Gem of Imagination: Universal Forces

by SuperDescendant101

Explanation and Strange Portals: Chapter 2

The bright sunlight shone through the curtains in one of the guest room that I was currently sleeping in, I slowly opened up my eyes and rose up to take off the blanket that I was covered by, I saw a alarm clock on my right on a dresser that said 8:30AM in the morning, I slowly grabbed the blue and white blanket off of me and I got off the bed that was...slightly smaller than me, what, if you were 6'5 and had to sleep on a bed that was smaller than you, you would feel insulted. I walked up to the door to the bedroom that I resided and opened it up to reveal two guards standing at the doorway, both of them nodded their heads and turned to look at me.

The one on the right said, "The Princesses has requested your presence in the throne room."

I nodded my head, and they stepped back a bit for me to walk through, escorting me down the hallway that veered off to the right. Suddenly, I stopped, and felt a little tingle on my spine like some sort of Spider-Sense, I think I'll call it, "Chaos Sense," the guard to my left noticed me stopping and asked, "What's the matter?"

I answered, "I felt something, but I don't know what it is." Something was going to happen and it is big, whatever it is, but I didn't dwell on the sensation nor did the guards as they kept on walking with me following behind them. We walked from door to door, and just like all castles, the biggest out of all of the doors will lead to the throne room, with two more guards standing guard as they opened the doors with their magic to let me see Twilight and her friends, along with Spike, Shining Armor, Cadance, Luna, and Celestia, all waiting for my arrival.

I walked in and immediately gave the same bow I gave to Luna when I met her for the first time to Celestia. Celestia waved her hoof with her golden shoes, "Please come in human, no need for formalities." I rose up and walked up to them and saw all of the Mane Six were smiling at me, considering Spike and I saved them.

I smiled, "Pleasure to meet you, your majesties, thank you for putting me to sleep, I had very long day at school."

Celestia smiled back and grabbed a cup full of tea, strawberry flavored from what I can smell from the aroma, "It is no trouble, human."

I noticed that she said 'human,' and not my name, I mentally facepalmed, "Oh wait, forgot introduce myself properly, my name is Brian Oliver, personal student of Master Hong of the Taekwondo martial arts. Ranking at blackbelt for Taekwondo and Karate, also a wrestling prodigy and explosive Army General." I said proudly.

Rainbow Dash came up to me and gave me a hoof bump, "Your a blackbelt in both Taekwondo and Karate! Man, I want to be a blackbelt in other martial arts."

"Believe it or not, Taekwondo is one of the harder martial arts to use, especially if you were young as 12 years old."

"You started when you were twelve!! Awesome!" She smiled to find somepony to teach her a another martial arts.

"Anyways, we ask you to come here to help us understand something so weird, even Discord is stumped." Cadance worriedly said.

"What kind of weird? What would stump the God of Chaos?" I questioned.

"There has been strange portals that have been popping up all around Canterlot. Thankfully, nothing terrible has come out of them, but I'm worried that one of my pony subjects will go in one of them, so we ask every guard available to quarantine everypony from the portals until further noticed." Celestia sighed.

"How many portals are there?" I asked.

"Well darling, we conclude that they're 3 portals in total, from what the guards of Canterlot could see, two portals are stationed in Canterlot, while the third one is believed to be in Ponyville." Rarity said.

"And you want me and I guess the girls and probably Spike to go into these portals and see what is going on?" I asked.

"Yes, if you insist on them coming with you-" Celestia never got to finish her sentence as the ground started to shake violently. The castle walls were starting to crumble by massive shake.

"What is happenin'?!" Applejack shouted.

"I don't know, there wasn't supposed to be an earthquake today, let alone any!" Twilight shouted back.

The shaking stopped after a few more seconds, with everyone relaxing, but then, I felt the same ominous vibration that I sensed during my path to the throne room, "Everyone, I think we got company."

