//------------------------------// // Growing Up // Story: Red vs Blue // by SinWriter7 //------------------------------// Phase 4: Growing Up (Teenagers Part 1) Here is the Third Phase to the Red and Blue origin story which I will call Red vs Blue! Also, I will say this to myself, Shut Up and Begin The Chapter! *Intro Begins* Intro Theme *Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle* "Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!" Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids "Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!" A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!" Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house "Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!" Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1 "Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!" Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!" Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager "I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!" Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen Red vs Blue Red is seen during summer and he walks around. "Dianna, I love you, but I NEED to defeat Blue" Red thinks in his mind, then he goes into the room seen in the previous Chapter. "Looks like we've failed out first battle" A dark voice confirms. "Eh, We'll get him next time, but for now, please don't take control around Dianna, please?" Red begs, then the voice is heard sighing. "Fine" The voice answers, then Red smiles as a Dark Aura comes out of his mouth, Red then smiles as he walks out of the room. "Red!" Dianna yells as she knocks on Red's door, Red then uses his hooves to open the door. "Hello Dianna" Red greets then they both hooves-bump each other (Basically a Fist Bump but with Hooves). "So, Why did you invite me over?" Dianna asks as she walks into Red's house, then Red closes the door. "Well let's just say that I'm inviting us TO A PARTY!" Red announces, Dianna then raises a eyebrow. "Red, are you aware that I'm not a fan of party's?" Dianna asks. "Oh come on, it will be alright, after all, I'm with you" Red tries convincing Dianna, then Dianna smiles. "Fine, I guess I'll join tonight's party" Dianna confirms, then Karma and Dark were walking around, now they see Dianna. "Red, who is this?" Karma asks, Dark got closer to Dianna. "Oh, this is Dianna!" Red answers, then Dianna starts backing away from Dark. "Yep this is Red's girlfriend!" Dark yells, then Red's and Dianna's faces turn red as Dark walks away. "Oh okay then, I hope you two have a good time tonight!" Karma states, then Karma and Time leaves the house which left Red and Dianna awkwardly staring at each other. "Eh" Red shrugs *Later That Day* A bunch of ponies were seen going into Red's house and loud sounds were heard. "What am I doing here? Oh, Here, Oh, Here, Oh" A brown pony with long black curly hair was doing karaoke. "I am better than you dude, so prepare to LOOSE!" A pony with tattoos all on them raps. "You think just because I'm old that I am the worse? Even though you make people commit suicide every time you sing a verse, I don't need a nurse or shades, I'm *bleep*ing THE REAL SHADY! So don't call me a Nazi because like my album I'm gonna blow you up, KAMIKAZE!" Another pony with clothes on raps back, then he drops the mic before walking away as the crowd cheers. "Hey do you guys want to see who can make it over that table?" A fat pony asks a muscular pony. "21 JUMP STREET!" The muscular pony yells as he jumps over the entire table (The Entire Length of a table) and almost gets hit by a bowl of fruit punch every party has had since Carrie came out. "WWE!" The fat pony yells, but when they jump they immediately falls down and crashes through the table. "Well, this is a interesting party" Red spectates as he looks around, then he sees a fat DJ eating a cheeseburger. "I'M DJ VALID!" The DJ pony yells, then they start playing another song which gives Red a idea, then Dianna is seen in the middle of the dance-floor with every other pony dancing around. Dancing Music (Ironically Enough) *WALK THE MOON-Shut Up and Dance* "Oh don't you dare look back" Red was seen walking through a bunch of ponies while DJ Valid plays this song "Just keep you eyes on me" Red makes it through the crowd and is in the middle with Dianna while the crowd of ponies looks at them "I said you're holding back, She said" Red continues singing as they both smile "Shut Up and Dance for me" Dianna sings the next part as they lock eyes "This women is my destiny, She said" Red and Dianna are then seen going into their hedgehogs form and they are both now 14 years old "Oooh, Shut Up and Dance For Me!" Dianna sings the next part, the crowd had bigger and more ponies this year "We were victims of the night" Red then spun Dianna around in a circle "The chemical, physical, kryptonite" Two ponies make a love symbol which they place on Red and Dianna "Helpless to the bass and