//------------------------------// // Cargo // Story: fyre-flye // by uhrora //------------------------------// fyre-flye I - 3 Cargo "So, Doctor, if you wouldn't mind. What exactly is a pony doing in your, ah, luggage?" Rarity asked. She continued to stare, wide-eyed, at the pink pony curled up in the Doctor’s blue box. Applejack turned to the Doctor, although she addressed the Coltpanion: "Well, Rare, the funny thing about ponies who got more bits than problems is that they tend to do hay-brained things. Like buy little fillyfriends and transport ‘em halfway across the ‘verse before consummatin’ their love." The captain’s eyes narrowed as she stepped towards the Doctor. Her saddle remained strapped to her back—she hadn’t had the time to remove it while they’d worked to save Fluttershy. And besides, after her friend had gotten shot, Applejack didn't know who to trust on board. "No!" the Doctor protested. "That's not true. Just let me get to her," he pleaded. "She's—" "That's revolting," Rarity snapped. "Applejack, I don't care if he saved Fluttershy's life. Let's turn around and fly straight to the Alliance cruiser. Right now." Applejack didn't so much as glance towards her. "Please?" Rarity added, batting her eyelashes. "Look, she wasn't supposed to come out this early," the Doctor said quickly. "She's supposed to be asleep still, I need to check to make sure she's okay—" "Wouldn't want any damaged goods after paying such a hefty sum for her, would you?" Soarin asked, voice cold. "Stop it! She's my—" Suddenly, the pink pony sat straight up in the box with a shriek. Everypony jumped, and Applejack turned around to face her. The Doctor ran past the captain and AJ held her fire. "Pinkie," he said, pulling her out of the box and onto the ground. The Doctor put his arms around the frightened pony, trying to calm her down. "Pinkie, it's me." "Pinkie? Real original. Did you just name her on the spot, or was that a special name the slave ponies picked out for her?" Soarin retorted. "O…obbie?" the pink pony suddenly asked. She was shivering beneath the Doctor's arms, eyes wild as she looked around at everypony. "Obbie, is it really you? I'm scared. There… there are voices." "Obbie?" Applejack repeated, raising one eyebrow. Soarin shrugged, more concerned with the "voices" Pinkie was talking about. "Yes, Pinkie. I… I'm here. You're okay. You're safe," the Doctor was whispering. The pink pony's wide blue eyes met Applejack's, and the captain instinctively took a step back without knowing why. A shiver ran down her spine. “Safe,” Pinkie repeated. She looked around at all the ponies assembled. “I told you you’d make friends in medical school,” she murmured. “Did they help me escape? I... I guess this calls for a...” She shook her head. “I don’t remember.” “A party?” the Doctor supplied with a knowing smile. Pinkie flinched. Before the Doctor could respond, Applejack cut in: “You know him, sugar cube?” she asked, clearly taken aback. The pink pony began to giggle. It was quiet at first, but then rose until a grin stretched all the way across Pinkie’s face. “Well, duh, s-silly,” she laughed. “He’s only my favoritest brother in the whole wide universe.” Her laughter died as she looked back at the Doctor. “And... and he saved me,” she added, still incredulous. Applejack must have been imagining things—it almost looked like the pony’s mane had suddenly gotten bigger. No, it was still quite straight and long... Besides, there were more important things than Pinkie’s manecut. "Br… brother?" Soarin looked between the two. The Doctor's dark brown coloring didn't exactly resemble the filly's pink. "She always did look adopted," the Doctor replied. But he couldn't keep the huge grin off his face. It resembled his sister’s, from only moments before. The Doctor had left Pinkie in the infirmary after her check-up and sedative, with firm orders not to disturb Fluttershy. The pink pony was asleep, but there was no telling when she would wake up. Big Mac remained in the room, watching over the sleeping pegasus—and, now, Pinkie. The rest of the crew, including Rainbow Dash and Derpy, had assembled in the dining area. Twi was there, too, looking more and more uncomfortable by the minute. The Doctor sat across the table from the rest of them, under careful scrutiny as he was interrogated. "What. The. Hay," came Applejack's first question. The Doctor smiled sheepishly. "Uh… well. Pinkie is my sister. She's… she was always the odd one out in our family. My parents were the owners of a terraforming company—specialized in rock structures and such. My father had different plans for me, though. He wanted me to be a doctor. And… well, I became one. Anyway, Pinkie was always different. All of us were gray or brown… with gray or brown manes. Then there's Pinkie." He grinned to himself, looking down. "She was the second sibling. My parents didn't know what to do." "Me and Mac ain’t too twinnish, either. Ain't the end of the world. Get on with it, now," Applejack prodded him. "Patience, dear," Rarity replied. "Perhaps the next time you think of something rude, you