//------------------------------// // High Society // Story: Rarity Gets Enslaved // by MagicS //------------------------------// It was a rather good night of sleep I had. Curled up in my surprisingly nice bed in the slave quarters adjacent to my friend Daylight Gleam. Gertrude as well I tried to call over but she just ignored me and walked away. Oh well. I’ll stay positive, I’m sure I can crack her shell soon enough. Are griffons born from eggs? It would be nice to have another friend up here who I could chat with. Unfortunately after yesterday I realized that aside from Daylight my next closest friendship here was with Tyluck. I needed to get along better with the other slaves and associate with them from now on. Now I woke up with a big yawn, stretching as I made my way out of the covers. I do wish I had my sleep mask though. Unfortunately that was confiscated along with everything else I had brought with me by those dreadful… pirates? Is pirates the right word? Maybe I should just say slavers. Also “stolen” is probably more accurate than “confiscated” as well. Oh but enough of that. I wanted to stay more positive than I have been. “You didn’t really seem like much of a morning person.” I looked to my side to see Daylight Gleam getting up and neatly making her bad with her magic. It still did surprise me that the trolls were apparently fine with us using our magic for normal things. Even if it doesn’t affect them directly there’s still quite a lot a skilled unicorn can do. “Yes well, I’ve decided to do a lot more seizing of the day so to speak. I don’t wish to simply sulk and complain about things anymore. Now I’m going to start doing for real.” I smiled proudly at her. But then I had to look up at the ceiling as I pondered for a second. “I just don’t know what at the moment.” “Well good luck. With whatever it is you’re doing, I guess.” Daylight said. I smiled at her even if she was being a bit sarcastic. It was just her personality and I know she didn’t mean anything bad by it. But now it was time to make friends with the other slaves. Maybe I could really liven things up around here and lift everyone’s spirits? “And just how is everyone else doing this bright morning?” I asked cheerfully to the other slaves around me, all of them in some stage of waking up. For my efforts I was rewarded with a few glares and annoyed “shut ups”. Of those who chose to respond at least. Many just ignored me outright. “Uh, you know if you’re trying to make friends I think if you’re gonna do it like that it’s just gonna backfire. There’s nothing an upset person hates more than a cheerful person.” Daylight said to me. Pinkie Pie could do it. In fact I think she has done exactly that several times in the past. But I couldn’t say Daylight was wrong either. Most of the slaves in here were in a rather foul mood and it’s not like I had any right to blame them. However I would still try to get on their good sides, just because we were stuck in here and doing the troll’s work doesn’t mean we can’t make the best of it. I’ve always been able to make the best of a bad situation and I have the clothes and magazines back home to prove it! “So what do you think we’ll be doing today?” I attempted to make some small talk with Daylight. She just shrugged apathetically. “Who knows? The same thing as always most likely. Cooking, cleaning, farming.” She knitted her eyebrows. “I should have said cultivating, dang.” I giggled. She was at least fun to get along with. Although I think part of it was her putting up a tough front. I can’t imagine anyone would be perfectly okay after the combination of what happened with her friends and then being enslaved by these trolls. “Miss Gleam.” I asked gently. “Pardon if I’ve forgotten but how long have you been here?” She raised an eyebrow at me, probably suspecting that I had an ulterior motive. “Not very long honestly. Just a couple weeks.” “Well even just that is quite a while to be stuck like this. Are you… holding up well?” I asked it as nicely as I could. Her eyes widened a bit. I thought maybe I had gone too far and she’d get defensive but then she just started laughing, drawing the attention of quite a few other slaves. “Heh.” She said, wiping an errant tear from her eye. “You-You really don’t need to worry about me. I’ve been in a lot of trouble of before. But thanks for asking. You just worry about yourself, okay? I was a fairly cynical person but I’ve learned to keep an optimistic outlook on things. I’m doing fine here for now, even though I’d like to leave.” I smiled at her. I suppose I’d just have to take her word for it. