//------------------------------// // Part 1: Fortunate Son // Story: A Different View of Reality // by RuinQueenofOblivion //------------------------------// A light blue mare with a blue-green mane took a deep breath as she watched the gathering crowd outside from a window in a large building in the Cloud City of Coltlumbia. Most of the crowd outside was Pegasi, she could see a few Unicorns, likely from Thunderhead she thought to herself, but that was about it. “What am I getting myself into…” She muttered as she looked at the crowd. “Why did I ever let them talk me into running, to begin with…” “Ms. Breeze, they’re waiting for you,” a voice said from the door and she turned to see a pegasus stallion with a dark purple coat and a short steel grey mane with an eye patch and a slash across his face. “Sky Striker, do you think I’m really ready for this?” Winter Breeze asked as she glanced back at the older stallion. “I mean, I never wanted this job. I’m only here because the party wanted me to run. I didn’t actually think I would win.” “Ever since the Nimbus was destroyed at the Battle of Neighvarro the Progressive Party’s influence in the Enclave has grown,” Sky Striker pointed out. “Even the most vehement traditionalists in the military like Bluejay started to realize that the time had come for change.” “Yeah, but I was an unknown, I was just the Secretary of Education under the old administration,” Winter said with a shake of her head. “I’m not exactly leadership material despite my views.” “Frankly, the party could have put just about anypony and they likely would have been elected,” Sky Striker said as he walked to the window. “Honestly I don’t envy you. The Enclave is on the verge of falling apart in places between what happened at Neighvarro and Thunderhead.” “Thanks for not putting pressure on me,” Winter said sarcastically as she adjusted her black tie and looked back outside. “Well, there’s hardly any point in putting it off much longer is there? Let’s do this.” She sighed a little as she walked through the door onto the balcony overlooking the crowd. Winter paused a moment as she looked at the other Pegasi that were with her including a white stallion with a short rainbow colored mane. She gave him a small nod before she turned her attention to another pony who was dressed in fancy clothes and had a golden coat with a darker gold mane. “Raise your right hoof,” the pony said and Winter nodded as she did so. “Repeat after me, I, Winter Breeze.” “I Winter Breeze,” Winter repeated as she took a deep breath. “Do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of the Grand Pegasus Enclave,” the golden mare continued. “Do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of the Grand Pegasus Enclave,” Winter repeated. “And defend it and its citizens from all enemies, both within and without,” the mare continued. “And defend its citizens from all enemies, both within and without,” Winter repeated. “Or may the Fates punish me for my mistakes,” the golden mare finished. “Or may the Fates punish me for my mistakes,” Winter finished. She found that last bit morbid personally, but it had always been part of the ceremony for leaders. “Congratulations Madam President,” The mare said as she offered Winter a hoof and Winter shook it with a soft smile before she gestured towards the crowd. “Your public awaits, Madam President.” Winter pauses a moment as she moves up to the podium as she looked out at the gathered ponies. There were so many here plus a radio broadcast was being transmitted around the Enclave in all the cities and smaller towns. What was she going to say to them? She took out the notes for her speech, but she was having a hard time focusing. “Okay Winter, you can do this,” Winter thought to herself as she shuffled her papers for a moment before she took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd with a soft smile. It was time to finally address the Enclave as their President for the first time. She closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to figure out how to say this. “I wanted to start out by saying thank you for electing me,” Winter started out with a soft smile as she looked out at the crowd finally. “The last few months have been a difficult one for all of us. You elected me because I come with the promise of change, of a better world away from the old ways of the Enclave. I’m here to tell you that I will do everything in my power to keep those promises. We’re going to need to do more than just survive from now on, we’re going to rebuild, we’re going to have to recover from our defeats in the past. But more than that, if we are going to survive we are going to have to move past what happened in the past...” She paused a moment as she