The Magic Smith

by Arceaion

The Nightmare and the Dreamer

All the Elements talking at once is this color.
Individual Element are talk will be separate colors.

Twilight smiled as she stood among the crowds in the town hall waiting for the start of the Celebration. After several minutes Fluttershy rose up and the birds began to sing as the Mayor of Ponyville walked onto the stage. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" She said as ponies cheered however as the mayor began to continue Spike quietly burped and a letter appeared. After a second he opened it before his eyes widened and he poked Twilight who tuned to look at the letter and froze. On it were six simple words: Plan failed, move to Plan B. Twilight looked up at the sky and saw the silhouette vanish and her eyes narrowed.
"... and now it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, Princess Celestia!" With a flourish the curtains rose but Celestia wasn't standing there. Everypony gasped and Twilight grit her teeth as she saw the smoke gathering.

The white pony, Rarity, quickly ran and looked over the railing. "She’s gone!" as Pinkie muttered something about the princess being good. Suddenly the mist gathered more and a laugh echoed around the room. Twilight took a deep breath and prepared as the corrupted form of Luna appeared and eyed the crowed.

"Oh by beloved subjects, it’s been so long since I've seen your sun loving faces." She said in a condescending voice.

"What did you do with our princess?" Rainbow yelled and shot forward only for her tail to be grabbed by Applejack.

The Mare chuckled. "Why, am I not royal enough for you?" She asked. "Does my crown no longer count now that I've been gone for thousand years?" She spit. "Do you even know who I am?" She asked and Pinkie gasped.

"Oh, guessing games!" She said Let me guess, your Queen Meanie, no your hokie smokes, no that's not it either... oh I know black snooty!"

Pinkie moved to continue but Applejack shoved several apples in her mouth. "Try not to chock on your hoof Pinkie and don't make the situation worse!"

The Alicorn frowned. "Did you not recall the legend, see the signs?" She asked angrily.

"No they didn't." Twilight said calmly as she stepped forward. "Celestia all but erased any mention of you, Nightmare Moon." She said causing everypony to gasp. "She didn't want her sister to be feared so she erased everything involving you abomination!" She said as she spread her wings and pulled the massive paint brush off her back.

"I see and just who are you?" The Nightmare asked with a hiss.

"Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Creation." She said as she leapt at the Nightmare and slashed her paintbrush. As she slashed it paint shot out of the tip in a wave and the nightmare leapt to dodge it. Before launching lightning at the purple Alicorn however as it hit Twilight smiled and simply took the hit unaffected. "Listen and listen well Nightmare, before the end of this conflict I will tear Luna free from you and show you the true meaning of Nonexistence." she said as she narrowed her eyes.

Nightmare hissed at the Alicorn before lighting her horn. "You think you can best me?" she asked with a snarl as she fired a barrage at the mare who simply dodged the attacks.

Twilight shot into the sky and dove at the corrupted princess who dodged the attack only to be splattered with paint that transformed into chains. "Forgive me Luna for this will hurt you more than it will me.” She said as she swung the brush into the Nightmare and knocked her out of the town hall.

"And it's going, going and it's gone!" Pinkie yelled as she wore a baseball cap and jersey with the words 'Team Twilight' on it. A massive dust cloud emanated from the forest.

Twilight flew down and turned to the crowds. "Go to your homes, and remain safe." She said as she picked up Spike and exited the building heading for the forest.

As she walked five mares followed her looks of concern on their face. "Spike I need you to stay here, this is a family matter and I should have done something about this sooner." She said however her voice was different.

"Uh, Twilight, are you ok?" Spike asked.

"I'll be fine I just... feel as if I failed somehow." The Alicorn said with a growl. "I'm not sure how to explain it." She said with a sighed.

"Um, Twi... what in tarnation is going on?" Applejack asked.

Twilight sighed. "A thousand years ago Celestia was forced to banish her sister when she was corrupted." SHe replied with a wince. 'Why do I feel like it's my fault?' She thought.

