Tales Of Friendship

by Bluecatcinema

Learning Curve

In the heart of Canterlot was the headquarters of the Equestria Education Association. And within its halls, Chancellor Neighsay was walking alongside Twilight. After Neighsay had been convinced of the error of his ways, he had not only happily accredited the School of Friendship, but had invited Twilight to talk with him about what assistance the EEA could provide to the school, and even if the EEA could possibly adapt some of Twilight's own teaching methods for their own institutes.

"You know, there was a time when I believed I would never walk down these halls again." Twilight admitted.

"I know the feeling, Princess." Neighsay replied. "Not too long ago, I would have found your presence here most distasteful. How things change..."

"For the better." Twilight assured him. "I was very happy to hear you had a change of heart. As the Princess of Friendship, nothing brings me more joy than seeing newfound acceptance."

"After your students helped me in my time of need, in spite of the way I treated them, it was the least I do." Neighsay smiled. "You and your teachers have taught them well."

"Thank you." Twilight smiled... Then frowned. "I'm just sorry not all of our students took those lessons to heart."

"Yes." Neighsay frowned, the memory of Cozy Glow's actions still fresh in his mind. "Such unfortunate business. But at least some good came out of it; It proved my prejudiced views wrong. Before, I never imagined a pony would become a threat to Equestria, nor that non-ponies would be the key to stopping them. Now, however, I know better."

"And at least Cozy is no longer in a position to cause any more trouble." Twilight noted. "Personally, I think imprisonment in Tartarus seems a little extreme, but considering how easily she was able to trick everycreature, isolation may have been the best call."

"Indeed." Neighsay agreed solemnly. "A filly she may be, but Cozy Glow is more dangerous than I ever believed your school could be. And it was thanks to your more diligent students that she was stopped. Thankfully, it is highly unlikely that Cerberus will be as open to manipulation as the rest of us were."

"We can only hope so." Twilight declared.

"Now, let us move on to more pleasant matters, shall we?" Neighsay urged.

"Of course. You mentioned in your letter that you wanted to discuss ways my school and the EEA could benefit from each other." Twilight recalled.

"That's right." Neighsay nodded. "During my last visit to your school, I noticed that your students held you in quite high regard. In fact, when I announced that I was going to take charge of the school and run it according to EEA doctrines, they were decidedly less than enthusiastic. Even before Cozy Glow intervened, they looked ready to drive me right out of there. I wouldn't mind learning your secret to engendering such loyalty, so that our other teachers may benefit from it."

"Well, loyalty is one of our key subjects." Twilight smiled. "And sharing is also an important part of the curriculum, so I'd be happy to share what I know with you."

"Wonderful." Neighsay beamed. "I'm sure the EEA could learn much from you, Princess."

"Yes, of course we could." A cold voice remarked.

Twilight and Neighsay turned to see another member of the EEA approach: a middle-aged mare with a pale pink coat, a light purple mane tied into a bun, and dark purple eyes. The rest of her was hidden under her EEA robe.

"There is much we could learn from Princess Twilight." The mare sneered. "Such as how to endanger ponykind. Wouldn't you agree, Chancellor?"

"Vice-Chancellor Stickler." Neighsay said flatly. "If you wish to speak with me, it will have to wait. I am currently occupied with our guest."

"I'm well aware of that." Stickler gave Twilight a cold glare.

"Is there something I can help you with, Vice-Chancellor?" Twilight asked, stoic in the face of Stickler's sour expression.

"Actually, there is." Stickler smirked. "You can leave this place, and never return."

"Excuse me?!" Twilight gaped.

"Vice-Chancellor, that is no way to speak to our guest!" Neighsay growled.

"Your guest." Stickler retorted. "The same mare that you, not so long ago, wholeheartedly believed would endanger Equestria with her unaccredited school. And now you seem to think she's your new best friend."

"I was wrong." Neighsay said calmly. "I misjudged Princess Twilight. Her ideals are not a danger to Equestria. Quite the opposite, in fact."

