Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 29: Salt Expedition

"Ever get the feeling that some higher power is messing with your life just to see what will happen?"

It would still be an hour or more before the sun rose which was perfect for slipping out of the village unnoticed, when Shahid asked why the answer was simple: "To avoid any unwanted questions." But they were on a quest given by Nuru, that should waylay anyone's interests! At least until they figure out what the very large baskets were for.

While it had been clear no one really knew about the salt mine the risk remained that as zebra's talked the information would eventually trickle back to certain ears, ears whom they would rather avoid. As Verik had explained to them both: the sooner they were gone the better for there would be no one to ask questions nor get answers from.

Altayih had taken quite an interest in the bag of "presents" Nuru had given Verik to help them on the journey, nothing gained more attention however than the antidote. Many questions were asked and hypothesis given as to why Nuru had given them so much for only three. What ghastly creature waited? Perhaps it was merely infested with poisonous creatures and thus the mine had to be abandoned?

Whatever the answer was they would not find out immediately as her directions were quite exact. First they must travel north to a creek then cross and walk straight towards a series of distant hills and then from there the instructions got complicated.

There was no fear of getting lost however, they had been walking for two days and every marker had been found right where it was supposed to be. Things even improved on one day when Shahid got lucky and found some wild root vegetables growing but all attention was now turned to something else.

One day and a half was all it took before they realized they were being followed. Their pursuers were not terribly worried about being seen but they had no fire at night and kept a great distance between them.

Questions raced back and forth with few answers as they made wild guesses as to who was following them and why. Not the least of which was who sent them but that could be anyone and had it been Tendaji they would have most likely already been set upon.

Or maybe not.

Whoever they were it was quite impossible to make out any details from the distance but at the end of the second day Verik had an idea. Making a fire for the night they slipped off into the darkness and put a few extra miles between them then halted. Come morning they would make a turn, double back and climb a small hump they had purposely walked past.

Verik's hope was that they would follow their trail and walk right past them thus giving away who they were or at least giving them a chance to demand answers.

"Do you really think this will work?"

Verik did not look at Altayih, they all had their own part of the horizon to watch but it was a fair question that even got Shahid's attention.

"Read it in a book once and from my understanding many a pursuing party got wiped out with this tactic."

"If they do not?"

"Three of us and two of them, we have the only elevation and can see better than anyone. Now be quiet."

Was it fortune that the two zebra's were making no real attempt to hide? Whatever the reasoning was Shahid spotted them first as they followed the trail quickly trying to make up for lost time. Last nights little ruse no doubt tipped them off that the other party knew they were being followed but it still left the question: where were they?

Having doubled back on a new trail that was farther away it gave the two hunters little to work with and so long as they remained silent it just might work, and it did.

Walking below them on the false trail was one familiar face and one they had never seen before. Sabiwa was following behind an older zebra whom they had seen now and then but never actually met.

Altayih and Shahid stared at Verik waiting until he nodded before they all slipped out of their hiding spot and began following the other two. It did not take long before ears began to flick back picking up on the sound of hooves and boots crunching on the dry earth and growth. They quickly spun round to see what was behind them and then everyone froze, waiting.

Staring at each other it was clear for one side the jig was up, they had been caught and the older zebra was none the pleased about it either. Glaring at them he walked back and just stared for a bit before he approached and the distance was finally closed.

"Who sent you to spy on us? Sefu? Jelani? Zuberi? Tendaji..."

"Tendaji send me, Jelani make that one come."

Loyalties... Jelani sent Sabiwa because he at least knows us somewhat and is less likely to cause trouble I guess.

"Spying on us to see what we are doing or making certain that we do not "cause trouble" for Tendaji?"


"Good. You can help carry the baskets then! Also whenever we reach the mine Nuru is sending us to you can help clear out the deadly creatures."

Some concern marked both faces a moment as they tried to figure out if he was telling the truth or not.

"What deadly creatures?"

"Nuru wants some special crystals, she warned us about something with deadly poison and gave us a rather... Substantial shall we say? Quantity of antidote in case we get nailed by whatever it is or are... Probably a lot of them considering the quantity."

"Tendaji say follow nothing else!"

"Are you scared because of what might be there or because Nuru is the one who sent us?"

If a zebra could turn red with anger this one was damn well trying, his fur stuck out a little more and the look in his eyes were to kill.

"Not coward! Follow what Tendaji say!"

"Fine, but you are going to help and not just play cat and mouse. Lets go."

