//------------------------------// // Chapter 21-Oh No! // Story: The Greatest Showmare // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// A few months after the return from their honeymoon, Twinkle decides to buy a pregnancy test and take it and to her shock, she turns out to be pregnant. "Oh no! Oh no! I'm not ready for this," she says in shock as she drops the test into the trash can. She then calls for Carl Lyle, tears streaming down her cheeks. He soon comes running to her side. "What's wrong, dearest?" asks Carl Lyle. "I'm, I'm pregnant," whimpers Twinkle. "I'm honestly scared. I'm not ready to be a mother." "You'll be a fine mother," responds Carl as he wipes away her tears. "I'll be here to help you through it." "Promise?" responds Twinkle. "I promise," responds Carl. He then embraces her in a hug. The two then head out to practice for that evening's show. As they practice, Twinkle can't help but think about the little foal growing inside her. Eventually, she decides to go off and find Philly. She soon finds Philly in the main tent. "Hey Philly," asks Twinkle, "can we talk???" "Sure, what about?" responds Philly as she turns to face the mare. "I'm, I'm pregnant," responds Twinkle, "and honestly, it has me scared. Absolutely terrified. Horrified." "Well, no need to worry. Sure, the first one can be a bit scary at first, but the fear doesn't last long. I was terrified just like you were when I found out I was pregnant with my first too, but Charles helped me get down off the ledge. I have a feeling, Carl Lyle is doing the same for you right now." "He is," responds Twinkle. "Well, that's good," responds Philly, "husbands are the first support system. When the foal is born, it's absolutely the best feeling in the world. It's very time consuming and you'll be tired, but it's all very worth it. Believe me. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have three of my own." "Yeah, well thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it," responds Twinkle with a smile. "Anytime," responds Philly with a smile. "Now get back out to practice." Twinkle nods and goes back out to practice her routine alongside the other performers. All the while, Carl Lyle helps her through all of it just as Philly told her he would. Maybe this whole foal thing isn't as bad as she thought after all.