looked at her papers and looked out at the crowd that was murmuring to each other. She and the others in the party had been discussing this point for a while, and she wasn’t entirely sure if everypony was entirely ready for it. She sighed a little as she looked back out at the crowd. “Half a year ago, Littlepip gave us an ultimatum. We’ve lost the cloud cover, we were lucky that she didn’t use the same technology to wipe out our cities. We have the technology to do more than just survive in this new world, and we’re going to have to make it better than the old one. I hope that we can do this, but our first priority must be rebuilding. We must do better, or all we will do is repeat the mistakes of the past. I thank you for your time, I hope that together we will be able to make this future bright, for every being.” She folded up her speech notes and paused a moment as if waiting for an answer from the crowd. There was some applause, but she could tell that most of them seemed pretty unsure about what she had said. This was going to be a long presidency. 00000 Winter sighed, a couple of months had passed since she had been inaugurated as President. She sighed a little as she leaned back in her chair. She had just gotten out of another meeting and she felt so very tired about all of this right now. “Madam President, there’s a delegation here from the party,” one of her aides said as she let out a groan. “Is everything okay Winter?” “Honestly? I have no idea,” Winter admitted as she rubbed her temples a little bit. “I haven’t been feeling well lately and I think the stress of this job is getting to me. I’m just, I don’t know, I feel like I need to take a vacation but I can’t take a vacation either.” “This should be your last meeting for the day though, take the rest of the day off, I’ll take a look at anything left for you,” the aide said and gave her a nod. “The last thing we need is the President to burn herself out right now.” “Alright,” Winter said with a sigh as she closed her eyes a moment. “Let them in, I can handle one more meeting, I hope.” “Yes ma’am,” the aide said with a slight nod as she went out into the Hall. Winter took a deep breath as she waited for the party officials to enter. This was something she could handle at least, even if it wasn’t going to be easy. She just needed to take a deep breath and work her way through this. Besides, once everything was done she could spend some well earned time with Spectra. She straightened out the papers on her desk, closed her eyes, and gave them a moment to come in. “Madam President,” Sky Striker said as he came in accompanied by a mare with blue fur and a light yellow mane. “Thank you for seeing us, I’m sure your schedule is very busy right now.” “Oh you have no idea,” Winter said with a sigh before she smiled at the two. “What can I do for you both?” “We need to talk about the current situation in Coltlumbia,” the blue mare said as she frowned a little. “You are aware of the current situation in Flankton I’m sure.” Winter paused a moment as she thought back to the reports about what was going on in Flankton. The sector of the city had always been the industrial sector for the city, it was generally considered a cesspool of corruption but Storm Watch, the stallion who ran things seemed to keep everything under wraps. “Yeah, I’ve been informed of the situation,” Winter said with a small nod. “Has the situation changed at all?” “If anything it’s gotten worse,” the blue Pegasus said with a shake of her head. “The old administration, especially the old governor here in Coltlumbia, gave Storm Watch a lot of leeway, especially when Operation Cauterize began. Unfortunately, it seems that he’s continuing to act like he’s still allowed to do that, exploiting the workers in Flankton and keeping them silent.” “That’s, a problem,” Winter said as she frowned a little. She wasn’t surprised by this, Storm Watch was the type who would do that kind of thing. “Exactly what do you suggest we do though? How do you suggest we deal with this kind of thing?” “The Senate is working on legislation against this kind of thing,” Sky Striker said with a shake of his head. “But in truth we need to do more than just that.” “The problem is his monopoly in the city for manufacturing,” the blue mare said with a frown. “We’re going to have to deal with this problem somehow, even if it means…” She let that thought trail off for a moment as Winter frowned a moment. “You’re suggesting that we nationalize the industrial sector? That’s not something I agreed to, Sunny.” “I know, I know,” Sunny said with a shake of her head. “But we weren’t aware of just how bad this was getting. He’s barely paying his workers at all and is working them to death. We’re going to