//------------------------------// // game on! 2016 resolve of the king! // Story: Ruler of Time & Space! Zi-O // by Kamen rider yokai //------------------------------// We arrived at the past just as kamen riders brave and ex-aid met and defeated the mage bugster. The group exited the time majins and walked to the riders with sunset explaining to the two the current situation in our time. “And that’s basically it someone is altering history and using a father’s worry for his child to do horrible things” I finished. " Specifically my friends brother and niece” rainbow said as this time the rest of our friends joined us in the past. " We need to find the version of shining armor from this year quick. Though I can’t believe we are at the point in time way early in the events surrounding you guys. It means the time jackers chose to pick the time there are few riders to interfere” I said frowning. " That’s why we are here to increase our odds” yume said though he had a eye twitch as seline popped her head over his shoulder. “Serene when did you join us better yet how did you follow me when you should have been back at the shop” yume asked looking at the composite wyvern. " Has she even spoke to you at all?” I asked confused. “She’s particularly shy” yume sighed as said wyvern looked away blushing. " Right we’ll help miss what’s the child’s name” asked emu. “Flurry heart according to yume and no I have no idea why people don’t share a family name back in our town only Applejack has one as her family is known as the Apple clan” I said. " Right Hiro San do what you can I’m going with these folks” emu said as we went to find the another rider which wasn’t hard as poppy joined us. Soon enough we found another ex-aid with a bunch of summoned mooks. “Let’s restore time and space!” I said grabbing my ride watch with geiz as sunset grabbed hers though when tsukiyomi grabbed hers it shined and altered a bit making her wonder what that was about. “Henshin!” Six voices said as they went through their transformations. Rider time! Kamen rider Zi-o! Rider time! Kamen rider geiz! Era time! Kamen rider Solar! Cyber! Sync up rider! Let’s game! Mucha game! What’s your name? I’m a Kamen rider! Gatchan! Level up mighty jump! Mighty kick! Mighty action x! Rider time! Kamen rider tsukiyomi! Tsu-ki-yo-mi! Was heard as confused the rest of us turned out heads to see tsukiyomi’s armor had vastly changed looking like her theme was a moondial compared to sunset’s sundial and changed into her own unique style with her cape and a white skirt incorporated into it as her face plate was now light pink with a crescent moon on the right side. “What in the world” I asked confused. “Did her armor get altered because she wasn’t fully connected to her ride watch until now?” Geiz asked. " Still let’s clear this with no continues” emu and yume both said and I gave yume a amused look. “Of course you of all people would pull that with the original rider your system is from a arcade game!” I said shaking my head. " Well that makes emu my sempai wouldn’t it” yume said his tone showing he was grinning under his helmet. Pulling out our weapons we charged into the fray with tsukiyomi finding she can now form constructs of light like a sword as she and sunset fought together at some mooks while me, cyber and ex-aid fought another ex-aid and geiz was fighting another group of mooks. I honestly lost track of what was going on but I saw the moment emu lost his powers but yume was knocked into him making contact with the gamer driver generating a bunch of cards. “These are the rest of the ex-aid riders!” Yume said as he caught them and looked back up. " Time for back up” yume said taking three and slid them into his gauntlet. Appearing in pixels was Kamen riders poppy, Lazer and paradox. Paradox in level 99 shook his head before looking to Emu. “Oi emu what the hell is going on!” Paradox asked making us look at him. “Yume did you somehow summon parad to the past instead of summoning a copy of him?” I asked surprised. " I think I did how did that even happen” yume asked as confused as I was. " Do I know you” emu asked the red and blue rider. " Parad we will explain things later help emu regain his powers!” I called to the rider. Parad spotted the another rider and things clicked. " Oh it’s the bastard who forcefully took me from emu! Well now I’m raring for some payback!” " What?” Emu asked. " He’s your bugster emu, parad is the reason you can be ex-aid without the surgery the others needed to use the driver and gashats” yume explained. Poppy tilted her head at the lone female rider. " Yume you just had to summon Poppy’s future self We are at the first week emu was ex-aid” I deadpanned at the ganba rider. " Sorry but she has the same driver as chronus I figured she has