//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: I Really Need To Make A Plan. // Story: A War Of Unseen Proportions. // by ArkKane //------------------------------// “[Master… are you-]” “Yes, Seras… I’m fine, thanks for shutting off the outward speaker before I gave us away.” Quite, after I had realised my mecha’s lack of functioning digits I was… let’s go with ‘perturbed’ and move on. Either way I was stuck in the room with no method of exit, and yes, I checked the windows. The problem with using the windows was while I was the same height as the average pony, I was no way near the same width, especially considering the large kick-ass shoulder spikes I had, good for flair, not so good for manoeuvrability. So yes, I was a bit too bulky to crawl out a second story window. There’s also the fact that I was indeed on the second story, and if this ACU got knocked over and jostled by a hostile native, I’m not so sure it could survive a heavy impact with the concrete with no method of propulsion. With the basic methods of escape not possible, I looked into ACU upgrades. Teleporter, being the obvious, would fail, as I need to have full view of my surroundings, and unfortunately for some reason Fog of War was still a thing! So I could not teleport far enough away from the hospital without risking me vertically bisecting an innocent pony. Really did not need that mental image-GAH! I did NOT need the tactical simulator to render said image!! Okay, moving on immediately before I hurl. I decided to keep searching, immediately I disregarded the use of weapons to break down the door, I’m attempting to ensure an alliance with these creatures, and showing that I can vaporize a door literally after making myself look weak is a very stupid idea. That fact negated the microwave laser upgrade. My search then settled on a strange new back upgrade. [Gauntlet Drones] [Offers hand-like manipulators at will] “...Seras.” “[yes, master?]” “That was not there before…” She sounded very sheepish. “[w-well, you sounded very upset about the ACU not having hands so…]” I give a disapproving glare at a camera in the room. “I’m not upset that you did that, I’m upset you did not mention you could create and edit schematics to begin with.” “[Sorry, master.]” I shook my head and decided to build the upgrade, despite the unwelcome surprise, I could still use the upgrade to help in my situation. Immediately I sat back and watch as the self-repair systems flooded out to begin construction on the new devices, already able to see the outline of two clawed gauntlets placed on my back and held using docking clamps. I sat back and relaxed, my body blocking the door, which meant nopony will be able to enter while I was doing this and interrupt the upgrade. “[...Are you still mad, Master?]” Seras chimed in after a good while. “I… *sigh* no, I’m not mad… but I am disappointed you didn’t trust me with this information, you are supposed to help me in my duties, and I can’t do that if you withhold these things from me.” “[okay daddy… eep!]” she went silent at the mistake, and I was silent too and not wanting to look her in the ‘eyes’. DAMMIT BONER GO DOWN!! [upgrade complete] “OH THANK FUCK!” I activated it, I did not bother to watch the drones encompass my forelimbs or be awed by how they worked and articulated as I opened the door and ran out of the hospital. I reached outside, turned to the forest, I was close, I was home free, I was- *WHAM!* I get decked in the face by an AUTOBOT INSIGNIA! “MOTHERFUCKER!!” I screamed inside the cockpit as the object clattered to the ground, angrily I picked it up. "To all Displaced out in the multiverse-” “NO! FUCK YOU! Fuck your stupid message and your bullshit! I am on an alien planet! I’ve had my ass handed to me by a lesbian bird-horse! I have been taken from a cozy lifestyle and now live in a world of technicolor throw-up! The world is full of magic, monsters and apparently demons! Every inhabitant is some furry’s wet dream! And I could barely square up to an ant here when outside of my JAEGER-SIZED MECH! I am in a world I cannot understand, facing certain death unless I stay inside the giant robot that could go nuclear if it gets hit too hard. The inhabitants have far more capability to fight than I ever could, and I may be facing gods for all I know if I piss somebody off! You know what I had to do on day one? I had to act weak! I had to act like I was in front of a bear and play fucking dead! And now someone’s deciding to fuck with me with some sort of transformers medal?! What, do you expect me to stick it on my chest and go ‘Autobots, roll out!’ FUCK YOU! I’ve had it with whatever interdimensional piece of shit feels the need to bend me over the table this week like some fucking secretary! So no! You do not get to talk, you are going to shut up and bring whoever the fuck sent you over here, or I am not going to hear a peep out of you! Got it?!” The medal was silent. “Good, now I can-” *FWOOM!* Suddenly a rift opened in the air, causing the light around to fade as darkness surrounded me and the portal, sparks shooting out from the event horizon. In the centre I saw a strange blocky silhouette falling, getting bigger and bigger. Eventually the object fell, causing a crater to erupt where it fell. Eventually the rift closed and I was able to get a good look at the individual in the light. There, in all his glory, stood Optimus Prime, the massive and imposing leader of the Autobots. But in this world, he was about the size of a mouse. “...okay, this actually makes me feel better.”