//------------------------------// // We will wait for each other // Story: For the world, just you. For me, the entire world. // by Shadowlight Wanderer //------------------------------// Dear Spike I hope this letter will be read by you in the morning hours. Well, I hope you will be able to find it without the additional help, cause this message is by all means private. Firstly, I have to assure you that my well-being is not threatened in any way. Knowing You, You would probably turn Ponyville upside down if You didn't find me, which is really sweet and noble of You, but there is no need of starting the such a commotion so early in the morning. I simply excused myself earlier because I had my own issues to think about and as divine as the party was, I would be distracted and getting in the way. Among mentioned issues, I needed to write this letter and get it back to the castle. I will explain to You why but in a moment. Spike, this Heartswarming made me realize a few things. First of all, I discovered that even if the planned gift fails, this I not the end of the world. You heard the story I told about Applejack's new hat. Even if it was by mistake, I brought happiness to somepony who wasn't expecting it and taking that happiness away would betray the very Element of Harmony I represent. I left the hat with its new owner and seeing his happiness, I was genuinely glad. But that was not the easy choice of all things. When I reunited with the girls near the castle, I noticed that they all had the same look of failure that I presented on my face. And looking back, no one of us didn't exactly give what he or she was expecting to give the other. But all of those mistakes led to wonderful conclusion. Our friendship helped turn it around and make all of us stronger than before. Even Discord showed some compassion, destroying those horrid dolls. As I said, I realized that sometimes failure seems obvious when you still can save the day. But our situation with the gifts wasn't the only factor that caused me to change my mind. There was something else. Namely, You and Your sweet gift for me. This is the main topic of this letter. Spike, before I will explain it all properly, I need You to understand a couple of things. I won't lie, I knew about you trading ponies to get me. Well, I didn't knew from the beginning but I overheard Pinkie Pie screaming to You that she doesn't have me and after a conversation with You, with You saying that You "don't remember who you picked"... let's just say I added two and two together. But I thought that all of that trading is just another side of Your crush on me. I realized that You had a feelings towards me for quite some time. And I am sorry that I didn't responded to them earlier. I wanted to found a way that would hurt You the least. I know it is a very poor excuse. But I just couldn't believe that Your feelings had any power and influence, in such a young age... I waited for You to move on. But it simply didn't happen. So I became annoyed. Really, really irritated. We shouldn't delude ourselves, my looks repeatedly brought hundreds of stallions on my doorstep. To preserve some semblance of modesty, let's just say that I started a little obsession. I even heard a gossips about about a shop selling a small sculptures of me, what a sick idea. Anyway, stallions would do everything to date me. But after a few dates, it was turning out that they only wanted my body. So I became more careful and hesitant in engaging in the relationship and because of that, I caused the major heartbreak throughout the male population of Ponyville. I felt kind of bad for them. Heartbreak is still heartbreak and I knew it better than anypony, placing my hopes in the wrong individuals. You have my word that I never had an intention of hurting You. I wouldn't be able to break Your heart. That's why I did nothing, I didn't even talk to You about considering Your feelings. I am so, so sorry for this. I was always thinking about Your feelings towards me as nothing more than a cute crush, something that will fade with time and we will remain friends, as we move with our lives. I thought that throughout the years, despite Your countless acts of courage and conviction. But I was never sure and I just couldn't realize what would make me have the certainty in which direction to go. That's, it was like that until last night. You spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to trade with others to get a chance to get me a present. So long that, as You admitted yourself, You didn't have a time to make a right decision and didn't buy anything. In that point, any stallion I went on a date before would buy anything nice and flashy, maybe even the sculpture from this creepy shop. But You chose something else. You gave me a song. Something immaterial, without any physical use, something that one can't put on a shelf. The kind of a gift that you can only put and treasure in one place. Inside of the heart. I listened and...quite frankly, I was shocked. But after a while, I realized that there was nothing shocking out there. That was how the things have always been, ever since we met. You were saying that not a single thing in this town is more precious than me. And through this entire song, all You did was expressing Your concern about my satisfaction. So many others would try to manipulate me or try to present themselves in a better light to win me over. And You, even with all the feelings You had for me...You were honest about Your flaws and failures since the beginning. All You did from the start was care about me Spike...this is love, isn't it ? Not just a stupid, childish crush. You really love me, don't You ? Cause in the case You do...I can't really be with You. The odds are against us, we are not the same species and You are too young to even be considered a potential partner. That's what I would say if You were some random stranger. But Spike, I know You for years now. And after everything we've been through, You deserve a chance. Honestly, I am happy with You. With You around, I always feel like the best version of myself. I am happy that I met You, Spikey-Whikey. That said, there are problems though. We are indeed from different species and there is an age gap between us. The world and our friends may have difficulties in accepting us together. But what's different is now You have me and we will help each other to be better. I know I didn't try my best to have a fair-share of chores when we were working together. But I will do my best to keep up and improve. Spike, I know how much you did for me, but I must ask of You one thing. Be true to yourself. Keep getting stronger and more mature ( Honestly darling, You've changed so much since that first day. You did adres your feelings in a way that I didn't have a courage to go) and in a few years, when the age difference won't be perceived as so drastic, we will be able to embrace the happiness in its full spectrum and be fully as one. But for now, You need to grow even more to stand by my side, to overcome everything that fate threw at us. I will be waiting for You and try to be there for You when You need me. Patience is one of the most important qualities of the proper lady such as myself. But I still don't know if my feelings can compare with Yours. After last night however, I am more than willing to explore this newfound affection. So if You wait for me, as I catch up while making everything to You, everything will be all right. Because we will wait for each other. I am going to bed for now, during the period of holidays I need my beauty sleep more than anything. So now Spike, I am not saying no. I am not saying yes. I am saying maybe. But if we work together, I am sure we will make it one way or another. Ta-Ta ! Thank You so much Spikey Sincerely, Rarity The letter slowly fell to the floor from Spike's claws. Did he really just read that ? Young dragon's legs were shaking and he had to sit down. That really happened...Rarity, the Rarity, the very same one who visited his dreams on a regular basis (which sometimes was a source of embarrassment when Twilight was waking him up) recognized his feelings. And not only that, but said that there was a potential for her to return those feelings. Spike felt like anything but complaining but even now he wondered about how actually this confession-like letter was saying the stuff. In the various scenarios he played in his head through the years, he always imagined Rarity shattering his heart to little, tiny pieces with a devastating denial or jumping straight into the loving embrace and bombarding him with kisses. For some reason, any other option never occurred to him at all. "I am saying maybe"...huh... Come to think of it, that was strangely more reassuring than yes or no. It all depended on them now. But with Rarity's promise... A goofy grin stretched out throughout dragon's face, as Spike rise up once more. That's right. He will do his best. And some day, they will be together cause from now one, they will both make sure of that. Spike whistled happily and started to jump around when he realized that everypony around was still sleeping. He quickly composed himself though in the inside, he was practically screaming with joy. When he scanned a messy room, he frowned a little. As amazing and beautiful as the letter was, it didn't contain any explanation for the state of the room Spike woke up into. So what happened during Heartswarming party ?