Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 35: Political Planning

"In the realm of political warfare being able to intimidate your rivals through grandiose displays of wealth, power and prestige is not only wise but also prudent. A single slip of even minor proportions can result in being seen as weak."
-Sultan Fareed, Alzamard-

Fareed carefully read over one final scroll, it was the last in what had been a rather substantial pile at first. Most were simple matters to resolve but this one had been kept till the end of the day for within it was a matter of great political importance. A century ago some great, great grandfather of his had decided it wise to host various dignitaries from the nations and city states that surrounded them.

It was quite simple really: invite everyone to their grand city, show off their wealth and might therefor staving off war through intimidation. As was the rule the visitors would not be permitted anywhere near the "lesser" areas of the city but shown merely what he wanted them to see; a rich, powerful city.

Indeed it was too, he boasted a large army capable of keeping what he had and more but the real power was in the mercenaries he kept close. The regular army would be kept out of sight and mind when the dignitaries came as they were now... Less than presentable. On the other hand Xerin's forces were some of the best and were well known, large enough display on his part would scare most into agreeing to continue their "non-aggression" pacts.

A joke to be certain he had to admit, but all the same having them all put their name on the paper created no end of false justification for anything anyone could ever dream of doing.

The army... He pondered what to do with them while the festivities lasted for a few weeks. Normally they lasted two weeks but things were always finished in two days. Those extra twelve days was purely to wine and dine his "guests" and show off. Neither were those days a burden on his coffers by any stretch of the imagination but it always helped to drive that final nail in the coffin that he could do what they could only dream of affording.

Only the finest gold, silver, gems and silks would be allowed, everything would be hand delivered by a large cadre of hand selected servants and slaves. Picked for their beauty or handsomeness by his overseer for such matters. They would, for at least those two weeks... Be gilded top to bottom in the finest of jewelry and silks that were meant to catch the eye and please the viewer.

Several of them would be made available for other services of course, it would be rude not too. As a matter of prudence his overseer had already been dispatched to the slave market every single day with orders to pick only the finest they had to offer. Expensive but well worth it he measured as they were either kept or sold off immediately once the last of the dignitaries left.

How many bastard children had been sired this way? Ironic, out there somewhere were probably several hundred slaves who were of noble blood or at least "well to do" heritage.

His eyes drifted over the scroll reading the names carefully one by one as he tried to remember who they were. Some he recognized immediately as nobles or returning ambassadors but others were new to him.

A single name stuck out making his eyes freeze before glancing to the side and reading who they were and where they came from.

Nawra, Labrad, princess, heir to the throne. He had taken Tuli from them a year ago, yes? Such matters were trivial but he had remembered one thing: they had seized from him a stretch of land along his side of the river. They would regret that.

Ah, the river... Source of my power and woes. Thriti, mightiest river in the lands, bringer of abundance and control over trade.

Fareed hummed this to himself so quietly the various advisors did not pick up on it but it was quite true. The only reason any dignitaries ever came was because he absolutely controlled one of the two river crossings in the entire region. Labrad had tried once and failed horribly thanks to a little... Incentive, on his part.

Through that one crossing he could choke to death nearly any surrounding nation at will and that was a fact he liked to remind them of. Already he had put pressure on Labrad to such an extent they were gasping for air. Despite being on the far side of the river and free of most troubles related to crossing the river it did not stop him from attacking their core: the merchants.

Merchants needed to move goods both ways and not just one, by over taxing the merchants coming or going to Labrad he took their income away. Also Fareed knew the current monarchs were rather soft on their taxes and raising them to counter his own tariffs was unthinkable for them.

And thus you send me your daughter...

They were going to try and bribe him. Somehow, the two old and desperate monarchs had gotten it into their thick skulls that they could negotiate out of their current predicament. Fareed held nearly all the cards and that they would dare to try was rather amusing at best, at worst it was insulting as they should know better.

Still, he held one card that could be called upon at will: A stretch of land along the river. Taken from him while he took Tuli from Labrad, this stretch was now in full use as agricultural land and was woefully undefended. To date only a few raiding parties from the bandits had dared attempt anything and all had been exterminated.