Everyone heard my statement and checked their surroundings for anything suspicious, I sensed it again, with it being on the right side of throne room, I looked towards that direction, and saw a glowing purple swirling circle was floating in midair. Everyone else was looking in my direction as they heard noises from that direction and saw the purple wormhole.

"W-What is t-that??" Fluttershy whimpered.

"I have no idea sugar cube, but I have one thin' to say and that is it doesn't look friendly." Applejack answered her shy friend.

The portal, I'm gonna assume it's a portal, grew in size and it looked like it was summoned by someone powerful. As I got closer, I saw a figure beginning to materialize into the throne room, I saw it's feet come in first as they looked it blue shoes? Then came the legs as they wore...the same of color of shorts I have on? Next the body and the head, which the body had the same shirt that I have on, but the color was red and white instead of blue and orange. What made me gasp was the face of the figure, it was me, but red eyes and red and white hair. Now I know who this person is, he is my evil counterpart, Evil Brian, or aka, Suski Kamuthi.

I smirked, "Well I'll be."

Rainbow shouted, "Hey, who are you?! You better start telling or I'll-" I put my hand in front of her to signal her to stop talking.

I smiled while walking up to my counterpart, giving him a bro hug, I turned towards the other occupants in the room and explained, "Everyone, this is a friend of mine that was imagined by me." Everypony gasped as Suski smiled. "This is my evil counterpart, Evil Brian, or aka, Suski Kamuthi. Now the reason I know this, because a long time ago when I was 16, I used to imagined stuff that couldn't be possible, like the Gem of Imagination here." I showed the gem for emphasis. "And believe it or not, but I was the one who thought of the Gem of Imagination, the creators are the Imaginators. These unbelievable powers is what made me happy, made me feel like a hero. However, as I grew up older, I just sort of forget about it and didn't remember, but when Luna came to me in my dream, all of my little roleplay finally came back to me."

Everyone in the room were in shock with Pinkie...with her jaw literally hitting the floor. Then, a mysterious cackle echoed into the throne room.

"Oh I just love surprises today, ooh ooh! It's making me all jittery!" A booming voice said as both Suski and I both looked up into the direction of the glass paintings as we saw the picture of Discord, that's not supposed to be there, trying to be as still as possible, but Suski and I know Discord very well.

"Discord, you know we can see you, right?" Suski growled, his voice being raspy and demonic.

"Oh I know you can, I was just having fun!" He giggled as the picture of him started moving with the mouth moving up and down, then he slithered or flew downwards and magically appeared out of nowhere, with a very happy smile adorn on his face. Discord is the God of Chaos, he can shapeshift, switch gravity, etc., he can basically do anything if he wanted, but he's reformed as he was once a villain.

"What are you doing here, Discord?" Twilight sternly spoke as she got out of her shock.

"Oh I came by to check up on you, plus with these two friends of yours, maybe will have a chance to stop the portals from popping up!" He exclaimed as he grabbed us into a group hug.

"Well, we were goin' to the first portal as you interrupted us. Luckily the first portal is near the castle, basically in front of the hedge maze." Applejack said.

"Alright, let's go then!" Discord shouted.

I rolled my eyes at Discord's enthusiasm as we walked out the castle to find the portal in the hedge maze.

We got to the maze, and like Applejack said, the portal sitting right in front of the hedge maze, it was blue with white flowing in a circle. Although the coloring could be my imagination, but it does look familiar. We walked up to it as the simmering surface revealed a green and dark green checkerboard pattern with palm trees and animal looking robots. My mind was racing and I had a smile on my face as I recognized the pattern of the landscape.

"What is that?" Fluttershy asked, while I looked at Suski as he knew the place as well, everyone else, no idea.

"Well Fluttershy, Suski and I know this place very well, plus we will meet some new friends who have the passion to save the world and one of them is just like Rainbow Dash, but a little bit different. I think you will instantly love them." I answered her.

"If this friend is just like me, I bet he's not as fast." Rainbow said while showing her muscles.

