The Secret Life of a Mulberry Mare

by SamuelK28

The End?

Berry awoke in absolute agony. Nothing new there she thought as she tried to get her bearings to determine where she was. Looking around at the clinical looking sterile white walls, the heart rate monitor and the cables attached to her she gathered she was in Ponyville General and by the position of the sun out the window it was early morning.

“Great, what the buck happened this time” she muttered to herself before remembering the changeling at family appreciation day. “Well, I suppose at least I gave the young ponies a good show” she chuckled to herself before wincing at the pain it caused her. “Bollocks, where’s a drink when a gal needs one” she continued finally seeing that her left hind leg was raised in a cast. “Brilliant, just brilliant, there goes my third leg, wonder what else I’ve done this time” she raised the covers to inspect herself as the vision in her left eye flickered in and out of focus. “Hmm, seems I’ve knocked the spell out of tilt, those unicorns are not going to be happy about that.” She looked down at her body to find it almost entirely covered in gauze. She looked like she was prepared for Nightmare Night. “My word that changeling certainly did a number on me, but to be fair I’m not exactly on top of my game anymore. Multiple bruises, a black eye, cuts and lacerations, probably yet another broken rib or two. I know my back feels mightily sore after that unexpected flight through the window. I guess if a broken leg and being unable to walk for the foreseeable feature was the worst injury I suffered I guess I got off lightly, just glad Cheerilee.” Her heart stopped remembering the limp form of her sister on the playground as she started to black out. In an instant she was trying to force herself out of bed, pulling leads out of her left, right and centre that caused alarms to go off all over the place.

As Nurse Redheart and Dr. Horse came sprinting into her room she screamed “where is Cheerilee, where is my sister, tell me, tell me now.” Tears flowed down her face as the fear she felt for her sister’s safety hit her.

“Mrs Punch. Please calm down, your body needs time for the Earth Pony magic to heal you the best it can. This flailing about will only re-open your wounds and make things worse. If you don’t calm down, we’ll have to sedate you.” Nurse Redheart tried to explain as more nurses entered to assist her and Dr. Hooves with the uncooperative patient.

“TELL ME NOW.” Berry demanded, somehow pushing Dr. Hooves off her as she stared desperately into Nurse Redheart’s eyes.

The Nurse couldn’t hold her gaze, turning her head away from Berry’s pleading eyes. Berry broke down, wailing and sobbing more than any pony could possibly imagine. She didn’t even feel the needle enter her flank as she slowly grew more and more sleepy, finally drifting off into an uneasy dreamless sleep.


As the black void lifted and she once again returned to the land of the living the first thing she saw was Ruby sniffling into her bed covers. Slowly the pieces once again formed together in her mind and the tears started to return. Cheerilee, her sister, was gone.

“I’m sorry Ruby, this is all my fault. I was just trying to protect you, protect your classmates, protect Ponyville, protect Equestria.” Berry rambled. “If I’d let that changeling leave that classroom, it could have been any of your friends or anyone in Ponyville who suffered because of it. It may never have been possible to track it down again. It could even have panicked and attacked you or another student in the classroom. It was a split-second decision, I didn’t ask for Cheerilee to help, but she did so because it was her duty to protect the fillies and colts under her tutelage along with the fact she didn’t want to lose me again, her sister.” Berry wasn’t even sure she was making any sense anymore.

Ruby for her part just looked up into her mother’s distant tearful eyes and jumped on her hugging her tight and burying her head into her mother’s chest, sobbing violently “I thought I was going to lose you to.” A muffled barely audible squeak emitted from the little pony-changeling hybrid.

“There, there Ruby, let it all out. Mummy is here for you now.” Berry murmured closing her eyes as the tears started to return and embracing her daughter tightly despite the considerable amount of discomfort it was causing her.

As mother and daughter continued their embrace, a heavenly voice rose from across the hospital room. “It wasn’t your fault. You simply did what you were trained to do. Protect Equestria no matter what the cost may be and your sister, even unintentionally, did the same. Let us not mourn her departure from the physical plain and be lost to the darkness grief can cause, but instead remember her for her kindness, selflessness and bravery. She shall posthumously be awarded the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage along with you my friend.”