Complacency... Yes, that was another advantage he held over them. He had so utterly ignored their hold on that bit of land while securing the area around Tuli they had even given up their attempts to build outposts. At one point they had dreamed of building a fortress if he recalled but due to how the land laid it was an impossible prospect.

First he would hear what this Nawra had to say and see what she had to offer him. It was customary for his guests to bring gifts and those that displeased him were usually branded and sent away. Once, an ambassador had brought nothing and promptly refused to even make any kind of offer. They had been beheaded, the corpse strung up while the head was sent back in a basket filled with melons.

No one was required to come, it was simply a formality but woe be to any that did not follow proper protocol. They had been from Samati no less and he had no doubts that the ambassador had been ordered under pain of death (and probably with family held hostage) to act in such a manner.

After the head had been delivered their illustrious ruler had declared war and after a long series of skirmishes neither side had gotten anywhere. Instead another pact was drawn and she shifted her attention elsewhere.

It was important to remind everyone that you are a ruler after all and you cant do that without chopping off a few heads now and then; even if it starts a war.

Fareed's head bobbed up sharply a moment and he quickly beckoned one of the messengers over. After writing down some instructions for his overseer he waved them off, hopefully the stallion would already know what was written within after all these years but it never hurt to remind him.

These meetings were held every four to five years so the mind could always slip on certain details. One such detail was making certain that a number of geldings were kept about, despite the problems that came with such a procedure it provided those mares visiting as dignitaries to at least try and enjoy themselves without certain risks.

It was only good manners.

After all, none could ever dare to say that he, Fareed, was an ungracious host. A host... Yes a host... Not only were their foreign dignitaries coming to visit but he was also going to host many of his own nobles.

Grabbing another parchment he double checked that "invitations" had been sent to the appropriate households. Reading down the paper Fareed felt satisfied that every arrangement had been made along with his "special case."

Tasid. He would trust that one the day pigs grew wings and flew. To date Tasid had only come twice and skipped the last meeting. Once he had been brought by his father who was one he happened to trust and was also the last after he had been named ruler of Iuny. While it was indeed a distance to travel there was no excuse in not sending at least a representative.

What had he sent? A single message. Couldn't make it, condolences. Not allowing this slight to pass he had gone personally a few weeks later to visit Tasid and after viewing his realm first hand... Knew what the real reason was: if Tasid dared leave the peasants would rebel.

The greasy little eel had tried to squirm his way out of it but in a semi-private meeting Fareed had nearly had him lynched. He even contemplated cutting Tasid's tongue out and leaving him to rule, it would be an improvement, he was certain of that. However, leaving the slimy noble right where he was suited him better.

So long as there was one like Tasid sitting at Iuny it meant the public would have someone else to focus on and should a certain line ever be crossed... Well, executing Tasid would make Fareed a hero albeit a temporary one. If nothing else it would at least placate the peasantry for a time.

Still, he wanted Tasid to last as long as possible, it gave the public someone else to hate and after making his public proclamation about what would happen if Tasid met an untimely end, well... Fear works both ways. What the peasantry did not know was that his little threat had been just as much aimed at Tasid as them. Should he cause him any trouble the public would be the least of his concerns.

To date the tactic had worked marvels. Only one group of peasants had rebelled but they had been stomped down quickly and Tasid was always prompt with his tithes.

Fareed smiled at the thought of tithes... In just a few months the tithes would be due again but the tithe he had taken form Tasid back then had probably done more to damage his ego than the threat ever had. Taking a full three quarters of his hand picked harem away with a penchant for the newer ones over the old had made Tasid squirm. All had been sold quickly in Alzamard of course, Fareed had no need for any more of them let alone ones that were second hand and very used.

No, this time the eel would come in person and there were no two ways out of it. A retinue of mercenaries bearing a letter had already been sent and should be there by now. Xerin and Fareed had hand picked the officer along with the guards that would bring Tasid to Alzamard. Another had been selected to rule in his absence and just to make certain he did not attempt to worm his way out of things a force of some five hundred mercenaries had been sent to act as "guards" until Tasid returned.

