Mama Applejack

by Ace Pony Stories

Everything’s different Everything’s normal

“How- How could-“ Applejack stuttered as she stared at the photo on the wall. Out of all the ponies in the picture two of them stuck out to the mare, a yellow stallion with a red mane who was wearing the same hat she wore and a beige coated mare with an orange mane with a hair band coloured the same as her eyes. “Ma, Dad? How’re they in this-“ Applejack couldn’t finish her statement with everything that was going through her mind. This picture was just like the one they’d taken when Starlight, Discord, Trixie and Thorax received the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage but Starlight and Sunburst were absent and her parents were standing with her and her family.

“Abbajack wats wwong?” Twilight asked. The tiny alicorn looked at the picture to see a stallion and mare standing with Applejack and her family. It didn’t take long for the foal to figure out it was Applejack’s parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter or Buttercup as most in town called her. Twilight never met them, at least that she remembered but the foal version of herself in this universe definitely had.

Applejack just stared at the picture as she noticed more pictures her parents were in after a few minutes she head Twilight’s calls, “Abbajack!”

Applejack snapped out of her trance, “Ye-Yes Twi. What do you want? Is something wrong?”

Twilight shook her head, “No you wewe jus staweing at da potos fow wike fwee minutes.”

Applejack sighed, “Ah, know it’s just ah can’t believe mah parents are in this picture.”

Twilight said, “I unewstand.” the foal turned to the pictures, “I gwuess the speww did mowe dan we fiwst tought.”

Applejack nodded, “Ah wonder if anypony knows what’s goin’ on? The others are actin’ like nothin’s out of the ordinary.”

“Applejack!” a mare’s voice exclaimed.

“Ah!” Applejack gasped. An instinct somewhere in the back of her mind kicked in pulling Twilight closer to her as she turned around seeing a Pink earth pony mare behind them. It was Pinkie Pie, “Y-yes Pinkie somethin’ wrong?”

“No, the girls are just wondering what’s taking so long.” Pinkie said, “Little Twily seems just fine now.”

“Don’ caw me Twiwy!” Twilight said remembering how her now former brother called her that name.

“Awww you’re so cute what do you think she said AJ?” Pinkie asked not understanding the foal.

“Wh-why Do ya ask?” Applejack stuttered making sure to keep her promise to Twilight to not draw too much attention.

“Oh, just cause I always wonder what babies are saying when they make those adorable little babbling noises.” the pink mare exclaimed.

Applejack glanced to Twilight who’s look told her what the answer was, “Well, guess the only one who knows what she’s saying is her.”

Pinkie tilted her head, “Are you sure cause you can always tell when she’s hungry when she wants her bottle, her favourite toys or just hugs. Well then again Mrs. Cake always knows when Pound and Pumpkin want something and Princess Cadance knows when Flurry Heart wants something. So is it just mom thing? the pink mare asked.

Applejack wanted to speak up about the situation but remembered what Twilight had said, “Yeah ah guess it is.”

“Ok, are you gonna come to throne room now?” Pinkie asked.

Applejack turned to Twilight who nodded, “Sure.” The earth pony said. The orange mare picked the alicorn foal up. Placing her on her back and left the room and walked to the throne room after entering Rarity asked, “Is Twilight alright?”

Applejack nodded, “Yeah, she just needed a little time.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I thought that was all she needed.”

“So whatcha doing today AJ,” Rainbow asked.

“Ah, don’ know.” Applejack answered

“Well, I’m sure you’ll find something. But before you do I think you have a little tummy to feed.” Fluttershy stated

Applejack for a second didn’t know what the shy pegasus ment but immediately remembered the alicorn on her back. The earth pony then heard a small but noticeable growling noise.

Twilight blushed. But when her stomach growled again but this time instead of blushing a part of her mind caused her to start crying.

Applejack reached on to her back and held Twilight with a forehoof, “Ah guess yer hungry are ya.”