need to stop this before it gets much worse.” “And what do you suggest I do? We can pass legislation, but that will take time,” Winter said. “What do you suggest I do, go down to Shantytown and make a public appearance?” “Maybe, if that’s what it takes to send a message,” Sunny said. “Just keep it in mind, we do always have other options,” Sky Striker said as he gave Sunny a light nod. “The fact of the matter is that we need to deal with this. This isn’t an isolated incident either, but we need to make an example of Storm Watch and Flankton. I’m sure we can figure this out.” “We’ll leave you alone now, thank you for your time,” Sunny said as she and Sky Striker got up and left the room. Winter sighed a little as she looked at the papers on her desk. She still had a lot going on and she didn’t like the idea of having to deal with this kind of thing. She was afraid that they might have to take drastic measures if they were going to stop Storm Watch. That was something she knew she couldn’t avoid forever. Right now, she just needed to relax and try and get this out of her mind. She got to her hooves and walked out of her office and down the hall until she reached a door leading out into a balcony and pushed it open as she walked out onto it. She sighed a little as she leaned on the Balcony railing and looked out at the city beyond. From her position she could see almost all of the city, and she looked towards where Flankton was, the industrial area and its factories were clear even in the dim light. “What am I going to do…” She muttered to herself. “Maybe this was a bad idea… this whole thing is starting to feel like a mistake.” She closed her eyes and thought for a long moment. Maybe she needed to consider resigning at this point. Whoever they replaced her with couldn’t be much worse than she was, the Enclave needed a better leader than she could be. “Hold it right there,” one of her bodyguards said and she turned to see the two bodyguards stopping a mare with a yellow coat and a yellow and white mane. “What are you doing here?” “I… I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was here,” the mare said as she shrunk away from the guards. “I just wanted to come out on the balcony.” “You’re Daisy Bloom right?” Winter said which made the three ponies all look at her. She remembered that Daisy Bloom had been a servant working in the mansion before it was turned into the Presidential Manor and had been kept on. “Uh, yes ma’am,” Daisy said as she looked a little nervous. “I’m sorry ma’am, I like to come out here sometimes. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” “Is she armed?” Winter asked as she looked at the bodyguards. “No ma’am,” one of them said. “Then let her through, I doubt she’s going to threaten me,” Winter said as Daisy’s eyes went wide for a moment. “Unless you’d rather not.” “No, no I just wasn’t expecting that,” Daisy said as she walked past the guards and took a spot next to Winter. “I just like to come out here to think you know? The city it’s beautiful from up here, sometimes makes you forget about what kind of world we live in.” “The kind of world we want to change though,” Winter pointed out. “That’s why I was elected, ponies want things to change. If we want to create…” “Madam President, with all due respect sitting in government buildings and making promises isn’t everything,” Daisy said and Winter blinked in surprise. It was like the yellow pegasus had shifted her personality a little all of a sudden. “The lower class has been kept down by the Enclave for years, you were elected because you gave them a chance to do this. You need to remind them of that somehow.” Winter thought back to what she had said earlier and paused a moment. Maybe that hadn’t been as crazy as she thought. “I… I really don’t know what to do.” “Madam President,” Daisy said. “You have to do more than just rebuild, if you only rebuild there is always the risk of things going back to where it was. You were right before, we need to change, and we need to help Equestria. The future might depend on it.” “You’re right,” Winter finally said with a nod. “The question is how do we do that.” “Get help, bring in ponies that know the Wasteland,” Daisy suggested. “Dashites, former members of the Volunteer Corps out of Thunderhead. You have assets you can use, you just have to get to them.” Winter stood in silence for a long moment before she smiled a little. “You’re right, thank you Daisy.” “You’re welcome,” Daisy said with a soft nod. “You’re the best chance we have you know. That’s why they picked you, because you will do the right thing, ponies could recognize that. Just make sure you don’t let them down.” “I won’t,” Winter said with a nod as the two mares looked out at the city together. “You really wanted to just talk to me didn’t you?” “Pretty much,” Daisy said with a chuckle. “But only because I know you’re going to do just fine.” “Thanks,” Winter said with a sigh. It was nice to know that there were ponies that believed in her, that meant a lot to her. Now she just had to make sure she didn’t fail them. “Any suggestions on where to start?” “Hoofington, I’ve heard there’s a doctor living out there that might be able to help,” Daisy said with a nod. “In a place called the Star House.” 