the pause ability too” yume said. “Well time to get into the game myself” I said pulling out the ex-aid ride watch and activated it. Ex-aid! Placing it into the driver I unlocked it and gave it a spin. Rider time! Kamen rider Zi-o! Appearing before me was the ex-aid armor with it’s hands being guantlets resembling the gashacon breakers and shoulders being blank gashats the rest had slight resemblances to ex-aid. Giving a kick the armor separated and struck another ex-aid as I jumped. Armor time! Level up! Ex-aid! As the announcement finished I landed on the nearby roof as the armor was put on and I turned around as woz made his appearence. “Rejoice! He is the heir to the power of all riders and at this moment he has gained the power of yet another Kamen rider and his name is Kamen rider Zi-o ex-aid armor” woz said making me tilt my head to give him a look. " Are you going to do that Everytime I use a new ride watch” I asked him. “Who’s he” asked yume. " Long story” geiz, sunset, tsukiyomi and I all told him. Jumping down I sent a punch at another ex-aid as paradox was sent back detransforming into parad and looking up the bugster became particles that entered emu. Emu gasped as suddenly he was back as ex-aid. “Emu! Let’s send this mockery away and bring back the person trapped inside” I suggested looking to him as one of my guantlets came off so I can press both buttons. Finish time! Ex-aid! Emu nodded and put his gashat into the kimewaza slot and pressed the button twice as I unlocked and spun my driver. Kimewaza! Mighty critical strike! Critical time break! Leaping off both of us did a double variant of ex-aids own rider kick making shining armor fall as the Another ride watch shattered. “Shining don’t worry flurry is going to be alright we asked a surgeon to look at her so please no more Faustian deals with people who can stop time” I said detransforming with the others. “Right I’ll try and keep that in mind man twilight can’t ever know what happened she would ring my clock infront of the police department for this” shining said as I helped him to stand up as parad joined us. “Yeah I have the feeling we will meet her at some point we already know a alternate dimension version of her back in our time two years from now so it’s possible” I said and shining nodded as after what he experienced he can see it. I turned to emu and handed him a blank ridewatch. “Got to keep a stable timeloop so hold onto this until you run into us again two years from now.” I said before turning as the another ridewatch’s remains glowed forming the other ex-aid ride watch set minus gemn before me and I grabbed them. “Well time for us to head home and for gods sake shining don’t beat yourself up for this just use it as motivation to be a better cop and be a better person” I told him as the time majins appeared and we entered with parad joining us since he didn’t want to run into his past self. Soon enough we were back and relaxing at the school. “So that’s what happened” parad said sitting next to emu. “Yep and now we know how emu kept his powers when another ex-aid came about in our time. That always confused me in my world when I watched the show I’m now living out” I said giving yume a look. " How was I supposed to know I accidentally closed a plot hole in zi-o’s story with that” yume pointed out. " So what cards did you get besides Lazer, poppy and parad here” I asked. " Let’s see I got brave, gemn, fuu and a form for me!” Yume said going wide eyed as he pulled out his cards. Indeed one of the cards showed Kamen rider cyber in the ex-aid ganbarider based armor. “Well today is turning to be full of surprises” yume said. " Another one is underway already yume hideki. According to my book you guys are needed in Equestria at celestia’s school for gifted unicorns” woz said appearing next to yume making him jump. I blinked as I facepalmed. “Oh hell it’s the two for one another rider” I groaned. " What do you mean?” Asked sunset giving me a look. " This next foe is both another fourze and another faiz! If we don’t find the ridewatches for fourze and faiz even if we have one of those ride watches the another rider won’t be properly defeated unless we have both as it will just switch between fourze and faiz on defeat” I explained. “Correct and says here while you can find the faiz ride watch you need a displaced’s help for the fourze ride watch” woz said. " Huh so there might be multiple fourze displaced out there” I mused wondering if we would find a token at the school. “Looks like I’m messaging princess twilight for opening the portal” sunset said pulling out her journal and getting to work. " Huh it would be nice to see what ponyville is like in the past the place looked very nice in my time so I’m curious how different it is” yume said.