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw an errant strand of hair poking out. Ugh, way to remind me of how I don’t even have the right product to get my mane to normal here. I should head to the baths and at least clean up a bit before getting started on the rest of the day. Oh the water felt so good. Of course I had taken a long dip the night before to ease my aching joints and muscles but now I could really savor the experience since I wasn’t feeling so beat and exhausted this time. The shampoo and such they had here wasn’t anything special, just enough to get clean- but it worked wonders for the state my mane was in. That went the same for the brushes and everything else we had here. The bare minimum to stay clean and in good shape. I lounged in the bath for a bit longer than I should have, at any moment some trolls could come in and shuffle us off to work and I’d really prefer to have the time to get to know some of my fellow slaves better. So as much as I didn’t want to I stepped out of the bath and dried myself off… and spent a bit of time doing my mane as best I could. But after that I went right back out to see how everyone was doing. Daylight was sitting on her bed with her eyes closed. Meditating? And I saw Gertrude talking with a group of griffons and two young dragons. Have to start somewhere. I walked over to Gertrude’s group with a pleasant smile on my face. Hopefully she wouldn’t just ignore me and I could break the ice with them. “Good morning, darlings.” I said as I walked up to them. They at least all turned to look at me so I was considering this a good start. “I’d like to-” The sharp screeching of a whistle being blown interrupted me. All of the slaves turned to the entrance of our sleeping area. There a group of female trolls stood. I could tell because of their slimmer frames and more angular faces as opposed to the round faces that all the male trolls seemed to possess. Also they liked to wear either burgundy or maroon pants. This was a bit unusual though, normally they would just walk in and assign jobs to us. However as I looked around I saw that the other slaves didn’t seem very surprised so perhaps this was a fairly normal occurrence. The trolls scanned over the crowd of slaves before walking among us and pulling out a few at random. One of the troll’s eyes landed on me and they walked over to me, looking me up and down as if appraising me. It was rather off-putting if I may say so. “You’ll do well.” She said to me and then looked at the two dragons in Gertrude’s group. “You two as well, come.” We did as she beckoned, following her back with the others. I decided to muster up a bit of courage and ask what this was all about. “Excuse me, miss… troll. But can I ask what we’re being gathered up for?” Without turning back to look she responded. “Marquess Tivbald is holding a party. He needs extra caterers and waiters. You look like you take care of yourself better than the other slaves, we need ones that look good and clean.” Naturally I was a bit flattered. And as I looked behind me at the dragons, and I mean really looked for the first time instead of just paying them a glance, I could tell that they also seemed to take care of their appearance. They were a bit bigger than Smolder although I would say their height came to just a bit below Ember’s. One pink and the other a fiery red. Obviously still adolescents. The slaves that had been gathered up by the other trolls were all a bit on the pretty end too. I was happy to see Daylight Gleam would be joining me tonight, at least that would make one friend to talk to. Although we probably wouldn’t get the chance to speak so much if we were going to be passing out hors d'oeuvre’s and drinks. Also I have to admit that I was quite excited to get the chance to see what a high-class party among the troll nobility looked like. I had seen and been a part of many of the finest parties in Canterlot but this was a whole different culture and people. Oh I hope their nobles and leaders are more regal and well-mannered than the common troll. And their dresses! The clothes! Surely there would be something magnificent here? Something that would set my passion aflame! There had to be at least one troll here who wore something different, something creative, something with pizazz, something that would stand out in a sea of conformity and dull tradition. Just being able to see something like that would make this whole situation far easier. We were grouped up by the door and led out of the slave quarters by the trolls, I assume there was some work to be done in the kitchen or some sort of etiquette training to go through before the actual party. I took this moment to sidle up next to Daylight Gleam and see what she thought. “Have you done this before, darling?” “Meh, once last week. Like I told you the trolls are always holding parties. Sometimes they need extra help.” She said. “It’s just a Marquees and not a Duke holding a party this time so I doubt it’ll be that big though. The party I catered at before was held by Duke Tulepule in the castle’s main ballroom. That was a really busy night.” “Considering the size of this castle I suppose its primary ballroom must be quite the spectacle?” “Oh yeah, and it was filled up completely with trolls. They had dancing, music, and enough food to feed a city.” She told me. “Actually it was pretty fun compared to what I usually have to do around here. Music was boring though.” “Well I’ll be the perfect