//------------------------------// // Three: Eyes of Fire // Story: Stereoheart // by FimFan14 //------------------------------// Stereo sat up in bed, immediately noticing that Frisky was already gone. “Frisky!” He yelled as he made his way down the stairs. “In the kitchen!” Came the reply. Stereo entered to find Frisky, finishing a bowl of Pony-O’s, Equestria’s favorite cereal. Another bowl was waiting for him on the other side of the table, which Stereo sat down and began to eat. “Did you sleep well?” He asked. “Yep,” Frisky replied happily. “No nightmares.” “That’s good,” Stereo said, guzzling his cereal. “We need to leave, were already late.” Frisky looked at a nearby wall clock, which read 8:15. “Let’s go then, school starts in ten minutes!’ He said, before rushing out the door. The walk to school took about that long, the two only just arriving at their classes in time. “Be quiet, class,” the teacher, Miss Sky said. Everypony went silent fairly quickly. “Thank you. Today, class, we are learning about cutie marks. I know that most of you already have your cutie marks, but it is still important that you know what they signify.” A few students began to snigger at the expense of the blank flanks in the room, Stereo being one himself. Suffice to say that being laughed at something that was their problem just a few weeks ago was never a good feeling. It was almost like… betrayal. Ponies are teased for being blank-flanks, but then do the same to other blank-flanks when they get their own cutie mark. "Now, everypony gets their cutie mark eventually," Miss Sky continued. "An old mare’s tale states that, no matter how difficult somepony's life is, the 'will of Equestria' will force events that will lead to our special talent. Sometimes these will be subtle, such as a single thought; or something huge, such as a natural disaster. Of course, that was just an old mare’s tale. It does have merit, though. It shows that everypony gets their cutie mark eventually, and that part is true. Nopony has ever grown old a blank-flank." "Maybe Stereoheart will be the first!" A student yelled from the back. Most of the class laughed at the comment, and Stereo was glad for once that he was at the front of the class, and only Miss Sky could see his shock. What really peeved him off, however, was that the particular student that made that comment had gotten his cutie mark last Friday. "Rainchaser, be quiet!" Miss Sky said sternly. "While you fly around chasing rain clouds, Stereo here gets to spend his time deciding what he wants to be." As she finished that comment, the break bell rang. "Have a nice recess!" She yelled. "See you in half an hour!" *** At the end of the day, Stereo still found himself depressed about the blank-flank issue as he walked the hallways of the school. Miss Sky's comment gave little comfort. But now that he thought about it, Rainchaser chased rainclouds. As far as Stereo knew, nothing was done with the clouds. He just... chased them. Like a dog. Stereo continued walking, eventually reaching the main entrance. He walked out, expecting to see Frisky waiting for him. He wasn't, but what he did see connected a circuit in his brain, one that bypassed functions such as forethought and higher reasoning. Just about five yards away, he noticed three larger colts beating Frisky. Stereo must have nearly flown the distance, ending up in-between Frisky and the bullies. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Stereo shouted; noticing, but not caring that they were bigger than him as well. "What are you gonna do about it?" The obvious leader of the trio said. Stereo activated some magic in his horn, making it glow, purely for intimidation. He felt a tingling sensation in his eyes. He recognized the rare symptom. It meant that they had made him really angry. "Beat him again, and I'll show you!" The three bullies got a little apprehensive, noticing his anger symptom as his eyes transitioning slowly from purple, to pink, and then rested between there and red. "What happened to your eyes? They're red." "Yeah," Stereo replied. "They do that. But only when I'm gonna kick somepony's flank in!" "You're getting it now!" The leader yelled, turning around to buck him in the face, Stereo having only a few seconds to react. If levitation could be likened to picking something up with your hand, then what Stereo did could be likened to holding them in front of you. In relation, the spell would be pretty weak; but taking into account that actions seemed to be stronger through magic, he managed to conjure a fairly strong shield in less than a second. That was, if it could be called a shield. Like mentioned, it was more like holding ones arms in front of them. Stereo held his ground, his makeshift shield providing defense as he cried at his brother to yell. With every buck, however, the area that made contact with the shield glowed pink-red, and his head throbbed painfully. It was taking its toll. He was running out of time, but a life saver came from the school building; a teacher, yelling at the bullies to stop. As they did, the color returned to his eyes as he passed out on the ground. *** A cloaked thief prowled the alleyways, looking for escape after a bountiful heist. Being the lone witness, Stereo yells, "Stop," but to no avail. He gives chase, unsure as to why he feels so bold, or why the entire situation feels so surreal. The, the thief dissolves. Stereo is confused, until somepony speaks from behind him. "Stereoheart, you are dreaming again," she says. "Gumala?" Stereo says, rather sluggishly. "I almost got beaten up. How was your day?" "You're still rather lucid when we communicate," Gumala said. "You came closer to your destiny today, if only slightly." "What did I do?" He replied drunkenly. "I can't tell you, as will be most cases," Gumala replied. "The only reason I am permitted to join you here is for... moral support. You are under a great deal of stress, which you may relieve here once you become literate. I suspect that time to be fast approaching." Stereo nodded in understanding. "Unfortunately, I bring you bad news. You are in imminent danger. I would be extremely careful tomorrow, but I cannot recommend what you should do, as my word can divert you from you path. For that, I simply am incapable of giving advice." The vision began to fade. "Remember, Stereoheart, be careful." Author's note: I apologize for the short chapter. The reason I do this is because I have already written this story, and find this to be the best way to divide it into chapters. I am also pre-formatting the chapters in FimFiction, which means that I can update on my Ipod on time, every single day. Were almost half-way through the first story arc, so enjoy!