//------------------------------// // Family Appreciation Day // Story: The Secret Life of a Mulberry Mare // by SamuelK28 //------------------------------// Berry Punch walked into the schoolhouse on Monday morning with a smile plastered across her face despite the pain that coursed its way ceaselessly throughout her entire body. This was going to be fun. After the big reveal on Friday evening she’d spent much of the weekend in the library with Twilight and Ruby. After waking up on her couch with Spike fanning her, Twilight quickly got over her initial shock that the daughter of the queen of the changelings was in her home and became fascinated about the once in a lifetime research opportunity that had been presented to her. Ruby for her part had been the perfect test subject, although the ‘gifts’ Twilight lavished on her may have played a part in her good behaviour. Ruby and Berry had had a further mother to daughter heart to heart to clarify certain things. After the initial excitement of the discloser Ruby had felt a little scared of the ‘monster’ she might grow into. Berry had been honest with her daughter, saying she couldn’t be sure what physical changeling changes she may experience as she grew into adulthood over the next few years and that there may never come a day when everypony would accept her for what she was. Berry had assured Ruby though that as long as she didn’t let hatred, anger and evil corrupt her heart, she was sure she would be just fine and that one day the general population may be willing to accept her secret. One thing was for certain, Ruby now knew what she was and there was a collection of ponies willing to help her. Berry and Celestia had granted Twilight permission to inform her friends and Pinkie was now planning a super-secret we love you no matter what you are party for Ruby at Twilight’s after school today. Berry had also had a private talk with Cheerilee and if anything, the revelation had only made the weakening bond between the two mares a lot stronger and not destroyed it completely as Berry had feared. As she heard her sister’s voice on the other side of the door, she knew it was time to begin one of the best days of her daughter’s life so far. “Settle down class, I’m glad you had a good lunch, but it’s time for another family appreciation day.” She heard her sister on the other side of the door. Cheerilee continued as the class started to quieten down. “This pony is also very close to my heart and has done a lot for me without me even knowing, thus without further ado I’d like to introduce my sister and Ruby’s mother Berry Punch.” Berry took a swig from a hip flask, put it back in her saddle bag and said under her breath “well here goes nothing” before pushing open the door and smiling at the class of fillies Her daughter stared at her open mouthed as a few murmurs and sniggers erupted from a few of the young ponies in the room. “Good afternoon class, may I ask what the joke is.” She asked politely. Silence greeted her as her eyes locked with those of Diamond Tiara, a leer drawn across the young filly’s face. “Well I guess the joke is me then. You know it’s not nice to judge ponies before you meet them and can get their side of the story. You may have heard stories of me from your parents, the unfit, jobless, deadbeat of a mother who spends all her spare time in the local tavern, but in actual truth I am retired on medical grounds.”. She placed her saddle bags down next to Cheerilee’s desk before going on. “Me and Cheerilee were both orphaned when we were around your ages and I ended up becoming the youngest student of Equestria’s military academy. Whereas your school days are full of fun, laughter and making friends, mine contributed of middle of the night 10-mile runs, obstacle courses with electrically charged barbed wire and 20ft walls to climb over, and combat training against ponies three times as old and as big as I was.” The foals looked at her with wide awe-struck eyes as she persisted. “Anyway, who’d like a demonstration. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, would you be so kind as to come up here.” The three fillies rose nervously from their seats and walked to the front of the classroom. “No need to be shy, we are just going to play a little game.” She reached into her saddlebag and pulled out three freshly baked chocolate muffins she’d acquired from Sugarcube corner and put them on Cheerilee’s desk. “Your mission is to pin me to the ground and get me to submit, you have three minutes and a further minute to think of a strategy. Your prize if you succeed is on the desk there. You may use your own unique gifts, Earth pony strength, Pegasus flight and Unicorn magic but no outside items. Do you accept your mission?” The three fillies looked up at with wide grins plastered across their faces. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Equestrian Soldiers” they squealed gleefully huddling together to discuss tactics whilst Berry looked at them with a grin, this could be interesting. Just as the minute was edging to a close Apple Bloom burst free from the other two fillies and charged head first at Berry. Surprise and distract, she thought, not taking her eyes away from Scootaloo who had slunk to the back of the room and was arching her way around the desks to catch her from behind. Then came a burst of magic and her vision blurred for a moment as Apple Bloom cannoned into her. Even with her distorted vision she quickly pacified the young Earth pony with a mild sleeper hold. As she slumped to the floor Scootaloo charged from behind, her look of triumph swiftly replaced with one of shock and terror as Berry rose from the floor and turned with unnatural grace and speed, picking the little Pegasus up and pinning her against the chalkboard. “Yield?” She chuckled. Scootaloo fought valiantly but in the end gave up and murmured angrily “yield”. As she lowered the Pegasus to the floor, Sweetie Belle, who had been in a state of shock from seeing her mock adversary swiftly deal with her friends launched another blast of magic to try and distract Berry, but this time Berry was prepared. She dodged the blast and pre-empted the young unicorns next move, intercepting her. “Got you” she sniggered just as her back right leg gave way in a fit of pain and she cried out in agony before murmuring “Sweet Celestia that’s painful. Okay Sweetie Belle, sorry to cut it short but the demonstration is over. You and your friends can each help yourself to a muffin.” Berry winced as the class stared at her with concern. An anxious Sweetie Belle finally enquired “we didn’t hurt you Mrs Punch, did we?” her voice tinged with sorrow. “No, no. Just one of the reasons I was relieved from duty” Berry grimaced as Cheerilee helped her up into a chair. “I was a silly fool for thinking I could provide you an active demonstration of some of