Red vs Blue

by SinWriter7

The Changing Tides

Phase 3: The Changing Tides (Almost Teenagers)

And here is the Second Part!

*Intro Begins*

*Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle*

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!"

Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids

"Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!"

A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!"

Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house

"Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!"

Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1

"Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!"

Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!"

Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager

"I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!"

Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen

Red vs Blue

Red is seen walking around school in his Pony Form, then he sees Dianna.

"Hi Dianna" Red greets as he sounds more down than usual.

"Look Red, one day you'll beat Blue, and besides, it was just one lost" Dianna tries cheering up Red, then they start walking with each other down the hallway.

"Yeah but, imagine what will happen if I'm not strong enough to protect him from you" Red responds as he looks down, but Dianna gets in front of Red and stops him, Red looks up and sees this.

"Red! This isn't like you, so please remember that even if you lose, I'm always here!" Dianna yells, Red had a blank face now.

"What if you're not?" Red asks.

"I will be back before you even can even remember" Dianna cheeringly responds, then Red smiles.

"This is why we're friends Dianna" Red confirms, then they walk together while smiling, but Red still REALLY wanted to beat Blue.

"I'll fight Red at the end of the school year, I don't want to just keep fighting him anymore, I want him to be stronger, so when I face him, we'll have our GREATEST BATTLE YET! In the meantime, I'll train" Blue thinks as he observes Red and Dianna, then he walks away.

"Okay then, Red, if you make it to the end of Middle School, then I will show you a way to defeat Blue" Dark (Red's Father) had told Red before he went to school.

"I can't wait" Red states as he looks at the sun, but Dianna looked confused.

"What do you mean you can't wait?" Dianna asks, but the screen immediately cuts off

*Time Skip*

Red is seen opening his door and he is now 11, then Red runs around outside and he hits a homing attack on multiple trees which causes the trees to split in half and fall down, Red smiles as he watches this, meanwhile Blue is seen knocking out a Pony in School and he finds a Chaos Emerald which he collects from the ground, The 11 Year Old Blue then chuckles.

"Hey Red!" A female voice was heard, then Red turns around and he sees a 12 Year Old Dianna, then the camera cuts to Red who was also 12, then he smirks.

"You can help me" Red immediately states, then Red walks with Dianna as Dianna showed him a book.

"I recommend for you to read this" Dianna says as she hooves over the books to Red before she runs away, then Red smiles as he goes into his house.

"I will not loose" Blue tells himself, then he runs around and he goes into a room where it has 300 more gravity than the one on Earth.

"Use this wisely" Chara Mamia tells her brother, then she walks away as Blue smiles.

"Okay Red, prepare for your pride to be SHATTERED!" Blue yells then he goes into the room and bones were immediately heard breaking as Blue fell down.

"NICE JOB BLUE!" Destiny was heard yelling with excitement, then Blue slowly rises up and he was 13 years old and is now in 8th Grade, the Gravity is still 200 times stronger.

"Get to school!" Blue yells back, then Destiny runs away as Blue then walks out of the room and places a Green Chaos Emerald with 6 Other Chaos Emerald's.

"I must BEAT BLUE!" Red is 13 as he tries to motivate himself, then he punches the ground which causes a mini crater, but somepony touched his shoulder.

"Red, Always remember one thing" Dianna says, then Red smiles as he looks up.

"Yeah, I know, remember that even if I loose then just remember that I'll always have you" Red says, then Dianna chuckles as she passes Red another book.

"Looks like you're getting better at life" Dianna states, then Red opens the book and they read it together, but the next day was gonna be the biggest day of Red and Blue's lives so far.

*The Last Day of Middle School*

Red is seen sleeping while his clock is heard turning off.

"RED SUN!" A voice was heard from downstairs, then Red wakes up and he quickly runs down the stairs in his Hedgehog Form.

"What time is it!?" Red quickly asks, he already had his clothes on for some reason.

"It's time for you to get back at Blue!" Dark announces, then Red gets excited.

"Okay just be careful with Red, okay?" Karma warns Red and Dark.

"Yeah Yeah, Anyway show me what will help me beat Blue!" Red yells, then Dark and Red walks downstairs and Karma went to her room.

"Okay son, Have you ever wanted to desperately beat up someone?" Dark asks.

"Heck yeah! I'm trying to beat the you-know-what out of Blue!" Red loudly responds, then Dark opens a door and sees complete darkness in it.