can keep it to yourself. You really are too honest, sometimes." "Honest. Ha. I know you, Rare. That's your diplomatic Coltpaniony word for—” "Both of you, shh! Apparently we’re on the run from Alliance because of this colt. Can you put your eternal bickering aside for once so we can hear why we’re risking our hides?" Rainbow Dash sighed. The Doctor continued. "Pinkie was also extremely gifted. Truly. She... she had something like unicorn magic. She could predict things and... she could really do some creepy things, at times. Nobody really knew how. But the thing she was best at was putting smiles on ponies' faces." Derpy smiled in response. "I like her already!" she exclaimed. "Sometimes it gets a little depressing around here." "Borrr-ing," Dash groaned. "More about the creepy things, please." "Just… well, it's not really that interesting," the Doctor replied, moving on. "Anyway, this government-sponsored academy contacted us. They wanted her as a student. We'd never heard of it, but Pinkie wanted to go. She never liked school much, but she wanted to make new friends. Mom and Dad wanted her to stay, to take over the business. I was off at medical school and our other sisters were still quite young. But I helped convince them to let her go. My younger sisters took over the family business.” The stallion shrugged. “And… well, she loved it at first. Sent me all kinds of cards." He stopped for a moment, exhaling. This was where the story got hard to tell. "She always had a big card collection. Birthdays, holidays, half-birthdays, quarter-birthdays..." Soarin glanced over at Applejack. Her face was stoic, unreadable. If he had to guess, she was thinking of her own sister, Apple Bloom. "Then she stopped sending me cards. For a long time, nothing. My... my birthday passed. Then, this one card that didn't make any sense. It was a card congratulating me for graduating from high school. I thought it was a joke. I tried to figure it out for a long time. Then, I realized… the card was in code. It just said help." The Doctor looked up at the crew. "I looked into it. I heard... I heard that the ponies were being hurt. They were doing things to them. Our... our government, Celestia, was hurting my sister." "Dear, that's terrible,” Rarity said softly after a moment. “To imagine the Harmony Alliance would harm innocent fillies...” Applejack snorted, and the Coltpanion ignored her, continuing: “I'm so sorry we ever thought it was anything… well, unseemly," Rarity apologized. "So you took her out of the school? That certainly can't be a crime." "It can under the Alliance," Soarin cracked. "You had to break her out," he guessed. "Right. For a long time, I couldn't do a thing. Then some ponies contacted me. To this day, I don't know who they were. But they needed money. Funding, really. They said if I gave them money, they'd get her out. In... in a box. I could pick her up on Persepony and then… we'd be free," the Doctor explained. "Except not. ‘Cause now you're fugitives," Applejack added. "And that's why the fed's here. That's why the fed shot Fluttershy." She stood up, walking away from the group. "It's a sad story, Doc. But it sure as hay ain't worse than them in the Outer Rim who got no money to fix things." "I'm sorry for bringing you trouble." The Doctor's eyes were on Applejack, whose back was to him. "I truly am. I just… needed to run. I had no idea I was being trailed." Applejack spun around. "You almost got one of our crew killed!" she spat. "Ain't no excuse for that. And I don't just hoof out forgivenesses to ponies who hurt one of mine. No matter how sorry their story is." "Have some compassion, Applejack!" Rarity gasped. "Think of Fluttershy. What would she do in this situation? I dare say she wouldn't hold this grudge against this poor colt who didn't even know what he was doing. He wasn't the one who shot her!" What was it about Rarity's words that always angered Applejack so much? It was true: she listened to the advice of Soarin, Mac, Fluttershy, anypony else but Rarity. Well, she was just a Coltpanion anyway. She didn't know anything about keeping them flying. "Compassion. Fine. Fluttershy lives, you and your sister can walk away from us on Whitefoal. We still got a job to do there." "And if…?" the Doctor ventured to ask. "If she dies?" Applejack enunciated, voice accusatory. "If she dies, then y'all can walk away from us a whole lot sooner than Whitefoal." "No!" Derpy yelped. Everypony looked towards her. "You can't do that. You're just going to kill them? Captain, no," she begged. "That’s no better than the fed who shot Fluttershy." "It's called justice, Derpy. You know just as well as the rest of us how things go up here in the sky." "I don't." Twi's voice was calm as she finally spoke up. The rest of them turned to look at her. "I'm new to this, too. And I can't say I like what I've seen so far. He didn't mean to hurt anypony. Don't you understand what it's like to lose a sibling? You… you would do anything to get him back. Or… or her.” She looked back towards Applejack, determined. “Captain, you can't tell me that if