example of nobility at this party. To me anything less would simply be improper even if they are the ones who have enslaved me.” I told her while turning up my nose and giving an exaggerated smile. She giggled at my behavior. “Yeah that sounds like you. And this would probably be the worst possible place to throw a fit anyways. I think they’d really punish you for that.” I grimaced slightly. “Yes, I don’t plan on causing a scene of anything.” “You know some slaves have been handpicked by high-ranking trolls to become their personal servants. If one of them sees you looking good and acting all regal maybe it’ll be the same for you and you won’t have to do anymore hard labor.” Daylight said. “I suppose it would be quite a bit better. So what, do they just became their maids or butlers then?” I asked her. She shrugged. “Dunno, I guess something like that. But they get to live in their own private quarters and don’t have to do the dirty work anymore.” “Sounds perfect for me.” I said with just a touch of a fake haughty voice. Daylight playfully rolled her eyes at me. It seems she already knew me well. We ended up being taken into some kind of fancy staging room. Since the party was most likely not starting until this evening we still had many hours before it began. Although I could be wrong, it was quite possible the trolls had a different way of doing things. We had also all been given a nice little black bow-tie to wear. Sometimes the simplest of accessories can go a long way. There were numerous tables in here covered in plates, glasses, napkins, bowls, and unopened bottles of most likely some sort of alcoholic beverage. The walls and floor of the room were immaculately clean and painted a variety of shades of orange and yellow, clicking my hoof against the floor I believe it to be marble. There were no torches in here but instead candlelit chandeliers that hung overhead. At first I thought it was quite fancy but I quickly realized the chandeliers were just made of brass and painted with a shinier golden finish. No tricking my eyes when it comes to luxury. Now the trolls had us all standing in a line, I should also mention that there were a number of male slaves here and not just the ones taken from the female slave quarters; while one of them instructed us on how to behave during the party. “You will not say anything unless directly spoken to. You will carry around the plates you’re given and when you need to get more food you will return here to this staging room to refresh your plates. Do not talk with one another, do not simply wander around, if you are tired do not let it show, you must be like moving statues. No smiling, no frowning, keep a neutral expression.” I was already struggling to keep from frowning. It seemed they wanted us to be “there but not there”. Not sure why I expected anything more. I couldn’t even pass the time by speaking to Daylight or the others so I couldn’t use the occasion to get to know anyone better. Lovely. Perhaps the trolls will at least have some juicy castle gossip for me to listen to, that could make the evening much easier. I didn’t fancy just floating around groups of trolls while they grabbed whatever food I was carrying. My thoughts were interrupted as the trolls began to shuffle us along to the various tables, we had to learn what every single morsel of food we would be carrying is as well as how much to get each time we came back in. Some things went in bowls or came on their own mini-plates so we had to be sure to drop those off at the table set aside for dirty dishes. It seemed we would also have to carry back any dirty dishes we saw lying around or given to us by trolls at the party. I shuddered at the thought, please let them have good table manners and not eat in a slovenly way. Finally, after hours of training, preparation, and making sure we weren’t going to screw anything up, the party’s start time had arrived. We were all taken to a large oaken double door, it was opened up for us by a troll and we stepped out into the ballroom with our designated dishes and trays. At first we stepped into an area blocked by a velvet curtain that was set up so no one could see us directly enter and exit the room, but stepping past that I got my first look of the ballroom and party. My breath was taken away. Momentarily forgetting to keep a stony face my mouth hung open at the sight before me. The room was cavernously large, held up by a huge set up pillars running its length. The entirety of the floor, walls, and ceiling were covered in magnificently done artwork displaying a variety of landscapes, battles, and what I can only assume to be important historical events to the trolls. From the ceiling hung a dozen brilliant chandeliers, gems and crystals dotting them all over. The tables were all draped in a red velvet tablecloth with an extravagant centerpiece while the chairs were intricately carved ebony wood with the plushest cushions I had seen. At the end of the room and situated in an alcove a band played slow paced and calming music. I