the fading light" Red and Dianna locks hands as they do a random slow dance "Oh we were bound to get together" Then every pony in the background starts jumping "Bound to get together" Red and Dianna finishes slow dancing and Red does a backflip "She took my arm" Dianna then spins around before ending it by rolling backwards and standing up "I don't know how it happened" Red and Dianna then fist bumps each other as the screen focuses on their hands "We took the floor and she said" Then their hands suddenly are bigger and they hold each other's hands as the camera starts zooming out "Don't you dare look back" Red and Dianna are now seen at 16 years old, Red had some bruises on him but that didn't matter "Just keep your eyes on me" Red and Dianna were both spinning in a circle while holding hands "I said you're holding back" Red sings as they spinning, Dianna was smiling "She said Shut Up and Dance for me" Dianna sings the next part again "This women is my destiny" Blue rolls his eyes while he watches Red and Dianna dance "She said, Oooh, Shut Up and Dance For Me!" Dianna yells, then they both accidentally let's go of each other's hand and they fall onto the ground *Song Cuts Off* "I love parties" Dianna says as her and Red gets up. "RED! PREPARE!" Blue yells from the crowd, then he stands near Red, then Blue goes into SSJ 3. "Perfect, Let's fight again" Red states, then the Dark Aura comes flying out of the door from earlier and it goes into Red, Red then smirks as he goes into his Dark Form. "You two boys better not kill each other!" A teach scolds them. "Shut up!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells in their heads, then they get ready to fight each other as everyone else leaves the house. "Got the Time Barrier ready!?" Dark loudly asks, but Karma already surrounded Red and Blue using a Green Barrier, or a Time Barrier as they call it. "I'm always ready" Karma responds as she winks at Dark, then Dark chuckles as they both watch Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue charge at each other. "I WILL BEAT YOU!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells, they were still annoyed from the teacher earlier, now they go to punch each other but a giant white flash happens. "WHAT THE-!?" Dark loudly questions, then A White Hedgehog with completely Blue Eyes, A Red Scarf, A Multi-Colored Explosion on his gloves, Black Hair, and Orange Shoes. "Whoa!" The figure asks themselves, then they see Dark and Karma looking at them with concern in their eyes. "Dark what is this!?" Karma loudly asks as she looks at Dark. "I think, that we have the strongest son in this universe" Dark responds, but the White Hedgehog looks confused. *Time Skip* "Okay, Are you two ready for some serious exposition?" Dark asks as he sits, the The White Hedgehog also sits down while Karma remains standing. "So, What is going on?" The White Hedgehog asks, then Karma summons a hologram that shows Dark Red and Super Saiyan 3 Blue. "Have you ever heard of Hyper Shadic?" Karma asks, then The White Hedgehog nods. "Yeah, Sonic and Shadow fused together to defeat Nazo in their Hyper Forms, that's the first thing we learn in High School" The White Hedgehog confirms, then the hologram shows Sonic and Shadow fusing together to make Hyper Shadic. "Yes, but what if I told you that in another place, that didn't happen yet" Dark states, then White looks interested. "Say hello to the Multiverse" Karma confirms, then the hologram shows a bunch of Universes near each other while White watches with awe. "Wait, What does this have to do with us?" White asks, then Karma looks at Dark. "Well, the two of you are powerful enough to do what very few beings can do, and because you both were able to feel the same way, you both had a fusion" Dark confirms, then Karma knows what this means as she looks at White. "Yes, and we knew that this would happen a long time ago, which is why we call it, Hyper Colors" Karma states, then Hyper Colors smiles as he looks at himself. "Perfect, So I am guessing that we can use this power to destroy any opponents in our way!?" Hyper Colors loudly asks. "Not exactly, you see Hyper Colors holds immense power, but it is possible to defeat the both of you, and if you two aren't as unified as you both are now, mainly because of the both of you being long time friendly rivals, then Hyper Colors will not work" Dark responds, then Hyper Colors chuckles. "So only use it when necessary, got it, Also how do we undo the fusion?" Hyper Colors asks, Karma then makes the hologram show Hyper Colors. "Well when the both of you want to do so, then you can change back into your Regular Forms" Karma answers, then Red and Blue jumps out and they are no longer together. "Well, at least we know when to use each other" Blue states, then he goes into SSJ 3. "You really have gotten more serious haven't you?" Red asks, then he goes into his Dark Form and smiles, Karma then places the barrier