Ignoring the snarl from the angry zebra the trio walked off with Sabiwa grabbing one of the dropped baskets after hesitating a moment. Following them he quickly caught up leaving the other to trail behind them farther off also carrying a basket but with a look of indignation for doing so.

"Nuru send you? Why you sneak off then?"

Verik looked over at Sabiwa before explaining things and while the plan had not actually worked in the end... It was still worth a try to avoid a larger problem. Even with Nuru's blessing this little quest might make Tendaji blow his top, their distant follower who was listening on the other hand thought otherwise.

Then again, neither Sabiwa nor the other had any idea they were going to raid a salt mine, only Altayih, Shahid, Verik and Nuru knew that little detail. A detail Verik decided was better left unknown till the last second so they were not interfered with since Nuru's blessing may not be enough. The mine belonged to Fareed after all and Nuru was not the chieftain.

"So why did Jelani send you Sabiwa? Why not one of the others with more experience?"

"I asked, she say since I know you it better this way. Not have problems with you."


"Many enemies you make but also friends, everyone know about canal, make many, many happy. Many others not care, you still threat, mercenary, maybe turn on us. If canal work though you make more friends but many still hate you."

"I take it you are one who does not really care either way."

"Care much, you try to help and make things better but you still mercenary. They never to be trusted."

"Indeed. Mercenaries are the scum of the earth."

This seemed to take Sabiwa back a bit but Altayih and Shahid who were both "in the know" ignored the comment.

"You mercenary, why you say that about self and them?"

Should I trust this one with the truth? No, with that other set of ears not far off this would be better left unknown.

"Because it is true." Verik, in a lower voice that would hopefully go unnoticed by the other farther back added more. "Ask me when we are back in Wete and alone."

Reaching the salt mine had been boring as it only took another two days to reach it, with its discovery was also the reasoning behind its abandonment: no road, river and the terrain was too rough to make it worth the effort for this piddly amount.

That was not to say the salt mine was insubstantial by any stretch of the imagination but all the same its smaller size suggested profit issues. Neither was it actually abandoned though.

When they began to get closer it was decided it would be most wise to sneak forward just in case the mine was back in use. What they found was a single sentry and a small camp, the zebras who worked the mine were few and in a hurry to extract what they could and pile it up. A little farther off two small wagons were waiting to haul the salt chunks off to somewhere else, whoever they were this group was most certainly not working for Fareed.

It also meant explaining things to their two guests who were either curious or none to happy about being kept in the dark. However, as Verik pointed out, they might have tried to stop them but now it was too late.

"Wait or go?" Altayih stared at the mine while their argumentative follower stayed far behind content to simply watch.

"We go, they are not bandits either, too few weapons and I do not ever see a bandit getting their hands dirty mining such a small amount of salt."

"Two wagons would make a tidy little sum."

"Probably, but that is not why they are here I guess. Worn out wagons, tired looking oxen, one sentry and everyone else is busy mining... Looks like regular villagers. Maybe they do not have a salt mine and are here for the same reason we are... Lets go find out."

Leaving the baskets behind they waited till the sentry was elsewhere before closing in quickly to have a better look. Verik knew they had little hope of sneaking up on the sentry beyond what they had already done, it was best to just give it a go and see how close they could get before getting spotted.

And indeed they were spotted quickly enough after closing only part of the distance, the sentry began yelling and ran for the wagons while zebras popped from the open pit mine. Each ran for the wagons and began watching the new arrivals with a high degree of apprehension at this unwanted intrusion.

No one said anything either even after they closed the gap to simply standing within talking distance, everyone just stared back at each other guessing for the longest time.

"This mine belongs to Fareed." The quickest way of finding out who they were and what they were doing was to state the obvious and see how they reacted, Verik hoped they would try to lie their way out or make excuses.

"We have permission."


"Yes we-... Wait... You liar too! You have pick! Plan to steal salt too!"

"True but I wanted to be certain you were not working for Fareed first."

Realizing he had spoken too much in his haste and was a poor liar the zebra closed his mouth quickly as another jabbed him in the side and glared.

Pointing at the pile of salt they had already mined the stallion declared this pile was theirs and that they would have to mine their own. Having only one pick they took turns with Shahid going first then Verik and Altayih, their tag-along was quite upset despite Verik explaining Nuru had guided them here. Sabiwa on the other hand was left to keep watch with the other sentry as Verik wanted him to be able to claim that he "did not steal any salt."

He was splitting hairs but it would be true, he only watched after all.