was in awe. This was opulence, this was splendor, this was extravagance! And from what Daylight had said this wasn’t even their biggest and grandest ballroom! My giddiness almost overcame me, I just wanted to go and inspect everything up close but then my sense caught up with me and I stopped myself. Steadying my breathing my face became an impassive mask. I was the perfect example of a living statue. My composure almost broke when I looked out over the crowd of trolls to see what kinds of clothes they wore. I don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed in my life. I knew- yes I knew- that these trolls did not have much creativity anymore. Everything seemed to be stuck a certain way. Kept standard. But I had hoped that maybe I would see something special here, something that would set the artist’s passion aflame inside me! And yet what was I greeted with? Conformity! Laziness! Unoriginality! Every female troll, every single one of them, was wearing the same dress! With only the slightest of changes in color, hem, or maybe a little bit of extra embroidery put in. Sure there was a wide variety of earrings but that hardly made up for it. And the men all just wore the same boring tuxedo! How?! How can a people with such vast luxury be so completely ambivalent towards fashion? So… so… clueless! It defies all logic! All reason! Are none of them bored? Do none if them want to stand out? Look special? Wear something new and different? I don’t understand! If it wasn’t for how improper it would be (and the likely punishment) I would have started to cry. So instead of venting like I really, really, wanted to do I began to do my job and started making rounds around the party and the various groups of trolls. I was currently carrying a large silver tray on my back, balanced by my magic; that held a number of flute glasses filled with a bubbly drink that smelled like apples. It was called apple fire and unlike juice or cider this had a red coloring to it. How odd. If I could take any home I’m sure Applejack would get a kick out of it. I had to walk around to any groups of trolls I saw but since I couldn’t speak to them I just sort of had to hover there or titter around a bit until they noticed me. Occasionally one would snap his fingers and beckon me over but for the most part I just made a circuit around the ballroom. I was getting quite bored. Now if I could at least say “Would you like a drink?” that would make things much easier. And frankly I think it would be quite sensible if I was allowed that. But no. No talking. Hmph! Occasionally I saw Daylight Gleam walking around as well, carrying a tray of miniature pastries. Her expression seemed even duller than my own surely was. Now that we were well over an hour into the party I can see what she meant by the music at her first one being boring. It was even starting to put me to sleep, classical doesn’t need to be so slow and boring you know! Even when it came to music the trolls had no taste. They could really use Pinkie Pie to liven this party up. The two dragons were sticking together, carrying plates of bread and chocolate dipped strawberries respectively. I probably shouldn’t be letting my eyes and mind wander like this but I couldn’t help it. Nothing to talk about and hardly anything to do. What did they expect! Well now I’m getting indignant and frustrated again even though I was trying to stay positive. “Caterer, come here.” I suddenly heard to my side along with the repeated snapping of fingers to get my attention. Turning my head I began to walk over to the one that called me, a troll standing with another near one of the pillars holding up the great ballroom. The one who had called me looked normal at first but then I noticed on the fur that I could see beneath his clothes were numerous streaks and speckles of white. It was unusual, I had not yet seen a troll that wasn’t one solid color. And none of them had been white either. The troll he was standing with… well to put it as politely as possible I will call him “large”. And his largeness was because he was fat. There. I said it. Hmph! When I got there the two both took a glass off my tray but before I could leave the one with the white streaks stopped me. “Stay, more will be joining us soon.” I could only do as instructed but I’d probably need to go back to the staging room to get more glasses after this. Since I was forced to just stand there I decided to listen in on their conversation. Maybe I could at least achieve my goal of hearing some good gossip. Although the white-streaked troll had a rather mean look about him, most trolls looked rather impassive but he had a fierceness about him that made me slightly uneasy. “Any news on the Nuckelavee?” White-streak asked his large friend. “It’s gone out east past the Griffon Lands finally.” Fat Large troll replied. “Hmm, good, it will be a long time before it ever comes back here if at all.” I don’t know what they were talking about but White-streak seemed very relieved to hear this. “I was getting tired of