00000 “I’m not sure why you wanted to come here,” a tall Alicorn dressed in Enclave power armor. She was escorting Winter through the slums of Shantytown which looked like it was falling apart in places. “This place is… unpleasant.” “These ponies are just as much citizens as the rest of us Tornado,” Winter said as she looked up at the Alicorn. “We need to help them too, and stopping what’s been going on is a good place to start.” She pushed the door open to a bar called the Graveyard Shift as the music inside reached their ears. All of the ponies inside were focused on a makeshift stage where a Pegasus mare with an off-white coat and long blue mane with a cutie mark of a singing bird was singing. “And I dream of the sky, Broken clouds drifting by. And I dream of the sky, My utopian lie.” The mare had a beautiful voice as she kept singing with the music playing in the background. The mare stood on the stage singing with all her heart as she closed her eyes and kept going. Winter smiled a little at that as she started to head towards the bar and stopped when she realized that Tornado wasn’t following her. “Tornado, are you okay?” She asked as she looked back at Tornado who was staring at the singing mare. “Uh, yeah, sorry,” Tornado said as she shook her head. “I was just… uh…” “Don’t worry about it, I understand,” Winter said, though she was a little surprised. She had known Tornado all her life and hadn’t ever known the Alicorn to look at another pony like that. The two of them walked over to the bar where a stallion was working. “What can I…” The stallion bartender said before he looked up and was surprised to see Winter standing there. “Oh, Madam President, I didn’t expect to see you here.” “Yeah, I’m just here to get to know the city better,” Winter said as she looked around the bar. The room was now getting quiet as ponies whispered, the singing mare had even stopped singing and looked at the surprising arrival of the President. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.” “You’ve got a funny way of showing it,” the off white singer mare said as she walked up to them. “Not a lot of the ponies in this bar are big fans of the government for good reason.” “Elegant, this isn’t the time,” the Bartender said as he narrowed his eyes a little. “Like hell it is, this,” Elegant snapped. “This mare came in on a whole lot of promises to the Enclave but we’re still being used for slave labor down here. Where’s the change we were promised?” “Look Miss…” Winter started to say. “Elegant Voice,” Elegant answered. “Elegant Voice, right,” Winter said with a nod. “I completely agree with you, in all honesty I’m still trying to figure out a lot of things about this job myself. But I’m here to say that we’re not going to let this continue. I know words aren’t going to help much, but we’re not going to let what he’s done stand. I promise you all that I’m going to do everything in my power to stop him and make things better here.” “Pretty words, let’s see if you can back them up,” Elegant Voice said as she glanced up at Tornado. “And your muscle doesn’t scare us that much. I’d watch yourself down here like I said.” “Good to know,” Winter said as she cringed a little. This wasn’t going well at all, but at least they weren’t being overly hostile towards her. She turned back to the bartender and was about to order something when she heard a voice behind her. “Well, well, I thought I was hearing things when I heard you were here,” a stallion said and she turned to see a tall Pegasus stallion dressed in a fancy suit with a moustache as he smirked a little. “A pony of such a high status as you are shouldn’t lower herself to such, squalid conditions.” “Storm Watch,” Winter said with a snort of indignation as she looked at the bartender again. “Just a water for me please.” “Whatever you say,” the bartender said as he shot Storm Watch a quick look before he went to get the drink. “What in the name of the fates brings the President of our glorious Enclave to such a… dingy little bar,” Storm Watch said with a disgusted look as he moved closer. The patrons of the bar didn’t look happy to see him, even more than when Winter entered. “You come from better breeding than this, you’re like me, you