I shook my head, "Oh I think this 'friend' is much faster than you think Rainbow, even I have seen his speed. He once ran all the way to one of the oceans in his world and then ran back across the whole world in under 5 seconds when at full force." When I said this, everyone was in shock at what speed this creature can go, even Rainbow almost fainted, but luckily kept her composure.

"Not even I can go that fast! How would that guy be able run that fast without burning his legs off?!" She protested.

"You'll see soon enough. Come on!" I shouted as I ran toward the portal and jumped in and disappeared while Suski followed behind.

"Alright girls, let's just hop in and find this 'friend' he's talking about." Dash said while hovering along side Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Fluttershy, and Rainbow as they all ran or flew into the portal along with Discord who stood by, making sure the portal stays open for them to get back. see this place was a vacation for the girls including the other Princesses. They could see ocean for miles to the east side along with grass and plenty of animals to see, which made Fluttershy all excited. I was running side by side with Suski with our hands dangling behind us to reduce wind resistance to go faster. We were all dodging obstacles left and right, and I told the girls to smash any robot they could find, and Rainbow and Applejack were betting who could smash the most. Rainbow obviously won because of her speed and agility, while Applejack was fairly close.

We neared a cliffside as we stopped in front of it to see a battlefield with many robots and cages that housed the heroes of this world, the Freedom Fighters. The blue hedgehog was constantly running on a hamster wheel that kept him from running away. The others were locked up in cages with their most precious items or abilities hindered because of the shackles they were wearing.

"Oh those poor creatures, are those the friends you were talking about?" Fluttershy asked me.

"Yes, the blue one is named Sonic, the fastest thing alive on this world, the yellow two-tailed fox is named Tails, he's a master genius and Sonic's best friend, Sonic literally treats him like a brother. The chipmunk is named Sally Acorn, she's the heir to the throne of Prince Acorn and the brains of the group. The pink hedgehog is named Amy, she's Sonic's fangirl and wields a very powerful hammer. The red echidna is called Knuckles, the brawler and the strongest fighter here, but does have a little problem with his brain and has anger issues, he has gotten over them, but he still has them." I explained.

"So, who is that?" Shining asked, eyeing the human. The human in question was non other than, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, or Dr. Eggman, he is depicted as being rotund in appearance. He possesses a dome-shaped head and no visible neck, a bald head, a bright red nose, and a very bushy mahogany moustache. Wearing red-black-yellow clothing, combined with a black onesie.

"That my friends, is Dr. Ivo Robotnik, or Dr. Eggman, the arch-nemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog. He's notorious for trying to take over world and trying to build his Eggman Empire. Although he has made many inventions and accomplished many goals in his life, he will always be thwarted by the Freedom Fighters." I answered.

"We need to get in there without being noticeable." Twilight said.

My eyes widened with an idea. I came up to Suski's left ear ear and whispered something that no one else heard. Applejack asked, "Alright, what are you two nutcases whisperin' about?" Both Suski and I looked as we smirked.

I came up with the idea of actually transforming into hedgehogs ourselves. Suski volunteered to help me out with the plan while Rainbow and the Princesses will distract Eggman and lead him away from the battlefield. I transformed into a hedgehog mostly with a red coat and green stripes or palette for my spines, with my shoes being blue still, but with a ring attached with a couple of whites around the edges. Suski looked exactly like me, but with a blue coat and white palette for the stripes, and his shoes being purple instead of blue and red around the edges.

The girls looked at us with Rarity saying, "You two look great, I might need to figure out how to make clothing for these type of animals."

"We will figure that out later Rarity, Princesses and Dash, get Eggman away from here." I told them.

The Princesses nodded their heads and flew ahead while Rainbow saluted and followed them. The girls all had their game faces on and we waited for the signal.

1st POV: Sonic

Eggman was laughing his heart over the defeat of his spiny blue pest named Sonic, that would be me, as I growled as I'm still running, I have to keep doing it or I will suffer the consequences, as he built something that turned my speed against me, lacing it with high explosives' if I stopped running. As for everyone else, they were all worried about me not being able last much longer, even Tails was worried, he has seen me passing out before and hopefully I can keep this up.

