Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun)

by Alex Warlorn

Session 88

Session 88.0 Alex Warlorn

Spoilers for Skylander Academy Season 3

In an alternate reality, a couple times removed from this one, and may a few years down the line, a single mother came home to find her daughter on the couch binging NetStable.

"And how are you dear?" On the table were figurines with computer chips inside to unlock characters in an online video game called 'Pyro’s Skyland Acadamy', including a purple dragon, and a black and silver recoloring of the same character, which Fluttershy knew was her daughter's main.

The show Fluttercruel was watching happened to be a TV adaption of the game, ironically giving the titular character more screen time than the game itself.

The young child looked like her mother, but with grayer yellow skin, and her pink hair was darker and more wild, and her eyes, Sunset had given her a pair of glasses to make her eyes appear normal in public so people stopped asking awkward questions over and over.

"Meh! You remember how I told you the writers went with something daring by turning Pyro evil at the end of the second season?"

"Yes dear." Fluttershy had listened to her daughter's long rambles about the show including plot points and myth arcs.

"Well, they kept him as Shadow Pyro for 11 episodes out of a thirteen episode third season... And as he worked undercover for the villains among his friends he was slowly learning to be good again."

"That does sound interesting dear," Fluttershy said, sitting down next to her child.

"Yeah, doesn't it? By the end he begins subtly defying his master in spite of having all the good sucked out of him! Even when the villain gives him a 'booster shot' to 'reset' him back to pure evil, he still can't kill his best friend and tries to throw away the macguffin the villain needed! Which ironically is what cause it to open! ... But then the heroes had figured out what was going on, knocked him out, and figure out a potion to 'remove the darkness'. Which splits him into his good and evil sides! But he NEVER GOT BACK his original good side! Which means the new normal Pyro was Shadow Pyro's own good side! And Shadow Pyro became a cliche baddie without his good traits he'd grown on his own! And he and Pyro fight, and he's blown up! ... " Fluttercruel hugged. "And nobody grieved for him... Not the heroes, the bad guys didn't even acknowledged anything had happened to him." Fluttercruel hugged herself, shivering.

Fliuttershy saw some more of her daughter's toy figurines on the shelf. Including one of the dark counterpart to the angel hero of a Pretendo game, who in the end had become less evil and more rude and stubbornly independent.

Another of a custom ordered action figure from online of the robot copy of a speedy blue hedgehog who in the comics only had developed his own name and identity before the comic was rebooted and canceled and rebooted again.

And a figurine of the rival from the Hearts' Kingdom game, in his darkness costume, used by his clone who had appeared in only a hand held 'inter-quel?' 'mid-quel?', having been born and died inside the tower the game took place in.

Fluttershy hugged her. "Well, I see one split off darkside that's stay good after gaining her own form... And I know plenty of people who'd grieve if something happened to her."

"... Thanks mom." Fluttercruel leaned into her.

Session 88.1 Alex Warlorn and ItsFromPeople

(Continued From Session 16.22 Mtangalion)

Gilda said, "Well my country could desperately need some support. Ugh... But never tell anypony, anydragon or anygriff about this!"

Shining Armor replied, "Of course!"

Spike asked, "Why not let others know how much you have done for those griffs?"

Gilda snorted, "Then they'll expect it next time from me again. No, thanks."

Shining Armor grinned. "Don't worry, we won't tell anybody how much of a good person you actually are."

Gilda added, "Also! Grabby Grabby Griffins is only not speciesist if WE produce and sell it!"

"That's... reasonable I guess."

Spike asked, "You're okay with that?"


"I'm not Pipsqueak, he's playing another one-on-one O&O pirate adventure with Princess Luna."

"-when a griffin dies, and they managed to get buried, they're buried clutching two gold coins in both claws, and that night, half of Griffinstone goes out to the graveyard with a lantern and shovels."


Session 88.2 Ardashir

"AHHH!" Twilight zapped yet another zombie griffon as it chased after her. "Students! Field Trip is canceled! Save yourselves!"

All over Griffonstone, angry undead griffons chased their living descendants, all yelling the same thing: "Gimme back my bits, ya crooks!"

Below her the Student Six fought back to back against the angry undead.

"Yeesh, Gallus!" Smolder incinerated one zombie. It went up in a puff of fire and feathers. "Did you HAVE to go 'treasure hunting' in the cemetery?"

"Aw, pipe down," he called to the dragoness as he tried to outrace an angry undead catbird chasing him. "You were the one who asked me, 'what do griffons do for fun around here'?"

