Devours Dreams from a Distant Dimension

by Dirty Bit


Chapter 5

Dreadfully Determined Destiny

Luna opened her eyes to see that she was in her familiar and favored part of the dream realm, with the many dreams of her subjects brought about before her eyes. She smiled to herself knowing that they were sleeping well once again, but Luna remembered that she was going to find Darkrai so that the two could travel to the many lengths the dream realm had to offer.

She gave each dream in front of her eyes one last look for good measure before she decided to trot away to the more barren parts of the spacial ethereal background that made up of her surroundings. Luna stopped for a moment and she inspected what she would consider the boundaries of her area. She had the feeling that she was bound to this part, but she was willing to see if it were indeed possible to simply press on until the dreams of her ponies were out of sight. With that, the princess of the night went further on into the unknown and left her subjects' dreams behind.

Luna felt as if she were caught in a sadistic loop when she did not spot anything but the spacial background she resided in. There was not a dream in sight, and no sign of Darkrai anywhere. Luna sighed and looked around with a saddened expression "Have we been tricked?" She asked herself.

"No...You haven't."

Luna gasped and almost jumped and looked behind herself to see Darkrai floating with the tatters on its body flowing in the nonexistent breeze much like Luna's mane and tail. She was annoyed at how the pokemon had to startle her like that, but she remembered she did the same on Nightmare Night. Regardless, her new friend was here now, and that meant for Luna to enjoy the full possibilities of her realm. She smiled at Darkrai "It is good to see thee again after a long period of wait, Darkrai. How did thou fare whilst we were apart?"

Darkrai held up a claw as if it presented an item "I made sure to distance myself from Equestria's inhabitants while I waited for you to arrive...I've met several Zebstrika while you were away."

Luna tilted her head with a bemused glance "Zebstrika?"

Darkrai replied instantly "They're like your ponies, only striped...and surprisingly, these ones lack horns..."

Luna then came to a conclusion with a laugh "Oh, Darkrai. Art thou referring to the residents of the zebra kingdom? There art nary any Zebstrika in Equestria!"

Darkrai looked down in thought "I see..." It spoke in a curious tone and looked back up to face Luna "I was sure I've seen them before..."

Luna shook her head "Neigh, friend. Much like our ponies and Daedalus' griffons, the zebras are their own kind in Equestria as well. They are more in touch with nature than anypony in my world."

Darkrai nodded 'So they could be like Shaymin...' It then spoke "I think we have talked too long. Shall we be off on the many places I've seen?"

Luna remembered her reasons for being in the dream world and she beamed with vigor glimmering in her eyes "Yes! We shall!" She then flinched and calmed herself "Err, forgive our anticipation...Ever since our first encounter, my emotions lost control and we stirred from our slumber..."

Darkrai nodded "A wise choice, Luna. Also, no offense, but it is hard to keep track of your presence when using the term 'we' on a regular basis."

Luna sighed "Thou art not the first to deign the use of mine dialect. We have tried to speak with the common lingo used by the ponies of our time, and have still been practicing." She then smiled "But shall we be off? I wish to see what I have missed throughout my days in the dream realm."

Darkrai nodded again "Yes. Follow me so I can show you what I have seen throughout my travels." It began to float away and Luna trotted after it with controlled eagerness.

After a long period of wandering, the two dream masters came across several vortexes that came in different colors and sizes. Some often held two or more colors of their own as they swirled in a tantalizing vortex. Luna took in her surroundings and poked a hoof to her chin "Darkrai, what are these supposed to be? Do they lead to somepony's dreams as well?"

Darkrai looked around "These are portals that lead to other parts of the dream realm. There are many worlds affiliated with the aspect of dream, and where we stand could be considered one of many crossroads of those that are able to move freely through the subconscious..." It pointed a claw and slowly directed it back and forth "I am able to detect presences from the portals, though I cannot distinguish their exact appearances. I am also lucky to know these only act as gates so that I would not cause any harm. Some of them lead to different parts of time and space, possibly realities that transcend the barriers of dreams and converges into reality. As if you've never slept at all..."

Luna was awed by this explanation "Remarkable..." She whispered before she raised her voice "Wait! Did thou sayest that we could travel not only in different realities, but in different times as well!? Like both past and present?"

Darkrai turned to Luna "Almost anything is possible in the world of dreams, Luna. I have not come to know your power, but hopefully you could share with me bits and parts of yourself so that I can be more in touch with you."

