Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 36: Voodoo

"Lightning is caused by atmospheric conditions and science orders us, commands us to believe so. Now, what would you do if you learned that in fact that bolt of lightning was willed into existence? It was called upon. I have never been a fan of the cult of science and after seeing an entire company of soldiers blasted to ash, it only proved that there are powers far beyond anyone's ability to understand or comprehend and it is folly to try and force the understanding of those powers... Or dismiss them because "science" fails to explain it."

Verik poked his head out of the hut and looked out across the rain drenched landscape, it never ceased to amaze him how rain could fall so heavily in one area yet leave another parched and dry. Thus was the case here as Wete was dead center of a driving rain that had mildly flooded the fields but as he stared off to the south the clouds just ended abruptly. Not a single drop of rain had fallen to the south from what he had seen over the past two days as the narrow band of rain laden clouds had focused on the area in and around Wete.

Slipping out Verik moved towards Nuru's hut and leaning against the wall to avoid the rain proved impossible. He stopped to listen before deciding if he should knock on the adobe wall or call out. As always the whispering voices were ever present but when he did not move from the door they died off only to be replaced by the sound of the rain for a few moments.

"Come in out of the rain."

Nuru's voice called out to him answering one question very quickly: indeed someone or something kept watch over this one hut in particular. He had no intention of entering uninvited but he had been curious to know how long it would take as every time he had ever sat outside to listen the voices had become more hushed or died off. Not long after Nuru would poke her head out to stare at him before going back inside but the voices would always remain silent till he had left.

Entering Nuru's hut he approached the fire-pit slowly but Verik stood and waited quietly until she motioned for him to sit. A cup of tea was offered and by the looks of it the cup had been prepared in advance.

"Those voices of yours are quite the warning system." Verik picked up the cup and thanked her before looking down at the cup in his hands, "they can even predict when you will have visitors it seems."

"No, sooner or latah you been coming anyway."

"So you left this cup out how long then?"

"You not here for tea, speak mind."

"So many questions but where to start... Alright, the voices. I have been living across from you for only a short time but not a moment goes by that I am not hearing voices coming from your hut, even when I know you are alone. It has left me quite curious because every time I listen they seem to realize I am listening to them and stop talking, if I get close to your hut they always warn you..."

Nuru quirked an eyebrow before putting her cup down.

"So you think you going crazy hm? Hearing things?"

"Oh I hear things but I know it is not in my head so it begs the question: what are the voices?"

"You already know answer then if you know enough to ask."


Nuru nodded before a devious smirk crossed her face making a knot form in Verik's gut as she stood up and walked over to him slowly.

"No spirits where you come from?"

"Yes or at least I always believed so but then again I was the kid everyone called a nutcase for believing such. Though plenty of others believe in even stranger things."

"Hmm... And how many gods are there?"

"I have no idea... Common belief on that other world was just one but I never believed that, everyone and everything comes from somewhere. Parents if you will, nothing can be made from nothing, everything must come from something."

"We have many gods but even more spirits, some good, some bad. Some just not care. Spirits be all around us all the time yes? You hear them, very strange, most do not. They know you hear them but do you listen?"

"Assuming you mean would I listen to their... "Words of wisdom?" I believe that is what you are referring too yes? Maybe. There is good advice and bad advice, it can come from many sources even the... Divine."

The elderly shamaness hummed a moment before rocking her head.

"True... You do not believe that the divine is all seeing, all knowing... Perfect."

"It is an imperfect world by design or fault but I lean towards a bit of both."

"Why you say that?"

"If it was a perfect world, a utopia, then it would be rather boring really. Learning would be impossible as without those faults there is no perspective, you cant have life without death nor vice versa."

"And what about here? Too much death? Too much misery?"

"That is perspective... Where I come from people turn a blind eye all day long to the horrors going on and pretend its all okay. So long as it is not in their back yard the world is a wondrous place but I call it a hellhole. Wars rage across the planets surface be they with flag waving armies or gangs. Here though... Yes, you have too much death and misery but at least it can be fixed. Why?"

"What if you could go back-"


"Very quick. Very certain."

"Despite the problems here I have more options, also I would be a damned fool for passing up an opportunity like this. Now what does this have to do with the voices and religion?"

"Everything, nothing... Something, maybe... Not upset about loosing home and coming here?"

"Never, didn't have a home anyway or a future outside of wage slavery."

"What you say if power that bring you here was looking for joke but... Think something more now?"

"Jokes on them as it is working in my favor, never had this much fun before and I will soon be married. That last one? A prospect I ruled out forever back in hell so it is a very pleasant future to have in waiting."

Nuru let out a small laugh, "you say you from hell then hm?" She reached down and took the cup from Verik and her expression changed quickly. "Where you from, is there magic?"

"No. Illusions yes, smoke and mirrors but no... Spell casting."


