Animal in the bed?

by Galaxy Swril

Part 1

Animal in the bed?

By Galaxy Swirl

Part 1

Friday, a good day to relax and do nothing, well for Gallus. He was lying down on his bed reading a few magazines peaceful until..."GALLUS! Get your griffin butt over here!!" Sliverstream yaped from her room. Gallus heard Sliverstream say his name but ignored her, but he knew that Sliverstream was very impatient for answers so he had to say something.

"Just a second Sliverstream!" Sliverstream did not like Gallus answer.

"Please it's really important and I can only tell you and only you!" Sliverstream begged him.

Gallus rolled his eyes then sighed in defeat, "fine coming." Gallus put his magazine on his bed and walked over to Sliverstreams room. "What is so important Sliver? You interrupted me in reading 'rule number 34'."

"Seriously? You read those? You are so dirty minded," Sliverstream commented playfully punching Gallus on the shoulder.

"Hey! In my defense there's nothing interesting happening in Equestria lately so I just thought why not give it a try to read 'rule number 34' and apparently it's really addicting and full of juicy gossip." Gallus explained.

Sliverstream tried to say words but nothing was coming out of her mouth, "anyway I called you over to my room because I got like 10 mugs of apple cider for like 10 bits cause usually there like double the price and since it's cider season I thought why not share them with a friend."

"Oh good. I thought you were talking about stairs again," Gallus sarcastically replied. Sliverstream pretended to be offended and shoved her pillow into Gallus face. "Hey I was joking ok! Of course I'll some with you, I'll get five mugs right?"

"Duh silly! Otherwise it wouldn't be fair! Here you go!" Sliverstream said while handing over five mugs on cider to Gallus. "You do realize these drinks are alcoholic right?"

Gallus smricked, "I realize that. That's why I said yes. Bottoms up!"

"What does bottoms up mean?" Sliverstream asked.

"It means your expressing friendly feelings towards someone before drinking alcohol. I feel like your using me as your dictionary lately. Just search it up on the internet." Gallus explained.

Sliverstream smiled, "ok then. BOTTOMS UP!!" Sliverstream gulped her first mug of apple cider leaving Gallus who didn't even start to drink his yet. "Oh yea that's soooo gooood. Hits the spot nicely!"

"Is this your first time trying apple cider?" Gallus asked.

"Yup! You?" Sliverstream took her next mug and drank it quickly.

"First timer too," Gallus cooed. Gallus started to drink his first mug of apple cider. "Oh yea you were right, really hits the spot. So glad I came out of my room."

Sliverstream smirked, "would you rather right now read 'rule number 34' magazines or drink 5 mugs of apple cider?"

Gallus needed time to think about his answer to Sliverstreams question. "Your literally asking me sex or alcohol, but since your asking alcohol cause then I can do both."

"What's sex?" Sliverstream asked, Gallus tried not to laugh but he couldn't help himself. "Why are you laughing?"

Gallus tried to stop laughing but he couldn't contain himself, "it's cute how y-you a-ask me s-so many q-questions," Gallus struggled to reply.

"How is that cute? I'm just a curious hippogriff." Sliverstream replied. Finally Gallus stopped laughing and caught his breath. He drank two more mugs of cider before answering Sliverstream.

"It's just cute, I guess. I just like curious creatures that's all." Gallus answered.

Sliverstream lifted one of her eyebrows, "Ok then! Soo Gallus do you know which class we have next?"

"I dunno, probably professor Dash or Fluttershy. Did you know I'm a real animal in the bed?" Gallus replied not knowing what he just said out loud.

"Animal in the bed?" Gallus spat out his drink realizing what he just said. "What's that?"

Galluses face was flustered with many shades of pink and red. He had to come up with something to say to cover up what he just said, "your a curious girl aren't you? Like I said search it up." Sliverstream rolled her eyes.

"Don't flirt with me Gallus, just tell me please?" Sliverstream begged.

Gallus shook his head and then looked at the clock up on Sliverstreams wall, "oh what do you know I think it's time for class! Come one we don't wanna be late" Gallus winked. Sliverstream rolled her eyes and then sighed in defeat.

"Fine we'll go to class, just let me finish these last couple of mugs." Sliverstream quickly gulped the cider and then went with Gallus to class. As Gallus and Sliverstream were walking over to Fluttershy's class they both heard some yelling and loud noises coming from Rainbow Dashes classroom. Gallus and Sliverstream decided to check out what was happening.


"Twilight are you alright? Are you recovering from a hangover?" Rainbow Dash asked 'nicely'.

Twilight grabbed a book and slammed it to the ground, "DON'T YOU 'TWILIGHT ARE YOU ALRIGHT ME' RAINBOW DASH!! Oh no precious book! I'm so sorry I slammed you. Your a good book? Yes you are!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"Typical, mothering books. What do you want Twilight?" Rainbow Dash again asked 'nicely'. She had no idea what Twilight was talking about.


"What do you mean..." Rainbow Dash paused until Twilights words triggered her memory, "...oh that, it was a prank. That was like two months ago. But I swear on Celestia's throne I learnt the---OW WHAT THE FUCK TWILIGHT?" Twilight had blasted a laser at Rainbow Dash.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND MAYBE EAT YOU ALIVE! FLY FLY AS FAST AS YOU CAN YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!!" Twilight continued to shoot magic lasers at Rainbow Dash so Rainbow Dash took of into the air trying to find a place to hide. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SUCCUBUS!!"

Gallus and Sliverstream just watched Twilight trying to kill Rainbow Dash. They found it quite entertaining how there professors were fighting over a stupid prank. Gallus lifted his phone and started to get Twilight trying to kill Rainbow Dash on video while Sliverstream was trying not to laugh.

"Gallus what are you doing?" Sliverstream asked.

"Filming them." Gallus chuckled.


"Cause why not! This will be trending on the internet for ages! I'll be a millionaire!" Gallus continued to filming Twilight trying to kill Rainbow Dash. Sliverstream was just next to Gallus speechless.

"TWILIGHT I'M SORRY OK! I SWEAR I LEARNT THE LESSON!" Rainbow Dash shouted while trying to dodge Twilights lasers.

"TELL THAT TO THE JUDGE!!" Twilight continued firing magic lasers at Rainbow Dash.

"Shouldn't we tell on of the professors about this? Or solve this ourselves? Because this is getting out of hand, hoof, claw, fins?" Sliverstream asked Gallus but Gallus wasn't listening to Sliverstream, instead he continued filming Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "Gallus? Earth to Gallus? Oh boy this is going to be a long day. Come on let's go to class," Sliverstream started to pull Gallus by his tail.

"OW! Hold on Sliverstream don't be impatient, this is pure gold here I'm not leaving yet. Aww no fair they're gone, you were saying?" Sliverstream rolled her eyes.

"Come on let's go already! We're already late! Professor Fluttershy might be mad with us!" Sliverstream exclaimed while trying to drag Gallus across the hallway.

"Hey watch the tail!" Gallus yelled, he removed Sliverstreams claw from his tail and started to smoothen it out again. "Since when does Professor Fluttershy get mad with any creature?" Gallus asked.

"Don't know! Hurry up! And by the way you really need to lose some weight, no offense" Sliverstream shrugged.

"Well that's just mean." Gallus mumbled.