Suddenly, a blue rainbow blur blew past Eggman's right side as his flying saucer was sent spinning, he stopped spinning and screamed, "What in the world?!" The rest of the group were speechless, the only person who could go that fast was me, who was this person.

More like what was this person, because it's not even a person, it's a cyan blue pony with Rainbow hair as she shouted, "Hey, Eggman, you want to pick a fight with somepony, you can fight me and my rulers!" As she said that, three new ponies showed up behind her, flying in tandem, two of them were significantly taller than the rest of us, with the third one being slightly smaller, one being midnight blue, and the other pure white, the last one was pink and they had wings, but the rainbowed hair one didn't have a horn on it's head.

"What are you? That doesn't matter, you want to fight, fine, be my guest." Eggman scowled.

"Were not fighting here as to not get them into the crossfire in our fight, Eggman." The white one said as she pointed at us.

"Alright, follow me to your demise!" He shouted as he flew away along with other bots following him.

The rainbow one said, "Stay right here everypony, will get this Eggman for ya, while my friends help you get out." She flew past us with speed that could match me, but I doubt it, but the group didn't know what to think.

Knuckles was dumbfounded, "Did that pony just talk and told us to stay put?"

Sally facepalmed, "Were talking animals Knuckles, I don't think a talking pony is any weirder."

Knuckles tried to say something, but said nothing, meaning he knew she was right, he spoke a few moments later, "Ok, but she said her 'friends' will come get us. What does that mean?"

"She's talking about us." A voice carried over.

We all turned to see more ponies, colors mostly in rainbow being purple, white, orange, yellow, and pink, with a little green and purple baby lizard on the back of the purple one. The other two looked just like Shadow but had different colored shoes, fur, and stripes on the spines.

The robots that were guarding us were alerted and stood for battle, while the red hedgehog said, "Everyone, you keep them busy, while we destroy the cages and machine that holds them." They all nodded their heads and started fighting the robots with good combos and serious teamwork.

The white one was named Rarity as she teamed up with Twilight Sparkle as they started blasting the Badniks apart, Rarity looked disgusted about the detail on the robots, "Although they are good looking, I have to say they're definitely not my style, especially if they are meant harm innocent little creatures such as those birds and piglets." She said.

I said, "Hey, if it makes you happier or angrier, I don't know, those robots are called Badniks and house the animals you were talking about. I smashed them plenty of times to ensure they're safety, but now it's been little less troubling because Eggman found a way to use them without using the animals."

Rarity looked at me while blasting a ray of magic behind her to destroy another Badnik, which I learned from my adventures, as she asked, "How are you holding up? I heard from a friend of mine that you could run very fast, but every now and then you have to take a break."

"I've been better, but not for long. I can't keep this up, and if I stop, a bomb will go off that will destroy everything in this area." I answered.

"Well, this Eggman fella doesn't seem like to be a charming individual." She explained.

"No kidding." I said while I was keep running.

The red hedgehog came up to the console and saw the controls of the machine. He messed with some buttons and saw 'Access Denied' on the screen flashing red.

"Hey, if it helps you, Eggman said something about a password named, 'Sonic' something." I told him.

The hedgehog gave me the 'seriously' kind of look and typed in 'Sonic is a pest' and gained access. I had the same type of look he had as he looked at me smirking. He pushed some more buttons and a panel opened up in front of him. He grabbed the components from inside and the bomb made a loud whining noise, which was getting slower and slower, as it died, the machine gave off a loud puff of steam which signaled that it had been shut down.

I stopped running to catch my breath as I saw the rainbow one came up to me and hold out it's hoof to me, I grabbed it and pulled myself up to see the taller of the ponies standing near the cages and using it's magic to release everyone. "I definitely need to stop messing with something that's out of my power." I asked the big white one, "Where is Eggman?"