don’t deserve to lower yourself…” “Look here,” Winter snapped at the stallion and pointed her hoof at him. “I’m here because I’m not like you! I actually care about these ponies instead of just about how they can line my pockets like you!” “Well, I never…” Storm Watch said as he stumbled over his words. “Now see here, this is my part of the city and I can do whatever I please with it. You and your Progressive Party are just a passing fad, it’s only a matter of time before the people wise up to the truth and you’ll all be removed from office.” “Do you know what your problem is?” Winter asked as she narrowed her eyes a little at the stallion. “You’re letting your position get to you. Yeah, I was born into the upper class, but I’m not like you at all. I want to help ponies and they know that you’re just holding on to what limited power you have left.” “You’ll find that I still have considerable power, Madam President,” Storm Watch spat. “Don’t underestimate me, you would do well not to make me into an enemy.” “We’ll see,” Winter said as Storm watch snorted a little before he walked back out of the bar with his goons behind him. Winter let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, the bar had gone quiet from their argument. “I’m sorry I disrupted your days, please go back to what you were doing.” “That went well,” Tornado snarked as Winter picked up her glass and took a drink. “Are you okay, Winter?” “Honestly? I have no idea,” Winter admitted. She knew that there was going to be opposition, but she hadn’t expected to be faced with such anger. “What is his problem?” “Those who have power are only afraid of one thing, losing that power,” Elegant Voice said as she gave them a nod. “I don’t entirely trust you yet Madam President, but if you speak the truth you have my support and that of a lot of ponies here.” “Thank you,” Winter said with a nod as the singer got back up on the stage and started singing a new tune. “So what are we going to do now?” Tornado asked. “I honestly don’t know,” Winter admitted. “Our best chance might be to get more ponies on our side, we just have to figure out how to deal with Storm Breaker. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” “I hope so,” Tornado said as she looked back at Elegant Voice. “Let’s just hope that everything works out.” “Some folks are born, silver spoon in hoof. Lord don’t they help themselves, oh. But when the taxman comes to the door, Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale. It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no millionaire's son, no. It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate son, no.” 00000 “Madam President, are you sure about this?” The Vertibuck pilot asked as Winter climbed aboard. It was a week after she went to Shantytown and she had tracked down the pony that Daisy had mentioned. “I mean, we’re not exactly going into friendly territory here and the pony you’re going to meet is…” “I know who she is,” Winter said as she strapped herself into her seat and her guards did the same. “And that’s why I want her help. She may be a Dashite, but from what I’ve heard I think she can help us with the rebuilding.” “If you say so,” the pilot said as the doors were closed. “I don’t like this, I’ve heard about what happened in Thunderhead and this mare was involved in that. It seems to me this might be more trouble than it’s worth… sorry madam President, it’s not my place I know.” “Your opinion is noted,” Winter said. “But if we’re going to start rebuilding we’re going to need help. One part of that needs to be bringing Dashites back into the fold. If we can show them that we’re willing to change, that could help sway opinion in the Wasteland.” “Alright, if you say so,” the pilot said as he started up the engines and took off from the hangar on board the Thunderhead Paxis. Winter looked out the window towards Hoofington. The old city wasn’t in the best of shape. The core was empty, nopony had been in there for as long as anypony could remember, and that made her a little unsettled. Thankfully, there was no reason to go there today as their destination was a settlement on the outskirts of the ruins. There she’d find a doctor that had fought through hell and survived. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes a moment, she just hoped that everything was going to be okay. Convincing the doctor was going to be hard, especially after what had happened in Thunderhead. The Vertibuck flew in silence for the longest time, nopony wanted to say anything. It finally came in for a landing outside a settlement and the doors opened as the bodyguards lead Winter out. “Be careful Madam President, I don’t like being here,” one of the guards said as they started walking. “Me neither, but it’s what we need to do,” Winter said as she glanced towards the settlement. The settlement of Chapel had been built around an old pre-war building that towered over most of the other buildings in the area, but that wasn’t their destination. On the outskirts of Chapel was a house, it was out of the way and very few ponies paid it much mind. Winter took a deep breath as they approached the front door of the house and knocked on it. “It’s open,” a voice said from inside. One of the bodyguards pushed the door open and lead the others inside. Winter rolled her eyes a little, she knew they were just being careful but they weren’t exactly walking into a combat situation. In the main room in what made for a makeshift doctor’s office was a grey-furred Pegasus mare with a purple mane. She was dressed in black and her cutie mark had been replaced with a brand in the shape of a cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it. Right now she was working on bandaging up a colt’s leg. “Alright, just stay off of that for a few days and you should be fine,” she said with a soft smile. “Thank you Glory,” the colt said with a sniff as he got to his hooves and turned to see Winter standing there flanked by her guards he let out an eep. “What… What are they doing here?” “We’re not here to hurt you,” Winter said as she raised a hoof. “We just want to talk to the Doctor.” That didn’t help much as the colt ran off. The grey Pegasus sighed a little and turned to get some more things together. “Unless you’re here for medical help, you’re wasting your time,” she said without looking at Winter. “And I doubt that the Enclave would send somepony to get medical help from me. Which tells me that you’re probably here to arrest me or execute me.” “No, we’re here to talk,” Winter said simply as she took out a file. “Doctor Morning Glory, a former member of the Volunteer Corps, and protegee of Professor Morningstar in Thunderhead who said you were one of their finest pupils. You’ve got quite the reputation Doctor.” “You left out traitor to the Enclave and associate of a known terrorist,” Morning Glory said with a snort. “So what is the Enclave in such bad shape that they need to turn to traitors for medical assistance?” “Something like that,” Winter said with a sigh. “Do you mind if I take a seat or do you have more patients coming?” “No, that was my last one for the day probably,” Morning Glory said with a sigh as she gestured for Winter to take a seat. She looked at Winter curiously for a moment as if trying to recognize her. “I know you from somewhere…” “I was the Secretary of Education in the old administration,” Winter said. “Your father and I are friends and we met at a party around the time you graduated. I know it’s been a while, but I remember you quite well.” “Oh right, Winter Breeze,” Morning Glory said in recognition. “I remember now, that was a long time ago though.” Winter nodded a little. Morning Glory’s Father,  Sky Striker had been part of the leadership of Thunderhead. Now he was the city’s representative in the Senate for the city of Thunderhead. She had met them on a trip to the city a long time ago and met his daughters at around the same time. “So, why are you here now?” Morning Glory asked as she narrowed her eyes a little. “You don’t come in with this kind of escort without a reason. If you’re going to do anything to hurt Chapel…” “No, we’re here to talk to you, that’s all,” Winter reassured her. “In truth, I need your help with something. The Enclave is balancing on the brink of ruin if we don’t do everything we can to rebuild, and we’re going to need all the help we can get, and that includes you.” “You, need my help?” Morning Glory asked as she looked at Winter surprised. “Why do you need my help of all ponies? Exactly what reason do you have to ask me?” “Morning Glory, a lot has changed ever since you left,” Winter said with a sigh. “Between what happened in Thunderhead and the loss of the Nimbus in Neighvarro, there’s been a lot of changes. I was elected President on the Progressive ticket and I’m doing everything I can to help rebuild it. But at the same time, we need to do more than just rebuild. And for that, I need your help and the help of other Dashites.” “You… want to establish peaceful contact with the rest of Equestria?” Morning Glory asked as she blinked a little in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting that.” “It’s our best chance at survival,” Winter said with a sigh. “We’ve separated ourselves from the rest of the world for the longest time, and it’s just made us worse. I think that it’s our best chance to build a future not only for ourselves, but everypony out there. We need ponies like you, and your knowledge of the Wasteland would