Red vs Blue

by SinWriter7

The Moon Rises

Phase 1: The Moon Rises (Kids Part 1)

This Fanfiction is for my OC which is gonna be in Shadic Spark Dash's, Time Disruption Series!

This is specifically to tell my OC's stories, Red The Hedgehog/Red Sun, and Blue The Hedgehog/Blue Moon!

And let's get riiight into the Phase!

*Intro Begins*

*Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle*

Intro Music

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!"

Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids

"Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!"

A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!"

Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house

"Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!"

Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1

"Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!"

Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!"

Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager

"I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!"

Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen

Red vs Blue

A Dark Blue pony, he has black wings and a red horn, he wears a red hat, and he has a knife as his cutie mark is seen at 2 years old and he already can walk around and even speak, this was Blue Moon.

"Hi Mummy! Hi Diddy!" well not properly but at least Blue could speak! Anyway Blue exclaims this as he hugs his parents.

"Hi Blue" His Mom, who was named Skillet, says as she hugs Blue back, then after they finished hugging, His Dad (His name was Guitar because the name Piccolo was already taken) kicks Blue, but Blue moved out the way.

"Looks like you now know how to DODGE!" Flute yells as he kicks Blue and Blue is sent into the wall before he falls onto the ground.

"You really need to be a better father" Skillet tells Guitar, Skillet was a White Pony with Black Hair, Plus he wore Black Boots on all of his Hooves, and he had a Guitar as his Cutie Mark, meanwhile Guitar was a Yellow Pony with Orange Hair, She wore a Red Cape along with a Brown Hat along with some Red Boots, and she had a microphone as a Cutie Mark.

"What he needs is a trainer, because face it we have pissed off a lot of people back in our days" Guitar responds, Skillet then smiles.

"Indeed we did, And do you want Blue to have some pony as pretty and invincible as me someday?" Skillet asks as she cuddles against Guitar.

"Eh, from the looks of it he'll be in love with a pretty pony, probably because he won't understand love, especially since we are the ponies raising him" Guitar responds, Skillet nods in agreement.

"DODGE!" Blue was heard yelling then he immediately appears in front of Guitar and kicks him in the face, this sends Guitar into the wall also.

"What the!?" Skillet yells in shock, Blue just chuckled.

"Yay! Thunks for truning ma daddy!" Blue yells, then he hugs Guitar, Guitar shrugs and he hugs back.

"One day you'll definitely have a great future" Guitar responds, but Skillet is still surprised by what Blue just did.

"H-Honey?" Skillet asks, then Guitar gets back onto his hooves and Guitar signals for Blue to go back into his room.

"Hehehe, looks like Blue is gonna be a invincible pony" Guitar puns, but Skillet groans.

"You're starting to sound like Time Karma" Skillet responds, Guitar then chuckles.

"And you're starting to sound like Dark Life" Guitar remarks, then Skillet glares at him.

"Look just because Dark is my ex doesn't mean that I'm like him in any way" Skillet states, but Guitar rolls his eyes.

"We are all in denial about something, Anyway, you ready to have 11 babies?" Guitar asks, then Skillet is seen pregnant.

"Yeah, and I hope that Blue gets along with them" Skillet responds, then her and Dark walks outside, and Blue is seen looking outside from his window, he was staring at the moon


A Red Pegasuses with a black scarf, who also has a blue horn along with silver wings and red eyes was seen running around the wood at 2 years old, then he sees that the whether starts getting stormy, yep this was Red.

"Okay Dad, I'll gu buck heme" Red responds in his mind, then he runs back home and he goes through the door.

"Red, What did we tell you about going out later than 7:00?" Green and had a purple dress on along with pink shoes that have green stripes asks Red, this was Red's Mother, Time Karma, then Red is seen smiling.

"Naver go out lote unless you want to be beeten up I knuw" Red responds, then Karma smiles, and they suddenly see A Orange Hedgehog Like Sonic but they wore a black gloves with red claws coming out of both of them, they also had black shoes with red stripes, and their belly was white, this was Red's father, Dark Life.

"Looks like you are definitely smart enough to remember some things" Dark states, then Red chuckles.