The Ponies gasped. "No way, how could our princess do something so cruel?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight shook her head. "The plan was to free her but she wasn't powerful enough so rather than save her the spell banished her." Twilight said as she stopped in front of the Everfree Forest and turned to the five. "I have job to do, I'd ask you five to protect the town." She said as she bowed and turned back to the forest.

"We're coming with ya partner." Applejack said.

"Ya, we ain't leaving a friend to fight a mad Alicorn alone!" Rainbow agreed.

"If you get hurt who will I have a totally for adults party later with!?" Pinkie asked.

"I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to a princess and I could have helped." Rarity said with a smiled.

"Um... I'll help too, princess." Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight sighed. "Very well but stay close. The title of princess was placed on Alicorns not to protect us but to protect ponies from us." Twilight said as she turned and entered the forest.

As the group carefully walked through the forest Nightmare watched them carefully and chuckled. "Oh little Luna I hope you are watching."

"Of course I'm watching monster, I don't have a choice." Replied a voice.

"Then watch as the Mare of Magic dies." Nightmare said.

The Voice chuckled. "A Mare of Nothing can't die Nightmare they always return."

Nightmare growled. "We’ll see." She said as she transformed into their smoke form and plunged in to the ground.

Twilight froze and looked around before the ground rumbled and gave under them, she smiled and leapt into the air as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash grabbed Applejack and Rarity and Pinkie laughed as she simply jumped down. Twilight scanned the area and spotted the smoky form of Nightmare. "Got ya." She said as she shot forward and launched a wave of paint at the smoke. Nightmare dodged and slammed into Twilight before plummeting to the ground however Twilight smiled and shifted into her ink form as they slammed into the ground sending ink splattering everywhere before she leapt out of the splat and swung the paintbrush again launching several blobs that scattered around the ground.

The Nightmare laughed. "You missed." She said with a smirk.

"Oh, did I?" She asked as something heaved out of the new puddles of ink. "Meet the Doodle Inklings." Twilight said as the ink creatures ran at the Nightmare. Nightmare growled and a magic sword appeared and slashed them apart however they simply reformed only this time they held sword and other weapons. The Nightmare growled as the blades of the Inklings clashed with her Magic construct swords and quickly she began to hack at them before screaming in anger and disappearing.

"We need to hurry." Twilight said as he turned and continued deeper into the forest.

"Princess, what were those?" Rarity asked.

"Doodle Inklings, creatures I can make from ink." She said calmly. "Luna's Domain is Dreams, Celestia is the Light, Princess Cadence's domain is Love, and my domain is creation. I can create anything I want, the Inklings are golem constructs from ink." She said.

The rest of the trip through the forest was just as eventful with Fluttershy helping a Manticore, Pinkie laughing at the scary trees, Rarity helping a serpent; eventually they reached the heart of the forest and the ruins of an ancient palace. "What is this place?" Rainbow asked confused.

"This is the Castle of the Royal Sister." The former capital of Equestria before it was moved to Canterlot a thousand years ago." Twilight said.

"Well that sounds like a big hint." Applejack said.

Twilight chuckled. "There we will find the Elements of Harmony, the keys to the Nightmares defeated." She said with a smile.

"Well let's go!" Rainbow said as she shot forward and the others ran to catch up. As they reached the ledge where a bridge once was they saw Rainbow fly down and return with the other half and landed on the opposite ledge with a smile and a wave but before she could tie the end off a fog closed in and she vanished. The other ponies panicked and began to call out to Rainbow however Twilight simply frowned and waited, either she passed the test or failed it, either way it was not her place to judge. After waiting for a moment the fog cleared and Rainbow stood proud. Quickly the group crossed and Twilight followed them into the castle.

As the group entered castle the five paused and looked in shock at the pedestal of the elements however Twilight simply smiled as she saw the six elements and approached. "So this is your home." She said as the elements glowed happily and floated over to her. "It's good to see you again too." she said with a faint smile.

