
by The Whiskey Spirit

Ch 45: Reunion

Cross Stitch’s heart was beating far faster than it should have been, though it was not without reason. He stood in front of an unfamiliar door with his wife, Heart Patch. The door in question was far larger than a door on any pony’s house. Not to mention the building itself was made of stone. A material that was more commonly used by minotaurs.

He wanted to be here. He knew that. Yet, all the same, he felt the intense desire to flee with his tail between his legs. He knew what waited on the other side of the door, and despite his words, he wasn’t sure he was ready to face it.

His wife, however, despite clearly feeling similarly, was far braver than him. Her hoof lifted, though with some hesitation, before lightly rapping against the door. There was no sound of movement from the other side, though a few moments later, the door was gently pulled open.

On the other side, was not the person they had expected to see, though they should have known. They were informed of the owner of the house, and his unique form, but Stitch wasn’t ready for just how imposing it was.

The one who answered the door was a large bipedal creature, easily as tall as Princess Celestia herself. It was garbed in clothes of muted colours, which served to promote the various bits of jewelry he wore. A large white cloak rested upon his shoulders, though it was parted as his arm was lifted to hold the door.

His face was the strangest part. For Cross Stitch, he couldn’t help but feel that the proportions were too small. He had the smallest eyes out of any sapient creature he had seen, and his other features were no different. It was incredibly difficult, and vexing, to try and read his face. Despite that, there was one thing he could read very easily.

A smile.

Whatever he thought, this person was happy he and his wife was there. Considering it was with his intervention that they were there at all, it only made sense.

“You must be Aurick.” He started in a gruff voice, raising a hoof to shake his hand, a gesture that he quickly returned. Despite how he felt, he wasn’t going to let his nervousness show.

“I take it you’re Cross Stitch, then?” He asked in a voice that he could only describe as calming. It vaguely reminded him of how Princess Luna and Celestia sounded when they spoke.

“Indeed, and this is my wife, Heart Patch.” Another hoof/handshake later and Aurick smiled at the two.

“Well, come in. Would you like some coffee?” He asked, and despite already having drunk one, Stitch couldn’t resist. He needed something to calm his nerves after all.

“That would be wonderful.” Nodding, the tall creature stepped aside to let them in before letting out a shrill whistle. What sounded like metal shuffling together met their ears, and turning to look, Stitch was amazed by what he saw.

A set of gryphonian armour stood before them. Gems were melded into the design, as well as golden lines across the metal. The gems glowed and Stitch, the unicorn that he was, could easily perceive the hum of power the thing gave off. It swiftly gave a salute before making its way towards what he assumed to be the kitchen.

He swiftly decided that it wasn’t worth the effort to figure out. He had far more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.

Aurick guided them to the left of the door, where the living room resided. Though he was loathe to admit it, it looked far more homely than his own. Despite himself, Cross Stitch felt himself get calmer as he approached the living room. Something about the elf and the way the house felt gave off a nice calming feeling, despite the alien look of both.

All that calm was swiftly stripped away, however, as he entered the room fully and could clearly see the figure on the couch.

He stopped in his tracks, his heart finding itself in his throat. He couldn’t do anything but stare, and his wife seemed to be in a similar state. Aurick clearly hadn’t reacted the same way as them, as he continued walking and sat down beside the form that gave them pause.

She looked so different, yet so similar.

She had no hooves, instead being replaced by large paws that resembled that of a wolves. Her mane was long and shaggy, as was her tail. Her coat, despite being well groomed was a bit thicker than normal. Her face was turned away from them, though he didn’t need to see it to know that it must have changed as well. The only thing that stayed the same was her black chest and her cutie mark. A black heart dripping ink. There was no denying it.

This was their daughter. One that they hadn’t seen or spoken to in years.

When Aurick sat down with her, he could clearly see that her tensed form relaxed slightly. Even more so when he ran a hand through her mane. In any other situation, he probably would have said something about it, but as it was, he couldn't speak if he wanted to.

His wife, however, ever the brave one, stepped forward. “Inky?” She called out cautiously. Their daughter recoiled from that, and for a few long moments, no one said anything. Then, slowly, she looked up.

He looked into those brilliant golden eyes, and in them, Stitch saw a reflection of his own feelings. Fear, anxiety, nervousness, and… hope. Finally finding the nerve, he swallowed the lump in his throat and stepped forward with his wife.

“Inky… I…” He had practiced what he wanted to say so many times. All in preparation for this moment, and yet… it failed him. His tongue tied and he couldn't find the words he was looking for. His heart was hammering so loud in his chest that it was becoming all he could hear. Then something happened. Something he hadn’t expected.

Inkheart launched herself at them, and based on their last encounter, he anticipated a blow. He closed his eyes and prepared to accept it. If getting hit would help, he would gladly take it.

That hit never came however. Instead, he felt arms wrap around him and a sob play in his ear. Opening his eyes, he found his daughter crying into his shoulder.

He at least knew what to do in this situation, as it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. With a small smile on his face, he hugged his daughter tight. His wife soon joining in, as they all cried together.