be valuable.” Morning Glory paused a moment and closed her eyes as if she was thinking about what to say to that. “I’ve been through a lot, I saw things in Hoofington that I don’t really want to talk about. I found a mare that I loved more than life itself, and despite her flaws I couldn’t let her go… until I had no choice.” “Blackjack…” Winter said softly as she remembered the reports. “She died when Lighthooves did, and most ponies in the Enclave consider her a monster.” “Honestly? I have a hard time deciding,” Morning Glory admitted. “You’re not going to force me to come are you?” “No, it’s entirely up to you,” Winter said. “I’m the last one of my friends still around here,” Morning Glory said as she got up and headed into the other room with Winter and her guards behind her. “Scotch Tape left a few months ago with her friends to go to the Zebra Lands. I don’t even know what happened to Freed Heart, he left around the same time. Rampage is back with the Reapers, and you know what happened to Blackjack.” “What keeps you here then?” Winter asked. “I try to help where I can, and there’s something that keeps me here more than anything, I can’t leave without putting her in risk,” Morning Glory said as she placed her hoof on her stomach for a moment. “Her?” Winter asked curiously. “Not long before what happened in Thunderhead, me and Blackjack got rather drunk,” Morning Glory said with a shake of her head. “Apparently, Blackjack used a spell that she had found in a book to, conceive a foal.” “Is that possible?” Winter asked. “Yeah, I’ve heard rumors of it from before the war and being experimented on in some Stables,” Morning Glory said. “And I’ve had it confirmed, I’m pregnant and it can only be Blackjack’s. I’m scared though, like if I live here she’ll be put in too much risk, but I honestly have nowhere else to go.” “Come back with me,” Winter said. “Help me build a better world for your daughter and all the other foals out there. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re both safe and happy,it doesn’t matter to me if you help me or not. Right now, I just want you and your daughter to be helped. Right now, we have a much better future to build, and I just want you to have a chance to be part of it.” Morning Glory paused a moment and looked at Winter before she smiled softly. “You’ve still got a way with words,” she said with a chuckle. “Alright, I just need to get my things together and I’ll join you.” Winter let out a sigh of relief before she gave her a soft smile. “Alright, we’ll help you out,” she said and nodded to her guards. “Is everything going to be okay with you leaving here?” “There’s another Doctor who lives here, I’m just here to help when needed,” Morning Glory said with a sigh. “I’ll probably need some time to work that out but I’m sure everything will be okay.” “Okay, good,” Winter said with a sigh of relief. “So, how far along are you?” Morning Glory asked as she turned back to look at her and Winter’s eyes went wide. “What did I say? You are pregnant right?” “Uh…” Winter said. “I honestly don’t know.” Morning Glory blinked a little as she looked at Winter confused. “You’ve been feeling sick lately right? And you’ve started to develop a little bump, I thought you’d have noticed by now.” “Honestly? I’ve been busy,” Winter said as she shook her head a little. “And I’ve barely been able to spend any time with my Husband in awhile. I, guess I didn’t think about it until you brought it up.” Winter looked down at her hooves for a long moment and sighed. She was surprised to feel a hoof placed gently on her shoulder and she looked at Morning Glory who gave her a soft reassuring smile. “Winter, it’s going to be okay,” she said softly. “Tell me what’s wrong.” “It’s not that I’m not happy,” Winter said with a sigh as she placed her hoof gently on her stomach. “We’ve talked about having a family before, but I’m not sure how I’m going to handle this. I mean, I’m also the President of the Enclave, how am I supposed to handle both the stress of that job and being an expectant mother?” “Very carefully,” Morning Glory said with a sigh. “I suggest you talk to your doctor when you get back home to verify it. After that, I think you should talk to your husband as well.” “Yeah…” Winter said softly as she shook her head a little. “I’ll keep that in mind, there’s not really much else I can do. Thank you for your advice Morning Glory.” “You’re welcome,” Morning Glory said with a soft smile. “You’re helping me out and that means a lot to me. Thank you for offering to help like this.” “You’re welcome,” Winter said with a soft smile as she let out a sigh of relief. She was just glad that everything worked out, she just had to worry about how to keep going from here is all.