back up. "FIGHT!" Dark yells then Red and Blue charges at each other and they clash. *Time Skip to The Next Day* Red was seen walking around with Dianna, it was gonna be the first day of school for 11th Grade. "Hey Dianna, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time but, why did you hate parties?" Red asks, then Dianna sighs. "Let's just say that every time I went to a party, I was always left out" Dianna confirms. Dianna was seen drinking Fruit Punch while everyone else was dancing. "SO WAKE ME UP!" Every pony yelled in unison, but Dianna says as she puts away the Fruit Punch. "I'll be alone in school" Dianna tells herself, then she walks out of the party while Every other Ponies were all having fun as another song plays. "But I'm WEAK! And What's wrong with that? Boy oh Boy oh, I love it when I fall for that, I'm WEAK!" Weak by AJR plays as Dianna walks home while it was nighttime. "But luckily on the Next Day, I met you" Dianna states, then she smiles as she looks at Red. "Well that explains why you thought that Freaky Friday sucked" Red says as him and Dianna continues walking. "Actually I just hated it because it was bad, also Girls Like You was better" Dianna playfully responds. "Nah, That song is boring, Now Freaky Friday, that's another song entirely" Red responds, then they see a mirror in front of them. "What the-?" Red was gonna ask. "DODGE!" Dianna yells as she tackles Red out the way, then Blue is seen crashing out of the mirror which shatters, and Blue lands on the ground. "And here I thought there was not gonna be any filler this Phase, but here we are now" Blue states as he smirks and is looking at Red and Dianna. "Looks like I know which band you like" Red says as he gets up along with Dianna. "Yeah I'm a Set It Off fan, and I think you know which song I like from them" Blue responds, then he gets ready to battle. "Yep, Killer In The Mirror, but as for me I think of myself as an Angel, but let's stop talking about songs and just fight" Red states, then he also gets ready to fight, Dianna runs away and she already saw every pony in the tower of safety. "Yeah we are WAY too use to this" A female pony who looks like the pony version of Lady Gaga says, then Dianna goes into the tower as Red and Blue keeps on preparing. "Wait, I have one more question!" Red yells, Blue then groans. "What do you want?" Blue asks. "What happened leading up to the party yesterday? You know, so the Reader can understand how you got up to here" Red breaks the 4th Wall. "Eh, it'll just be explained in a flashback" Blue predicts what's gonna happen next, and he's correct. *Flashback* A 13 year old Blue was seen walking around the woods. "Once again, I have defeated Red, and now all I need to do is train so I can defeat EVERYONE IN THIS MULTIVERSE!" Blue yells, then he pulls out a Chaos Emerald. "CHAOS SPHERE!" Blue yells as he fires multiple projectiles, all 10 of his projectiles breaks down some trees, then Blue quickly jumps up and a sword ends up in his hands (He's in his Hedgehog Form). "CHAOS CONTROL!" Blue yells again, then Blue immediately appears in front of all the trees and he safely lands on the ground, then as soon as Blue drops his sword, the trees that were somehow in the sky immediately falls onto pieces as a dark aura surrounds him again. "Talking about ripping off from Dragon Ball Z!" Blue heard, then he turns his attention to his other sister, Destiny. "Do you wanna get punched?" Blue asked. "NO! But I do want you to watch a show" Destiny nervously responds, Blue raised an eyebrow. "I'm interested" Blue confirms, then Destiny let's Blue sit on a couch, then she turns on a show. "Dragon Dragon" The show started to play, Blue then started whispering the lyrics. "Dragon Dragon" Blue then whispers, then it fades to no one being there. "Okay ready to watch the Movies!?" Destiny loudly asks, then Blue runs downstairs and sits down. "Sure, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were both good anime's so I'll watch the movies" Blue states, he was now 14 years old and he had a sword sticking out of his backpack. "Dragon Ball Super is here!" Destiny announces, then Blue sat down and his 9 other sisters joined in, Blue was 15 and he had a wig of a Super Saiyan. "HECK YEAH!" Blue yells, then Destiny plays the show, Blue had some bruises on him but he didn't mind it. Blue was now 16 and he didn't finish Dragon Ball Super yet, but now he had a show he LIKED for once, but he still fought Red here and there, and he had time to train, but he FINALLY heard of the annual Party Red throws, so he decided to go there and then... *After The Party* SSJ 3 Blue and Dark Red clashes with each other which causes the barrier to shake. "Looks like they are naturally getting stronger" Dark confirms, then SSJ 3 Blue and Dark Red clashes with each other, then after they break up the clash Dark Red constantly punches SSJ 3 Blue, but Blue kept dodging, until Dark Red punches Blue's stomach, Blue's then goes to clutch his stomach but Dark Red kicks SSJ 3 Blue into the barrier. "Dammit!