//------------------------------// // 3 Making Friends // Story: Dear Feather Fall // by Keywii_Cookies55 //------------------------------// Dear Feather Fall, I’m so happy right now! I got my neighbour to open up to me! The one that looks like me anyway, still trying to figure out the stallion that lives above me, I don’t think I’ve seen him yet, but I know he’s there since he doesn’t step very lightly! I wish he’d come out so I could meet him, but I’m getting distracted. Her name is Sun Ray and we actually had a moment where she talked to me! It was four days ago and there was another crashing noise nearby while I was out cleaning. Sure enough she was there but instead of scowling again she looked disappointed. And you know I can’t have that, so I went up to her and asked what was wrong. She didn’t want to talk at first, being all rude and angry, but she eventually opened up and told me about her hopes and dreams, about wanting to make a name for herself and inventing something that people will love. Oh she’s an inventor by the way! Like in books about scientists, I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner, but it makes so much sense now! She’s still not very friendly, but now the crashing and explosions have stopped, I think she stopped trying to hit me with whatever they were. And that’s okay! Now I can work on being friends with her. She’ll still be kind of grouchy and irritable, but the best part about getting to know people is when they warm up and smile. I’ll remember the first smile she’ll give me forever! And since she’s a scientist she can help me figure out all the neat junk I’ve been finding while I’ve been out working. (I was right by the way, I get paid by the amount of garbage I collect, which is a lot because I like going out and exploring) This city is so amazing to explore. There’s more trees than I thought there’d be, and on almost every block there’s something going on. The buildings are tall and all close together, so I bet it’d be really fun to run along the rooftops. I don’t really know how to get up there, but when I figure it out, I’ll tell you all about it. Maybe I can ask the nice older mare that I’ve been talking to in the park! She likes to feed the birds early in the morning and she’s almost as good of a listener as you are! I love talking to her about all the times you and I have been together and done things! I even talked about your sister and Magnolia and the Timber twins and everyone from home that I’ve been missing so much. And the junk! I’ve found so much cool stuff while cleaning. I found a bobble-head of that famous race car driver. And an old wicker chair, and a street sign, and this neat mirror! It’s a magic mirror of some kind, so I want to use it as reason to talk to Sun again. She doesn’t like being interrupted while she’s building new things, so I need a reason to talk with her. That’ll change over time, but for now I need to do things right. That can be tomorrow though, for now I want to talk to you about something besides work, even if it is the best job ever! I’ve been spending a lot of time at the Warm Roast. It’s so nice and calm. It’s like I’m back home for a couple hours a day. I don’t think they’re used to somebody as positive as I am, because a lot of their appeal for customers is when they’re rude to them. I don’t know how they stay in business with how they treat the people that buy coffee there, but they do and it’s really interesting. The owner of the store is a really nice stallion when he wants to be, but other times he’s very serious and money savvy, and then other times he’s pouring coffee onto a customer that’s yelling and being unreasonable. His name is Fair Trade. Then there’s the mare who’s worked there for years, she’s probably more angry than any other pony I’ve ever met. Not all the time, but when ponies walk in and act elitist or like they own the place, and sometimes when these big city stallions ask her out on a date. She’s a nice pony when she wants to be, but she’s really snarky, and likes to make fun of even her friends. I haven’t gotten to that point yet, since I just met her, and she thinks I’m adorable, but I hope I can figure out how to make fun of a friend without hurting them. Her name is Hard Edge. And then there’s the newest employee, she’s the one that was hired last week. They’ve been making more money so Fair Trade wanted to expand the shop a bit. I’d love to work there, but I also adore my current job and I wouldn’t give this up for the world, so maybe it’s okay that I didn’t find A Warm Roast until after they found somebody else. She’s still figuring out how to work there, but it’s okay, she’s learning fast, and she knows way more about different coffee beans and even just general stuff than me. She’s like if you took me when I was younger, but instead of giving me a novel, you gave me a schoolbook. She’s really smart, and Hard Edge likes to call her a nerd. But it’s okay because they both smile and bicker back and forth. Her name is Proxy. I’m still getting to know them, but they like when I’m around, so I like being there. And I had no idea coffee tasted so bad! I thought it’d just be like an energy drink but less chemical flavoured, but nope! Even after I added lots of milk and sugar. So I just drink iced tea when I’m there. Hard Edge had one ready for me this morning, so I hope that means she’ll do that every day! I also had another moment that I don’t want to worry you about, but you’re my best friend and you should know. I was eating breakfast, getting ready to leave when the walls fell away and I was left with a bunch of colours. It didn’t last too long though! I’m okay and everything is okay! I don’t want you to worry about me, because you’re the one that pushed me so hard to go out and share my smile with the world. And I want to do that. I love it here and I’m not just saying that, I genuinely do. I couldn’t be happier unless somehow everyone from back home was here with me. I’ll write again as soon as I get your next letter. Thank you for writing them back! -Your Friend Forever!