"Yeah!" Red exclaims, then Dark and Karma smiles.

"Okay Red, you can go to sleep if you want to" Karma confirms, but Red stayed where he was.

"Hey Fatha can you showa me what's in yo room?" Red curiously asks, but Dark chuckled.

"Sorry Red, but maybe when you get older is when you can go into my room" Dark responds, then Dark walks away.

"Yay! I'll be uble to go te daddy's ruum!" Red yells as he claps his hooves, Karma then also chuckled due to how Red always acted.

"Red" Karma says as she hugs Red, then Red hugs back.

"Yuh?" Red asks.

"Please don't ever change" Karma answers as she finishes the hug, then Red nods before he runs upstairs and Red is seen looking outside from his window, he was staring at the stars.

*The Next Day*

"Blue we'll be back!" Guitar yells as he takes Skillet to the hospital, now Blue was left home alone as he saw his Mom and Dad leave.

"I wonder how habbies are made" Blue wonders, but then he is seen walking around his house, then he turns around and sees his door being kicked.

"Ah, I've been waiting to beat you both up!" Blue heard, but he stands his ground while violently shaking, then he sees Dark at the door but he had completely red eyes.

"Y-You a-are n-not g-gonna b-beat m-m-me" Blue nervously says, Dark then sees Blue and his eyes are no longer red and he sighs.

"Who are you?" Dark asks casually, Blue then stopped shaking and he smiled.

"Blue Moon!" Blue exclaims very happily (Wow he got over that quickly).

"Who are your parents Blue Moon?" Dark asks again.

"Guitar and Skillet!" Blue proudly yells, then he cheers as he said his first response without messing up his parents names.

"Heh, you remind me of my son" Dark states, then Blue looks confused.

"How?" Blue asks, then Dark smiles as he gets closer to Blue.

"Well, let's just say that the both of you love to have fun" Dark answers, then he starts walking away.

"Wait! How ure habbies made?" Blue asks, Dark then turns his head and smirks.

"I'll tell you next time we meet" Dark states, then he walks away as Blue is once again left home alone.

*The Hospital*

"Send the babies to meet Blue, we want him to see the babies first just in case if something happens" Skillet informs a doctor, then they take all 11 babies out of the hospital.

"Ah, All three of us had a time with each other didn't we?" A female doctor asks as she sits by Skillet and Guitar.

"Yeah, you were the one who brought me and Skillet together" Guitar responds, then Skillet opens her eyes as she has already given birth to multiple kids.

"Yeah, ever since we were all young, we all had one thing in common, we are were evil in our own right" The female doctor confirms, then Skillet chuckles.

"Hey, Remember the time when we all teamed up and constantly kept beating up Dark because of how he use to always threaten us" Skillet states, then Guitar and the female doctor both smiles.

"Yeah, you use to always yell, 'I FEEL INVINCIBLE!' and you genuinely did believe it" The female doctor playfully responds as she moves her hooves while talking.

"Oh, I don't believe it anymore, I KNOW it" Skillet responds, then Guitar and Skillet held each other's hooves.

"Yeah, you were the mastermind, I was the executor, and Skillet always would trash talk people as I'd beat them down" Guitar confirms as he looks at the female doctor and Skillet.

"Actually, I'm the crack, in this Castle Of Glass" All three of them heard, then Skillet's eyes immediately fills up with fear while Guitar looks angry and the female doctor runs out the room, Dark let's her pass then he returns his attention to Skillet and Guitar as his eyes remained completely red.

"She always was a coward, but that doesn't matter now" Guitar responds, then he gets ready to fight while Dark smiles.

"Indeed it doesn't, because you two remember the promise I made, right?" Dark asks as a Dark Aura surrounds him.

"I will eventually beat up the both of you, and when I do, don't expect me to show ANY mercy, that's a PROMISE!" Dark stated as he shook hooves with Guitar while they were both at their Graduations.

"I know, so remember that next the time we face each other, you must not hold back AT ALL" Guitar states, then the two of them glares at each other.

"Okay okay, you two can break it up now" Karma says as she pushes Dark back.

"Hey! If he thinks he can take the Monster then tell him to think again, Because whoever is with me, is INVINCIBLE!" Skillet exclaims as she got in front of Guitar.

