//------------------------------// // Just Gawking During Study // Story: Just Girls Gawking (at Flash Sentry) // by shortskirtsandexplosions //------------------------------// "Oooooooooooooh..." Flash Sentry swivels from side to side, his eyes shut and head tilted up as he runs a hand slowwwwwly down his chest, abdomen, and thighs. "...it was love it was love it was love it was lovvvvve—at first sight!" Click! A lavender finger tapped a remote control. "So..." Twilight Sparkle paused the saucy video being projected across the massive wall of her family living room. "...in summation..." She pivoted to face a young couple seated on the couch. "...judging by the physical actions that the dance subject is undergoing..." She adjusted her glasses as she plinked away at a calculator. "...and divided by both the on-screen time and the assumed rehearsal time..." She produced a numerical result and displayed it proudly with an even prouder smile. "...one can conclude that the subject has lost five hundred and twenty seven calories in this one concentrated effort!" Twilight held her hands behind her back and smiled from ear to ear. "And that's my proposed science report for Human Anatomy 202!" She bit her lip, toying with a lock of hair while standing pigeon-toed. "Wh... wh-what do you two think?" "... ... ... ..." Shining Armor and Cadance sat side by side, hand-in-hand, with a mutual blush spread across their otherwise blank expressions. "Well?" Twilight leaned cutely back and forth, trembling slightly. "Is it too efficient? Not efficient enough? I know a lot of the numbers depend on hypothesized conjecture, but..." She gulped. "Any questions? I really value your input." Cadance was the first to fidget, stir, and produce a slow response: "Does..." She pointed at the frozen projection. "...he have a brother?" Shining hissed at her. "Cadance!" She flinched from him. "Shining, I'm sorry! But you too just saw—!" "How could you be so selfish?!?" Shining Armor then looked across the room at his younger sister Twilight. The blush intensified across his pale face. "Does he have two brothers...?" A beady-eyed Cadance nodded emphatically.