somepony coltnapped Big Sam, you wouldn't do everything in your power to get him back." Rainbow Dash coughed. "Big Mac," she corrected. Applejack's mouth twitched. Then, disobeying her, it twisted into a tiny smile. The thought of 'Big Sam' being hauled away by captors was just too humorous. "Anyway, I think I'll be staying behind when you reach Whitefoal. I… I just don't think I have what it takes to be a… well, a space pony." Twi shrugged. "Not all of us are as heartless as Applejack, dear." Rarity's snide comment wiped the smile straight off the captain's face. "Now that's not fair," Derpy protested. "No, no. It's fine,” AJ growled. “We all know whores have the biggest hearts. They gotta share a piece with every damn pony in the 'verse." Applejack rose and left the room without glancing back. As far as she was concerned, Rarity could stay behind in Whitefoal, too. Good riddance to perfumed trash. Applejack and Mac headed to the passengers’ quarters, leaving the Doctor and Soarin in charge of the infirmary. AJ had caught Big Mac up with the Doctor's story, and the plowpony had witnessed firsthoof the odd antics of Pinkie when she was brought into the infirmary, claiming Mac looked like a ghost she’d once met. As the siblings walked downstairs, Applejack turned her head slightly to look back at her brother. "Now, you don't need to do much. Just scare her. A pretty little pony from pretty little Persepony is gonna think twice about dealin’ with you if she don't hafta." "Eeyup. I can handle it," Mac replied in a low voice as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Not the first time I’ve done this, y'know." "Not the last either, I reckon." Applejack slid open the door to the room that housed Octavia. She was conscious now, tied up, a gag over her mouth. AJ flipped the lights on and yanked out the gag. "Howdy, music doc. How's your head?" "It's been better," Octavia snapped, glaring up at the captain. "Well, I sure am sorry about my big brother's behavior. He tends to get a mite angry when feds go shootin' at his best friends." AJ shrugged. "Stallions, right? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em." "Does this have a point?" AJ chuckled. "Aw, you educated ponies. Always wanting to get to the point. The point is, Octy, you know a coupla things I’d liked shared. Like, say, how much the Alliance knows about us. What exactly was in the message you sent. Those kinda specifics." She leaned down towards Octavia. "Is that enough of a point for you, sugar cube? Or should I have my brother bring out his favorite knife?" "That will do," Octavia replied, the haughty look slipping for a moment. "Good. She's all yours, Mac. Now, try not to get the place too messy. It was sure tough to clean up all them blood and guts after last time." Applejack headed out of the room, smirk on her face. It wasn’t entirely a joke. "There’s no need for theatrics. I’ll tell you the information right now,” Octavia said as soon as the door closed after Applejack. "I sent everything to them. They have enough about you and your crew to start a whole library." "Well, that's sure more than I know about us. Don't reckon I know what you learned about us all in such a short time. Guess you got better powers of observation than me and my folk," Mac replied. "Most of it was about that pony who calls himself the Doctor. Do you even know what's going on?" Octavia paused, frowning. "I do feel sorry for you. Getting mixed up in trouble you don't even understand." "What's there to understand about a clock-fixin' pony?" "He lied. He's not who he said he is. The box he has with him--it contains something very valuable. The government won't stop until they get it." "Let me guess, pink pony with mood swings who sees ghosties?" Octavia's face paled. "You know?" "Shoot, who on board don't know? That filly’s loud when she’s laughin’ and loud when she’s screamin’. Had to sedate her in the infirmary, though I reckon that ain't related to her energy level. She's restin' calm in there now. Same as Fluttershy. Remember her?" "The… the pony that startled me." Now it was Mac's turn to lean in close to Octavia. "Naw, she ain't the pony that startled you. She's the pony you shot with your fancy Core weapons, you Persepony bidatam." Octavia stared at him, eyes wide. Big Mac leaned back. "Now, I ain't much one for swearin’, but you deserved that. Hay, I could go on and you'd deserve that too." "It w-was an accident." Her voice was softer. "Don't care. You hurt Fluttershy, and frankly, that's all that matters here on this ship. That and giving you your dues." "The pony in the box—her life is more important to the Harmony Alliance than anypony else's. If you kill me, they won't stop coming after her. They won’t care if I hurt this Fluttershy in the grand scheme of things.” Mac's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I ain't gonna kill you. That'd be too easy. I'll take an ear, maybe a hoof, work away on you till you talk. Till you tell us what you sent in your message." "This isn't fair," Octavia argued. "I told you, they know everything! You're just angry