"I can't believe that we were EVER together!" Dark yells, but Skillet just smirked.

"That's what you said!" Skillet yelled back, then Guitar wraps his hooves around Skillet.

"You four will be going at it forever" The female doctor stated, then Skillet, Guitar, Karma, and Dark all nods while they all glare at each other.

"Yeah, that was one of the moments in my life I decided to treasure, because I knew that you would never break that promise" Guitar responds, then he gets ready to battle.

"Hehehe, I always had a soft side for you Guitar, but that's only because Guitars were my favorite instruments, but as for you, I always more of a grudge against Skillet, but you always provided a good fight for me, so Guitar, DON'T HOLD BACK" Dark states as he smiles.

"I won't" Guitar answers, then Guitar and Dark charges at each other, then...






















Dark is seen walking out of the building and he is seen with a lighter.

"Heh, Light 'Em Up" Dark states with a bunch of bruises and scars on him while Skillet and Guitar were seen unconscious and Dark smiles as the hospital is seen empty of any doctors as he drops the lighter, and the hospital is seen burning.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Guitar apologizes as he crawls to Skillet and he places his arm on Skillet, but Skillet smiles.

"I accept your apology" Skillet answers, then the two smiles before they kiss each other, then the hospital completely burns down while Dark watches.

"The Kill Count has begun" Dark states, then he walks away as the hospital is burnt.

*Later That Day*

"Blue Moon!" Blue heard, then he quickly runs downstairs and he sees the female doctor sen with Skillet and Guitar from earlier.

"Where's my Mummy and Dadda?" Blue asks, but then the female doctor shows Blue his ten sisters and he smiles.

"Here's your siblings" The female doctor confirms, then Blue smiles as he looks at all of them.

"Yay!" Blue cheers then he holds one of his sisters in his hooves.

"Who will you name this one?" The female doctor asks, then Blue smiles as his eyes light up.

"I already gut nomes for all of dem, they're all gonna be named after ma fovorite showa! Destiny! Chara Mamia! Lowronica! Ashleave! Nahmanda! Kylvia! Bangela! Shame! Mahbee! Chatalie! and Pyle!" Blue exclaims as he holds Chara Mamia in his hooves.

"I'm pretty sure that those aren't their names but you're just a kid, so I'll let those names pass" The female doctor responds as she smiles.

"Wait, what about Mim and Dud?" Blue asks, then the female doctor looks down, the female doctor's name was Jodie Whittaker and she looks at Blue with tears in her eyes.

"They are dead" Jodie answers, then Blue's smile goes away.

"Hey Mommy, whot happiened to my bruddah and sista?" Red asks Karma while Karma was checking time, then she frowns.

"When did this question come up?" Karma asks as she slowly turns around.

"I just remambered seeing two more bronies when I was barn" Red answers, then Karma sighs.

"Well, neither of them were your brother and sister, but they were instead our least favorite people to see, Skillet and Guitar" Karma starts answering Red's question.

"Who are they?" Red asks curiously as he walks into his mom's room.

"Villains" Karma states, then Dark is seen at the door to Karma's room.

"Hi Duddy!" Red exclaims as he goes to hug his dad, but Dark doesn't hug him back.

"Honey, What's wrong?" Karma asks, but Dark finishes the hug and he walks away while Karma and Red watches on in confusion.

*At Night*

Blue was seen asleep with tears in his eyes.

"Mom...Dad...Please don't leave...Please..." Blue says while he sleeps, but then Red is seen waking up, then he quickly runs out of the house while his parents were sleeping.

"Heh, As if I'd get hurt!" Red announces, then he starts running around the forest at night and he is immediately a red blur as Red randomly runs for a long time.

"NOOO!" Blue yells as he suddenly starts sleep walking, then he walks outside of his house and he is seen sleep walking around the forest.

"Called it!" Red loudly yells, then he randomly attempts to do a backflip at 2 years old but he just falls on his face.

"PLEASE!" Blue shouts again while sleep walking then he accidentally trips over Red.

"What the-!?" Red was gonna ask, then he gets up but he suddenly sees a red aura start to be used as a figure starts floating.

