//------------------------------// // VI // Story: Devours Dreams from a Distant Dimension // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Dodging Drastic Doom Vincent wasted no time in sprinting for the nearest gap and climbing up a short path before pulling out his first block to pave his own way. Luna and Darkrai watched him and followed the path he made for himself. "The Doom's Bride has appeared. It's a killer. Do not die." The strange new voice confused Luna, but she ignored it for the sake of Vincent's survival. She and Darkrai helped the human pave the way to freedom while the scary bride climbed her way up and swung her knife arm "Traitor!!" She bellowed as she climbed her way up. Luna conjured her horn and pulled another block out of the way for Vincent when she spotted a good path "Vincent, this way! Quickly!" She was happy to see the human comply without hesitation. Darkrai followed after him and Luna joined the two upward. The Doom's Bride roared as the trio distanced themselves "Where are YOU going!?" She then opened her mouth wide and a stream of artic winds shot up into the air. After that, small avalanches made their way down certain blocks that convinced the group to halt their advance. They moved out of the way when they were near one of them, but quickly continued their ascension after it subsided. Luna looked up to see more blocks form and held an expression of desparation "If only we could lift thee to the very top!" Vincent pulled out another block and climbed on top of it "We're doing that already! C'mon, you two!! We gotta hurry up!!" The trio continued climbing while more block clusters fell and added to the tower. The Doom's Bride did not let up while they made their way up the tower as she swung her knife again "Trying to escape your responsibility!?" She only climbed further up after them. Luna felt unnerved at the monster's pace and she looked down to see Darkrai stop climbing "Darkrai! What art thou doing!? We must press on for Vincent!" Darkrai stared down at the approaching monster and it held out its claws as spheres of dark energy appeared in his palms. It then rasied its claws and swung them as it launched both spheres at the beast one at a time. They both collided with the monster's face and elicited a pain roar from her and stopped her movement for a short moment. Luna saw in shock "Thou would confront the monster!?" Darkrai looked up at Luna "We need to do whatever it takes to ensure Vincent's survival. I shall aid him in any way no matter what the danger..." It then jumped onto another block when the Doom's Bride went to stab him with her knife. Luna was touched at Darkrai's commitment. This only proved that even if it were born to spread nightmares, it was not evil at all. She took in Darkrai's courage and joined at a step above it. She wondered if all of her power was not taken in this nightmare, and her horn glowed as she fired a beam at the Doom's Bride, causing her to stop again and roar in pain. Luna smiled "Yes! It is working!" Vincent pulled out and climbed another block. When he noticed he was by himself, he looked down at Luna and Darkrai and was shocked "What the hell are you two doing!? Get away from her before she kills you!!" Luna and Darkrai jumped up two more blocks when the Doom's Bride regained movement and went to stab at them again. Luna looked up at Vincent "Do not worry for our safety, Vincent! We have battled before, and we only want you to wake up!!" Darkrai looked up as well "We'll meet you at the top! Don't stop for us!" Luna and Darkrai continued climbing and dodging the Doom's Bride while stopping her with their power. Vincent stared down for a moment before he shook his head and grunted in frustration 'Can't believe they somehow end up as part of my nightmare...and to help me? That's unbelievable!' He made another stairway for him to climb 'But they really are something to help me out like this...' Darkrai and Luna continued fending off the Doom's Bride, and they noticed the progress Vincent was making. Darkrai turned to Luna "We have to move up. Let's go!" Luna nodded and the two dream masters went up the path that was made by Vincent. The Doom's Bride roared in anger at the trio's distance "Nothing but a lying asshole!!" She opened her mouth and let off another stream of artic wind, startling Luna. Luna jerked her head up to see a small avalanche make its way near Vincent and she called out in fear "Vincent! Watch out!!" It was too late. Vincent was hit by the small stream of snow and was knocked down a few levels. He was able to move away from it before it could carry him further. Darkrai grunted "Luna. We'll have to ignore the monster and bring Vincent back up." Luna nodded with a determined glance "Very well! Let us make haste!" The two then jumped up the blocks near Vincent's level and the trio banded together to climb their way up. They had trouble when some of the blocks were icy, but Vincent quickly gave them the hint to hang along the edges to avoid slipping. They were doing so well that they were far from the Doom's Bride, who performed a different attack while their distance was great "I won't ever forgive you!!" She shouted before the attack was executed. Suddenly, an powerful icy whirlwhind formed around the tower and pried out some of the lower blocks as they swirled up towards the trio. Vincent was climbing, and his eyes went wide when he noticed one of the blocks going for him "Holy crap!!" When he hung on the right edge of the tower to avoid the block as it collided with the tower and was destroyed. Luna and Darkrai had to do the same when they noticed more blocks coming in. The princess of the night felt flustered by this new attack "Whatever shalt we do!? She is not going to let up on us!!" Luna was then startled by the