"Well then, you will learn of what I do when I'm desperate" Dark confirms, then he walks in.

"How convinient, the pony named Dark literally lives in a Dark Room, heh, you might as well be Batman!" Red playfully yells before he steps into the room and closes the door, then he no longer sees his dad.

"Hehehe" Red could hear, then he gulps as he looks around, but then he suddenly sees Red Eyes open up in front of him.

"HOLY-" Red was gonna yell, but then he saw a Red Aura surround a Hedgehog shaped figure.

"Are you the one who wants to beat this Blue?" The figure asks, Red was now shaking as he started to sweat.

"Y-Yeah" Red nervously responds, then the figure could be seen with sharp teeth and they smiled.

"Okay then, will you let me be apart of you?" The thing asked, then Red closes his eyes before he breathes in and out.

"YES!" Red quickly yells, then he gets ready to block if the figure attacks him.

"Perfect, This Blue, will now LOOSE!" The figure yells, then they go through Red's hand and they get inside of Red, then Red's head starts shaking rapidly as he falls down.

"ARGH!" Red was heard yelling but then he turned to his back side and a White Light was seen shinning upon Red's unconscious body, and Red's body starts rising off the ground while he remains knocked out, and he is seen rising 6 feet up before the light disappears and Red falls back onto the ground.

"Hehehe, I'm HERE" A creepy voice was heard, then Red Eyes were seen as the screen immediately turns completely dark.

Blue then opened his eyes and he gets out of his bed in his hedgehog form.

"What was that dream?" Blue asks, then he gets out his bed and sees that one of the Chaos Emeralds he has, has turned dark, then Blue picks it up and looks at it before he observes it "Wait, the only way a Chaos Emerald can turn dark if..."

"BLUE!" Blue heard, then he pulls out 6 other Chaos Emeralds from his drawer and he hides all 7 Chaos Emeralds in his backpack.

"Looks like Red, will have to wait longer if he wants to beat me" Blue states.

"BLUE MOON AKA THE PLOT-HOLE!" Blue continued to hear, then he growled in annoyance and he walked downstairs.

"If you call me that again then I will not hesitate to let you meet Mom and Dad!" Blue was heard harshly yelling.

Dianna was seen walking around school with no backpack on, and she starts getting worried

"When is read gonna be here?" Dianna asks in her mind as she looks around, and she accidentally walks into the girls bathroom, then she looks in the mirror and sees Blue in his Pony Form.

"What the-?" Dianna was gonna question, but Blue somehow jumps out of the mirror which causes the glass to fall apart and he kicks Dianna's face which sends her crashing through the wall of the bathroom and into the gate of the school that was built in Middle School once the School learned that Red and Blue were gonna be there, and Blue slowly walks out of the girl's bathroom he smiles and sees that him and Red will be battling outside.

"That should catch his attention" Blue states, then a Red Blur is seen stopping in front of Dianna, this was the last day of school for Middle School and Dianna got hurt.

"Dianna!" Red yells in his Pony Form and normal, then he pulls Dianna onto her hooves with his hooves he uses as hands and she heavily breathes.

"Like always, you're there for me" Dianna responds as she smiles, then Red and Dianna hugs each other.

"Hey Red, You still mad about Elementary and Middle School!?" Blue loudly asks, then Red and Dianna finishes the hug, Red then walks up to Blue.

"Yeah, but I represent the Elementary of Knowledge!" Red jokes as his usual self, Blue then immediately looks ticked off.

"I am on the verge of LITERALLY going to jail!" Blue snaps, then a dark aura surrounds him which could be seen this time.

"Looks like you also have a Dark Form to?" Red asks, but Blue smiled.

"No, in fact, I have something better, but you can show me what you unlocked" Blue responds, then Red's face turns from happy to angry.

"Perfect" Red says in a creepy voice, then a giant Dark Blast is seen taking over the entire school, but as the darkness fades away nothing was damaged, but the sky was still dark, and the screen slowly looks down and shows Red in his Hedgehog Form with Dark Skin and Completely Red Eyes.

"Let's end this" Blue states, then he smiles as his backpack's zipper opens up and the 7 Chaos Emeralds come out of it and they surround Blue, then Blue yells as a Yellow Blast then covers the screen, and when it fades away half of the sky is Yellow while the other half is Red, It was Night and Day time now, and Blue was completely yellow as a Red Aura still surrounds him.

"Let's kick it up into high gear!" Dark Red and Super Blue yells, then a bunch of students runs away and they go to the elementary school.