"B-but robbing the dead?" Ocellus said from where she stood, currently in the form of a large bear.

"Hey, this whole town is pretty dead!" Gallus said back, sweeping his arms out.

Everything and one across Griffonstone froze to glare at him.

Gallus just sniffed. "Yeah, when Discord says it, then it's funny."

Session 88.3 Kendell2

"Okay, so explain this whole thing again?" Applejack asked, playing Manecraft with Twilight.

"Okay, so the Nether and Overworld have an interesting quirk: for every eight blocks traveling through Overworld you're only travelling one block through the Nether. So if you travel 100 blocks in the Nether, you're traveling 800 blocks in the Overworld," Twilight explained. "This means if you build a Nether portal in the Overworld but don't go through it, then build another at a different location, go through the Nether to that location in the Nether and build another portal, you can control where that portal spawns, but more importantly, you can effectively create a short cut through the Nether that only takes 1/8th the time to travel than going through the Overworld," Twilight explained, using informative illusions.

Applejack had a Desert Village that was extremely far from her home and turning it into a short walk was extremely appealing...so she took the coordinates and had Twilight do the math (divide each by 8) and built a Nether Portal beneath her base, and started towards the coordinates...

And was instantly reminded why the Nether was the Nether when a few blocks in lava started pouring down on her and she died.

And it also poured around her portal, making fixing that problem far more dangerous than she'd hoped, especially when for some reason placed blocks from inside the portal didn't set right.

After that, things where largely uneventful as she tunneled towards the coordinates, thankfully being in a tunnel with no Ghasts, until the time came to dig down to match the Y Axis...

"Wait a sec..." Applejack said, listening and hearing a familiar sound. "Blazes? Must be near a Nether Fortress...well, that saves meh some trouble later..." she muttered, and continued making her staircase...until she fell into the chamber with the Blaze Spawner and was surrounded by them. "HORSEAPPLES!"

One frantic building session later, she finally made it to the location...and realized that she'd forgotten the Obsidian for the portal and had to run back and get it before she finally linked the portals, finding herself in the Desert Village.

"Yah'd better appreciate that..." said Applejack, staring at a villager.

"Hmmm?" replied the villager, simply standing there and staring at her.

OOC: My first experience trying to make a Nether shortcut.

Session 88.4 Kendell2

"Wow..." said Sunset, her ingame self standing in Wallflower's Rainbows and Crystals house.

Which was essentially a gigantic garden with basically every flower known in the game. "So that's why you needed help finding all those kinds of flowers..."

"Too much?" Wallflower asked sheepishly.

Sunset smiled. "There's no such thing as TOO MUCH in this game. That's what makes it fun..." she said with a smile. "Besides, have you SEEN Pinkie Pie's house?"

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" typed Pinkie Pie as her character road the Ferris Wheel...and had basically made her entire house an amusement park shaped like a house.

"This is all about fun," Sunset replied, noting Wallflower's character was bright, colorful, and distinctive. Not garish, mind you, but clearly someone you wouldn't forget seeing.

"Thanks..." said Wallflower, giving a small smile. "I know there's some underwater flowers added in the latest update, want to dive down and get some for my pond?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, I want to get some Sunfish for my aquarium."

The two put snorkels on their characters (which somehow let them dive down deep). There was no drowning mechanic, if they ran out of air, their character simply automatically surfaced, but somehow a snorkal was all they needed.

Diving down, they found the underwater area had been heavily added to, being far more breathtaking and beautiful...coincidentally in tandem with the snorkal update.

As the two found the flowers and Sunset's sunfish...and also a tidal area that neither could cross.

"...Hmm...I wonder what that's all about..." Sunset said...then just smiled as Wallflower was actually SMILING and HAPPY having fun with a friend. "Questions for later..."

Session 88.5 Mtangalion

Headmare Twilight was just about to begin her first afternoon class of the day, Oubliette Mastery 101, when the classroom door flew open. Applejack barged in, gasping for breath. “Sorry to interrupt, Twi, but we’ve got a serious situation!”

Spike left yesterday’s homework papers on the desk and flew over. “Whoa, take it easy! What’s the matter?”

Garble, who was only there because Dragon Lord Ember had commanded him to attend classes “to make him a better ambassador,” elbowed Smolder in the next seat over. “I bet she ran out of cider and can’t find another bottle!” Without changing her bored expression, Smolder seized the offending elbow and pinched it hard. “Ow, jeez! Lighten up!”