The foal stopped crying after a few seconds of Applejack gently rocking her. The earth pony left to go to the kitchen to get some foal food with how everything was going there was bound to be some. After entering the kitchen Applejack found there was a high chair set up by the crystal table.

The earth pony sat the foal in the high chair. Twilight grumbled something like, “dis iws humiwiating.”

Rarity chuckled at the foal’s expression, “Well somepony’s a little grumpy.”

“Oh! Just look at those chubby cheeks!” Fluttershy cooed. softly squishing the foal’s little face.

Applejack came back over to the table carrying a small jar with a spoon and bottle on her back. The earth pony had to restrain a chuckle at her ‘daughter’s’ reaction to their friends babying her.

“Ok Twilight time for breakfast!” Applejack opened the jar placing the bottle on the table. After using the spoon to take a little scoop of the mushy food from the jar she tried giving the food to Twilight.

The alicorn turned away from it several times but after hearing her stomach growl again she reluctantly ate the food. Applejack took another scoop this time Twilight quickly ate it.

After emptying the jar one spoonful at a time, Applejack gave Twilight the bottle. Twilight grabbed the bottle with her tiny hooves and started to drink. This was still humiliating but she was thirsty and didn’t care how it was fixed. Twilight finished the bottle of what was obviously breastmilk. The alicorn could tell because the drink tasted very different from formula. As she was thinking the foal felt an unpleasant feeling in her stomach. Applejack realizing what was happening picked up the foal put her head over her shoulder and started to pat Twilight’s back. After a good five or six pats, the alicorn let out a little burp.

After Applejack had her own breakfast and her friends left to do what they planned, she and Twilight started talking, “So, what‘cha ya think we should do Twi?”

“Can we check awound town I wan’ to see what ewse is diffewent befowe we do anyting ewse,” Twilight stated.

Applejack questioned, “Why? Can’t ya jus’ undo the spell now?”

“No, not onwy am I a foaw now so I wikewy don’ have much contwow of my magwic. But I couwdn’t do it by mysewf anyway I don’ have enough magwic. I need Starwwight and Sunbuwst to cast it again.” Twilight shook her head.

Applejack nodded and returned to the room she woke up in remembering she saw a foal carrier by the crib.

Applejack put on the foal carrier and tightened the strap around her waist and putting Twilight in it, “Ya ready.”

Twilight nodded.

After Applejack got to the front door of the castle and left the building to see a big surprise the castle wasn’t where the two remembered instead it was right by Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack with her mouth open from shook asked, “J-jus’ how much did that spell change Twi?”

“I don’ know we aweady know it made you my mama, changed evewypony’s memowies except ours, bwought back your pawents and now the castle is on the opposite side of town.” Twilight glanced around the farm.

As the earth pony walked down the steps and into the familiar orchard she looked around the orchard was the exact same as she remembered until she ran into an older mare. Her mother Buttercup or to go by her real name Pear Butter.

“Applejack, good morning!” Pear Butter smiled before coming over to hug her daughter.

“Ma.” Applejack returned the hug, “Yer alive!” the younger mare thought feeling tears welling up.

After a minute Pear Butter realized how long her daughter kept the hug up holding on to her as if she was about to disappear, “Is something wrong AJ? Why are ya crying.”

Applejack realized she was crying as her mother said, “No everything’s fine ah jus’ had somethin’ in mah eyes.

Pear Butter took a moment noticing her daughter wasn’t telling the total truth but moved to see the little alicorn in the foal carrier “Good morning to you too Twilight!” the mare said tickling her granddaughter’s belly.

Twilight couldn’t stop herself from giggling like a baby. Trying to grab the mare’s hoof.

Pear Butter smiled at the foal’s laugh and chuckled a little herself, “What are ya doing today?”

“Jus’ gonna take Twilight around town.” the younger earth pony replied.

The older mare nodded, “Ok, why don’t ya take her to the farm first Ah’m sure she wants to see her family!”

Applejack smiled, “Ok Ah-ah’ll do that!”

“Good!” Pear Butter kissed the two younger ponies.