"Beat him up Red" Dianna whispers, then she runs away with all of the other kids.

"Why are you running!?" A random pony yells.

"Red, Blue, Powerful, Need Protection!" A student announces, then a Teacher Pony opens the door and everyone in Elementary and Middle School gets inside the Safe Place.

"TAKE THIS!" Dark Red and Super Blue yells, then they clash with each other, a Yellow and Dark Powers connected with each other, then a giant explosion happens int he middle of it, then the Yellow and Dark aura's are seen going into the sky, then they clash with each other faster than the eye can see and a bunch of shock-waves which shakes the ground and the rocks are seen breaking into pieces.

"CHAOS CONTROL!" Super Blue yells, then everything completely stops as Super Blue hits Dark Red with a Homing Attacks that sends Dark Red into the ground, then Super Blue charges at Dark Red from below, but Dark Red lands a homing attack on Super Blue's head and Super Blue falls onto the ground.

"Karma" Dark Red states, then he jumps onto his feet, Super Blue stumbles but he gets up as the Dark Aura around him got bigger.

"RED!" Super Blue yells, but Dark Red smiles as he let's Super Blue power up, and the ground Super Blue and Dark Red is standing starts floating off the rest of the ground.

"Can't wait to DESTROY his pride" Dark Red states, then Super Blue immediately punches Dark Red's stomach, Dark Red then starts coughing but Super Blue punches his face and Dark Red is sent into the air.

"Hehehe" Dark Red chuckles, then they spin in the air and as Super Blue appears above him, he is kicked in the face and he is sent into the floating ground.

"Looks like you do have a brain!" Super Blue yells, then he gets off of his back, but Dark Red is seen in the sky and he goes down so fast to the point where he's basically a lightning bolt and he strikes Super Blue with enough force to blow up the floating ground and Super Blue is seen unconscious as he is seen getting shocked, then he falls on the ground and he is on his back.

"Less talking, More plot kicking" Dark Red taunts as he softly lands on the ground, Super Blue then slowly gets up, Dark Red then smiles as he starts staying in one place while he's charging up his speed, everything then goes into slo-motion as Dark Red runs at Super Blue and gets ready to punch him, but Super Blue gets shocked again.

"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Super Blue yells, then a lightning bolt strikes him and it causes Dark Red to be knocked away, but he remains on his feet.

"Now this is getting annoying" Dark Red states, but then he looks up and sees that instead of half of the sky being day time he sees Dark Could, then he looks at some smoke in front of him.

"My Super Form can be formed via the Chaos Emeralds, but I can go BEYOND THAT WITHOUT THEM!" Super Blue yells, then blue electricity surrounds Super Blue.

"Super Saiyan 2, Interesting" Dark Red responds, but SSJ 2 Blue raises his hands.

"METEOR SHOWER!" SSJ 2 Blue yells, then multiple energy rays are sent at Dark Red, Dark Red then dodges all the rays, but SSJ 2 Blue appears right in front of him and punches him 10 times in a second which causes Dark Red into the air, but Dark Red stops in the air, though SSJ 2 Blue appears behind him and he raises his hand.

"Oh, Sugar Honey Iced Tea" Dark Red says as he turns around.

"SPIRIT BOMB!" SSJ 2 Blue yells as he throws a ball of energy at Dark Red that was the size of a basketball, but it causes a explosion that sends Dark Red crashing into the ground and it created a little crater, but Dark Blue gets up and growls, SSJ 2 Blue then charges at Dark Red, but Dark Red smiles.

"CHAOS BLAST!" Dark Red yells, then a giant Red Blast destroys everything near him and it knocks Blue out of Super Saiyan 2 and Blue is unconscious on the ground in his Normal Form.

"D-Dammit" Blue says as he slowly gets onto his feet, there were bruises all over him and he started coughing.

"Taken down without a HIT, What a disappointment" Dark Red states as he starts walking to Blue, Blue tries raising his hand.

"SPIRI-!" Blue was gonna yell, but Dark Red punches his face and Blue crashes into the ground.

"You were SAIYAN" Dark Red makes a pun, then he picks up Blue by his throat.

"I-I'm n-not d-done y-yet" Blue says as his eyes starts to close, but Dark Red smiles, until he saw a Yellow Aura start to surrounds Blue again.

"Looks like you have some fight left in you, I'd like to see you use ALL OF IT!" Dark Red yells, then a Yellow Lightning bolt strikes Blue, Blue then is no longer in Dark Red's hand, then Dark Red smiles as he looks behind.