Twilight nudged her friend reassuringly. “Just tell me what the problem is, AJ.”

Applejack sighed. “It was those varmints, Flim and Flam. They swindled the Golden Horseshoe Gals into spending their whole club budget on some kind of 'dragon longevity' potion. Ah warned ‘em it might do anything, but they tried it out and…”

The door banged open again, and four large healthy *dragonesses* squeezed through, each of them about twice the size of a pony, with smooth glossy scales, excellent muscle tone, and shapely curves. Their leader, the apple-green dragoness with pale gold fins, and orange swept-back horns that matched her pupils and wings, roared “Ah ha! So this is where ya ran off to, Applejack!”

“Granny Smith?!” exclaimed Twilight. Her eyes grew wider as she looked at the rest of them one by one… lime green scales with purple fins, peach with pink fins, bronze scales with green fins… “Auntie Applesauce? Apple Rose?! Goldie Delicious!?”

Most of the students bolted out of their seats and moved towards the back rows to get further away, but the three dragons who were actually supposed to be dragons stayed where they were… Smolder scowled, while Garble gawked, rubbed his eyes, and gawked some more. Spike gaped at them open-mouthed, still hovering in the air, until Twilight noticed and closed his mouth with a hoof, before anything flammable could drip onto the carpet.

AJ groaned. “Granny, Ah told ya to stay put! You can’t go getting all excited, especially in your condition.”

“My condition?” retorted Granny. “Fiddlesticks!” She struck an energetic pose and breathed a column of fire which barely missed the ceiling. “Ah haven’t felt this good in fifty years!”

“That’s because an elderly pony is still only a young adult in dragon years,” said Twilight, somewhat dazed. “I can’t believe that Flim and Flam actually invented something potentially useful…”

While Granny Smith and Auntie Applesauce argued with Applejack, Goldie Delicious tromped across the classroom and stopped in front of Garble. “Hey there, handsome.”

Garble blinked, then slowly turned a full 180 degrees in his chair to confirm that there were no handsome dragons standing behind him. “Me?” he asked, pointing at his chest.

“Well, who else, sugar?” said Goldie, leaning closer.

“He does look like a mighty fine catch!” said Apple Rose, joining her.

Smolder’s forehead twitched. “You… girls haven’t seen a lot of guy dragons, have you?”

Garble grinned slyly and waved a paw, trying to shush her. “Tell me more about how handsome I am, ladies…”

They were just about to snuggle up to Garble, when Twilight suddenly teleported him across the room. “Fair warning, ‘handsome.’ Those four dragons? They usually look like this.” She created a magical image of four elderly mares.

Garble cringed, his crimson scales looking a little green. “Wait, you mean… I could have been kissing that…” He pointed at the pouting dragonesses. “And suddenly the potion or whatever wears off and they turn back into this!?” He waved his limbs frantically. “Nope! Pass! I’m outta here!” He flew out of the classroom at top speed.

“He’s getting away!” cried Auntie Applesauce. “First one to catch him gets to ask him on the first date!”

At that very moment, Sludge rushed into the classroom, panting harder than Applejack had been. “Ladies, ladies! Why settle for the Overbite Kid when you can have a real dragon, like… whoa, hey…” Granny Smith, Auntie Applesauce, Goldie Delicious bowled Sludge over and walked all over him in their haste to chase after Garble. “Oh, the pain, the pain! I’ll need to be nursed back to health… should only take… another month or two…”

Applejack chased after them… though at least she said “‘Scuse me, pardon me!” and didn’t step on Sludge, at least not on purpose.

Spike was startled by Apple Rose scratching his head fins. “If they can’t change us back, call me in ten years, cutie!” She winked slyly, then rushed after the others, trampling Sludge one more time. “Now, how do we fly again...”

Spike fluttered to an ungraceful landing, staring after her. “Buh… buh…”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you saving yourself? You know, for Rarity?”

Spike looked up at Twilight. “Who?”

Twilight facehoofed. “Let’s just get the rest of that potion before anypony else gets into it. We need to know exactly what Flim and Flam managed to cook up.”

Session 88.6 Ardashir

"Shouldn't you do something about the new dragons, while you're at it?" Smolder folded her arms over her chest. She flew to Twilight, and jerked a thumb at herself. "Dragon Lord Ember won't be happy when she finds out ponies are turning into dragons because of some potion two con artists made."

Twilight scowled. "You're right. Starlight can contact Ember, I -- Starlight!"