It was also a trade of salt for crystals and since they were not allowed access to the Wete salt mine beyond his personal ration and that meant coming here. None the less this would not be kept quiet, not that anyone cared at this point, the mine was abandoned except for the occasional salt thief.

This lull also meant there was plenty of time for talking to the other gatherers as they spent their time working in shifts. Mining salt was deeply unpleasant and in this heat it was clearly hell, most of the water ration was burned through rapidly and all work had to stop while a team went to gather more.

As they talked back and forth, albeit with great suspicion, the two groups largely gave up suspecting the other would betray them as the day wore on. It also became clear very quickly as to where they came from not by their own admission but by the grump who tagged along to watch. This was a group of salt thieves from the Swadi tribe along the river, one that had the misfortune of not being allowed a large area to live on.

It also did not help that they lacked any access to salt what so ever as it was not something they could afford that meant stealing it. Most interest remained on them however, a gaggle of thieves from Wete that was made up of three mercenaries and two tribal warriors, though one was still in training.

Tajan, as his named turned out to be, was in charge of this little act of theft. Sickness was a serious risk in the tribe without salt and as he described what was goiters Verik could never blame them for stealing what they needed. The salt here had the iodine they needed though they had no idea what that was.

"So why Wete hire mercenary?"

"They did not, I simply live there and in exchange for helping with defense they put up with us, allow us housing and a food ration once in a while."

"Mercenary make lots of coin working for Fareed or merchants, why you stay then?"

"Personal reasons but also because I would rather see Fareed dead and while I was under the employ of one "merchant," it became quite clear that is not a life I want."

"Then you not mercenary."

"Maybe so, maybe not. Either way the deal works."

While a poor liar Tajan was not a fool either and from his constant gaze Verik knew he was not buying it, there was something else going on.

"So I take it Fareed's tax collectors keep you from purchasing salt, how often do they come anyway?" It was at least worth a try to change the subject but Tajan was not falling for it but he played along anyway.

"Twice year, come with ships and take away everything after harvest. Always demand more."

"And when you cant pay they take you away, yes?"

Tajan nodded, "yes they take villagers if we not able to pay enough."

"Slaves or conscripts?"

"Both, why you ask?"

"How big are the ships? How many are on them?"

"Answer first."

"Because I am curious."

"No, because you plan on pirating ships. Tell truth."

"You first. I know not all of this salt is for the village, if it was you would be caught. Two small wagons is still a lot to hide assuming this is just your first trip and looking at how organized you are... You have done this many times."

Tajan furrowed his brow before glaring slightly. "Yes. We sell to smugglers for food, your turn."

"I always liked the idea of taking a ship by boarding it and I have no love of tax collectors, especially Fareed's."

"So you pirate him?"


I am sounding like the Wete now...

"Ship normally have six slave, three guard and three who control ship with help of slaves. Come one week after harvest come in, load and then go straight back Alzamard."

"Any other tribes out your way or villages?"

"A few, two more on river most inland. You plan on taking ship... It in eyes."

"This coming from a horrible liar."

"True, but you still think it."

Verik shrugged, it was a wonderful prospect and considering what he was learning about the local governments it would not take much effort to seize one of Fareed's ships. After that all he had to do was get it into enemy territory via river and then sell everything. A tidy sum would be his earnings and maybe even offload part of the cargo for his own use.

"How many people pirate ships anyway?"

"On Sawan or Thriti? None. Fareed own bandits, they not dare touch anything that his. Other country have no ships, only rafts so they not touched either."

"Sounds like a rich hunting ground just waiting on a feeding frenzy."

Tajan snickered, "you ever raid Fareed ship, that I want to see, if he not catch you and skin you alive first!"

"Not if I get him first."

A bout of laughter was the response. As Verik looked around to see if the water team had returned he spied Altayih returning, he was quite busy chatting up a mare and smiling like a fool.

"Tajan... How does one contact the smugglers?"

"Look for sign, look like this." Scrawling quickly on the dusty and salty ground he marked out a symbol, "find that, ask, wait. They find you, make certain not trap."

"They buy and sell river boats?"

Tajan froze a moment before shrugging then stood and walked off, it was his turn in the mine, they had all taken a turn in the mines at this point in the day. Shahid was back inside swinging away while Altayih continued to talk to his newfound and seemingly romantic interest.

When all was said and done they waited till morning to leave, a deal had been struck that night as well: neither party knew anything about this. Still, a question was raised as to where the mercenary and his band would go next and after hearing it the other group took some interest.

