is now starting to calm down, I waited longer until he is now fully calm, and now i put my hoof away on his mouth. As then i continue "Just tell us what's you're name so that, I can re-assure you're status" "Now that you still didn't get my name. I'm you're satisfying companion..." I formally saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy gasp like that, But as then. They are both shocked about it. Rainbow Dash spoke. "Is that you, O- Omega?" "Yes it is literally me.... I don't know why i became a pegasus-" "You're a stallion" She replied Well that was misleading in my mind. But atleast the documents, books and other intelligents that i get is somehow unharmed. But i got a new problem, I became a stallion. Maybe that orb is rensponsible for this. But the orb is now perished, But i notice that Rainbow Dash is on top of me sitting on my Stallion Lap.... "Uhh Rainbow Dash? I find it embarrasing to me. For a feeling someone sitting on my Lap...." I saw Rainbow Dash blushing while she get's off my body. For now i stand, But I'm inconvenient from standing using my four hooves. But as then i would explain anything from the night, I need to replenish my mind so i can explain more freely. - End of Chapter - Arts Used: http://i.somethingawful.com/booklist/wallpapers/ratte_800.jpg