Starlight froze where she stood. She was helping the still woozy Sludge to his feet, and was wiping his face with what looked like a sterile cloth. "I'm not getting anyone's DNA -- I mean, er, what?"

"Getting their what now?" Twilight shook her head. "Never mind. Look, just contact Ember. If the dragon potion's not permanent, she'll probably want to talk to Flim and Flam."

"And if it is, she's gonna want ta roast them," Smolder flew to the window. Amusement bubbled up in her voice. "Uh, teacher Twilight, I think maybe ya wanna check on those four new dragons."

Twilight gulped. She knew something of the draconic sense of humor. Ignoring Starlight as she gathered up some scales shed by the terrified Garble in his flight before leaving the room to cast her spell, she went to the window beside Smolder. "I'm not going to like what I'm about to see, am I?"

She didn't.

"AHHHHH!" Garble flew past the window, his wings beating faster than she'd ever seen. Eyes wide with terror, he shrieked, "Why did I haveta be cursed with being irresistible ta dragonesses?"

"Hold on there, handsome!" Goldie Delicious flew into sight, hot on his tail, zeroing in on him like a magically-guided ballista bolt. The first of the four cougars licked her scaly lips. "It's five laps and the winner gets you, but anypony, er, dragon that gets you before that gets a free kiss!" Twilight shuddered and Smolder laughed to see Goldie smack her lips. Garble glanced back, saw it, and with a howl redoubled his speed.

"Dang ya, Goldie!" Granny Smith flew after her, eyes blazing. Auntie Applesauce and Apple Rose were neck and neck behind her. Granny growled. "Ya breathed fire at us, that's gotta be cheatin'!"

"Yahoo!" Smolder clapped her claws before cupping them to her mouth. "Hey, new sisters! Catch him and I swear I'll be Maid of Honor at the wedding!"

As Smolder cheered the racers on Twilight slumped down, face in her hooves. This day couldn't possibly get worse. Unless Flim and Flam sold their potion to any other ponies. But they wouldn't, would they?

Her answer came as a pale brown male dragon the same size as the other four with pale orange spikes running along his spine dropped down before the window. Twilight heard Smolder's sudden intake of breath as the light reflected off of his magnificent brown eyes. She sternly told herself she was not getting attracted to a dragon, no matter how amazingly handsome and charismatic he was.

Oh, no.

"Young ladies," Grand Pear gave her a smile that sent her heart fluttering. Smolder sighed dreamily beside her. "I was looking for four incredibly gorgeous dragonesses. I was thinking of asking them to go flying together That new medicine those Flim and Flam fellows are selling really puts the life back into you!"

(OOC: Teen Dragon!Grand Pear will affect all the mares because, well, Kirk.)

Session 88.7 Mtangalion

“Mr. Slim? Mr. Slam?” called Rarity from her kitchen. “Can I get you any more tea?”

“No thank you, miss!” said “Mr. Slim” brightly. The corner of his bushy blond beard came loose, leaving the beard barely clinging to his face.

“Mr. Slam” did a double-take, and hastily reattached the beard with his magic. “We’re fine, thanks!”

Rarity returned to her sitting area, taking a long sip from her own teacup. “This dragon longevity potion certainly is expensive… on the other hoof, what upcoming designer wouldn’t want additional years of youth and vitality to further make her mark on the world…” She blushed a bit. “And to give a certain young dragon a fair chance…” She lifted her head, smiling. “Yes, I do believe I’ll take it!”

“Excellent choice, miss!” said Mr. Slim, hastily cramming the large bag full of Rarity’s bits into a lockbox. “Just remember, the potion is freshly mixed, so be sure and wait at least six hours before you…” His eyes bulged, seeing Rarity already uncorking it with her magic and gulping it down. “... drink it…”

Mr. Slam coughed. “Right, I think our business here is concluded! Let’s move along, brother of mine…”

There was a brilliant flash and a wave of heat. “Oh my,” squeaked Rarity. “I feel rather peculiar. That’s odd, did you gentlecolts just get taller? Why does my voice sound all high-pitched and raspy?” Small clawed feet shuffled across the carpet, bringing Rarity to a full length mirror… and the reflection looking back at her was that of a pearly-white dragoness with crystal-blue belly scales, about midway between Spike’s age and Smolder’s. Elegant purple spines ran down her back, slim purple wings fluttered, and a curl of purple fur twitched on the very tip of her tail.

