Dear Feather Fall

by Keywii_Cookies55

7 Changing Pets

Dear Feather Fall,

This week was really relaxing! It’s almost been two months since I moved to the city and I think I’ve finally settled in! I unpacked my last box anyway! (I found a box a couple weeks ago that I put some stuff into and I just now emptied it) My Landlord has been nicer too!

I think she’s just upset whenever there’s a new tenant because who knows who they could be?! And instead of being a crazy pony that stabs or kills others, I’m an energetic friendly mare that just wants to be nice to everyone. She must appreciate all the cleaning I do around the apartment. After all, I only get paid based on the cleaning I do, not where I do it, so on days where I just want to stay in and not explore the city, I stay around the building and clean it all up.

It’s easier, and no shortage of fun! I still haven’t met who lives above me, but I like that about him, he’s a secret that everyone shares. Mysterious ponies are just as good as open ponies.

I’ve been learning a lot about the Changelings! They’re like small animals, which made me relax. What I mean by that is that I guess they don’t do much in the way of thinking and do more reacting to things. Like instincts! I learned that because Spring as been getting along well with them. And they interact a lot more than I could.

I’m not sure what they eat, since I haven’t seen them eat anything. I’m not even sure they eat anything at all. Sun doesn’t really trust them, and Lyra doesn’t know much about changelings. Even if she knows a lot about a lot. But I don’t want to get off topic anymore.

They’re still coming to me from around the city, but slower than at first, so I think that most of them are already here. But thankfully I was able to buy more shelves, so now the living room is mostly for them to... well live! They stay in there and run around and jump and stuff, it’s sort of cute. They look like small bug ponies and can fly! I found one in the kitchen sink of water stranded on a plate, and it made an adorable mewling noise like a cat. Which is what tipped me off that they aren’t smart like I thought they were.

How’d they even get here from space? If they’re aliens they must have had a space ship, right? But they’re closer to alien animals.

Sun is convinced that they’re planning something though, and keeps telling me crazy made up stories about what she thinks they’ll do! Like how they’ll replace me, or steal my bed, or break all my dishes! But they wouldn’t do any of that, they’re afraid to go into my bedroom! Sun is just creative like that, it’s one of the reasons I like her so much!

Spring has been acting a little weird though. Ever since Sun gave her to me last week, she’s been changing. At first she acted just like a dog, but now she’s been doing other things, like organize the changelings, and bring in the newspaper, and she even drilled a hole into the front door! I think she wants to install a doggie door. Is it possible for dogs to get smarter like that? I mean, she is a robot dog, but I don’t know.

At least she likes me though, now more than ever! She sleeps at the door of my bedroom to make sure I’m safe. I’m sure that I’ll never be hurt, but you never know! So even if she ends up being smarter than me, I’ll feel safe, because she’ll protect me.

In fact, a lot of the people in my life are protective of me. Sun, Edge, Trade, Spring, Lyra, even the changelings in their own way. It makes me feel like I’m back home again, even if I know I’m not. It makes me feel safe and comfortable, which is always a good thing. No one will ever replace you, but I’ll happily take a close second.

Lyra may be taking it a bit far though. She’s really friendly, and I’m happy to know her, but she’s really desperate for a good friend. It may be because so many just always call her crazy and I don’t, but whatever the reason is, she’s been sticking to me pretty hard.

I was out in downtown a couple days ago spraying the sidewalk from an ice cream spill and she was there, talking about how much she liked me. I was happy about it, but she doesn’t really let go! I know that the best way to make good lasting friends is to give them the space they need to come around on their own, but she doesn’t act like she knows that.

I really hope things can calm down, I want to be her friend, she’s really nice, and knows a lot about all the unusual stuff in my life. But she needs to be more calm and understanding of my personal space! I think the best way to get her to calm down is to help her make friends that aren’t me. So I want to see how things go at the Warm Roast tomorrow. Maybe Proxy will like her? They’re both very smart.

I hope that she makes some good friends, and that they can go on supernatural adventures in the city, and that I get to hear about them like in my books! And that there’s a new something around every turn. I feel like she’d make a good main character in those kinds of books if she calmed down a lot. Another thing I’ll have to help her work on.

So! I think I figured out why my rainbow cube disappeared last week. I put it beside the magic mirror I found and that’s been making weird noise ever since I accidentally dropped it on the floor. The mirror fell over onto the cube and I thought I just lost it, but it’s actually able to teleport things!

Which is really exciting! If I move the mirror around it shows me different places! I don’t think the other side can see anything though because I saw a crowded street that didn’t react until I stuck my face through it.

So now I have a mirror that can teleport things to different places! Unfortunately i think it’s broken because I can’t figure out how to set it myself, and neither can Sun.

I liked your last letter, and yes I have been trying out the horn I got! Still no luck in the magic department, Sun and Lyra think it’s because I don’t know how to cast spells naturally, so they’ve both been trying to teach me telekinesis.

I really hope I can learn how to do magic! I’m so excited for it!!!

-Your Friend Forever