//------------------------------// // Death The Kid: Rarity is Rare As Symmetry? // Story: Soul Eater: Soul Goes to Equestria? // by Shadowflash //------------------------------// Death The Kid: Rarity is Rare As Symmetry? Within a dark cave in the Everfree Forest, one that would deter any traveler along its route, life seemed to be sprouting from it. This cave was an abode that resided just a little East of the Two-Sisters’ Castle. If one were to walk said path, there would be a promptly lit-up sign, covered in many arrows that were vectored around it. Of course, one cannot be too sure what path to follow in the Everfree, and for Grave Digger, he seemed to find it interesting to follow a new path everyday. Grave Digger was a pony, of course. He wore a thick, black, hooded cloak, to hide his face and most of his upper body. He was a fairly decent sized stallion, and his coat was an oxidized-green; the color one might see on a penny that hasn't had its fair share of 'good' days. As Grave Digger made his way down the blackened and eerie path, he noticed a sign, and took a moment to read. "Medusa's Cave: You've been warned," he says in a low, rasping voice. He looked forward, to eye the scenery. There were many trees surrounding a large hole, the hole made out of a gray-coloured rock formation. The rocks were mostly covered in vines, and reflected some of the sunlight that broke through the Everfree's thick trees. The darkness of the hole appeared...odd. He decided it was best that he head into the cave, anyways. Slowly, he crept forward, moving closer and closer to the cave. He could hear his own heart beating within his chest as he approached the dank cave. After a few minutes of slow moving, he found himself entering the mouth of the cave, and then... A scream. * The group pushed their way closer to the town, and soon found out that it was called 'Ponyville', judging by the massive sign in the front of the town. They were glad to be out of the forest; as they traveled along, they were greeted by quite a lot of European-styled houses, which had something similar to a Gothic look. But, as the town's name stated, many ponies were walking about, doing the normal things humans would do: buying food, doing daily chores, working at their jobs, farming, et cetera. It was so surreal for the four, but...maybe there was quite a bit more to this world that Lord Death didn't mention. "Alright, this is weird..." Maka said as the group made their way through the town's entrance, greeted by none other than ponies. "A little," Kid said with a sigh. "I think they're cute!" Patty let out in a giggle, and was met by Liz yelling at her. Again. "Well, where should we start? Split up and meet back later?" Kid looked to Maka, and Maka nodded. "Seems fair. I think that's the best idea. And if Soul stayed in his...'human' form, then it'll make our search easier. Liz, Patti, you two split up and go that way..." Maka pointed over to a gingerbread-like house and an apple stall near it. "Kid, you go that way." She pointed for Kid to go over to a large, purple and white structure, looking much like a carousel. "And I'll head over there." Finally, Maka pointed to a large, tree-like structure. "Sound like a plan?" Everyone nodded with Maka, and immediately split up. Kid moved over to the carousel structure, and soon had a better look at it. Its door was actually made up of two smaller doors: one on top, and one on the bottom, as if it were a shop of some sort. The two windows, right and left, were oval shaped, and the glass was tinted a shade of blue; yellow curtains were barely visible on the inside. Around the windows were a diamond shape and a frilly pattern, on both sides of the windows. Spires were the main structure for the building, as they held up most of it. They had two shades of purple, dark and light, spiraling around each of the cylindrical spires. The four on the bottom held up a second floor, which held a large sign with a pony on it; there were two hearts on each side of the pony's hooves, and a line going through said pony. Above the pony was another two shades of purple, similar to the spires, and then a miniature carousel just above that. The carousel was just for show, and held two ponies on each side, each being held up by a purple iron pole. At the very, very top of the entire structure was a kind of lookout point, as one might see on a castle. It was held up by four blue poles, and on top of it was a small, red flag, waving through the wind. As Kid got ever so close, his jaw dropped, and his yellow eyes brightened with excitement. "Dear God! It's perfectly symmetrical! Every little detail, all the same! Look over here, each spire, an even number of them, and all evenly spaced!" He moved over to the spires of the building, placing his hooves on them. "And look at the