//------------------------------// // A New Mission // Story: The Alien Warriors: Battle for Equestria // by Texas Style Brony //------------------------------// Twilight's Castle Library "Finally, a perfect day... for READING!!!" Princess Twilight thought to herself. After several weeks of dealing with Princess duties, she had finally found time to relax. She was reading a guide on various creatures of Equestria in her extra-comfy reading chair while Spike sat close by reading his Power Ponies comics. "HEY PRINCESS!! GUESS WHAT?!?!" Lyra had knocked open the Library door and caused Twilight to jump at least two feet into the air. "AAHH!!! Lyra?!" Twilight turned to the door and saw the green unicorn standing there with her teeth showing in a smile-to-beat all smiles. "Twilightomigoshomigoshomigoshyouaren'tgoingtobelieveit!!!!" "Woah.. Easy Lyra... What's going on?" Lyra then turned a few degrees to the left to show her lyre-cutie mark blinking... Twilight's map room Sure enough, once Twilight, Spike and Lyra got to the map room, a holographic image of Lyra's cutie mark was hovering around a location on the map. "Congratulations Lyra! You're going on your first friendship mission!" Twilight congratulated her. "Yes yes yes yes yes!!! I won't let you down Twilight!" Lyra hopped around and then saluted Twilight. "Umm... not to be a downer or anything, but what is out there?" Spike pointed to the map showing where Lyra's cutie mark was. It was in the small strip of forest between the Smokey Mountain and the Unicorn Range. "Beats me. But I can't wait to find out!" Lyra giggled and hopped with glee. Unicorn Range After a few hours of flying, courtesy of a royal guard chariot, Lyra finally landed in the middle of the forest. "Thank you guys so much!!" She waved off to the guards who took off back to Canterlot. Once they were out of view, however, Lyra found herself alone in the woods. Though these parts were not as dangerous or scary as the Everfree Forest, she still wondered how a friendship problem could occur in an area so.... isolated. "HELLOOO??!!! ANYPONY HERE??!!" Lyra shouted out to the forest, only to be responded to by her own echo. "Aw horseapples... What would Princess Twilight do??" Lyra thought to herself. She decided to trek on deeper into the woods, unaware of the danger that lay ahead... "SOOO BORED!!!" Lyra exclaimed to herself as she had been trotting for what seemed like hours. She saw a silhouette of a raccoon hiding in some bushes up ahead. "Hey! Have you seen a friendship problem around here?" She wasn't expecting a response, so she was surprised when the raccoon seemed to expand and stand on two legs. She would've taken off screaming if the silhouette didn't become Summers. "ANDREW!!!!!" Lyra's eyes nearly popped out of her head and she charged and tackled the human in a big fuzzy pony-hug. "AAhh!! Lyra?! What are you doing here?!" Summers wheezed as Lyra's hug constricted him. She hopped off of him and happily cantered on the ground. "Oh Andrew!! It's great! Princess Twilight's Friendship Map called me out here on a Friendship Mission!!!" "A friendship mission? Out here? That can't be right!" "Well it has been rather hard finding somepony with a friendsh-" "No! I mean you gotta get outta here! This place is a warzone!" "Warzo-? What do you mean warzone?! Where are the other guys?" Summers exhaled long and deeply, trying to regain his composure. "Follow me." After a five minute walk, they came upon the Ranger camp. It was a very modest setup with a few sleeping bags and backpacks centered around a campfire that had yet to be lit. The area was surrounded by thick brush and tall trees and was an ideal hiding spot for a small group. Lyra was extremely eager to see the guys. "Lyra?! What are you-?" Parker was immediately silenced by Lyra's strong hug. "I missed you guys so much! There was nothing to do in Ponyville except sit around on benches with Bon Bon! Twilight's Friendship map sent me out here on a friendship mission!" "Friendship mission? That's great!" Ramirez told her, trying his best to keep a cheerful attitude up despite the events which had unfolded over the last couple of days. Unfortunately, that attempt was shattered by Lyra's next question. "Where's Corey?"