cleaning up its messes. Troublesome monster.” “Yes, good to have it out of our hair. The King was getting quite frustrated you know?” Large said in what I could tell was a bit of a condescending way. But he mentioned the King, I wonder if he personally knew him? White-streak snorted. “Everyone was getting impatient, I don’t need you to thumb your nose at me when all you do is sit in this castle. At least the Storm King is gone now too.” Large just nodded at that. I already knew these trolls didn’t have a good relationship with the Storm King back when he was still around. “Well I heard you also rounded up some good fighters down in the pits?” Large asked. At that White-streak frowned. “More or less, most ponies don’t put on very good fights. And the one who can keeps losing fights on purpose. My punishments aren’t getting through to him either.” “Hah! Seems you have your work cut out for you, can’t let slaves be getting the better of you now.” Large chuckled at him. “Feh!” White-streak grumbled, annoyed at his acquaintance. They prattled on about nothing for a few minutes longer while I stood there like a statue. Eventually their others joined them, I was surprised to see that of the new group one of them was a griffon dressed in rather immaculate clothes. He was old and walked alongside one of the trolls. A personal servant like Daylight had mentioned? The new arrivals all grabbed a glass of the apple fire I was carrying and White-streak said I could go back to walking around the ballroom. Well first of all I made way for the staging room, there were only a couple glasses left on my tray so I should definitely get some more. But as I made my way through the crowd of trolls one of them bumped into me. Luckily my magic was on point enough to not let anything drop but I still ended up stumbling into one of the chairs at a table. I must’ve looked like a klutz, so embarrassing. “Ah, apple fire.” I looked up to see a troll seated in the chair next to the one I had hit. He reached a hand forward and plucked one of my last glasses from the tray. As I watched him I noticed that he had a bald patch in his fur right between his eyes that my own eyes were unconsciously drawn to. Unfortunately he had seen me staring for that brief moment. “Something catch your eyes, slave?” He asked with an even tone but I had to assume he was angry underneath it. “No, not at all.” I said, looking at the floor. “Hm.” He hummed. “I don’t believe I’ve seen you at a party before. Are you new? And raise your head.” I did, looking him straight in the eyes. “Yes, I only came here a few days ago.” “I see.” His eyes began looking up and down my body. “You look like you take better care of yourself than most slaves.” My brow furrowed and I raised my head in a bit of defiance. “My personal appearance is very important to me. I do the best I can with the meager amount I am given.” I couldn’t help but let a bit of venom seep into my voice, despite the problems it could cause me. He didn’t seem to mind though, merely raising an eyebrow at me. “It seems you have more of a sense of style and class than your fellow slaves.” “Indeed!” I remarked. “I am Rarity, and I can tell you that I also certainly have enough class to note the blandness of this party.” Oh dear. It just slipped out. “Quite so.” Was his simple response. It appears I lucked out. “Here, have this.” He pulled from the table a slice of bread with some sort of spread on it and offered it to me. “You must be hungry and tired from waiting on us all so long. You won’t get much else tonight.” “Well thank you.” I said, happily taking the bread in my magic and eating it. Delicious. “It’s nice to know that there is at least one troll in this entire ballroom with some manners and civility.” Oh dear. He gave a small chuckle in response to what I said. “Quite so again. But best be careful about who’s in earshot next time you say something like that. And don’t be thinking I’m so sentimental, you’re quite amusing so I gave you a gift. No more and no less.” I frowned a bit but there was nothing to really say about that at this point. “Well still, thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me I must be getting back to replenish my supply of apple fire.” “Normally a slave can’t excuse themselves anywhere but I’ll let you go just the same.” He said, an amused smile spreading on his face. “Enjoy your time at the party.” I was unafraid to narrow my eyes at his sarcastic quip before giving a “harumph” and turning to go back to the staging area. This night was turning out to be both a boring and annoying affair and I had no idea how much longer it would go on. At least I had the taste of a good side dish on my tongue now. I thought about how that troll had said that I seem to take care of my appearance better than most slaves, if only he could see my true self he’d be stunned! As I am now I am like an unpolished diamond (still a diamond of course) not even close to my fullest potential! Oh well, I thought as I finally walked back into the staging room. Back to work.