"SUPER SAIYAN 3!" Blue's voice was heard, then he was seen with longer quills and he was Yellow again with Blue Electricity still surrounding him.

"I am gonna enjoy this" Dark Red states, then SSJ 3 Blue charges at Dark Red, Dark Red then goes to punch SSJ 3 Blue and the punch lands which sends SSJ 3 Blue into the school, then Dark Red runs into the school, but then he looks lost.

"SUPRISE!" Dark Red heard, then SSJ 3 Blue kicks the back of Dark Red's head and he is sent through the entire school, Dark Red gets up and immediately back hands SSJ 3 Blue before he could punch Dark Red and SSJ Blue is sent into the air, Dark Red then quickly runs around and causes a Dark Tornado around SSJ 3 Blue, but SSJ 3 Blue stayed flying and the tornado didn't affect him.

"WEAK!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red then hits SSJ 3 Blue with three homing attacks that sends him into the cars and trees in the tornado and is sent crashing into the ground, the dark tornado then goes away and Dark Red appears in front of SSJ 3 Blue as soon as he gets up.

"Who's weak now?" Dark Red taunts, then the two of them starts attacking each other faster than the eye can see and a bunch of shock-waves starts shaking the world.

"WOW THEY ARE STRONG!" One of the ponies in the tower yells.

"I'm thankful I prayed before this" Dianna thinks, then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue are seen fighting faster than the eye can see until Dark Red lands a punch on SSJ 3 Blue and sends him into the ground but SSJ 3 Blue lands on his feet, Dark Red then goes for a homing attack.

"CHAOS BLAST!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red is knocked out of the sky, and he lands on the ground on his back, but Dark Red quickly gets up.

"Okay, looks like you're smarter than expected" Dark Red states, then SSJ 3 Blue goes into the sky and he places his wrists by each other, Dark Red sees this and smiles, Dark Red then does the same.

"KAME-!" The both of them starts to yell, then all of the students inside of the tower starts freaking out.

"AHHH!" One of the ponies yells as they run around.

"HAME-!" The both of them continues to yell as a ball of energy is seen building up inside both of their hands.

"I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU!" A boy pony was seen hugging another boy pony while crying.

"GO RED!" Dianna yells as she is not afraid like everyone else and she looks like she's supporting this.

"HAAAAAAAA!" The both of them yells then they both fire the blue energy's then the energy's clash which causes the planet to shake again, Dark Red's blast started to overpower SSJ 3 Blue's blast.

"I WILL NOT LOOSE AGAIN!" Dark Red yells, SSJ 3 Blue starts closing his eyes as his blast is almost completely gone.

"YOU ARE NOT GONNA DIE LIKE THIS ARE YOU!?" A voice was heard in SSJ 3 Blue's head, then he opens his eyes as his dark aura is seen again, then his blast turns from blue to dark and it starts overpowering Dark Red's blast.

"WHAT!?" Dark Red loudly asks as he sees this.

"I'M! NOT! DONE! YEEEEEEEEET!" SSJ 3 Blue yells as his Dark Blast completely overpowers Dark Red's Blast and SSJ 3 Blue's Kamehameha Wave hits Dark Red and completely consumes him.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Dark Red yells, then everything turns white and after the white-ness disappears the screen showed the destroyed school and multiple crater's, Red was seen unconscious in his Regular Form, he now had plenty of scars on him.

"Dramatic *breathes* Finish" SSJ 3 Blue says while breathing then his SSJ 3 form goes away and Blue falls onto the ground.

"WE'RE ALIVE!" Another pony yells, then the tower falls down and the screen shows all the destruction caused.

Red slowly opens his eyes and he sees that he's in the hospital in his Pony Form

"Red, are you okay?" Dianna asks with worry, Red weakly nods, then he sees The Doctor walk past the door but he dismisses it.

"D-Did I-I w-win?" Red asks back, then Dianna looks down, Red knew immediately what this meant and he looks in front of him, he sees Blue with a bunch of bandages and caskets on him in his Pony Form.

"You will never win, Red" Blue states, then he limps away while Red looks on, then he looks at Dianna again.

"Sorry Red" Dianna apologizes, but Red just smiles.

"Well I did loose" Red says happily, Dianna then looked confused.

"Wait, how are you not down?" Dianna asks, but Red chuckles.

"Because, you're with me"