After the mare kissed her Twilight instinctively put her tiny hooves out trying to grab the mare’s muzzle. Despite not knowing this mare she felt sad when the mare pulled away.

“Oooh don’t be sad!” Pear Butter said nuzzling the little pony.

Twilight giggled, “Gwanma!” she said grabbing the mare’s muzzle without fully realizing it or what she’d called the mare.

Pear Butter smiled, “That’s better. ”

After saying goodbye Applejack turned and started walking towards the farmhouse. Once her mother was a safe distance away and out of earshot, “What was that about?”

“I don’ know she nuzzwed me an’ I wost contwow of mysewf!” Twilight explained embarrassed.

“Well ya said to blend in and yer definitely doin’ that.” Applejack said.

The foal grumbled at the mare’s statement.

Soon enough the mare had reached the red barn she’d called home for her whole life. As she pulled the door open letting herself in, she heard the voice of a stallion, her father Bright Macintosh. “Mornin’ Applejack!”

“M-Mornin’ Dad. How’re ya today? “ Applejack returned the greeting trying her best to not breakdown.

Bright Mac smiled “Good how’re ya and Twilight doin’ today?”

“A-Ah’m d-doin’ good and Twi’s-“ Applejack glanced back to her ‘daughter’, “-she’s good too.”

Bright Mac noticed his daughter’s hesitation, “Applejack are ya ok?”

“Y-yeah A-Ah’m ok.” Applejack responded.

Bright Mac paused, “Ok if ya say so. Have ya had breakfast yet?”

“Y-yeah Ah have.” Applejack answered, “Jus’ came by to see ya.”

The stallion replied, “Thanks. Hey Apple Bloom and her friends are in the other room. She’d love to see her niece.”

Twilight grumbled again now the filly she’d once taught was her aunt, “Now Iw’m jus’ a hewpwess foaw.”

Applejack stepped into the living room seeing five little fillies specifically her little sister and her friends, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom turned to see her big sister with her niece in a foal carrier, “Applejack!” the filly ran over to the mare giving the other earth pony a quick hug before going over to her niece, “Hi Twilight!” she said standing on her hind legs and nuzzling the foal.

Twilight just giggled grabbing the filly’s muzzle.

“Can Ah hold her?” Apple Bloom smiled.

Applejack paused for a moment she knew the alicorn wasn’t going to like this but like she said they had to blend in so the orange mare took the foal out of the carrier and gently handed her over to her young sister, “Be careful.”

“Ah will.” Apple Bloom beamed she reached her hoof out keeping her niece’s head safely on her forehoof.

Twilight grumbled at being held like an infant.

Apple Bloom just smiled giving the baby filly a prolonged nuzzle, “Why ya so grumpy? Wake up on the wrong side of the crib? Aren’t ya happy to see me?”

Applejack smirked at what her little sister had said.

Twilight although still frustrated did giggle after her ‘aunt’ started ticking her and blowing into her stomach, “There’s a smile!”

Apple Bloom brought the foal over to her friends, “Hey girls, Applejack brought Twilight.”

The other fillies came over to the yellow earth pony as she sat up on the couch.

“Ooooh, she’s so cute! Look her little hooves just so eeee!” Sweetie cooed squishing her own cheeks.

“Hard to believe a foal was able to become an alicorn while still in diapers.” Diamond stated.

“And saved Equestria!” Scootaloo smiled.

Twilight pouted slightly, “Why did dis happen to me.” Her pouting only made the fillies give more comments about how cute she looked.

“Oh! Ya forgot Appee here last night Ah’ll go get her.” The filly said, “Do ya wanna hold her Sweetie?”

The unicorn chirped a bit loudly, “Yes!”

Twilight slightly flinched at the sudden loud noise from the young unicorn. Covering her head felt like she would start crying.

Sweetie covered her mouth as the foal started whimpering with small tears in her eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to scare her.”

Apple Bloom pulled the foal up to her chest resting the foal’s head on her shoulder, “Don’t cry Twilight.” in a repeat of earlier like with Applejack, Apple Bloom’s voice had a certain comforting familiar feeling to it.