"Um, have you been here Twilight?" Fluttershy asked confused.

Twilight shook her head. "No, but the elements and I are old friends." She said as the smile turned sad and she looked down at the elements. "I need your help, Luna has returned and she's still corrupted." The elements stopped and floated in front of her as if listening. "We know that in the hooves of one pony you aren't at full strength so we hoped that there was someone worthy to bear your power."

The Elements floated for a moment before six voices spoke as one emanating from them. "Only two have proven worthy. Many have shown potential but their fates are all the same, betrayal of each other. The past shall not repeat again, the breaking of Harmony will not pass again." They answered.

"When the first bearers turned allying with darkness we forgave." Kindness Spoke.

"When Starswirl was slain by his fellow bearers we warned." Loyalty said.

"When we chose sisters we hoped that in doing so and by choosing only two the bond would last, as such we granted immortality but we were wrong." Honesty said sounding a mix of disappointment and anger.

"We will not follow any but one any longer." The six said as one.

Twilight sighed. "Please, we need your help!" She begged however before they could respond the Nightmare swooped down and grabbed them before laughing and disappearing deeper into the castle. Twilight screamed in manic and flew after her.

As Twilight landed she stood in the throne room where she saw Nightmare Moon standing where the thrones once stood. "Give me your power or I will destroy you!" Nightmare screamed.

"Only one will wield our power!" The six said and Nightmare growled.

"Wrong answer, if I cannot wield your power then none shall!" She said as they smashed against the floor silencing them as they turned to dust.

"NO!" Twilight screamed as the light from the shards faded and she fell to her knees.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Nightmare said before busting out laughing.

"Nightmare Moon, I'm going to tear you apart." She said growled, as her left eye gloved red and she reached behind her sash pulling out a white vile. "I didn't want to use this,l not now or ever but you left me no choice." she said as the cork was pulled off and Twilight drank its contents.

As soon as it was empty she slammed the vile to the ground and gasped in pain, she grit her teeth in pain as her form began to glow and grow before a wave of color shot out from her the Nightmare to look away, when the light died she turned and gasped.

The mare before her looked nothing like what she did moment ago, now she stood as tall as Celestia and her fur was a pure white with splatters of ink on her face, one of her eyes was a glowing blue circle while the other was a star, her mane was a literal rainbow of color that flowed like Celestias but appeared as if it was made of ink, the scarf she wore was floating in a nonexistent breeze and the vials on her sash glowed brightly, in her magic was the paint brush which was ornately carved.

"This end now Nightmare." She growled and charged forward slamming into the corrupted Alicorn. Quickly she spun around and from her brush followed a trail of paint she launched at her opponent. Nightmare leapt and dodged the attack however as soon as she did she was face to face with the enraged Alicorn and was slammed into the ground. Nightmare growled and fired a beam of magic however Twilight simply spun her brush deflecting the attack back as she dove strait at her. The Nightmare barely dodged the impact Twilight gave and the marble floor under her hooves cracked.

"How are you so powerful?!" She screamed as she summoned several swords and flung them at the Alicorn only for Twilight to raise a wall of ink to intercept them. Quickly the Nightmare charged the wall intent to break through it only for the wall to collapse and Twilight slammed into her.

"That Vial contained a special concoction that I created with the help of the Elements." Twilight said as she slammed into the Nightmare and sent her flying. "You see, I don't have a Soul, or Emotions, or even magic." She explained as she approached the downed Nightmare. "Thanks to the Elements I can have them for a small time but it never lasted so I bottled each emotion and placed them in a vial that I kept on me at all times." The Nightmare narrowed her eyes and looked at the sash across her chest. "That's correct Nightmare, these vials on my sash." She said.

"If what you say is true what's so special about that one you drank?" Nightmare asked.