Luna remembered her agreement and nodded "Yes, of course. We forgot that thou wished to know us better. Our power is indeed vast, but we prefer to direct our powers to certain scenarios of one's dream so that they are guaranteed a good night's sleep. But if what thou art inferring is true, then perhaps we could gather the knowledge of our arcane repetoire and place it to good use?"

Darkrai nodded "Quite so. Some dreams are meant to be nightmares, and certain creatures happen to cause trouble around here. I've had my share of battles in and out of this entire realm..."

Luna looked at the pokemon with an intrigued glance "Interesting..." She then turned to the slew of portals "So where shalt we set off first?"

Darkrai turned to a portal that swirled purple and red and pointed to it "I've been there recently...It will lead to a different world, and I am aware of one person that had nightmares even before I've gazed into his mind..."

Luna widened her eyes "Really? We should help him then! This is a cruel fate for somepony to be caught in endless nightmares!" The two dream masters then jumped into the portal and a flash occured before they found themselves in the same background as before. Luna looked around in bewilderment before she looked outraged "What is this? Did we not jump through the portal? Is this some kind of trick?"

Darkrai shook its head and directed Luna to look behind her. She saw the same red and purple vortex, but no other vortex was around. The pokemon then directed her to look forward as it pointed a claw "Up ahead. Do you see anything?"

Luna took a few steps forward and squinted her eyes to look farther so she could distinguish what was going on "I see...I see..." Her eyes widened when she noticed many lights with activity inside of them "Dreams! I see dreams up ahead!" Indeed she saw more dreams, only there were absolutely no ponies in sight. Instead, there were several bipedal figures with their own scenarios, some often comparing to those seen back in Equestria "What are these strange creatures?" She could have sworn she saw them before in a mint-colored pony's dreams.

Darkrai replied while it floated behind here "The creatures you see before you are known as humans...Rumored to have evolved from apes."

Luna was already fascinated, seeing how some wear clothing on a regular basis "Interesting...and most of them seem so friendly, too!" She could not be more enthralled in each dream in front of her. However, one particular dream caught her eye.

She beheld a glimpse of a male bipedal figure that wore shorts and had ram horns on his head. Clasped in one of his arms was a pillow, and he used it to fend off strange sheep similar to the bipedal figure himself. He was climbing what appeared to be a dipalidated tower composed mostly of gothic structures and movable blocks. His face was plastered with fear and uncertainty while he moved up the tower through each treacherous move.

Luna was shocked and jerked her head to Darkrai "Darkrai! That dream there!" She pointed to the nightmare up ahead "Was that the ominous nightmare thou were referring to?"

Darkrai nodded "Indeed, that was the one. He had been caught in it before I passed by here, actually...It would seem he is at a harsh struggle of sorts."

Luna turned back to the dream "Well we cannot just stand here! We need to help him! Can thy powers be restricted if you enter one dream and nopony elses?"

Darkrai looked away "I'm...unsure. Knowing the damage I have done to your world's dreams at a short distance, I cannot be certain if my power can be limited when I enter one's dream...I'm sorry."

Luna huffed in frustration "Well we cannot just stand here! Come, Darkrai! Our presence is needed!" She galloped forward towards the nightmare she had her sights on.

Darkrai was reluctant at first, but it applauded at Luna's devotion for protecting dreams. It only wished it could handle its power easily while it lingered in the dream realm. After a short moment of contemplation, it decided to follow Luna as it floated after her.

When they were close by, some of the dreams near Darkrai began to take horrible turns, grabbing Luna's attention as she went faster "Hurry, Darkrai! We musn't disturb the peace!"

Darkrai did as it was told and picked up the pace to where it and Luna were traveling side-by-side at a fast pace. Soon, they reached the desired nightmare and jumped into the scenario.

The dream's background was horrid. It resembled a desolate quadrangle with stained glass and several blocks of ice on a strange tower that floated in the middle of the room. The entire room chilled to the bone with its low temperature. Halfway up the top was the strange horned figure climbing his way up. Luna and Darkrai glided towards him, but suddenly, Luna's wings disappeared, causing her to scream and fall.

Darkrai saw this and noticed some growth under itself. Before it could escalate, the pokemon quickly flew down to save Luna as it began to lose its own flight mysteriously. It then noticed they were near one of the blocks on the very bottom and quickly grabbed onto the edge with one claw while it held Luna with the other. Luna gasped and stared down into the black abyss while she was being held.