Naturally, Rarity did the only possible thing and shrieked at the top of her lungs… which were smaller, true, but no less potent.

The Boutique doors flew open, and the brothers galloped through with their lockbox and cart with more potions in tow, losing the flimsy disguises in their haste. Rarity stumbled after them on all fours, face-planting twice before she had the inspiration to run on two legs instead. “Flim! Flam! I should have known!” she roared. “Get back here! What do you intend to do about this… this situation you’ve created!?”

Flim grinned. “Well, for one thing, we’ve been marketing this stuff all wrong!”

Flam paused long enough to rub his forehooves together greedily. “We can charge so much more for a *real* dragon potion!”

In the middle of this, Spike rocketed around a corner, flying like a giant roc was after him. “Rarity! I’d know that scream anywhere! Are you… okay…” Time seemed to slow down, and Spike’s eyes grew so large, they threatened to crowd everything else off his face. “You’re better than okay… you’re *beautiful*...”

And Rarity gasped, spinning towards him. “Spikey-Wikey?!” She blushed, feeling a furnace-heat in her new dragonish chest. “Spike… Oh my word, Spike, I never realized, you’re...”

The two young dragons flew right into each other and fell down in a heap, giving Flim and Flam time to gallop clean away, fleeing towards the city limits.

Spike shook it off and got to his feet first, having gained a lot of experience with high-speed crashes since he started flying. “Rarity! Oh my gosh, are you okay?” He held out his claw.

Rarity sat up, looking deep into Spike’s eyes. “I’ve… never felt better…” Their claws touched, clasped…

A power ballad seemed to swell across Ponyville, complete with synth and rock guitars. A mare’s voice belted out, “I want to know what love is! ~~~” before breaking into a fit of coughing. The music ground to a halt.

Spike and Rarity turned to look.

“Sorry,” said Octavia, standing atop Vinyl Scratch’s mobile audio-wagon. “Had a bit of a frog in my throat,” she told Vinyl. “Can I go again?”

Vinyl shook her head and lifted a marker in her magic, making another tally-mark under her name on a whiteboard. Whatever game they were playing, the score was Octavia 4, Vinyl 6 now.

Rarity looked to Spike, blushing again, still clasping his claw. “I suppose this transformation of mine won’t last. Such things never seem to…”

Spike grinned hugely, scratching the back of his head with his free claw. “Yeah… but in the meantime…” He beamed at her. “Come fly with me?”

“I know that one too!” shouted Octavia.

Vinyl Scratch tapped a button on her keyboard, playing a pre-recorded rimshot.

Session 88.8 Mtangalion Ardashir Alex Warlorn Kendell2

Twilight examined the increasingly out of control situation. "This is getting out of hand."

"Uh, don't dragons have a very small reproduction rate? Won't this cause...issues?" asked Starlight.

Twilight's eye twitched at that, her mind envisioning a thousand years from now with the world overun by adult dragons. "Starlight! Go back in time and erase the idea of the potion from Flim and Flam's minds before they ever invent it!"

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "But you told me never to use time travel or mind magic ever again!"

Twilight looked at her frantically. "This is an exception!"

Starlight looked defensive. "But you'll get angry at me when I return to the present and you don't remember you telling me to!"

Twilight wrote a note literally to herself. "Here, give this back to me when you return!"

"Okay then..." Starlight said, teleporting away.

Twilight sighed. "Okay, I sent Starlight off... What's taking her so long? She's time traveling!" She then froze as a massive shadow appeared over her. A gigantic dragon with scales and spines in Starlight's coat and mane colors landed behind her.

The dragon robbed her head awkwardly. "Er, Twilight? Well, I cast the spell to find and meet the pony who made that potion, and it turned out they were actually born back after the Three Tribes settled Equestria. And they needed a test subject, so... Well, a year ago Flim and Flam stole the potion recipe from my lair. But we'll figure this out, right?"

Twilight's mane began to get disheveled. "I think I'm about to go crazy here! What else?"

Ember followed Starlight and landed next to her, before seeing a screaming Garble fleeing the four new whelps. "So that's them, huh? Dad and I both told you to keep a better eye on that potion recipe! It's like you wanted it to be stolen!"

Starlight's eyes darted back and forth. "Just avoiding a time paradox, dear."

Twilight blinked. "Wait, are we in an alternate timeline now?"

Starlight shrugged. "I prefer new and improved. Oh, hey, check this out." She then turned into an Alicorn an inch taller than Celestia, with shimmering galaxies and chrono-shifts in her flowing mane, and poses before changing back.