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red started constantly punching them and SSJ 3 Blue was getting beaten up. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Dark Red laughs as he continues beating up SSJ 3 Blue, but then he takes 1 second attempting to punch Blue, but Blue was able to dodge his punch and the barrier shocks Dark Red which causes him to be sent into the middle of the barrier. "You're too SLOW!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red gets up by SSJ 3 Blue kicks him from behind which sends him into the barrier which sends him back at Blue, but Blue jumps above Dark Red before he summons a bunch of projectiles. "CHAOS SPHERE!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red starts getting hit by the projectiles. "Hehehe" Dark Red quietly chuckles, then as the smoke clears from his Chaos Sphere Blue sees that Dark Red is gone, then SSJ 3 Blue goes to turn around and punch Dark Red, but Dark Red catches his punch before he slowly starts crushing Blue's hand. "GRRR!" Blue tries hiding his pain, then he goes to punch Dark Red again but Dark Red throws SSJ 3 Blue into the barrier which causes the barrier to start cracking. "Oh no" Karma whispers, then SSJ 3 Blue moves right before Dark Red punches him and Dark Red causes the crack to grow bigger, but then a big shock causes Dark Red to stumble, so SSJ 3 Blue growls as he summons a little disc. "DISTRUCTO DISK!" Blue yells, then he throws the disk, but Dark Red catches the attack using his hand. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Dark Red laughs again, then he rips the disc in half which causes SSJ 3 Blue to be shocked. "Okay, you're a bit stronger than yesterday, but I'M NOT DONE YET!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red smiles, then a bunch of Dark Red's surrounds SSJ 3 Blue, and all of them takes turns quickly punching and kicking Blue. "ARE!" One of the clone yell as they kick Blue's back. "YOU!" Another clone as they uppercuts Blue into the air. "DONE!" The next clone says from above as they do a homing attack which sends SSJ 3 Blue into the ground which causes a little crater, but he jumps onto his feet. "YET!?" All of the clones yell in unison, then they all attempts SSJ 3 Blue. "CHAOS CONTROL!" Blue yells, then everything stops and he prepares another attack. "CHAOS BLAST!" SSJ 3 Blue shouts again, then the Chaos Blast sends all of the Dark Red clones into the barrier and they all disappear, not the entire barrier had a crack on it, Dark Red then falls onto the ground, and SSJ 3 Blue stands in front of them. "DO IT!" A voice yells inside SSJ 3 Blue's head, then the Dark Aura surrounds him as he jumps up and he raises his hand. "I MUST WIN!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then his Yellow Aura is completely replaced by a Dark Aura. "Sorry Red, but you must win this by yourself, but to be fair, you wouldn't have wanted our help in the first place" Dark confirms in his mind. "Huh?" Red questions as his Dark Form fades away, then he looks up and sees SSJ 3 Blue with a Dark Aura. "SPIRIT BOMB!" SSJ 3 Blue yells as he throws the Spirit Bomb (Which is the size of a mountain) at Red. "RED!" Karma yells with worry, then Red's Eyes turns Red. "I'M NOT GONNA LOOSE!" Dark Red yells then they jump at the Spirit Bomb. "YOU FOOL!" SSJ 3 Blue yells while he starts to yell, but then Dark Red stops in the air and prepares his attack. "KAME-!" Dark Red yells with his eyes closed, SSJ 3 Blue then laughs due to Dark Red's stupidity. "HAME-!" Energy starts building up, then the Spirit Bomb almost hits him. "HAAAAAAAA!" Dark Red yells as he fires his Kamehameha Wave which goes into the Spirit Bomb, then the Kamehameha Wave pushes the Spirit Bomb at SSJ 3 Blue, Blue then tries to push it back but the Spirit Bomb clashes with him and it knocks him into the barrier, but the Kamehameha Wave also was pushing Dark Red against the barrier. "AHHHHHHH!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells in unison, then the barrier starts to break. "Holy sh-" Dark was gonna state, but then a giant explosion happens which breaks the barrier and everything suddenly turns white... The barrier was completely broken and there was nothing left of it but the barrier's shards which was all over the ground, plus Karma, Dark, Red, and Blue were all unconscious on the ground while the house had a lot of cracks in it. *Flashback Ends* "Was the part about our battle yesterday REALLY necessary?" Red asks, Blue smiles. "At least the Reader now knows what happened yesterday, now, LET'S END THIS!" Blue yells, then the both of them gets ready to battle again. "HERE WE GO!" Red and Blue yells in unison, then they runs at each other... They both get ready to punch each other and yell... "I WILL WIN!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .