Fallout: Equestria – Find Your Spark (Audio Files)

by MuseoSansPony

Audio Log #001: Sparking Off an Adventure


**whisper** Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, Equestrian Prance toast on rye, is this thing working?  Oh yes I see it recording. Let’s see, food, irradiated water, lighter, healing potion, sleeping bag.  I believe that is everything.

**ethereal chime**

(Aglow) **echoey** So you are really going to do this?

**whisper** Yes, now shshsh, I think Shoe and Sun just went to bed.  I don’t want to wake them.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** Why, my sweet, are you running away?  Miss Shoeshine and Miss Sundaa have been nothing, but kind since taking you in.  The environment is better than with Dumbbell.

**whisper** I know, I know. **sigh** I’ve lived with them for 2 years now.  I want to strike out on my own. Find the remaining 14 cort ghouls. Do other adult stuff.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** Your just a–

**whisper** Don’t say “child”.  I’m 225-years-old tomorrow. I’m well past elderly.  I just look 13.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** I was going to say “single pony”.  It is a dangerous wasteland out there. You have only been awake for almost 2 years of it.


Shit! **beep** I forgot about the midnight alarm.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** Make that 2 years.  Happy Birthday, Static Spark. My point still stands, you do not know the dangers of the wastes.  I was keeping it at bay for 210 years.

**whisper** By locking innocent ponies in dreams.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** I am still sorry for that.  You are set on doing this.

**whisper** Yeppy yep, but you knew that.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** Then can I have permission to use your powers on any raiders we might encounter?

**whisper** I knew you’d come around.  Permission granted. We’ve wasted too much time, we need to go.  The guards at the wall change soon. We’ll need to go soon to slip out with no pony knowing.

(Aglow) **echoey whisper** Should you not tell somepony where you are going, sweetie?

**whisper** I am.  I have a note. If no pony sees me leave it will be harder for them to find me until my quest is done.  Now let’s go...Caps. I nearly forgot caps.