"You've done quite a good job with the Chancellor, haven't you?" Stickler returned her gaze to Twilight. "I don't know how exactly you managed to infect him with your pro-creature propaganda, but the infection certainly runs deep."

"I didn't do anything." Twilight said defiantly. "Chancellor Neighsay came to that conclusion on his own."

"Of course he did." Stickler said sarcastically. "But the bottom line is that now he's as eager as you to let those creatures run amok across Equestria."

"'Run amok'?" Neighsay scoffed. "I don't recall ever using that terminology before..."

"It's only a matter of time." Stickler said flippantly.

"A matter of time before what?" Twilight scowled. "What makes you think allowing non-ponies into my school will cause some kind of disaster?"

"Only experience." Stickler said coldly. "Like the Changeling invasion of Canterlot. Or that monstrous Centaur Tirek draining the magic out of almost everypony in Equestria. And, more recently, the Storm King and his ilk almost bringing the entire country to its knees."

"You can't judge other creatures by the actions of a select few." Twilight frowned.

"You call a swarm of vicious Changelings 'a select few'?" Stickler sneered.

"That was in the past." Twilight retorted. "The Changelings have reformed. They have no interest in conquest or stealing love anymore."

"So they say." Stickler said skeptically. "Or perhaps they're simply biding their time, waiting for us to drop our guard, and that Changeling 'student' of yours is a spy, sent to gather information about ponies."

"That is ridiculous!" Twilight shot back indignantly. "I know Ocellus. The only kind of information she wants to gather revolves around the subject of friendship!"

"I'm sure that's what she wants you to think." Stickler glared. "A creature that can change shape is no doubt practiced in deception."

"Don't talk about one of my students that way." Twilight scowled, uncharacteristically hostile. "Or any of them, in fact."

"How touching." Stickler sneered. "If only you'd show show loyalty to your own kind."

"That is enough, Vice-Chancellor!" Neighsay stepped. "Princess Twilight's loyalty to Equestria is not in question."

"Believe what you will, Chancellor." Stickler said coldly. "After all, it's not your fault our creature-loving Princess of Friendship filled your head with her dangerous beliefs."

"If you call being open-minded 'dangerous', Vice-Chancellor, then I feel sorry for you." Twilight remarked.

"Thank you for your sympathy." Stickler snorted. "Know this, Princess: you may have gotten to the Chancellor, but not all of us are so easily swayed. In the end, we'll see who was right."

"I think we already have." Twilight said curtly.

"We'll have to agree to disagree there." Stickler smiled coldly. "Good day, Princess."

With that, Stickler walked away, trotting briskly down the hall.

"Well, that was... unpleasant." Twilight said flatly. "I take it the Vice-Chancellor isn't too thrilled about your new outlook?"

"Unfortunately, not all of my colleagues have taken kindly to my sudden change of heart." Neighsay sighed. "Some, such as Vice-Chancellor Stickler, are very unhappy about it. She, and a select few others, believe that I have betrayed not only the doctrines I had championed for so many years, but also myself, by allowing myself to be convinced to accept non-ponies."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Chancellor." Twilight sympathised. "Not everypony, or everycreature, can accept change so easily."

"I must confess, after all these years of my actions going unquestioned, it's quite galling to hear any of my colleagues to suddenly resist my decisions." Neighsay sighed. "Those who choose to stand against my choices are being quite stubborn about it, refusing to even listen to my reasoning. It really is quite frustrating." He gave Twilight an indulgent smile. "I daresay I now know how you felt when I refused to budge on my own prejudiced misconceptions. It's infuriating, isn't it?"

"Maybe a little..." Twilight smiled back.

"Perhaps it's my fault." Neighsay surmized. "I spent years impressing upon everypony here how important it is to adhere to proper EEA guidelines, to consider my every deed, every action, as the correct way to go. And now that I have deviated from those beliefs, there are those among them who believe I have taken leave of my senses."