the manoeuvres I learnt.” She laughed trying to hide the pain she was feeling as she reached for her saddle bag and took out the hip flask taking a hearty swig. “Huh, what happened, did we win?” Apple Bloom rose groggily from the floor. “Sleeper hold little one, the effects will wear off over time. In the end it was my body that failed me so feel free to help yourself to a muffin.” Berry said, graciously accepting defeat as the three fillies happily took their prizes and went back to their seats. “Anyway class, sorry about having to cut that demonstration short, I hope it at least showed you some of the things I learnt during my time at the academy. Also, a big hoof of applause for my three volunteers, especially for a good use of tactics and teamwork. I’m sure most individuals would have been subdued by your manoeuvres and you each earned your reward.” She paused as wild roars and cheers filled the room to congratulate Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bellle who gratefully accepted the praise with the biggest grins imaginable. “Alright now, settle down and I’ll continue my story.” The room fell silent almost immediately, all eyes locked on the mare at the front of the room. “So not only was I the youngest member of Equestria’s military academy but I also became its youngest servant at just eleven years old”. She paused as gasps echoed round the room. “In truth, it was just a further part of my training, to see how our outposts were run and worked. Still, there were occasions when the threat became all to real and I was called into action to defend the border. One of these occurred shortly after my fifteenth birthday. I can’t go into details about the incident as the report is highly classified, but I ended up being the only survivor, managing to not only report the incoming attack but repel it for long enough that Celestia and reinforcements were able to arrive and assist. Sadly I suffered multiple wounds both physical and psychological that forced me to retire despite my desire to continue and was personally awarded ‘The Medal Of The Two Sisters’’. It is the highest honour in the whole of Equestria and was awarded by Princess Celestia herself for my service and sacrifice. She pulled out the medal and showed it off to the class of fillies who were hooked to her every word and ooed and aahed at the item in her hoof as she went on. “It is said that after banishing her sister to the moon and enwrapped in grief, Princess Celestia spent thirty days and nights locked in her private chambers carving the most beautiful of trinkets so that she would never forget her sister and the good times they had had. She was so pleased with her work and how it had eased her grief that she then decreed and made it an official award to ponies in Equestria’s service who went way above and beyond the call of duty. In over a thousand years the process of making such an exquisite gem has remained one of Princess Celestia’s most guarded secrets and, although only she knows the exact figure that she’s made, I believe that fewer than ten including the original have ever been made. And that my dear little fillies brings to an end my presentation for Ruby’s family appreciation day.” Groans and moans erupted from the engrossed fillies as Cheerilee got up to address the class. Berry on the other hoof couldn’t help noticing that one filly seemed awfully quiet in the back row next to Ruby, a little yellow Pegasus with a violet mane. She shuddered. Oh no, no, no not here, not now. Slowly one of her hooves reached into her saddlebag. “Settle down everypony.” Cherilee commanded waiting for the grumbles to subside before continuing. “Now does anypony have a question” Cheerilee didn’t finish as Berry, flew past her with a knife in her hoof. “GET HELP NOW” Berry screamed as she launched herself at one of her sister’s students in the back row with a knife in her hoof, ignoring the burning pain that throbbed endlessly throughout her entire body and instead allowing the adrenaline rush to take over. Realising there was no point hiding anymore there was a flash of green as the changeling reverted back to its original form, hissed viciously at the oncoming mare and then launched itself into the fight as young fillies and colts panicked and started running everywhere. “OUTSIDE NOW” Cheerilee commanded trying to get the spooked foals under control as her sister grappled with the changeling on the floor. “Applebloom go get Big Mac and Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, buck it, little fillies just scream and get whoever you can to help” Cheerilee continued finally marshalling the last of the fillies out of the schoolhouse before looking over at the fight only to see the Changeling hurl her sister through a window. “Stupid, weak pony, you really thought you could kill me. You are pathetic.” The changeling goaded pulling the knife from its flank and leaping through the window after Berry. Before she knew what she was doing Cheerilee leapt through the window after the changeling, crashing into it as it stood over the limp form of her sister. The two forms went tumbling across the playground in a knot of entangled limbs with Cheerilee ending up on top as they finally came to a stop. Pinning the changeling down with her back hooves the school teacher mustered as much of her Earth pony strength as she could and tried to pummel the changeling senseless and into submission. Unable to dislodge the weight on top of it the changeling opted to transfer back to its little filly form in a puff of green magic and whimpered with tearful eyes “why do you hurt me Miss Cheerilee? Cheerilee froze in her onslaught for a split second and that was all the changeling needed. Reaching out it grabbed the knife that had been lost in the initial scuffle and plunged it into Cheerilee. Her eyes glazed as she looked down and saw the knife that now extended from her chest. She tried to say something but found she couldn’t as her strength failed her and the changeling pushed the dead weight from itself with ease. The changeling rose groggily before choking and gasping violently as it transferred reactively back its usual look. It looked down to see a mulberry hoof and a shard of glass wedged in its neck. “Game bucking over” Berry spluttered angrily, spitting blood into the Changelings face as it looked at her in shock and disbelief before plummeting to the floor, dead. Berry staggered and swayed for a few moments as the final wisps of strength ebbed away from her body giggling as a mob of ponies from town came rushing around the corner of the schoolhouse. “Thanks Ruby but me and Cheerilee took care of it. You look awfully funny.” She giggled some more her vision blurring and head swimming as fatigue engulfed her and she collapsed to the ground hearing the muffled screams of her daughter as darkness washed over her.