Darkrai struggled "H-Hang on, Luna..." It said with strain in its voice as it swung its arm and slung Luna onto the top of the block. When she was safely on the block, the pokemon lifted itself and caught its breath.

Luna did the same and then she smiled and hugged Darkrai "We thank thee, Darkrai! Thou hath saved us from this sudden occurence!" She savored the embrace, but then she looked shocked "Darkrai! What hast happened to thy body!?" She pointed down to the pokemon's lower torso.

There were two needle-like extensions that formed on the bottom of Darkrai's body, and they bent as they lifted it up "There is nothing to fear, Luna. This is normal..." He waved a claw on the extensions "These merely serve as my legs for when I feel incapable of flight." It looked around with its jade eye "Namely at a time like this...I've never seen a nightmare so cruel before..."

Luna looked around as well until she looked back at her own midsection "To be robbed of flight...This really is a nightmare!" She then looked up to see the climbing figure press on "But we musn't tarry here! That human up there needs our help! Let us make haste, Darkrai!" The two went to go after the human, and were lucky enough to see some blocks laid out in a climbable pattern.

The two dream masters suffered greatly on the way up. Some of the blocks were unable to move while others fell inconveniently while they suggested moves to make when they were at an impasse. They noticed one of the strange sheep slip off of an ice block on the edge and fell into the darkness below. Luna shuddered at the sight and tried to move on without making any mistakes.

Soon enough, Luna and Darkrai managed to catch up with the human while he was close to the top. The princess of the night called out to him "Hello up there! Dost thou require aid!?"

The human looked down and noticed the two dream masters with widened eyes "What the hell!? When did my nightmares involve ghosts and ponies?" He spoke in a bemused tone. They were certainly not the sheep he had ran into throughout his trials.

Luna called up again while the two made their way up "Do not fret! We only wish to help thee through thy horrid nightmare!" When she got close to the human, he held out his pillow in a defensive stance. She reeled back with widened eyes "Wait! We do not wish to harm thee!"

The human grunted "Bullshit! Sometimes I have to deal with some of these guys trying to take me down! What makes you so different other than your appearance!?" He kept a firm grip on his pillow. Though it did not seem threatening, it was still a good weapon in this dream.

Darkrai joined Luna behind her and spoke "We are not your enemy. This may seem strange, but we want to ensure that you make it past this nightmare." It spoke in a neutral, but comforting tone.

The human raised an eyebrow "And I'm supposed to believe you just like that? How do I know you aren't lying to me right off the bat?"

Luna nodded "It is wrong to endure such harmful nightmares like this! We may not know each other, but please, let us help you!" She looked at the human with sad eyes.

The human lowered his guard with a quizzical glance "You're serious?" He then looked away "Well, then again, I've helped some of the sheep I ran into..." He muttered before he snapped out of his thought and turned to the two dream masters "But this is different! My life is on the line here along with the others!" He then went back to climbing forward as he shifted a block and repeated the process when he elevated.

Luna was baffled at the humans word "Thy life? What kind of twisted nightmare dost thou reside in!?" She and Darkrai followed after him while they talked.

The human sighed "Some kind of weird curse ever since I've been dating this girl..." He then perked up "Wait a minute..." The human stopped climbing and pointed at Luna "YOU'RE a girl! Who are you? What are you!?"

Luna halted her own advance to introduce herself "Our name is Princess Luna of Canterlot! And what shalt we call thee, human?"

The human paused with a look of indescribable bemusement before he brushed it aside to return the courtesy "Vincent. Vincent Brooks. But you being here doesn't answer my question!"

Luna raised an eyebrow "Art thou referring to our gender?"

Vincent nodded "Yeah. Ever since I came to this place every night, there was nothing but men looking like sheep to me! They usually think the same way!"

Darkrai looked around the quadrangle "Is this area linked to the others somehow? By some higher power?"

Vincent grunted "I'm not exactly sure, but I gotta keep moving! I don't wanna die when I have to find out so many things!" He continued his advance and Luna and Darkrai followed suit.

The trial was grueling, but with the combined teamwork of the trio, they managed to reach the top where they noticed a handle dangling on a chain. Luna and Darkrai were confused at the sight, but Vincent only beamed in joy "Alright! I made it!" He jumped up and pulled on the chain, and several blocks magically appeared in a stairway pattern to which the human climbed. Luna and Darkrai did not hesitate to follow shortly after.