distant sound of a chiming bell. Vincent heard it as well and stopped for a moment before he continued at a faster pace "C'mon! Not too much far now!! We're almost there!" He made another path for him and the others and climbed up with vigor. Luna and Darkrai shared a glance before they followed him, dodging some flying blocks all the while. They were all surprised to see a mysterious door sitting on the top of the tower. Around it were several ice blocks, but that didn't stop Vincent. He was able to make himself a stairway and did not hesitate to climb up and finally reach the door with a cheer "I made it!" The two dream masters joined Vincent as he went to open it, hoping that they have ensured he was away from the nightmare for good. While he opened the door, the human spoke in a slightly tired tone "I gotta get outta here..." The door creaked open to reveal a sliver of brightness that grew more intense as it opened all the way "Or else the bride from hell...She'll pop up...right behind me!" The trio covered their eyes from the light, but were startled when they heard the monster's voice "I'll kill you..." Vincent turned around with widened eyes "I knew it!" He and the others reeled back when the Doom's Bride flew up to their level and raised her head to the sky to let out more crazed laughter. Needless to say, Vincent was afraid as he stared at her with indescribable fear "Just stop it! Katherine!! The Doom's Bride directed the sharp end of her cake knife at the group "I won't let you escape..." She whispered as she went to attack. Vincent stood still in fear "Ahhh!! F-Forgive me!!" The Doom's Bride only responded with even more crazed laughter Luna and Darkrai braced themselves for a fatal struggle as they stared down the monster, but the two were taken by surprise when the light from behind the door began piercing the Doom's Bride in her stomach. She staggered before she flailed about and screamed in immense pain while the bright light continued to pierce her and make her disappear. Soon, she was gone completely. Vincent stared ahead before he looked sad "Katherine..." He then picked himself up as he stomped on the ground "No! No, this is just a nightmare!" He then took a deep breath as he went for the door "All right...I survived another night!" Luna turned to Vincent "So thou hath conquered the nightmare then?" Vincent had his hand on the knob "For now. I still got a long way to go from here. But hey, thanks for the help, you two." He turned to Darkrai "I didn't really catch your name either..." Darkrai placed a claw on its chest "I am known as Darkrai. It was a pleasure to protect you from this nightmare..." Vincent gave a grateful smile to the two before he looked away "Look, I appreciate the help and stuff, but I don't want you guys to suffer because of me..." Luna tilted her head at Vincent "Dost thou wish to endure these horrid nightmares by thyself? But how will-" Vincent looked down "Technically, while there are plenty of people involved in this thing, this is something I have to do on my own. You guys aren't from around here, so you won't understand..." He looked up at them "But thanks again for helping me out. I can handle the rest from here..." Darkrai stared "Very well. We respect your choice in the matter and wish you the best of luck." The pokemon turned to Luna "Right, Luna?" Luna felt disheartened to have Vincent go about his nightmares all alone, but admired his courage as she smiled and nodded "Yes. Thou must perservere through this series of unfortunate events! If thou art in dire need of assistance, hopefully we'll be around to aid thee!" She held out her hoof for a hoof-to-handshake. Vincent did just that with a warm smile "Looking forward to it. I'll see you later maybe..." He then went through the door as it gave one last flash of light before closing. Soon enough, the scenery around Luna and Darkrai faded to black and Luna's wings reappeared onto her back while Darkrai's legs receded back into its lower torso. The two then made their way out of the darkness and looked to see many of the dreams around them fade to black as well. Luna was startled to think Darkrai's power was taking effect and she nudged the pokemon to follow her away from the dreams. When they were at a safe distance, she noticed the dreams continue to fade away "What is this?" Darkrai looked around "Perhaps it is dawn in their world...The humans are waking up to the morning for a new day." Luna perked up "Morning!? Oh dear, how long hath we-" Darkrai comforted Luna with a claw on her shoulder "Morning for them...We cannot be certain if it is the same time around Equestria or my world..." Luna sighed and regained her composure "Yes...yes of course! Where shalt we go next then, Darkrai?" She turned to her new friend with a smile. Darkrai stared back with its piercing eye "Perhaps we could make things interesting and view a spot neither of us are familiar with?" Luna nodded "Sure! Lead the way?" The two then set off back to the vortex they jumped in and found themselves back at the crossroad of portals. Luna looked around and poked her chin with a hoof "So many decisions and so little time..." She viewed each one with a calculating glance until she stopped on a luminescent vortex that was the exact color of her eyes "Darkrai...How about this one?" Darkrai noticed the portal and hummed "I haven't been there before..." It floated closer "I detect presences, but they do not appear to be dreamers..." Luna smiled "Perhaps there are more dream monitors like ourselves beyond that gate! Let us proceed so that we may socialize!!" She jumped through without hesitation. Darkrai stared at the vortex for a moment "Luna...You must really favor new experiences..." It then jumped through after her to discover another world. End of Chapter 6