Her Diamonds

by flyingcloudcakes

...And Then He Woke Up, And It Was All A Dream

Chapter Five


Spike awoke in an unfamiliar room, and panicked. Then he remembered where he was, and panicked.

I’m in Rarity’s bedroom! He let out a tiny squeak, and then managed to control himself. Okay, okay, calm down, Spike. Be logical. Find Rarity. Downstairs? Probably. Okay, legs, over side of bed—feet, firmly on floor. Take a step.

...Or you could fall. Okay. Falling is something. We’re making progress here! Good job, team!

Spike eventually made it out of the room, down the hall, and to the top of the stairs, still feeling disoriented and out of his element. But at least he’d gotten some sleep, right? He felt more rested than he had. He wondered what time it was.

He found Rarity in her workshop, surrounded by swatches of blue fabric that looked disturbingly similar to the ones in his dream the night before. She looked up when he walked in, her red glasses perched on her nose.

“Oh, Spike, you’re awake! Did you have a good rest?” She smiled, put down her needle and thread, and turned to look at him properly.

He smiled back sheepishly. “Uh, yeah. Thanks again.” He mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I hope it wasn’t any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all, darling! I was so worried about you!” She shook her head. “You should really be more careful. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt running around while you were so tired.”

“You were... worried about me?” He blinked, surprised, not quite sure he was hearing her right.

“Well, of course I was!” She scoffed. “I care about you, Spike.”

“I care about you, Spike.”

She... she cares about me? Spike’s heart jumped into his throat. She cares about me! He couldn’t stop the broad, toothy grin from spreading over his face. “You do?”

“Well—well, yes.” Pink spread across Rarity’s cheeks.

It might have been his imagination, but... that looked like... was she... blushing? She was! She was blushing! It looked good on her. But then, everything looked good on her. “Oh,” said Spike, still grinning a little bit, because he couldn’t quite believe it. “I care about you, too.”

Rarity blushed harder, and cleared her throat, not meeting his eyes. “Er-hem, right, well, yes. I should... work on these dresses.”

“I’ll help you.” Spike said, sitting down across from her and picking up one of the almost-finished dresses. He could see where they needed to be stitched together, and he was just praying to Celestia that he’d do it right the first time.

“Oh. Thank you.” Rarity said, turning back to her fabric swatches. “There should be an extra needle and thread somewhere around here.”

Spike found it, and they set to work in silence for the next hour. All the while, Spike’s heart beat out a mantra: She cares—about me! She cares—about me!

When he next looked up, he could see through the window it was getting dark. “Hey, Rarity, I think maybe I should take off. Twilight’s probably wondering where I am...” He trailed off hesitantly. He didn’t really want to go. Not when things had just been getting interesting.

Rarity looked up from her own work, and nodded. “That’s perfectly alright, I understand. Thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate it.”

Spike pushed back his chair and went to the door, but didn’t leave quite yet. Instead, he turned around, fumbling with his sweatshirt. “Um, do you think I could... maybe, I don’t know, come back tomorrow? To help again? I-If you don’t mind...”

The corners of Rarity’s mouth tugged upwards gently, and her eyes lit up. “Yes. I would like that very much, Spike.”

He grinned back, a grin full of raw relief, his heart soaring. “Cool, cool. So... see you tomorrow, I guess. Um. Bye.”

“Goodbye, Spike.” Rarity’s sweet voice, slightly amused, followed him on his way out, and all the way home her words ran on repeat in his head:

“I care about you...”

He waited until he was out of sight of Carousel Boutique to start skipping. He couldn’t help wondering briefly if he was still dreaming.