Waving her hand over the cup a moment she tossed its contents into the fire causing it jump to life with a blazing green flame. She held the cup upside down a moment to emphasize it was empty before turning it upright and with another wave of her hand turned it to Verik, full.

"Nuru... When I first came in here I had a pretty big book of questions I was going to ask, since then we have jumped from one random topic to another and now... Well in just watching you do that I wrote a couple more books of questions I would like to ask."


Good was her only answer? He had come in here seeking specific answers but she had led him around on a wild ride ending in magically reappearing tea. It was no illusion either and while he already had many a strong suspicion about this world and how it worked...

"Ah, that's why you led me around with those questions. Not a mind reader are you?"

"No, but it easy to know what questions you ask anyway. Best answer by showing yes?"

Verik nodded slowly before looking back into his cup.

"So these beings that I just happen to be able to hear sometimes brought me here as a joke, said joke has turned into something more. Alright, new question then: since they spy on me and of that I am now absolutely certain... I must ask the question of why. The joke is over, so what is it they want?"

"Nothing. Yet. Maybe never." Nuru let out a small sigh before sitting back down, "you say you at least listen yes?" Verik nodded. "No one listen now, turn away, demand much but not listen or give. Spirits leave and world withers, it dies. Evil spreads faster now, seeps deep into the soul. All want much coin, great power and wealth yes? But why? To have such another must loose."

"And because the spirits are not giving them private jet liners, mansions and boundless wealth they blame the spirits for their problems and shun them? What about your gods?"

"Not what know those things but yes, no one believe anymore. Spirits willing to help yes but everything is not just take, must also give. Keep demanding though but not willing to open eyes and ears to listen. Gods same, everyone demand much that mean nothing."

Nuru shook her head and sighed, "now they give up, demand till shunned and now beg for help. They cause big mess, blame other and now want other to fix their problems. Spirits are great and many, so are gods but still, to fix others must admit wrong first. But they not."

"Sounds like where I came from."

"You call other place hell, this now becoming hell."

"I think I can take a hint... Becoming hell but not yet, it can still be turned around before it gets beyond the point of no return. Granted, it would take an army and a mountain of corpses to pull off but it can still be done. Your spirit friends keep trying but no one listens I take it and the gods have what? Simply turned their backs?"

Nuru nodded.

"And because they know what I am planning to do..."

"You catch on quick."

"Thank you, but why? I know there is no such thing here as "divine purpose" because as you said I am here because of a joke gone awry. This sounds more like two parties realizing they have a common goal and-"


Verik stared across the now smoldering embers at Nuru before taking a sip from his cup. He was in no way "gods chosen one" by any stretch of the imagination but through a long series of events doors had begun to open. Doors that others wanted to see someone pass through because it was in their own best interest less the "evil" take over in full.

Lucky him that he just happened to be walking down that one street when opportunity came knocking.

"Okay, so every "being" out there knows what I am up too and wants to piggyback along and see where it goes for good or ill. To cash in on my success if you will assuming there is any, are they are willing to help when I take the chance?"

Nuru's response was lackluster judging by the motion of her hand, it all just depended.

"Great. I get it that there is only so much they could or would do and I do not expect anyone to pull me out of the hole I dig myself into. Indeed this mess was caused by the people of this world and as such they must dig themselves out of it. However, it would be nice to know that someone will at least have my back for those unforeseen things."

"If you listen, maybe."

"Alright, well I am going to do... Whatever it is I am going to do and just keep doing it. Should by whatever means I wind up with my dreams and desires or an unmarked grave with my head on a spike outside a city, so be it. I will listen yes but if they are not willing to help while I do the dirty work and wade through the blood and guts then to hell with them, I will do it anyway."

Was it wise to tempt fate in a voodoo hut? Those voices were listening and hanging on every word he was speaking so would they smite him or turn away? Every last word was true though, it was give and take. Yes he could set events into motion but it would ultimately mean nothing if they left him to flounder as the flood waters continued to rise.

Nuru on the other hand never changed her blank expression, it remained a sheet of blank stone as she stared him down. Verik did not look away though, he was quite serious about the words he had just spoken and was not backing down despite the fact that at any second now some very bad voodoo could take place.

What he did not know however was that Nuru was hiding a smile, too many asked permission before acting or relied on other powers, he did not. Verik was dead set in continuing down his path and divine be damned. It was a rare quality to find one that cared not what anyone else thought but only in doing what they believed to be right. Especially when that meant fighting against everyone else and their sense of right and wrong or law and order.

"So you still plan on taking ship when it comes yes?"

"Of course, somehow. Outnumbered but we will figure it out."

"A few would join you if asked."

"You mean Sefu, Jelani..."

"No, if you think you will know."

"Which brings me to another point, it is rather hard to know who to ask when there is a spy masquerading as a local."

"One and same make best spy."