Twilight smiled. "That was an experimental power I and the Elements created. In theory it would give me a soul but what actually happened was I simply got a boost to my powers and my form changed to what you see. The down side was a few... side effects, the magic inside me drain completely and if I don't have any vials with me I return to my Emotionless, soulless state" Twilight explained with a sigh as the Nightmare charged at her and she batted her away with little effort.

Nightmare screamed in anger as she charged again only this time she was hit by a massive blast of rainbow magic. As she was thrown away from Twilight six gems appeared around her protectively. "No more, we shall let you hurt our friend no more!" They said angrily.

"We have stood by long enough!" Magic said angrily.

"If she so chose she could have easily slays you but we would not have chosen her if she threw her values away so willingly." Laughter said proudly.

"She wishes you destroyed and Luna freed." Generosity said.

"As such we shall aid her." They all said. "But be warned Luna, fall to darkness again and we shall not grant mercy. This is the final warning to all of pony kind, the patience of Harmony has thinned and we will not show mercy to the undeserving any longer!" As the Elements spoke the other five mares ran into the throne room and gasped as the six elements glowed with magic and fired upon the Alicorn who screamed as she was consumed.

As the magic ended the Elements settled down and Twilight groaned as her form shifted and she returned to her normal form and collapsing. "I feel like I got hit by a train." She said with a groan.

As Twilight lay there the sun began to rise and with a flash Celestia appeared and looked around confused. "What?" She said before seeing Twilight and panicking. "Twilight, are you alright?" she asked as she ran over to Twilight.

"She will be fine Glory Seeker." Magic said calmly.

"Oh hello Magic, I see you're awake." Celestia said before looking around and spotting the other mares. "I assume these are your new bearers but why are you not with them?" She asked.

"Only one will wield our power!" The six Elements said and Celestia looked at them confused.

"Twilight, can you please explain this?" Celestia asked as she turned to the Twilight.

"They're tired of being betrayed so they'll only listen to one." She said before yawning. "Did we do it, is Luna free?" She asked.

Celestia turned and smiled as she approached an Alicorn with a light blue coat. "Sister, it's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this." She said as he knelt down and embraced Luna. "I'm so sorry for failing you." She said as Luna froze before slowly returning the hug.

"The fault lies with me as well sister, I'm sorry to." Luna said after a moment.

Celestia chuckles. "You never could let others burden themselves with their crimes could you?"

Twilight smiled and looked down at the Elements. "Judge me for my choices if you wish but I believe it's better to mend and heal than tear and break." She said.

"Perhaps..." The Elements replied slowly. "It has been too long that our power was used for a righteous action. The years have made us callus and cold: we have lost touch with those we were created to protect."

"Maybe with time that bridge can be mended." Twilight said as she watched the reunion between the sisters. "For now though I need to comfort the one whose destinies you denied." She said as she rose and turned to the five ponies. "Thank you for your help on this journey." She said as she approached them.

The five ponies slowly turned and looked to Twilight before smiling. "It was our pleasure Princess." Applejack said.

"So what are you going to do now?" Rainbow asked as Pinkie gasped and smiled.

"Well, we just got back a princess, and we have to celebrate a family reunion so do you know what this calls for?" She asked as Pinkie began to vibrate.

"A PARTY!" Pinkie screamed as she jumped in the air excitedly.

"Indeed it does my little ponies," Celestia said as she approached them with Luna walking next to her. "And I think I know just the town for such a party." She said with a smile.

Twilight smiled and turned to Pinkie. "Time to see who can do better, since the nobles wont' be here I can actually go all out." She said with a smile. As she said this Celestias mask broke and her face flashed with horror before the mask returned and she smiled though it seemed more forced.

"Something wrong sister?" Luna asked.

"The last time she went all out an entire city had a hangover that lasted a week and she out drank an army of dragons." She whispered to her sister.

Luna grinned. "The fun has been doubled!" She cried happily and Celestia gulped in fear.