Soon, they found themselves at a landing that appeared similar to a chapel seen at a church, complete with pews and chiming bells. Luna looked around to see many sheep of different shapes and sizes stand or sit around 'We cannot be certain if this is peaceful, foreboding, or both...'

"Does it trouble you?"

Luna turned to Darkrai when she heard it speak "Well, this DOES seem like a sanctuary...but dost it mean that this nightmare as reached its zenith?"

Vincent looked ahead "Only one way to find out..." He turned to Luna and Darkrai "You guys do what you want. I gotta talk to some of these sheep and get moving."

Luna was taken aback "But what about thee, Vincent? Won't you need our aid as well?"

Vincent shook his head "I'd gladly take you along for safety and security, but I think these trials were meant for my own survival. I wouldn't want you guys dying because of me."

Luna went to speak, but was stopped by Darkrai, who held out a claw for her. It then nodded to Vincent, to which he returned as he walked off and went to socialize with the other sheep. Luna sighed "Darkrai, we cannot fathom this situation..."

Darkrai turned to Luna "What do you mean?"

Luna faced Darkrai with a befuddled face "We claim to be in Vincent's dream, but not only are others involved, all of their lives are at stake! Who could be responsible for all of this!?"

Darkrai looked down "I am not certain, though my theory on a higher power still stands. All we can do now is support Vincent until the end of his dream."

Luna nodded "We suppose thou art right. At least perhaps we know that he is safe for now." She looked over to see Vincent walk into a booth and was somehow chatting with another voice. She tilted her head when she noticed two chains dangle in front of him and startle him. He went with the one on his right, and after a small moment, the curtain to his booth closed and said booth was hoisted up by a metallic cherub. She widened her eyes and galloped to where the booth once stood as she looked up "Vincent! Wait!"

Darkrai walked towards Luna "I believe this is where we must part ways, Luna. Vincent is away from us now. Shall we be off?"

Luna looked up before she looked down "So long as we know that he can suffice. But where should we go to-" She noticed the scenario around her getting blurry and obscured and felt unsettled "next? Darkrai, what is happening!?" She darted her head around in confusion.

Darkrai did the same "I think his nightmare has reached its end. But it doesn't seem right..." It looked around "Normally if one's dream ends, there would be nothing but a blackened void, but the scenery is beginning to change..." True enough, the scene of the strange landing was replaced with a scene containing yet another tower coming into good contrast.

The two dream masters found themselves at the start of it and Luna felt more confused "Where are we? Another tower?"

Darkrai went to answer, but he noticed a familiar booth being lifted onto the tower's left side. The curtain moved to reveal Vincent strolling out with a stoic face before it turned into a startled one "What the-" He shifted his glances between Luna and Darkrai "How did you two get up here!?"

Luna stared back with the same expression "Our guess is as good as yours!"

Darkrai looked down in thought "Or is it?" Luna and Vincent looked at the pokemon as it stated another theory "This may be one-sided, but we have jumped into Vincent's subconscious in order to arrive here..."

Vincent was even more confused "Wait, what!?"

Darkrai continued "So when we saw the others as sheep, we were only getting a glance at Vincent's point of view...Add to the fact that we've met him up to this particular tower, we appear to be linked to Vincent's mind in a way, observing his endeavors before he truly wakes up..."

Luna was impressed with the explanation and agreed with a nod. She was not one to doubt Darkrai's logic. Vincent, however, had his jaw dropped "Okay okay, so let me get this straight...Both of you aren't from around here? Then where the hell are you fro-"


The trio was startled by the new deranged feminine voice and looked around before they followed Vincent's glance on the darkness below "Wha...That can't be...K-Katherine!?"

Suddenly, at the call of the name, a large figure jumped out of the darkness and caused the trio to do the same out of surprise. It was feminine by appearance, but was also as deranged as its voice. Its body and face were both severly mangled just like the wedding dress it wore, and it held a cake knife adorned with flowers and covered in blood. The only weird appearance was the glasses, but it did not matter when the figure let out a fit of crazed laughter.

Vincent and Luna stared in shock at the sudden appearance, and the human found his voice despite his fear "A wedding dress!?"

The one called Katherine raised its knife and whispered loudly "No escape..." It leered at Vincent with its beady red eyes.

Vincent only stared back with his widened eyes as he held his right arm out in a halting motion while clenching a pillow with his left "Wha...!? Hold on, calm down now!!"

End of Chapter 5