"So you know exactly who the spy is?"

"Yes, but last time I tell others they handle matters poorly."

"The Sefu incident. You told them, they grabbed them and then it was execution time."

"Very bad choice but yes. I not tell you who they are."

"I will figure it out eventually."

"Then what you do? Drown them?"

"So they drowned the spy? Tied rocks to them for good measure and sunk them in the river I bet... Well thats one way to hide a body. Fish food. But no, I wont kill them."

Nuru's ears twitched and her face showed sudden interest.

"Why not? Spy is enemy, turn you in, turn everyone in, we all die if lucky."

"Well a live, kicking spy who is a known spy can be avoided, lied too, deceived. A dead one tells the world you are on to them. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."

"Spy must be dealt with one day though..."

"True, but when that day comes I will have made certain the well has run dry first, they are more useful alive than dead. Besides, capturing a spy and getting them to cough up anyone they know or anything at all would be quite useful."

"So you start plan with one ship."

"Indeed, from such humble beginnings who knows what will happen but there are still many doubts to be sure."

"Such lofty claims and you have doubts?"

"Well getting everyone to tag along for the ride wont be easy, this is going to become total war and getting enough recruits to fight said war will be very hard. I have the grand total of two followers so far and that is nowhere near enough to even take on some petty bandits let alone an army. Also its not like I can walk into a village and just recruit locals to fight Fareed. That would end this before it started thus making things rather difficult."

"Maybe you find some anyway, you must ask them to join sooner or later hm?"

"True, but I am not selfless in this en devour, I have more to gain than anyone and while I do mean to improve things it is a matter of... Well, I am paving a road to get what I want and am willing to have others join in then share in the success, but at the end of the day only one is sitting at the top of this mountain I make. Be damned if I let anyone else sit on its peak."

"You not forget this not that world, here things different, very different. Zebra and Arabian think very different from where you come yes?"

Verik nodded, for the most part that was absolutely true and indeed with them being feudal in nature that did change things. Here it was fully possible they might serve simply because one is the sultan since that is simply the way things are. Perhaps, well just maybe... Just maybe they would march to war because he extolled certain now dead virtues, true he would by all means still be a tyrant but...

Just maybe the simple fact he was going to make himself a "good" king would be enough, if that was even possible. He had to admit his goals were so lofty that if he even breathed them on the other world everyone would turn on him. The very idea of conquering a country to become its king because you wanted too was seen as abhorrent. It was better to let petty tyrants reign or the corrupt status-quo of back biting politics and money grubbing to remain.

That also meant allowing things to fall apart till everyone drowned as the ship sank, better to all drown than overthrow the government and install a king. A king that was not afraid of stomping someone to paste or making heads roll so long as the job got done.

Verik hummed aloud quietly as he thought over the differences for a moment before settling on Nuru again.

"Very different indeed but I am more used to that place than here. Since I was a child I always reveled in the idea of conquest and becoming a king by my own hand, only you could say I was... Born on the wrong planet and a few thousand years too late."

"That true here?"

"No, I dont think so. I think that I can pretty well do whatever I set my mind to here but-"

"But still need help, troubled mind always comes with such things. Ask Tendaji, he more troubled than any, he say wrong word Fareed kill ALL Wete. He walk on very thin blade but still walk it because he must. You, different. Not bound to any, free to go, roam, recruit, fight, kill and, die. You maybe do what few can."

"Then why do bandits not sit on thrones here?"

"Some do but you know truth, bandit not sit on throne because too greedy, petty and betray so easily it not suit them. They not have intelligence to rule, if they try, be so corrupt they overthrown by own bandits and it repeat."

"Well I guess that is a pro in my case, I know better than the piss off the people."

Nuru smiled at him, "wise." She leaned back and picked something up then tossed it into the fire. "You listen to voices, maybe they help when things get bad, no one rule without asking help or listen to advice."

"Rather hard to do when they keep going silent when I do, not that I can understand them to begin with. Hear yes, understand? No."

"Words not meant for you but maybe when they are you hear. Must trust though."

"Trust takes time. Speaking of time... I was going to ask about how this whole marriage thing works."

It was a sudden change of pace to be certain but it was a necessary one and one he was not going to let slip through his fingers.

"You win duel, now you marry Asha."

"I know but what happens? One assumes there is some kind of ceremony or something."

"Ah." Nuru nodded her head. "Yes, ceremony but that all, used to be more but now... No."

"What got removed?"

"Long ago used to make offering to spirits, gods and family. If family accept then yes, if not no. Accept and celebration held, much food and happy times."

"But with the current state of affairs that is impossible now. No food for celebration and everyone is so worn down from working themselves to death..."

"Yes, many things no longer done but marriages still held at same time between harvests."

"Must of been rather hard if several get married on one day."

"No, bigger celebration for all then. Not hard, many marry then village celebrate at same time."