Not that they had any idea what Verik was talking about of course but the antidote was of interest since it brought a degree of mystery and danger with it. Altayih remained the most forlorn about the departure and as they walked towards the river following the next set of directions he talked their ears off.

For a day he did nothing but irritate them all as he went on and on about this wondrous mare he had met, she was perfect, everything he hoped for. Verik reminded him he had known her for the whole of half a day, that was hardly something to base a life changing decision on.

Altayih still went on. One day, he vowed, one day he would go to their village and meet her again. He also asked in the same breath how often they were permitted to wander off on their own for private matters. There was no real answer to this as it never came up but he got one anyway: when things had calmed down and they were not at risk of starving nor having to live hand to mouth.

Reminding the love struck stallion that he was in no position to take care of a family did little either, he would find a way, somehow. Afterall, everyone else had found a way so why not him? Life was desperately short so why not give it a shot. Besides, Verik had Asha, so why not have a love interest of his own?

Waiting till they were properly settled and not riding a razors edge was the best Verik got him to agree to. He knew at some point soon Altayih would be asking to go on a "special trip" to Swadi, perhaps he could make it mesh with his own plans. Two birds, one stone.

None the less that would be off the books for the immediate future and they were all in agreement on that, especially now with the crystal issue rising up before them. No one had any idea what they were walking into but Nuru's directions were absolutely precise and within another day they arrived at an ancient, abandoned quarry.

What remained were the tall open pit walls marked with countless blows from picks and chisels that dropped down some four stories into the side of the ridge. Rubble was strewn everywhere and the ancient piles of useless shards were stacked tall in two great heaps that were mostly covered over in dust and brush.

Long ago someone had gotten rather sloppy as they continued to dig and left the place strewn with boulders, rubble and other debris. Also the walls had begun to crack over time allowing boulders to fall free to say nothing of the wind blowing in dust.

Some amount of water had collected in the far end as the quarry workers had dug at a slight angle causing it to just barely flood due to the water table seeping through over time.

All eyes looked forward and into the quarry scanning, searching for any sign of life or movement but found nothing. Whatever danger was here would hopefully remain out of sight and mind.

"Okay, Sabiwa stays on lookout while grump there watches the larger area. Altayih, Shahid, you two watch my back as I look for the crystals."

Nodding they followed him into the quarry carefully, their eyes continued to scan for snakes, scorpions or anything else that might jump out at them. At least they had spears and a sling, it was not much but the spears could stab a snake while remaining out of reach and the sling provided even greater range. Also with all the rubble there was no shortage of ammo either.

Among the other things brought along was a flimsy wicker shield Verik had wound up with long ago, it was thick enough he hoped it might just stop the fangs or stinger of something allowing him to get away.

Walking deeper they passed veins of quartz and other colorful crystal but none were what he was sent after. Deeper and deeper they wandered through the debris field without seeing anything for the longest time.

Persistence paid off when Verik spied the first grouping of crystal and moving them to it he quickly chiseled out what had been asked for then moved on. It took hours of wandering the quarry till the bag was half full and they were all now a little on edge.

Something was here or Nuru was toying with them. The sense of dread that hung in the air hinted at it not being a trick but very real and the deeper they went the greater the danger. There was no choice in the matter however as what they sought was deeper inside the quarry and as such they moved along with greater and greater care.

Sabiwa was a good distance away and never moved nor signaled that anything was wrong but eventually the sheer quantity of debris made having a sentry that far away utterly useless.



Shahid and Verik both spun quickly to where Altayih was standing, the Arabian stallion had jumped back and was standing on a boulder that had fallen into the quarry long ago.


Shahid and Verik stared at where Altayih was pointing with his spear and sure enough a small snake was coiled up, basking in the sunlight. Poisonous or not it did not matter, it was not going anywhere but if there were more of them hidden in the nooks and crannies it could make things very difficult. Especially if they all came out at the same time, they would be very hard pressed to find a way out without getting struck.

Ignoring him they continued to move deeper, Altayih now kept his spear leveled with the ground ready to skewer anything with scales.

"Over there, I found the last of it!"

Moving quickly Verik led them towards the glint of green crystal, this also marked the last of what was asked for and meant they could finally leave. Watching where they stepped to avoid any unwanted, slithering surprises they hurried into the deepest part of the quarry.

"This place could hide a million of the little bastards." Altayih poked at the shadows now and then, intent on not getting struck now that they knew what was living here.

Verik walked onward, pick in hand, shield in the other while Shahid carried the extra spear. The sooner they got done the better and hopefully before napping hour was over for the snakes.