Ember blushed. "Mooom, don't turn into a pony! It's embarrassing."

Twilight sighed. "I'm still having trouble picturing it... you? And Torch?"

Starlight gave a shrug. "What can I say? Neither one of us has to ask 'Did you feel the earth move?'"

Twilight's face turned green. "I never thought I'd say this, but... too much information!"


"And that's what would happen if you told me to go back in time to fix this," Starlight said gesturing to the world mirror showing off what had happened.

"Okay... so using time travel to solve this is out, got it," Twilight remarked.

Session 88.9 Ardashir

As Twilight argued over how to handle the five old ponies turned lecherous teenage dragons, Starlight took her collected scales into her lab and got to work.

"Okay," she examined a red scale. "Here's from Garble. Ugh, and this," she shuddered as she removed a stained cloth, "came from Sludge." She looked at a third example, some purple scales. "And Spike. Now we'll find out who he's related to and learn something about his family."

She set the purple scales down in between the samples from Garble and Sludge, took a deep breath, and cast her spell. A corona of pale violet magic wafted from her horn to the three samples.

"Now to see if Spike's related to Garble," Starlight smiled, "and I'll repeat my prior experiment with Sludge's scales just to be sure I can take him off the list. Maybe then Trixie will stop saying I can't handle these spells."

The energy hovered over the purple scales, extended two tendrils... Starlight clapped her hooves in glee.

And froze in shock at what happened next.

"Ladies! Stop chasing Garble!" Twilight yelled out the window. Behind her Sludge held an icepack to his head. As Garble and the four transformed mares flew past, she yelled to their pursuer, "Grand Pear! This is undignified for a stallion of your years! Even if he did become a teen dragon!"

"Twilight!" Starlight raced into the room, looking stunned. "I cast that heredity spell! Garble and Spike aren't related..."

"Good!" Garble yelled as he flew past the window again. "I knew I couldn't be related to that namby-pamby pony lover!" He flew on, with a yell of "Last lap, girls!" following him.

"But Garble is Sludge's son!" Starlight pointed her hoof at Sludge. She held the scale samples in her magic, with the green ones and the red ones both glowing the same shade of violet.

"What?" Twilight gaped in shock.

"What?" Sludge turned to the window and yelled out, "My sonny boy is an ambassador!"

"WHAT?" Garble flew headfirst into the crystal wall of the castle. "Owww! No way!"

"He's all mine!" Goldie Delicious cheered as she dove on the horrified Garble.

Session 88.10 Kendell2

In Alternate Universe

"So has anyone seen Chrysalis lately? She normally would've caused more trouble by now..." said Applejack shortly after their rather unpleasant camping trip.

"Not for awhile. Discord said he would pull a prank on her, hope he didn't go too far..." said Twilight.

"Hehe..." Discord said, holding the Frazzit's prison and dumping it down the chimney of Chrysalis's back up castle.

"I'm sure everything is fine..." said Rarity. "Besides, Chrysalis would kind of deserve it..."


"Let me back in!" yelled Chrysalis like she was a child throwing a tantrum.

Imago merely ignored her, having a look in her eye akin to Chrysalis at her most happy, sitting on a throne and giving orders as Frazzits jumped around obliviously. "I know eventually we'll have to put things back, but I'm going to enjoy this..." she said with a smirk and laugh matching her mother's. "How exactly did that evil clone plan go, mother?"

"It would've gone a lot better if I didn't have your incompetence driven into my head!"

OOC: One explanation for why Chrysalis's competence levels dropped like a rock in the Mean Six episode...

Session 88.11 Grogar-the-oneser

(My addition to mtangolion)

"Give me that!" Twilight snapped as she read the notes "That doesn't say he his son."

"Oh thank Tiamat." Garble muttered

"It's said he his uncle," Twilight stated.

"AGREAERHWESGRWGRTVHYTRD!" Garble roared angrily, swearing in gibberish.

Session 88.12 Kendell2

"So, what do you think?" asked Applejack, seeming rather proud of the desert palace she'd built in Manecraft.

"Well done," said Twilight. "...Though is it just me or is the window and door off center?"

"Say what now?" Applejack asked, looking at it...and noticing indeed on one half the building the windows (and the wall inside) was indeed one block off compared to the other side. "...Gosh darn it!"

Twilight looked around the world. "Hey wasn't there a desert mountain over there?"