windows! Both of them are the same shape, and same design, with the same yellow curtains! Oh, beautiful! I have to see the owner and thank them for having such a marvelous place!" Kid immediately burst through the door, and was greeted by a variety of sewing machines, neatly yet sporadically laid about. Many materials laid across the floor, from silk, to velvet, to leather and to cotton, but it didn't seem to bother Kid. The inside was made up of three mirrors, one on the left of the inside of the building, one on the right, and one in the middle. There were many clothes and accessories lined up around each mirror, and a circular stand in the middle of each area. It must be a clothing store! Brilliant! Kid thought, as his eyes grew wider in excit-- "Wait a second..." Kid stopped his excitement, as he looked further at the details of the store. On the far right mirror, there was a couch, laid at about a forty-seven degree angle to the mirror. Next to the couch were three velvet curtains, as if they were changing rooms. On the far left mirror, there were three velvet curtains for changing rooms, but no couch. "Right..." Kid looked to the right for a moment, eyeing each detail. "Left..." He then moved to over at the left. The rage ensued in his mind. "NO! This cannot be! All of it simply must be fixed!" he yelled, but was interrupted by a soft, and classy, feminine voice. "May I help you, sir?" Kid looked over to see who was talking to him. It was a white unicorn with a purple, curly mane. Her mane fell in perfect circular curls, and it matched her tail, which also did the same. On her rump seemed to be three diamond shapes, and her eyes were a moderate azure colour, shadowed by a light-cornflower bluish-gray. This made Kid lose it with excitement. "Do you realize your mane and tail are perfectly symmetrical to each other?! It's simply wonderful!" Kid said, as he moved closer to eye her 'symmetry'. "Really, now? I just finished curling it today! I'm glad you noticed my fine abilities. I do enjoy the wonders of making things just perfect." The unicorn smiled as she gently pushed her mane up in down, bouncing it. "It's simply marvelous! But, there is a problem with this building," Kid said, a bit of frustration in his voice. "What's that, then?" the unicorn asked as she looked into Kid's yellow eyes. "Well, you see that couch?" Kid pointed over to the couch that lay to the far right mirror, "That's not symmetrical to the left mirror, over here. As I can tell, that couch is on a forty-seven degree angle, and there needs to be another just like it to the left mirror." Kid took a breath for a moment. "Otherwise, it is just awful!" The unicorn's eyes went wide and she nodded. "I do have to agree, it has been bugging me. Perhaps I'll get another couch fitted in. Until then, my name is Rarity, you are?" 'Rarity’ let out a hoof, and Kid's hoof met hers, gently shaking it. "I'm Death the Kid. You can call me Kid, though. I have to ask you something that's important." Kid moved past her a little, eyeing himself in the mirror. "Death the Kid...? That doesn't seem too welcoming..." Rarity said as she moved behind him. Kid stretched his body a little, looking at his wings. He was figuring out how to make them move, and eventually, he moved a certain muscle in his back, which caused them to flap lightly. After this success, he looked over to Rarity. "It's just formality, really. My father had me named that to make sure people knew that I was his son," Kid said, looking back in the mirror. "Ponies. Your father named you that to make sure ponies knew that you were his son," Rarity corrected. "P-ponies?" Kid asked, and couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Rarity asked as she moved next to him. "Ponies! Oh, that's rich! Gahahaha!" He smashed his hooves onto the ground, laughing hysterically. "Bah. C'mon, tell me why you're here," Rarity said, slightly annoyed now. Kid quickly stood up, regaining his composure. "Right then, back to business." Kid looked into her eyes for a moment, and then looked away. "I'm looking for my friend, Soul. I'm sure you've seen him, as he is a bipedal and are all quadrupedals. I've been sent here with my other friends to get him back and bring him back to our--", Kid stopped for a moment, thinking: I can't tell her about our 'world'. That would seem crazy! "--Academy. Back to our Academy," he finished, smiling. "Well, no. I haven't seen a bipedal at all. I've been in my store, making dresses all day," Rarity said, making Kid sigh. "Well, all we--...wait, dresses?! Dresses you can make one hundred percent symmetrical?!", Kid's eyes lit up once more and Rarity smiled. "Yes, of course! Would you like to see?" she asked, her eyes shining lightly. "Would I?! Show me to the dresses, woman!" Kid said jokingly as Rarity lead him to her 'workshop'.