My mom is the moon.

by Dimond Rainbow

wait for sugar

A cold breeze tingled across my skin, stirring me from slumber, but not waking me up. I grasped for something to cover up with and was met with soft silk, that flowed through my fingers gently, like a soft stream of water.

I dozed off after that, unknown of the grand adventure I had just been whisked on.

When I stirred again, I was blanketed in warm softness, it felt like velvet and silk, and maybe even some fleece. I nestled in deeper as my mind began to awaken, I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to stay covered by this warmth forever and a day.

But much to my surprise, there was something different, I felt it more with my fingers, it was soft, it almost reminded me of a horse's fur -I knew this because Ada loved riding, and would drag me to a horse retreat almost every summer since we met- and then my digits were greeted by downy soft feathers, that flowed through my fingers.

I continued to feel this way and that, I felt something directly in front of me, as my eye refused to open and let in the cruel light that would no doubt fully awaken me from slumber. I could feel what ever I was touching rise and fall gently, akin to ones breathing, and I could feel a heartbeat. That sent chills up my spine, causing me to shudder, and open my sealed lids.

I stared at it, my breath short, eyes wild.

I tossed the blanket off of me, looking around the room.

It was dark blue, black and silver, almost everything seemed to be themed after the night. My gaze shifted left and right, then I saw it.

It was a large horned horse, made up of midnight blue, it's hair impossible as it flowed gently in an impossible breeze and was a clear moonless night, galaxies and constellations.

I was never flighty, no, I could stand my ground. But, I was suddenly covered in goosebumps, my skin like ice, this situation, had shaken me to my soul, I sucked in shaky breaths, my head spinning. I let out a shrill scream, wanting to wake up from this nightmare.

So, first I die, then I'm in some sort of heaven, and now I'm sleeping with a pastel horse, this isn't happening!

The blue horse's head shot up and they looked around the room, eventually finding out the never ending screech was erupting form my lips. "Ssh, my little one, your alright." I could tell from the tone, that this being was female, and again, a scream of horror erupted from my lips in:


I clasped my hands over my mouth, my voice that of a child, my sky blue eyes going so wide they felt as though they would bulge right out of my skull.

Taking a deep breath I struggled to ground myself, all I wanted to do was scream, I screwed my eyes shut.

This has to be a dream! Some illusion from the crash! I am not in bed with a talking, horned, winged horse!!!!!

"Please calm down, there is nothing to fear, you are safe here." The blue horse insisted, gently stroking a hoof down my back.

I shuddered, daring to open my eyes. I had to bite my tongue as so not to let another curse fly from my lips, through clenched teeth, I asked, my tone warbling and oh, so childish: "Who are you? Where are we? And why the fuck did you kidnap me?!"

"We- I am Luna, your mother my little one, as for where we are, we are inside my bed chambers, I neigh, I did not foal nap my own child." Luna said, her tone gentle and sweet.

"Look lady, I dunno what your issue is, but you are most certainly not my mother, My biological mother is a greedy pig that cares more about being the most successful German singer in America, and my step mother is the most kind loving lady in the entire world. Not some crazy nut job horse." I deadpanned, eyes glaring at the horse before me.

Luna looked affronted by my bluntness, her eyes taking on a look of hurt. "B-but..."

"Nope! Look just point me towards the nearest bus stop, and I'll be out of your freaky hair, promise." I said, jumping from the bed, I paused in front of the tall wall mirror, looking at my figure. My hair was still bright blonde, but had bright cyan streaks running through the crazy waves, my skin was unnaturally peachy, and my clothes; Not my normal below the elbow dress shirt and knit V neck navy vest, skinny jeans, and black and white striped dock shoes: I was in a plaid school girl skirt, black dress shoes, and a similar shirt s to what I normally wore. I was much sorter, and my hair, ugh, my hair was in pigtails! I hated pigtails! And of all cruel things life could have thrown me into, I was thrown into the body of a five-year old, with the clothing to match.

Her ears lay against her skull as I screamed loud enough to shatter the mirror, my body felt like ice, and jello.

A white horse flashed into the room, her hair also impossible, but like the aroura borealis, and to top it all off, she -as I assumed- was taller than Luna.

"So," The White one said, intrigue laced in her tone as she peered down to my level. "Is this the little one you found in the gardens?"

"Yes Tia, she's been asleep for most the while now, but I can't quiet seem to calm her down..." Luna spoke with a downtrodden tone, it made me want to gag. What did they think I was? Some sort of pet.

"Well you could imagine her shock, little sister. I still think that before you grow too attached to her that you should ask her opinion." Tia said, her tone kind a mothering.

"FINNALY! Someone with reason! Look, I just want to get the fuck out of this crazy place and back home to Bristol Connecticut, to my girlfriend, because I gots some important things to do. So, ya wanna just point me in the way out of this fucking place?" I said, leaning against the door.

They each arched a brow and gazed at me as if I had said Fairies were real or something stupid.

"What is this 'Bristol Connecticut' you speak of?" Tia asked, her face full of bewilderment.

I almost screamed again, anger budding inside me, but all the blood had left my head, and I fell down, cold and passed out.