//------------------------------// // This Will Be A Long Day // Story: Twilight's Very Bad No Good Day // by Zac9087 //------------------------------// 5:30am, every pony who has any bit of sanity in them would be sleeping at a time like this, all except for one pony. "Brrrrrriiiiing!!!" An alarm clock chimes before being swiftly shut off by a purple hoof. "Ahhh, what a beautiful day, better wake up spike, we've got a busy, busy, busy day!" Twilight chimes to herself, barely able to contain her excitement for working early in the morning. "Spike, it's time to wake up" "Ngh...five more minutes" A purple dragon mumbles in his sleep. "Oh, okay, five more minutes, I'll be back up soon to wake you" Twilight says and she begins to walk towards the stairs. "Make sure to categorize the books starting from a to--" Twilight starts, but is cut off by falling down the crystal steps leading towards the first floor. "Ahhh!, OOF!" She lets out a pained grunt as she lands hard on the crystal floor. "Spiiiiiike! Didn't I tell you to wipe down the stairs from when we cleaned the walls!" Twilight yells upstairs at spike in annoyance. "Sorry Twi!, must have forgot, I'm coming down now, " he yells back down. "I'll get started on the stai--" He starts, but is cut off by also falling down the stairs. "Woah!!" Spike yells as he slams into Twilight, knocking them both to the floor. "Spike, be more careful! Are you hurt?" She asks, worried. "Nah, it's fine Twi, I'll get to work on the stairs" "Okay, I'll get to work organizing" Twilight say's as she walks into the library. 5 minutes later, In the library. "Crash!" Spike rushes into the library upon hearing the crash. "Twilight, are you ok?! I heard a cra--" Spike stops upon seeing twilight buried in books galore. "Ugh, yes, Spike, i'm fine, help me clean up, please?" She asks. "Yeah, ok" Spike replies, beginning to pick up books. "Oh wow, I haven't seen any of these in so, so" Spike stutters. "Spike? Are you ok?" Twilight asks, worried about Spike. "Oh no, aah, aah, I think I'm gonna--" Spike says quickly, before letting off a big sneeze, blowing fire all over the books. "AAAH CHOOO!" The books burst into flame as spike sneezes. "OH NO! SPIKE, THE BOOKS!" Twilight yells as she quickly casts a spell to save as many of the books as possible, only saving 5. "Ah, Twilight, I'm so sorry!" Spike yells apologetically. "Sigh, don't worry about it Spike, go back to bed, I'll clean up here then head to Sweet Apple Acre's for the next chore" Twilight says, before sending spike up to bed and finishing cleaning up, and organizing herself. 20 minutes later, Twilight begins to head to Sweet Apple Acre's. "Hey AJ, I'm here to pick up the apples I bought" Twilight says, as Applejack goes to retrieve them from the barn. "Ah, alright, ah'm gonna go get em'" Applejack says, before getting the apples and heading back towards Twilight. "Here ya are sugar cube, one batch of fresh app--Woah!" Applejack trips, pouring the apples all over Twilight. "Aah!" Twilight falls on her flank as the bushel of apples knocks her over and pours onto her. "A-Ah sugarcube, ah'm so sorry, lemme clean up and get ya a new batch" Applejack Offers. "It's fine applejack, I'll buy a new bushel later, I have to get going anyways, I'm behind schedule on my chores anyways" Twilight says, walking off to the next location on her chore list. "Okay, next up, Sugar Cube corner" Twilight says, before seeing Sugar Cube Corner and entering. "Pinkie? where's Mrs. Cake?" Twilight asks. "Their out for the day, so I'm running the shop!" Pinkie says, ecstatically. "So Twilight, what can I get for you?" "A Strawberry cake please" Twilight answers, while looking at the deserts on show in the counter display sets. "Okie dokie lokie, be right back!" Pinkie bounces off to bake the cake. 10 minutes later Pinkie returns with a beautiful strawberry cake. "Here you go Twilight, one strawberry cake, with extra frosting!" "Ah, thank you pinkie I really--" Just as Pinkie was giving Twilight the cake, some pony knocked into Twilight, making her push herself into the cake face first. "Oof!" Twilight yelps, before pulling her cake covered face from the newly destroyed cake. "Hey, watch where you're goin' lady!" The pony says rudely. Twilight just growls before saying "You know what pinkie? I'll get a cake later" Twilight then promptly leaves Sugar Cube Corner. "Next on the chore list is Rarity's Carousel Boutique for this weeks Grand Galloping Gala" She says to herself as she enters the Boutique. "Oh, welcome darling~" Rarity greets Twilight at the door. "How may I help you this fine day, and so early too?" "Hello Rarity, I need the dress I ordered for the Gala" Twilight replies. "Oh, yes, the dress, okay darling, I'll be right back" Rarity says before leaving back stage to get the dress. "Here it is darling, you're new Gala dress, white is in season darling, I also got you a special flower to wear on it, it's right--" Rarity starts but knocks over a glass of wine she had out while she was working, drenching the white dress in red wine. "T-The dress!!" Rarity cries out. "Darling, I am sooo sorry! I'll get started on a new dress right away!" Rarity yelled before retreating to her sewing room. "Thanks...Rarity" Twilight says before leaving. "Next is Fluttershy's Cottage" She says as she approaches the Cottage "Fluttershy? are you in there?" Twilight calls, knocking on the door. "Oh Twilight, are you here for the gems I got for spike?" Fluttershy asks softly as she opens the door "Yeah, sorry I'm here so early Fluttershy, I got an early start" Twilight replies. "It's okay, come in I'll get the gems" Fluttershy says as she goes upstairs after letting Twilight inside. "Okay, I'll be here" Twilight says, watching Fluttershy disappear upstairs. 5 minutes later "EEP! Twilight, I'm sorry I have to go, I forgot to get the gems! I'm so sorry" Fluttershy says quickly as she flies out the door, leaving Twilight alone. "That's fine...Fluttershy, oh well, I have one more chore left" 10 minutes pass as Twilight heads to her last chore location, eager to get this last one over with. "Rainbow Dash? wake up!" Twilight bangs on Rainbow's door, until it swings open. "Ugh, Twilight? what do you want, it's 6am!" Rainbow says, frustration clear in her voice. Twilight instantly notices the large bags under her eyes, but ignores it. "I need the cursed branches I had you collect in the EverFree" "Branches? you wanted those today?" Rainbow asked, confused and tired. "What do you mean today? you did get them didn't you?" Twilight asked, skeptical. "No, I thought you meant when I'm up for it" Rainbow said, barely registering what was happening. "Rainbow!, I need those branches!" Twilight yelled, getting frustrated again. "Geez Twilight, no yelling, too early, okay I'm going" Rainbow said as she flew off towards the EverFree. "Ugh, so done with today" Twilight said as she flew home. The sound of hoofsteps echoed through the crystal hallway as twilight walked into her room and collapsed into her bed. "Maybe I can finish these chores tomorrow" Twilight said as she drifted off to sleep, preparing to deal with all her problems later.