"I'm sure they don't think that." Twilight assured him. "Change is just... more difficult for some to accept than others. And let's face it: if any pony would know that, it's you."

"I suppose you have a point there, Princess." Neighsay admitted.

"There's something to be said for a pony who sticks to his beliefs... even if those beliefs are wrong." Twilight declared. "I may not have liked your challenging my beliefs, but I always respected your dedication to your own. And I knew you were only thinking about what was best for Equestria. I always hoped you could be convinced that non-ponies creatures weren't a threat, and that we could finally get on the same page."

"You did?" Neighsay mused, genuinely surprised. "Even after everything I said about you and your students?"

"I'm the Princess of Friendship." Twilight reminded him. "I try not to hold grudges."

"And for that, I am grateful." Neighsay smiled. "After the way I acted, I wouldn't have been surprised if you refused to allow me to set hoof in your school ever again."

"That's not my style." Twilight smiled. "Forgiveness is a big part of friendship. I wouldn't be much of a Headmare if I didn't follow my own lessons."

"Whereas I taught my colleagues a touch too well." Neighsay noted.

"Don't give up hope." Twilight consoled him. "You said yourself, only a few have chosen to hold on to the old ways."

"The problem is, those few have been part of the EEA for almost as long as I have." Neighsay declared. "I worry that they may be able to influence the others, use their own senoriority to convince them to turn against me somehow."

"I'm sure that won't happen." Twilight smiled. "Those others chose to embrace your new way of thinking. Once you let acceptance into your heart, it isn't so easily removed."

"Something I have your students to thank for helping to teach me." Neighsay declared.

"As for the others, give them time." Twilight told him. "The more interaction the EEA has with my school, the more proof they'll have that non-ponies aren't a threat to Equestria, and are no different than any pony. Who knows? You may be able to sway them yet. Even Vice-Chancellor Stickler."

"Not to renew my doubt in your beliefs, Princess, but I believe Vice-Chancellor Stickler will take a lot of convincing." Neighsay stated. "Perhaps more than I can provide."

"If a stubborn stallion like you can see the light, there's hope for everypony." Twilight said confidently.

"Such open-mindedness." Neighsay smiled. "If only Vice-Chancellor Stickler had even a fraction of your ability to embrace those who are different, I daresay we would not be having this conversation."

"And maybe one day, we won't have to have another conversation like this ever again." Twilight said hopefully. "Keep working at it, Chancellor. I'm sure you'll get through to her and the others sooner or later."

"Preferably sooner." Neighsay chuckled. "In time, perhaps the entire EEA will be accepting as your School of Friendship."

"Perhaps all places will be." Twilight added. "That is my fondest hope. The reason I founded the school in the first place: so that the magic of friendship could be spread fair and wide, to be felt by all creatures in this world."

"And I now see what a noble goal that is." Neighsay nodded. "Friendship is not a weapon, as I once believed. It is a gift, that has the potential to bind us all together."

"And perhaps one day, we will all be united." Twilight continued. "All species and countries, standing together as friends, celebrating both their differences and similarities. That's my dream."

"And as long as your school stands, I have no doubt that that dream will become a reality." Neighsay declared.

"Thank you, Chancellor Neighsay." Twilight beamed. "But as nice as it is to think about the future, perhaps we should focus more on the immediate present."

"Indeed." Neighsay nodded. "Before Vice-Chancellor Stickler interrupted us, I believe we were discussing how my organisation and your school could benefit each other."

"Yes, we were." Twilight agreed. "And I have more than a few ideas."

"As do I." Neighsay smiled. "If you'd care to follow me to my office, we can talk about those ideas in great detail, without fear of interruption."

"After you, Chancellor." Twilight nodded.

Neighsay continued down the halls, followed by Twilight. They went on to discuss at length their ideas, as equals and friends pursuing a mutual goal; a far cry from the opposing viewpoints they once shared. After the discussion was finished, Twilight returned to Ponyville, taking joy and pride in the fact that her school had taught more than just her students the true ways of friendship.