Walking around a large boulder that had come loose from age, weathering and then had fallen into the quarry Verik rounded the bend and was promptly driven back and into the rubble. He stared at the immense fang that was stuck in the thick wicker shield as it dripped venom and eyes tracing up realized why Nuru had given them so much antidote.

Not a million little ones, no, just one great big one!

No one could have ever seen the monstrous snake hiding in the quarry, not in a million years. Its scaly hide was a perfect match to its surroundings rendering it invisible to anyone and having been coiled up around the bend there had never been any hope of seeing it.

But it had seen them. It had seen them, watched them, coiled up and waited with the patience only a reptile could have.

And now it more or less had a hold of him, the only thing that had kept the fangs from going straight into his chest was the shield. The same one Sefu had told him probably only had one use left in it and he had been right, that one use had come and gone but right now with that giant fang stuck in it the shield had a new use: keeping the snake occupied.

As Altayih and Shahid stared in utter fear and terror at what had just happened and thinking their captain had bought it they slowly began to react. Not by running but shouting in alarm to the distant Sabiwa before stabbing at the snake in a frenzy.

Ground down into the quarry floor in pain and probably with a few cracked ribs from the sheer impact Verik struggled wildly as his near assassin struggled to remove its fang. This was the last thing he wanted though for as soon as it came free the creature would strike again and this time it would most certainly be fatal.

Barely aware of the shouting and stabbing going on around him the snake lurched backwards into its coil dragging him with it, its giant slitted reptilian green eyes staring down at him. Shaking its great head in an attempt to dislodge the unwanted intrusion and baggage the great reptile began to flail him around as if he were nothing more than a feather.

Verik was the unwanted rag-doll that had gotten caught up in the spokes of a machine and as he slipped more and more while watching the sharp fang nearly caress his skin he did the only thing he could do, he leaned up with his free arm and drove the pick into the side of the snakes neck for leverage.

Blood seeped and the thrashing grew worse but with the leverage he kept the fang from scratching his arm and thus preventing it from getting any of the poison into an open wound. If one drop of the snakes copious amount of oozing venom got in him he would need that antidote and in a hurry.

Hanging on for dear life with one hand he freed himself of the shield as the snake finally tossed the wicker obstruction away. Grabbing onto the pick and trying to hoist himself onto the snake proved incredibly difficult as it began to bend and twist its body to free the pick and its attempted rider.

Below him Altayih and Shahid stabbed furiously into the snakes unprotected belly driving it insane with pain and rage. Eyes darting from one target to the next the creature sought a means of escape from its torment and with a lurch drove itself, Verik included, to the left.

This new impact on an already bruised body and a few cracked bones sent pain screaming through his side as it drove him into the rocks in the hopes of loosing one attacker. It had the opposite effect however as once the impact wore off Verik found himself in the perfect position to wrap his other arm around the snake and using his legs, straddle it.

Back in the air again he caught a glimpse of Sabiwa and grump charging in before freezing, they stood there gaping at the sight before charging in to join the frenzy below. Slipping and sliding on its smooth scales Verik tried desperately to hang on and was nearly sent flying when the snake coiled and lashed out again.

Altayih had been the intended target as the thrashing had thrown him like a rag doll but was saved by the snakes eagerness to strike. In pain, angry and being jabbed constantly it had simply lunged at the first target it could see. Thankfully for the chestnut Arabian it had been a miss, one that still sent him crashing to the stone floor again and sliding as the fangs missed but the body connected.

"The eyes! Go for eyes!"

Altayih shouted over the sound of debris flying in all directions and despite his own troubles Verik reached forward and drove one hand into the snakes eye. There was a great deal of resistance at first but it soon gave way to a feeling of wetness. This did nothing to make matters easier but with one less eye he hoped it would have a much harder time finding a new victim to strike.

Finally slipping onto the snakes back with legs locked tightly Verik freed the pick for a brief moment then drove it down again with all his remaining strength into the reptiles neck. He hoped and prayed it would strike the spine and as the thrashing continued he repeated his actions only this time higher and higher with each strike.

The last blow fell and he felt a jolt pass through the snakes form as it lurched one way before finally slumping down with a quiet thud. Everyone stared blankly at the corpse for an eternity before moving slowly forward with their spears till at the ready, no one was taking any chances, the least of all Verik who held the pick firmly in place.

"It dead?" Sabiwa walked around behind the head and poked the snake in the side awaiting a reaction that never came.

"It damn well better be, going to be a bitch to skin this thing if it aint."