"And those not invited?"

"Why we not invite?"

One more difference between worlds, they really do take the communal thing very seriously.

"You not want everyone see you marry Asha?"

"Dont really care to be honest. Actually I was expecting the offering bit and that I would have to jump through some hoops but I think the duel rather ironed it all out."

"If you wish to make few happy give Tendaji and Sefu something."

"And you too yes?"

Nuru gave him a toothy grin and nodded.

"Only polite, shows you care. Do you?"

"Actually I do as I have nothing against Tendaji or most here. However, with Asha having no family left that really narrows things down. Anything I should do though?"

"No, you be married with few others after harvest, tradition. Maybe with rain we have a little more food than normal, maybe we have celebration this time."

"I wouldn't bank on it but who knows. One thought I had was to bring the food back after taking the ship but with a spy running around that would be a very poor choice of action."

"You mercenary, no one know much, how much you have or not have."

"Actually that gave me an idea... There might be a way of returning the food without the spy ever realizing it."

"That not be easy but what you thinking?"

"Not entirely sure yet but I will get back to you when I have a better idea. Oh, I was wondering if you knew... Asha and myself both want family but I have no idea if that is even possible considering the difference between species here. Is it possible?"

Nuru shrugged, "not know yet."

"Right. So now I have more questions than answers, supposed invisible "allies" of one sort or another and a cliff to climb without so much as a rope."

"Hm. See crystal in fire?"

Verik looked, he had paid no attention when she tossed something in but now that he looked there was a colorful crystal sitting in the fire-pit.


"Pick it up."


"Not joking, pick up crystal."

"Is this a warning of some kind for jabbing at the spirits and your gods? Burn my hand or face something worse?"

"You not trust them to protect?"

"I dont even know them Nuru and so far the track record is not so great."

"Hmm... Trust start somewhere. Take. Crystal."

The last two words were undoubtedly a threat and Verik knew that if he did not there would probably be a divine act of retribution waiting outside the door. His eyes stared at the crystal as the embers made its color shift and change, there was no soot marring its features either. It simply sat in the blazing embers quietly, daring him not to.

Reaching his left hand out Nuru glared as she knew he was right handed. Switching hands he let out a sigh and decided that if this was the beginning of the end and if he was being given a small example of how they could screw with him so be it. If they had the power to rip him from one planet and transport him to another getting his fingers burnt was the least of his problems.

Snatching the crystal from amongst the embers with his fingers Verik jerked his hand back and found he had made a fist around it. Looking across at Nuru he saw her holding a clenched hand and as he fought to open his hand it would not, he could feel something holding him in place.

The intense heat coursed through his hand but there was no burning sensation though, only incredible heat. She relaxed her hand and Verik's grip loosened till the crystal dropped to the mat and began sizzling and burning a hole through it. Flicking it off lest something catch fire he glared at her while the shamaness just smiled back. Examining his hand he saw it was perfectly fine, not even a single singe mark.

"Not funny."

"You need proof of power and trust. They not protect hand they not serious nor like you."

"Rather extreme. Also, that is more threat and show of force than trust."

"You very hard headed. Need good example, you trust them yes?"

"Cant say I do, they have proven their power, that much I absolutely agree with. However it still begs the question that they allowed things to get this bad and for that I do not trust them for it. There should have been at least one or two before I ever came who would have taken to the task."

"As you say, trust take time. Maybe time not right, maybe people not suffer enough to finally listen. Maybe no one found yet who maybe be able. This not easy, very hard, maybe not you but maybe yes."

"That is a lot of maybe's."

"Yes but all true. Now you not only know but see."

Verik continued to examine his hand before tapping the hot crystal a few times, it was no longer murderously hot but still quite warm.

"You keep crystal and listen close now. When you travel with Zuberi you see ancient place hm?"

"Those big mounds and ruins north of here?"

Nuru nodded, "ancient burial ground, safe place. Evil not go there but not abuse its safety yes? Not defile sacred place. One day you go there, give crystal and short length of snake hide as offering, you will see where. Then you listen."

"Interesting price for something unknown, one small crystal and some hide."

"Not all offering be grand, how you got offering say more, that you give it away say much... If you do."

"You have me really wondering what will happen now so how could I not? One day you will have to tell me who these "gods" are and more about your spirits."

Verik had many questions left but none would be answered today judging from the finality that had been in Nuru's voice. There would be another day though, rising from his seat and after giving her a nod Verik walked to the door but something nagged at him.

"Nuru... Did you send me to that mine for the crystals... Or the snake?"

Looking over his shoulder he watched a grin cross her face, it made him flinch before finally looking away and leaving the hut. She had known and done it on purpose but it had done great things in advancing his standing with the locals. A calculated risk perhaps?

No matter the case one thing stood above all the other maybe's though: There was a spy in Wete.