The locals were very lucky. They would be free of him for at least a month or more and the mercenaries were under orders to gather as much dirt as they possibly could. Spies already clung to Tasid's mansion like flies on an ox's ass but it never hurt to add a certain degree of... Threat, to information gathering. Whatever his spies failed to find the mercenaries would root out with pure force and when Tasid returned and learned of this well...

He would either jump in the river and swim for his life or swallow hard and remember his place: at his sultans hooves kissing them. He did have to wonder though what gifts his "dear friend" would bring him, whatever or whoever they were they had best be good ones.

Fareed half listened to the conversations in the room before picking up a few words about the invasion he had planned. The talker was silenced immediately as the matter was closed and that the matter was to remain a closed door secret, never spoken of where others, especially the servants, might hear.

Interruptions were one thing Fareed did not want during those weeks just prior to, during nor immediately after the gathering. So far his spies had reported that far to the south war had raged for about two weeks with the end result being the acquisition of more lands that the young prince Halim would inevitably be inheriting soon.

Said army had now turned away to focus on other matters closer to home while leaving a large force of mercenaries behind. Tribal forces all, crude, poorly equipped by any standard but still highly effective. He knew this well as he himself had hired a thousand of them once to make a point to some neighbors in the south, it was a point well made and worth every coin.

While the mercenaries themselves were utterly indoctrinated and honor bound to do whatever their mad king required of them they none the less had rumblings amongst the ranks. Whatever would come of this he had no idea but so long as they were busy eyeing each other they would not have time to move north and cause him any trouble.

Such rumblings would inevitably give way to treason and soon civil war would spark, not long after his southern problem would take care of itself. At least unless the nutcase they had for a king allowed things to get out of hand but there always remained the chance it could go the other way.

Politics were a fickle thing but for the time being it looked like their impi would sit tight and not move a muscle. Most likely they were being paid to sit there and scare any locals not driven off, enslaved or forced into heeling to their new masters at spear-point.

So long as they stay to the south his preparations would go forward quite nicely and come harvest time his army would march west less to conquer, but more to scare the hell out of them. Meanwhile his mercenaries would keep things under control at home but something was still not quite right, something was missing from his plans...

Ah yes, Nawra... Fareed smiled to himself as he mulled that name over and wondered what she would look like, hopefully an eye catcher. Sending the heir to the throne, a mare no less, meant those two old fools she called parents had only one thing on their mind: marriage. Marry her off and end a larger war that was coming down the river and like a flood whether they liked it or not and it would be quite unstoppable.

None the less, princess Nawra would be wined and dined like the rest of course but that did not mean he could not have some fun at her expense.


Light. Too much light...

Tasid tried to sit up in bed but was unable to move. He was covered in tits and flesh, the way he normally woke up and he would have it no other way. The sun had risen and the elaborately decorated silk curtains did little to block its glare, cursing whatever power made it suddenly rise like that he licked his lips and tried to remember what had happened last night.

Ah yes, the letter...

Last night a large force of mercenaries had entered his town and then hand delivered a message directly from Fareed. He was going to attend this years gathering whether he liked it or not and if he resisted they would take him there anyway only at the tip of a sword. Everything had been explained by the captain and that he had two days to get things in order before leaving the city to his care.

Holding back his anger Tasid had eloquently accepted the offer including the "escorts" that were being provided and of course, they were free of charge... It had taken less than two hours for the point to be driven home when one of his guards mouthed that they would not obey the orders of these mercenaries marked in black. In that one instant of opening his mouth a mercenary had simply smiled, slashed their throat and moved on.

That had not been what he had been told however, no, of course not! The guard had been rather vocal and violent about not allowing the change of command and after getting into a scuffle with the mercenary they had "accidentally" been killed while the other guards present were now so scared they dare not challenge the story.

After all, in two days they would be left alone with the mercenaries and if they dared open their mouths to say otherwise Tasid knew their bodies would never be found. Indeed, he only knew the truth because a servant had witnessed this and reported it, a spy in fact, a spy to keep an eye on his own servants no less.

Once the wonderful news had been delivered and the gears set into motion he had wasted no time in retiring to his chambers. He only had two days to enjoy himself as much as was physically possible before the long drought would begin. Upon arrival to Alzamard provisions would be made available to keep their urges, lusts and appetites well fed but personally he preferred his own arrangement.