"Yeah, it's mah house now..." Applejack replied, grumbling as she sat about fixing her house.


OOC: Again, true story.

Session 88.13 Grogar-the-oneser

"Do you know what i see..." Eris muttered looking through the mirror at the dragon potion fiasco.

"Err... A red dragon having a mental breakdown at dodging a figurative bad parent but still being related to a fat dragon while running away from creepy obsess teenage girls?" A guard said

"No, I see profit," Eris said

"Well that good.... how do we profit?"

Eris just smirked


"STINKWOOD POTION!" A vendor pony (From Eris casino stated) "Strong enough to make any teenage girl that isn't a skunk run away from you like crazy!"

"SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" Garble shouted as he drop the money and grab the jar before flying away.

The Vendor pony (Making sure Garble left the area) then pulled out gasmasks "Gasmasks for sale!"

Session 88.14 Ardashir

"Twilight!" Princess Ember dropped down before Twilight, the Bloodstone Scepter in one claw. "I got a message from Spike. What's this about somepony making a potion to create new dragons?"

"Ember! I'm glad you got here." The purple princess sighed in relief. Maybe now they could settle this problem. She quickly explained what was happening. "So Flim and Flam sold the potion to Applejack's grandmother and four other old ponies..."

"And one young one, Twilight." Dragon and Pony Princess both blinked to see a small and elegant white dragoness come strolling up, with a dreamy-looking Spike following her. "The last I saw those two swindlers, they were headed for the edge of town and saying they would sell the potion to more ponies for more money."

"Arrgh!" Twilight facehoofed. She flew up and looked around, seeing a dust trail vanishing in the direction of Canterlot. She landed, shaking her head. "Great! Now we'll have to deal with a whole horde of ponies turned fire-breathing reptilian barbarians."

Ember growled and Smolder glared. Twilight smiled weakly and quickly added, "But thankfully we have two experts on site to help."

Before she could say more a new shriek came from beside the school. Twilight and the others hurried to see Garble trapped between the four dragonesses. Cast off gas masks, of all things, lay at their clawed feet. Locking their lips with long forked tongues, they prowled around him.

"Fair's fair, girls," Goldie Delicious said, stopping in front of Garble and walking two of her claws up his scaly chest. Garble seemed to have trouble breathing as Goldie chucked him under the chin before grabbing hold of it. "I won the race and caught him, so I get first kiss!"

"Ember!" Garble reached out towards her. A breeze blew from him to them. Twilight gagged and Ember quickly put a claw over her nose. "Ya gotta help me! How will dragonkind survive without me?"

"We should be so lucky," Smolder said. Ember shushed her.

"Garble, why should I save you from any dragoness crazy enough to want you?" Ember flew over, hovering nearby the five dragons. She looked at Twilight. "For that matter, why should I stop two ponies who want to uplift ponies into being dragons?"

"They're charging for it!" Twilight yelled at her.


"We don't know where they're getting the dragon essence for it!" Twilight flew to Ember. Goldie, Granny Smith, and the others were watching Ember as warily as any dragon faced with a threat to something it desired. "What if they're hurting dragons somehow?"

"Well, I guess," Ember folded her arms and furrowed her scaly brow in thought. "Wait, didn't you say there were five ponies turned dragons?"

"Six, darling," Rarity said. No one paid attention. She folded her arms and pouted.

"Well, yes, there's Grand Pear. He's the dragon with the lovely brown scales and silky commanding voice and..." Twilight shook herself. "Ember, be careful. Something about him makes females act foolish."

Ember laughed and sprayed fire. "Pony females, maybe, but not dragons. We have more self control, not like you mammals. Besides, I have the Bloodstone Scepter," she brandished it, crimson light spilling from its gems. "I command other dragons, not the other way around --"

"Miss Twilight!" Ember froze as Grand Pear flew down between her and Twilight. The sunlight gleamed magnificently on his scales. Ember stared and began panting as he spoke. "Have you convinced the ladies to let poor Garble go? Maybe we ponies should just leave dragons alone. Our advanced culture could damage theirs. You'd think it would be a prime directive to -- oh, hello, madam," he smiled at Ember. "I apologize, I seem to have missed your name?"

"Bwuh-huh," Ember said, tongue still lolling, the Bloodstone Scepter falling from her claws to land at Granny Smith's feet. Twilight wondered if Ember's IQ had just dropped by thirty points as she said, "I'm handsome, Ember. I mean, I'm Ember, handsome. I think I am, anyway." Looking like she floated rather than hovered, Ember said in a voice that sounded like she'd been drugged, "Hey, uh, wanna be mine in exchange for getting to be Dragon Lord? I have the scepter right here. Hey!" Ember seemed to come back to her senses. "Where's the scepter?"