at me. You want to punish me for shooting your friend. Look…” She took a deep breath, composing herself. “I get that. I’m not a monster. I’m an equine being just like you. Just because we're on opposite sides doesn't mean I don't have ponies I care about, too. Ponies I wouldn't do anything to protect. I… I have this one special filly." Her face was reddening now, and she looked down at the ground. "She might get on my nerves, but the truth is, if something happened to her, I wouldn't stop until… well…" "Justice had been served." "Well, yes,” Octavia admitted. “So... I understand how you feel." "Anypony ever shot that filly of yours?" His voice was cold. "Well… no." "Then no, you don't understand how I feel," Mac nearly shouted. Octavia shrunk down slightly. "Y-yes… I'm sorry. I just…" "Now answer me. How much do they know?" "Everything." "Try telling the truth this time." "Everything," Octavia insisted. Big Mac stared down at her, his determined expression meeting her fearful one. "They don't know nothing, do they?" he asked a moment later, voice softer. Octavia sighed, finally admitting defeat. "Fine. They know about the pink pony. And her brother." She looked back up to Mac. "Now, you have to realize how much that pony is worth. Lots of money. And I mean lots. More than you can possibly imagine. If you help me, keep me alive so I can get back home to the ponies I love, I'll give you enough money you can buy your own ship. I mean… come on. I see how your sister orders you around. You're the older sibling, and still you have to do what she says? You deserve to be captain. Give someone else orders for once." Mac never knew he was that easy to read. He had always prided himself on keeping his emotions under check. Nobody could ever tell what he was thinking. Yet, it seemed Octavia had figured him out more easily than he thought possible. The truth was, he did mind being under Applejack's command. He loved his sister, but he was older. Working for his younger sister was… well, just plain embarrassing. It wasn't as if he wasn't capable of leading his own crew, but money was tight. It always had been. Applejack had come to him, asked him for some money when she was looking to buy Sereinity. She had paid for most of the ship herself, and Soarin and Fluttershy had gone in on the other parts. But it still hadn't been completely paid for, and that was where Mac came in. AJ owned the ship by law, and was paying them back for it steadily. Big Mac saved his money dutifully, but it wouldn't come close to enough if he wanted to buy his own ship. Not for several more salvages, anyway. "I can see I've got you thinking. There are lots of options for a first-time captain. So many ships to choose from. New, comfortable ones, not like this trash heap old model." "Does helping you get home mean I hafta turn in the pink pony and her brother?" Mac asked. "It does. I knew you were smarter than you looked." "I sure am. I bet with all the bits you give me I could pay my way through school, too. Get a fancy degree like you." Octavia smiled. When Big Mac resurfaced from the passenger quarters, he heard voices coming from the infirmary. Taking off at a gallop, he reached the doors in a couple of minutes and looked in, afraid of what he was going to see. The whole crew had seemingly gathered inside, surrounding Fluttershy's bed. "Is she all right?" he called as he entered the room. Applejack looked up, smiling. "She's awake, Mac." Soarin and Rainbow Dash moved slightly, giving room for Big Mac to see Fluttershy. She lay in the bed, her head propped up by pillows. "Hi, Big Mac," she said with a tired smile. "Hey there, Sharp," he replied, using his nickname for her. "You feelin' okay?" "Yes, just a little sleepy." Rarity and Derpy entered the room, carrying a drinking glass and blankets. "Here, darling," Rarity said as she used her magic to float the blankets on top of Fluttershy one by one, tucking her in. "Are you cozy now?" "Yes, thank you," Fluttershy replied. "I… I don't want to trouble everypony. I'm feeling better. The bleeding stopped and everything. I can probably get up now." She tried to sit up, to the chorus of "no!"s from everypony else in the room. "Don't want that stomach wound to open up again, do you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah, come on, Fluttershy. You of all ponies know you have to heal. Were you an army doctor, or were you an army doctor?" Soarin joked. "Medic," Fluttershy corrected, her eyelids starting to close. "Um, if… if it's okay with everypony, I think I might be falling asleep…" "Not okay, sugar cube," Applejack replied with a grin. "Come on, let's let her get some shut eye." She moved past everypony, leaving the room. "Mac, you wanna stay behind this time?" There it was again. The ordering. It hadn’t been direct, but it was enough to irk him anyway. "Eeyup," Mac replied, watching the others leave. They seemed so sure Fluttershy was out of danger, but Big Mac wasn't. He turned to look at the Doctor, sitting at the foot of the other bed where the pink pony lay. They weren't out of danger yet, either.