Here he could do whatever he wished and as he wished, but in the sultans palace he was required to maintain a high degree of decorum, etiquette and civility. This meant he could not sate his appetites at will but had to bottle them up during the day, hide his desires and only at night could he gain fulfillment.

Not even that though, true he could enjoy the entertainment provided at night but there were rules to follow, so many rules... So long as he kept such to himself here at home Fareed did not give a damn what he did as long as the peace was kept and tithes paid on time.

Leaning back onto his massive bed made of the finest silk cushions Tasid closed his eyes, breathed out and began groping. His hands flitted across the three closest bodies before a hand came to rest on a favorite as he knew them by their feel.

If only this could last longer... But I must get up and see to matters, only two days to prepare...

Tightening his grip and twisting until a pained gurgle filled the air he barked at them to get up and move. Sitting upright he kept his hand where it was before finally letting go of the mare and standing. The great rush began as his slaves moved to clear a path or prepare clothing for him from the wardrobe, some had their special purposes after all as it meant the gears would move more smoothly.

Dressed in his fine silken robe he ambled down the hallway from his pleasure room Tasid stopped to enter his bathroom. Its marble floor was immaculately kept and the large bathtub made from carefully fitted stones and elaborate tile work was a happy inheritance from his parents. As was custom the water had already been prepared and kept to the proper temperature for when he roused himself from bed.

Arms out so a slave could remove his robe he walked to the tubs edge and after sliding into the water Tasid laid there and allowed the slaves to do the rest for him while partially closing his eyes. He knew they could not be trusted but they were now so perfectly conditioned that if any one of them tried anything the others would beat them nearly to death.

"Ahem! Tasid, I am here to inform you that we leave tomorrow morning in case you forgot."

His heart skipped a beat as the mercenary began talking and before he could even turn to look they were already gone. Even his slaves had been taken by surprise by their sudden arrival and departure, they were merely a ghost in how they came and went, a true testament to their training. Not only that but they flagrantly disregarded his rank as a noble and addressed him as a common peasant and not only because they did not respect his station, but because they knew there was nothing he could do about it.

It terrified him.

Everything was fuzzy though, he could have sworn the letter arrived last night and that he had two days left... No, no he did not. The mercenary captain had ordered his servants, HIS servants! To pack for him. Immediately. He had been so angry with how things had worked out that night he retired and after waking had delved into his supply of opium.

A terribly expensive habit of his but he enjoyed it, unfortunately he was so wound up it did little so he took to drinking till the rest had become one long blur. One full day had passed like this, spent either in a rage sealed inside his chambers or trying to fuck or strangle the life out of his slaves.

As the events hazily returned he did not doubt for a second a few of them were probably carrying his bastard children even now, it was a problem that was very easy to solve however; one quick boating trip and things took care of themselves. That or he could always force them to drink certain poisons that while still harmful to the mother was fatal to the unborn. Assuming of course he cared to keep the used property around, it depended on their value.

Satisfied with his bath and having been dried off, combed, brushed and properly dressed Tasid set off to carry out the more mundane tasks of the day. Before leaving he would need to make one last check of the tax assessment before leaving along with a visit to the slave market.

It was best to start picking out his new toys now because in a few months a certain number would have to be thrown out due to... Circumstances. Visiting Alzamard though made him a little giddy, they had bar none the best slave market he had ever seen or heard of due to its central location. Mjesani was fifth rate by comparison and was where he normally went shopping as Iuny's selection was poor to say the least.

Still, it did not mean that the rare gem did not pass through now and then! If one was wise they always kept their eyes and ears open for the best opportunities and the local slave trader had made a point to hand select the best and hold them for him till he had a chance to have a look. The mare was always well rewarded for her loyalty and good eyes.

Breakfast was trivial at best as the servants rushed to serve his every whim. Not once did he have to actually pick anything off a tray for it was snatched up immediately and delivered to him directly by a few hand picked serving mares. These he did not bed, they were too expensive to train and always served as a delicious forbidden fruit that he enjoyed oggling or feeling.