"We tried as hard we could, but he soon knew our plan and went back here, thankfully my teleportation got here faster than he did." She said.

"So, as we wait for him to get back, can you please introduce yourselves so we introduce ourselves as well." The yellow pony said to me.

"Well my name is Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog." I said while giving thumbs up.

"My name is Miles Tails Prower, but everyone calls me Tails." Tails said.

"Hello, my name is Sally Acorn." Sally said as she bows.

"My name is Knuckles, enough said." Knuckles said while looking away.

"At least be nice, I could tell the taller ones were royalty because of their crowns and they seem more powerful than the other ponies." I told him.

"Alright." He grumbled.

"Hi, my name is Amy Rose." Amy said as she bow in a kirtsie.

I smiled as I looked at the two hedghogs and asked, "Who are you two?"

"Well, my name is Brian Oliver, or Brian the Hedgehog for that matter. This is my evil counterpart and don't worry he's not evil if your thinking that, anyways, this is Vernex the Hedgehog or Suski Kamuthi or Evil Brian, whichever you prefer." I answered.

"Hello." Suski greeted.

I looked at the ponies as they stepped up and the purple one said, "Well, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, or Twilight and this is my assistant Spike the dragon."

"Hello everyone!" Spike screamed.

"Hi, I'm Fluttershy the animal caretaker." Fluttershy said in her quiet voice.

"My name is Rarity, darlings, I work at the Carousel Boutique because fashion is my calling." Rarity said.

"Hi my name is Pinkie Pie and the best party pony you can ask for!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"Howdy partner, my name is Applejack, my friends usually call me AJ for short and I'm the farmer on Sweet Apple Acres, we have the Bettermost apples you have ever dreamed of." Applejack said in a western accent.

The one wearing the armor came up and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Shining Armor, Twilight's brother and husband to her foalsitter Princess Cadance." Princess Cadance waved her hoof.

I saluted him to show a sign of respect along with Tails as he saluted back. The taller regal pony came up to me and said, "I am Princess Celestia and this is my younger sister Princess Luna." Luna walked beside her sister and gave a smile.

I went down on one knee and lowered my head in a knight's position. Celestia and Luna didn't expect this, but Brian did somehow, "Well, if you must know Princess, like I said I know a lot and from what I've learned, Sonic here have been experienced with magic before as he was sucked into a book of the Knights of the Round Table, although King Arthur is the evil of the story, Sonic is actually the true King Arthur as in the king of the knights." Brian smiled.

I sheepishly smiled as I raised to see my friends also bowing their heads to show a sign of respect. I looked at Brian and asked, "How did you know that?"

He smiled, "It's a secret." He puts his index finger to his lips to be quiet. I definitely know not to mess with a specific timeline, if you change one thing, it could mess up the entire thing completely.

My ear twitched at the sound of buzzing as I looked behind me to see Eggman flying in his machine by himself. I smiled that he could handle such powerful magic ponies.

His eyes twitched to see all of us standing here unaffected by the machine. "How did you escape my traps?!" He screamed.

Brian came beside me and answered, "Well if you must know Egghead, we managed to disable the bomb connected to Sonic's running wheel and blasted your robots apart."

His entire face was boiling red as steam started shooting out of his ears as he screamed his heart out. He stopped as he smirked and pressed a button that made a loud noise as the ground started shaking.

A huge explosion came from behind us to see a giant hawk like robot that I was not amused about. "Really Eggman, the Egg Hawk? Isn't that just old school and we defeated it already. Can you just make it harder for us?" I asked smirking.

"Come on Sonic, you know as well as I do that I will not forget my mission of making my Eggman Empire, and you're not going to stop me!" He shouted.

"Believe it Eggman, we stopped you once before and we can do it again. And we have new friends to back us up. You ready Brian?" He got into a low stance to shoot off.

I mimicked his position and said, "You don't have to say anything, I'm ready."