Making some unintelligible babbling without noticing herself. The foal found herself cuddling into the yellow earth pony. Apple Bloom smiled pulling the foal away from her and softly letting Sweetie Belle hold the alicorn.

“Hi.” Sweetie smiled at the foal.

Twilight just glanced over to her ‘aunt’ as she disappeared up the stairs the foal turned her head back to the filly she was currently being held by, “Don’t worry your auntie will be back soon.” The white unicorn assured the foal.

The other fillies all gathered around the foal with Sweetie starting to play Peak a boo with the others joining in a little.

Twilight found herself smiling and giggling every time the fillies pulled their hooves away saying things like, “Boo, There she’s is and here I am or we are.”

Apple Bloom came down the stairs holding a small red earth pony plush in her hoof. Turning to her sister the filly asked, “Did Twilight sleep well without Appee. Ya know how she gets without her.”

Applejack paused before replying, “I-it did take a while fer her to get to sleep.” In truth, she didn’t remember yesterday of this weird reality.

Apple Bloom smiled as she stepped back over to the couch. “Ah’m back.”

Sweetie turned the foal to face her aunt still keeping a hold of her.

“What’s that?” Diamond asked.

“It’s Twilight favourite toy Appee.” Apple Bloom said. “She left her here yesterday an’ Ah found her this mornin’.”

Twilight started reaching out with her hooves, “Abbee!” She cried wanting the doll.

Applejack came over as soon as her sister gave the foal the red toy. “Everythin’ alright?”

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom smiled.

“Well, hate to break up yer fun but Twilight and Ah gotta go.” Applejack said stopping a stutter.

“Awww!” Apple Bloom sighed.

Applejack picked the foal up putting her in the foal carrier.

With the fillies waving goodbye the mare made her way back out giving her father a quick hug before making her way into town.

“Do ya think Starlight an’ Sunburst are in town?”

Twilight keeping hold of her toy could only shake her head, “I don’ know anymowe. Just ask somepony if they know a pony named Stawwight Gwimmew ow Sunbuwst.”

“Ok keep blending in right?” Applejack asked.

The foal nodded.

“It’s easy fer you only Ah can tell what yer saying. But Ah have to lie to everypony even mah family.” Applejack sighed, “An’ when we get out of this Ah’ll have to say goodbye to mah parents..... again.” the earth pony teared up.

Twilight tried to reach over a wipe the tear but couldn’t reach. Applejack noticing did so herself. “Thanks, are ya gettin’ hungry it’s been a while fer a foal.”

Twilight blushed nodding as her tiny stomach growled, “Ok.”

Applejack walked over on to the grass and took out a bottle from her saddlebag and holding Twilight in a fore hoof started giving the milk. Twilight instinctively started suckling the teat of the bottle. As the foal drank Applejack looked around seeing foals playing mares and stallions talking.

Soon a mare came up Applejack recognized her as Bon Bon, “Hey Applejack.”

“Hi, Bon Bon whatcha need?” Applejack asked taking the now empty bottle out of Twilight’s mouth.

“Just passing by.” Bon Bon responded, “See you later.”

“Abbajack!” Twilight reminded the orange mare of the two unicorns they were looking for.

“Wait jus’ a question.” Applejack spoke up.

Bon Bon turned her head back to the other earth pony, “What is it?”

“Have ya seen anypony called Starlight Glimmer or Sunburst?”

Bon Bon paused, “No I’ve never heard of anypony with those names.”

Applejack recoiled dropping the bottle.

Twilight physically reacted to the mare’s statement Bon Bon definitely knew Starlight but she just said she didn’t.

Bon Bon looked down to the foal who seemed distressed, “Poor thing something must have startled her.”

“Uh. Y-yeah.” Applejack responded picking up the bottle brushing it off before placing back in her bag. “Ah’ll see ya around.”

“Ok.” Bon Bon said.

After placing Twilight back in the foal carrier started walking into town. Their hope of finding the unicorns flickering slightly.