Ah, how many months it had taken to train them, the beatings, torture and lastly the indoctrination so they would remain forever loyal.

Not that it was a perfect system as a few years ago someone had slipped poison into his food but thankfully the poisoner had detected it first. While it had been one part terrifying and one part infuriating that anyone would dare to poison him their death had actually been so funny he enjoyed it.

All Tasid had to do was close his eyes and remember the horrified look on her face as the poison took effect, first it paralyzed and then cut off her breathing, and then finally blood began to seep from her eyes. The best had been her death throws, she just laid there, body paralyzed but something in the poison made her have seizures so violent her muscles were forced to move. Snapping sounds had filled the air as her own body broke her bones one by one and when it was all over she lay there as a twisted, bloody mess.

He had nearly choked on his wine as it had been such a treat to watch and his laughter had filled the room. Unfortunately, Fareed visited not long after and a certain discussion as well as public proclamation resulted in the would be assassins being turned in immediately by a few of their fellow citizens. Everyone had become horrified not of what they had done or that punishment would be forthcoming... Indeed no one even dared to ask for a reward, they simply delivered them tied up in rope no questions asked.

No, they were terrified of what would happen to them because Fareed had threatened all of them, not just a handful. Should anyone harm Tasid they had not only to worry about the guilty party, but also anyone even remotely associated with them. Whole families and neighbors as well would be laid low in the violent witch-hunt that followed.

As for what happened to the two who had made an attempt on his life? Fareed had dealt with that himself, they were tortured for days in private before being put out in public where the torture continued for a few more. A gelder took care of one but rather than be quick and clean had instead tortured their body apart.

It took a few days for them to die and once it was over Tasid knew what awaited him and exactly why Fareed allowed him to live. Fareed had made certain they were dead and then in front of the public declared that Tasid's choice for punishment had been carried out! He then reminded them Tasid was undeniably in control of Iuny and the surrounding lands as well but the hate had been squarely passed from one to the other.

Tasid was a scapegoat.

Trapped like a rat in a cage, his life depended now upon keeping Fareed happy less the locals slaughter him in his sleep. So long as he did whatever was ordered he would get to have all the fun he wanted but cross a certain line and, well...

Anger boiled in his veins again. Slapping a servant away as she delicately offered him something that had caught his eye Tasid rose from his cushion and then stomped off to the throne room. No punishment beyond the slap was forthcoming and the servants held a collective sigh of relief until he was out of sight and earshot.

His throne room was not opulent by any stretch of the imagination as his funds went to feeding his endless appetites. The only thing opulent here was the throne itself as the original had been replaced for a bigger one that could fit himself, and have just enough room to squeeze in one more. It helped take the edge off what would normally put him to sleep.

There was no need for his visit today however as the mercenaries had already taken that in stride as well, the captain did not sit on his throne but instead an ornate chair set "just" beneath making a mockery of Tasid's station. All the paperwork had already been dealt with along with any... "Public concerns."

Tasid wandered out of his quasi-palace and after slipping into a carried "throne carriage" and was off to the slave market, with any luck there would be at least one today. His anger was boiling over rapidly and he needed to sate it quickly, with any luck he would find one suitable and after venting his frustrations he would be calm enough to last a month.

Following him carefully his own guards stayed a little closer than usual, not for fear of their lords life but because just beyond them the mercenaries roamed and followed their every step. Somehow they believed that by clustering close to Tasid they would be spared harsh rebuttals or the scornful gaze of Fareed's hand picked terrors.

Traveling through the small marketplace was rather boring as the peasants rushed to get away save a handful of the local well to do's. As they quietly walked along he spied one older stallion and his new servant mare. She was young and eye catching to say the least and in her lack of dress he felt like smiling for a moment before he remembered something.

A few weeks ago or so... It was so hard to remember these little things... Ah! Yes... Someone had broken into this stallions mansion, a thief no less. They had been found out almost immediately near the slave quarters trying to pick a lock to get inside, probably thinking they would find valuables hidden away. Dumb fool.

All the same they had been driven out and nearly captured before drowning themselves in the river rather than face punishment. Tasid could not blame them either as their hand would be chopped off if the master felt particularly angry or be sold into slavery, the later being the norm and nearly a rule because why waste what you can sell?