"I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ME ALIVE! CHAOS BLAST!" Blue yells as the red aura surrounds him and he starts floating while sleeping, then he causes a giant wide blast which causes all the trees close to him to fall into little pieces and the blast knocks Red head first through a tree which breaks afterwards thanks to Red, then Red lands on the ground and is unconscious, he now had a scar going across his left eye, Blue then fell asleep for good as he stopped talking and falls onto the ground.

*The Next Day*

Blue gets up and he's to exhausted to see Red as he walks home.

"S-Still a-alive" Red weakly states as he gives a thumbs up, then he slowly starts getting up and he sees a bunch of bruises on him but Red just starts walking home and he enters his house.

"Stupid sisters" Blue comments as he goes to his house, he was moody now while his sisters were crying, then he went upstairs and shoved milk into all of his sisters mouth.

"Red!/Blue!" Karma and Jodie accidentally yells in unison, then Red and Blue are seen looking at Karma and Jodie seperately.

"Where were you last night!?" Jodie loudly asks Blue, but Blue just growled as he sees something under one of his sister's bed, then he quickly grabs it and holds it in his hand as he smiles.


"Where you'll be going" Blue answers Jodie's question, then Jodie's eyes widen as a bunch of yellow projectiles surrounded her.

"B-Blue!?" Jodie asks as she looks at Blue, but Blue was smiling.

"DODGE!" Blue yells like his father, then all of the projectiles hits Jodie and Jodie is sent through the window and out of the house, Jodie is now unconscious.


"Where were you last knight!?" Karma loudly asks Red, but Red shrugs, then Karma sees the scar going across Red's left eye.

"I'm okay Mummer" Red tries convincing his mother even though he mispronnounces most of the words he speaks.

"Red, Did you go into the forest at night?" Karma asks, then Red looks down and sighs.

"Yeah" Red answers as he looks at Karma again.

"Look, I know that you're curious about the world, and I know that just like your father, you want to get stronger" Karma responds to the situation.

"I just want to be the very best, Like no one ever was!" Red exclaims.

"I know, but remember that if you ever want to be stronger, than always rely on your friends even if you don't trust them" Karma tries convincing Red.

"Heh, that's VERY cheesy" Red remarks, then Karma hugs Red.

"Exactly" Karma responds, then Red hugs back then they both continue to hug while Dark watches.

"..." Dark said nothing as he kept remembering what he did recently, then Dark walks to his room


Blue then jumps through the broken window and he looks at Jodie who has scars and shards all over her and she starts crawling, he was now He is now a Dark Blue Hedgehog with green eyes, he wears white shoes with red stripes (Like Sonic's shoes), and his belly is black.

"What were you doing while my parents were burning?" Blue asks as he steps on Jodie's hand, Jodie then winces in pain a bit as she slowly looks up and looks into Blue's eyes with fear.

"How did you-?" Jodie was gonna ask, but Blue just applies more pressure on her hooves and Jodie screams in pain.

"Don't make me ask again!" Blue angrily yells while a Dark Aura surrounds him, Jodie then starts crying.

"I RAN AWAY! NOW PLEASE LET ME GO!" Jodie admits as she looks down, but Blue lifts up his feet, then Jodie gets up, but Blue kicks the back of her head which sends Jodie through a tree.

"Coward" Blue whispers, then he starts walking towards Jodie's unconscious body.

"Coward" Blue says in a regular sound which could be heard by anyone, then the Dark Aura around Blue becomes bigger as his eyes then turns red.

"COWARD!" Blue yells, then Jodie slowly gets up, but the Dark Aura around Blue causes a Chaos Blast like attack that sends Jodie into the air, and after Jodie almost hits the ground Blue hits her with a homing attack that sends Jodie into a coma and she ends up in another hospital.

"Oh Hi Mark" One of the doctors say as they see Jodie.

"Actually her name is Jodie" The second doctor correct.

"It's bull-" The first doctor was gonna swear, but the screen cuts away.

"What just happened?" Blue asks as his Red Eyes and Dark Aura disappears, then he sees the trees around him, but Blue shrugs it off before he walks home.





