Berry opened her eyes and looked up from her embrace to see Celestia and her student smiling warmly at them, their own faces stained with tears. Still clutching tightly onto her daughter, she replied. “Thank you, dear friend, it will be a fitting way for Ruby to remember her amazing auntie. I am still in shock, I just can’t believe my beloved sister is gone. Was it at least quick?” The last words barely audible as she forced them from her mouth.

“The knife went straight through her heart. She died almost instantly. Nurse Redheart and me tried our very best to bring her back but there was nothing we could do.” Twilight sighed sadly.

“Thank you for telling me. Knowing that she at least died quickly and without much suffering at least brings me some comfort. How long was I out for? She pressed.

“Nearly three days. Ruby’s been staying with me when she’s not been glued to your bedside. I knew Earth Ponies were strong but the fact you managed to stand on that broken leg of yours especially considering your deformed right hindleg was utterly unbelievable.” Twilight waffled on.

“Never doubt the strength of an Earth Pony.” Berry forced a smirk before sighing heavily. “When can I get out of here and when’s the funeral?”

“The funerals in three days and hopefully if you rest enough you’ll be out by then. Me and the girls will each take turns to look after you during your recovery.” Twilight replied.

“Good and no need. I’ll be heading to Canterlot as soon as the funeral is over. I may be a broken mare but I’m still probably the best weapon we have against the changelings. It is my duty to continue serving you Celestia in whatever capacity I am able to. I hope you respect my wishes, princess.” Berry said stoically.

“Of course, you and Ruby will be most welcome and although I’d rather not have need of your services once again Mrs. Punch, I feel I really don’t have much choice on the matter. For one, reports of possible changeling activity and attacks have risen exponentially since the attack on Canterlot and it would be foalish of me to refuse your experience and knowledge on the subject. Secondly, you wouldn’t let me stop you anyway, so what’s the point of arguing about it.” The princess deadpanned.

“Glad to know we’re on the same wavelength princess. I’m sure your student can assist me in writing up my report for you over the next few days. I know this talk has been a brief one, especially as we haven’t seen each other in so long, but if you two don’t mind I’d like to be alone to grieve with my daughter right now. She’s lost her auntie and nearly her mother the past few days and I can’t imagine the effect that’s had on her.” Berry stated lugubriously.

“Of course, we can catch up over the next few days. I’ll be around till the funeral and the three of us can head back to Canterlot together afterwards in the royal train car.” Celestia smiled heading for the door with Twilight. Just they were heading through it Berry spoke up again.

“Twilight, if you could stay just a moment longer.”

Twilight turned her head back to the mulberry mare in the bed still wrapped in her filly’s embrace “Yes?” she enquired.

“Thank you for looking after Ruby the past few days. I want to know if you are willing to promise me something? With Cheerilee gone you are the only other pony I can trust to keep my daughter safe. The future is uncertain and I’m unsure where it will take me and Ruby, so please, if anything should befall me, will you adopt and take good care of her for me.” Berry requested.

Twilight looked at Berry with a look of disbelief fixed upon her face, silence engulfing the room except for the odd sniffle from Ruby buried deep within Berry’s chest. After what felt like an age, Twilight gave another deep sigh and spoke. “I’m sure it will not come to that Berry, but I give you my word that I’ll always be there for you and your daughter, just as you were for me when I was a young filly. If a time comes where you are unable to look after her then I solemnly swear on my life that I’ll keep her safe and raise her properly for you.”

“Thank you Twilight, you don’t know just how much that means to me.” Berry smiled warmly at the lavender mare, yet another tear rolling down her muzzle.

“The pleasure is all mine Berry and I’m sure I do, but let us hope such a day never comes. Now I’ll give you two some privacy.” Twilight smiled back, turning and heading out the room after Celestia.

Berry held her daughter to her chest as tightly as possible as Ruby clung likewise to her mother. Neither said a word as they each remembered the good times they’d had with their sister and auntie as well as being thankful that they at least still had each other. Slowly over time Ruby’s bleary eyes closed and she settled into an uneasy sleep on her mother’s barrel.

Resting her head atop her daughter’s Berry whispered “no matter what, I’ll always be with you my little gem” before she to fell asleep, both mares still clutching each other tightly as a wisp of mulberry love was shared between them.