"Ya mean this here thing?" Everyone turned to see the still draconic Granny Smith raising the Bloodstone Scepter in one claw. It flashed with light. "Yeow! What in the hay does that mean?"

Smolder looked faint. She looked at Twilight. "It means that unless Princess Ember can win a challenge for the throne, dragons have a new Dragon Lord!"

Session 88.15 Mtangalion

Garble squeezed his claws into fists, bracing himself, then blurted out, “I’ll trade you!”

“Huh?” said Twilight, Spike, and baby dragon Rarity.

“Eh? What now?” said Granny Smith, sounding very much like her old self, even if her voice was clear and strong now.

Garble pointed. “You give me the Bloodstone Scepter, and… and I’ll give you that kiss!”

Granny Smith padded closer, giving him a saucy grin. “Oh, will you now? This had better be a real kiss, not some peck on the cheek! Ah’ve got experience, ya know!”

Garble gulped, sweating more as he took her claws in his, and wrapped one paw around the scepter. Then he gave her a quick kiss, but Granny Smith seized him with draconic strength and kissed him deeply, holding him still until the young red dragon stopped trying to squirm away, and started kissing her back.

Spike and Twilight’s eyes grew huge.

Grand Pear watched the green-scaled alien female getting kissed, and felt oddly jealous.

Rarity clasped her claws, blushing at the scene. “Oh my! I was half-convinced that by taking the scepter, Garble would become a prince, and thus his kiss would break the spell, but this is much more romantic!”

The rest of the Golden Horseshoe gals pouted, and then they started cheering Granny on.

“Well, don’t that beat all,” said Applejack, arriving at a trot with Big Mac beside her. “At this rate, we’re gonna have real live dragons in the Apple family! Heck, maybe Twilight should just marry ‘em now. Spike, how quick can you get a marriage license?”

Big Mac groaned. “Would ya knock it off with the matchmaking, AJ? You ain’t the Apple family matriarch just yet.”

AJ gave her brother such a glare that he backed up a couple paces. “And don’t think Ah’ve forgotten you, Mac! It’s high time ya picked one of those pretty mares you’ve been stringing along and gave me some nieces and nephews! Heck, pick all of ‘em! There’s plenty of ya to go around!”

Meanwhile, Garble gasped and panted, finally coming up for air. “Whoa… how?”

Granny chuckled and flicked his scaly nose with her tongue. “Ah told ya, experience. You ain’t had that much yerself, have ya?” She stroked his head fins soothingly. “Don’t you fret, we can make up for lost time. Oh, and Ah guess yer the Dragon Lord now.”

“Huh?” Garble realized that he had one arm around the sexy young dragoness, and his other claw was indeed clutching the flashing Bloodstone Scepter. “Awesome! I guess I am!” He admired it, then went back to kissing Granny Smith.

Grand Pear could stand no more… he flew over and shook Ember. “That rebel dragon is taking a mate you don’t approve of, and trying to take usurp your rule! Let me fight him… as your champion!”

“Hey!” snarled Ember. “Female dragons aren’t weak like pony females! I can fight for myself!” But then she made the mistake of looking into Grand Pear’s hazel eyes again. “But I guess that’d be hot. I mean, fine! You’re fine! And hot!”

“You’ve got… to snap… yourself out of it!” exclaimed Grand Pear, shaking her again. He looked to Rarity. “You there! Shirt!”

Rarity blinked. “Eh? Why?” Still, she pulled a greenish-gold shirt out of… somewhere, and tossed it to the handsome bronze dragon.

Grand Pear pulled the shirt on quickly, then tore it with his claws! Everyone gasped!

"Why are we gasping?" whispered Twilight.

Smolder clasped her claws like a besotted school filly and batted her eyelashes at Grand Pear. "Don't know, don't care," she purred.

Garble snorted flames, laying down the Scepter to put his fists up! “So, you wanna fight a real dragon that bad, pops? Get over here!”

“Huh? Where’s that music coming from?” asked Spike. “With the drums and horns… It makes me want to get all fired up and punch stuff!”

Session 88.16 Alex Warlorn (So long and thanks for all the love.)

Rarity as a tweenage dragon said, "Spike darling? Let's just have fun."
