//------------------------------// // Arrival // Story: The Boxer's Cornerwoman // by Winter Fox //------------------------------// Chapter 1 It was a quiet and rainy morning in Canterlot city. Over at the train station, a locomotive pulled into the terminal. “Huh? I was expecting more, big brother.” a little pale green skin and red hair boy stated out loud. “We haven’t even entered the main city, Phobos, so calm down.” A large and stocky royal blue-skinned with royal purple hair teen reprimanded. “Okay, Agni. do you see uncle Iron anywhere?” Phobos glanced about, hoping to find a glimpse of their uncle through the large crowd “Just give me a second to go through the bags to make sure we have all of them.” After making sure that our bags were, in fact, all there, I look around to see my silver skin and white hair uncle stand with a sign with our names on it in a denser path. “Yeah I see the old geezer, Follow me.” I grab my brothers hand and start to walk to our uncle. “Hello Uncle, Iron, how you been doing.” “Ai. I have fair well myself. How about you barra hmm?” “I am fine and did you already have a beer or two today.” “Yes, I may have a swally or two down at the pub.” “Ugh, what I am I going to do with you and please stop talking Scottish, please. It is hard to understand you sometimes, You remember Phobos at least.” “Oh, where is the wee yin?” “Right here uncle can we please get going.” “Yeah, yeah let’s get going.” My uncle started to walk to the front exit with my brother in tow. I grabbed our bags off of the ground and walked behind them. When we got outside to the parking lot I saw my uncle had brought my father’s car from when he was in high school. The car in mention was a black base color 1967 Shelby Mustang gt500, It was a beautiful car as always. “Hold on let me pop the trunk for you Agni.” My uncle quickly ran to the trunk and unlocked I walked up next to him and placed our bags in the trunk. I turned to face my uncle “Thank you for allowing me and Phobos to live with you at the gym.” “We are family I would do anything to help you grow up into a respectful man you, hear me.” “Yeah, I hear you.” I hug my uncle and walk around to the front. “Hey, Agni catch.” I turn quickly and hold up my hand. I open my hand to see a pair of keys and realize one is the key to the car. “Are you sure about this?” “Aye I am, it is fine I have been wanting you to have the car anyways. I feel like your father would have wanted you to have it anyways.” “Well okay I will treat it with the respect it deserves.” “You better you hear.” We piled in the car and pulled off. We later arrived at our destination and I parked the car. “Still running the old gym I see.” “What you thought I would sell the place.” I started to pull out our bags. “Well, yeah I did.” My uncle quickly cut me off. “The old girl still has a long time to go. And I still have enough steam to knock some heads around.” We walked to the building in question and it was a simple two-story building with a sign that says Iron Boxing. I saw a few people entering and exiting including a girl with a rainbow hair color. “Well she has an interesting style, doesn’t she?” “Oh yeah, that is Rainbow something one of the best I have trained. She has even almost mastered lighting punches.” “Oh, so she is a what you call a bullet boxer?” “Yup that she is unlike you Mister tank.” “Hey, that ain't my fault.” “Whatever you say let us get inside already.” “Yeah yeah.” With that, we proceeded into the gym and head to the back where there was a door. I set the bags down while I looked around the gym. It had a boxing ring in the center with different types of punching bags here and there. “See you kept everything in the same place.” “Yup didn’t feel like anything needed to change.” My uncle finally unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a set of stairs heading up. I picked up the bags and headed up the stairs. I enter my uncle’s apartment and saw the old couch and table in the kitchen located in the back. I looked to the left and saw three doors. Two were open and saw my uncle’s room and that bathroom. I saw the door to the right was closed and guessed that was where I and Phobos were staying. I walked over and opened the door. As I was entering the room Phobos rushed past and looked around. I followed his example and examined the room seeing two simple beds with desk beside each with a small dresser at the ends of them “I want the one on the right!” Phobos exclaimed. “Sure whatever you say.” I sighed and set our bags down and went to the living room and collapsed on the couch and relaxed. My uncle walked in the living room and sat next to me. “You do realize next week you head back to school?” “Yeah, I figured that. I plan to start to get a sleep schedule.” “Well it is almost about five-ish so I suggest you unpack and get something to eat.” “Yeah, I should get to that.” I got up and went to the room and started to unpack our bags. After I finished with the bags and saw it was almost eight. “Shit need to get ready for bed.” I went to the bathroom in the of my uncle’s and of my brothers and I’s room and took my shower. I exit the shower and went to the bedroom. Before I lay down on my bed my uncle opened the door. “Hey, Agni mind if we talk a little?” “Oh sure.” I turned and walked to my uncle in the Kitchen. “Yeah what’s up?” “I wanted to talk to you about how this is your last chance for you and your brother, Please don’t mess this up for your brother.” “Yeah I know I am going to try my best for him, I have been too selfish.” I got up and went to my room. I set the alarm on my alarm clock and went to bed.