Watching them wander off in another direction he felt desire but let it go, that was too fine a mare for what he had in mind.

"Do you have anything worthwhile today? Yes or no."

Tasid's voice was strained and he could feel his veins pumping, he was being humiliated by Fareed. It was completely his own doing and he knew that all to well so it was best to grind his teeth, smile and bear with it. He had slighted Fareed and was now going to pay for it, not in blood thank the gods but in name, ego and public humiliation.

Qutil Aightisab, the local slave trader never raised an eyebrow as Tasid snarled out his question but instead just nodded her gray striped zebra head and barked out some orders to her minions. Quickly two were brought and smacked with sticks till they stood straight and ready for presentation, looking them over quickly his gaze finally stayed on the one. Reaching out to his servant he beckoned them closer and after opening the small lock-box withdrew one of the pre-measured sacks of gold and dangled it between his fingers for Qutil to see.

She was used to this after all these years and with a smile accepted it before handing him a key to the shackles. This was quite normal for the two but no one else as Tasid always had the shackles and key brought back promptly before days end. A business arrangement that made both quite happy and one richer.

Wagons were already lined up outside his home upon their return and being packed quickly by his servants under the strict supervision of the mercenaries. Letting out a long held sigh he had the new slave marched inside before having her unshackled and then restrained with rope. Carried like an animal bound for slaughter his two guards brought her to his bed chambers and laid her down carefully before leaving hurriedly.

"You know who I am yes?" Tasid stared at the now horrified mare as she looked around the room, his reputation had preceded him. Eyes darting around they finally settled on him but quickly looked away from his gaze, she was a smart one.


"Good, then I end the formalities." Clapping his hands made the room echo a little as most were elsewhere for the time being. He was wealthy indeed but not so wealthy that his slaves did not have to partake in other household duties, only Fareed was that wealthy but it did not stop Tasid from dreaming.

The two mares left in the room were quickly given some instructions and after bringing his prepared opium pipe he lit it and offered it to the confused mare.

"Breath deep, it will help with the pain."

Tasid watched as trembling mare took several deep, shaky breaths before coughing and gagging only to have it forced back into her mouth.

"Good, it will not hurt as much now. Stand her up and untie her legs."

As Tasid walked to a locked stand to retrieve the required item he laid down the pipe in its holder and extinguished the smoldering contents with a cap. Behind him he heard the Arabian mare thank him for his little act of kindness and returning to her he held the object at his side and shook his head.

"No, it was not for that, I just didn't want you passing out from the pain or dying immediately from the shock."

Two loud cracks filled the air as her knees broke from the impact. A scream pierced the air but no one even thought to bat an eye, this was normal. Listening to their screams Tasid felt his anger subside a little. Staring at the writhing mass at his feet with legs bent the wrong way he smiled happily and let out a little sigh of relief.


Another two hits was all it took to make them crawl for their life while his servants stared off into space, their eyes glazed over. It was funny, they outnumbered him completely at any given time, at any given second could overpower and then slay him at will. It was not like they had anything to loose after all as they all knew at some point their number would be up.

Or was it? He kept a handful of mares around despite their wear and tear, not to mention they were a good ten years older than him in some cases. Why did he keep them? The illusion that some would survive. That they had a chance of simply suffering through it like the rest and living longer so long as they smiled despite the pain and misery he wrought on them.

Only once had a slave attempted to resist him and the rest had beaten them down before holding the mare in place so he could have his revenge. They were like a bunch of trained monkeys now, he could do anything he wanted and because the new ones just assumed this was the way it had always been... That it was not the way it should always be.

A pecking order had been created in their minds and they all fought to gain the most favor. Each one trying to outdo the next by pleasuring him till they pass out from exhaustion or pain. Looking down Tasid saw his toy had stopped crawling and now lay on her back gagging and hacking. The opium took the edge off the pain but it took time to take effect and he enjoyed hearing the screams.

Leveling his heavy rod with her breast in the manner a golfer would use a club and golf ball he took a back-swing and held it a moment. Releasing the swing with all his might he felt and saw the hit move her across the floor a little before the blood and screaming started again.

He felt better.