Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 39: Crime and Punishment

"While I have done many a questionable thing during my reign there are a few action I have never taken and it is a point of pride: I have never tortured someone for the sake of torture. Ghastly things have I ordered done to those who deserved it and never for petty things, but only for the highest of crimes. But even they who have suffered at my hands can be counted on only one hand. We do not torture, we punish. Fareed however, was in a league all his own for crime and punishment."

The entire palace was on edge today, the servants were so jumpy they acted more like a flock of birds ready to take flight at the mere mention of the word "cat." Even the advisors had evacuated the throne room, though in their case it was because Fareed had ordered it much to their relief. No one wanted to be there for whatever was to come. The only ones permitted anywhere near the throne room were a handful of carefully picked guards, Xerin, Fareed and of course, the nine stallions and mares who had been drug in early that morning.

There was no need to question as to where they had come from if one went by their garb for seven were bandits and two were former officers in the army. That morning Fareed had been quite amiable and even smiled as he had gone through his morning paces. No one had been ordered whipped while even the servants and slaves along with the other myriad of staff that kept the place running were relaxed. In about half a second that had changed.

A messenger had arrived with a letter for General Xerin, upon unraveling it and giving it a quick read a twisted smile crossed his face. Rolling it back up he presented it to Fareed and as the sultan scanned the brief document his eyes changed from one of general happiness with affairs to a hard, twisted gleam. Not a single advisor opened their mouths in what would have been a daring feat of bravery as they had all seen that look before. It was the look Fareed got when someone had been caught who at some point wronged him on a larger scale.

Silence reigned for an eternity as Fareed sat back on his throne and stared off blankly, caught up in his own thoughts while humming quietly. Were they dismissed for the day? Had one of them been accused or caught for something they did not yet know of? Too many possibilities raged in the minds of those gathered but not a peep was heard from them as they all looked back and forth between each other wondering who was going to suffer the sultans ire today.

Matters turned even worse for them when Fareed waved a guard over and began speaking quickly with the advisors being unfortunate enough to hear every word of his request. Nodding quickly the guard rushed from the opulent throne room to bring what had been requested and it left no room for doubt that someone was going to die today. Fareed's executioner had been requested and was to be instructed to bring all of his tools along with whatever assistance he would require. This combination was not entirely new to them as he had a penchant for watching as punishment was carried out in the throne room.

Fareed did however, draw the line at anything that would cause too much bleeding. Such as a beheading, such matters were better conducted outside where the public could see and learn from it. But no, today was different. Today his request had been quite specific and eerily complete while the look on his face and the fact his executioner had been called for were more than enough to know what was going to happen: someone was going to be tortured to death while someone else watched. A point, an example was going to be made because someone, somewhere had forgotten their place in the pecking order and done something so grievous that it required a special touch.

Nerves were frayed from the outset of activity and as time ticked on Fareed did not dismiss anyone. This simple act caused many present to worry deeply for their own lives as they each began to wonder what they might have possibly done to upset their sultan. Several wondered if they had said something outside of the throne room that had brought about some unforeseen circumstance, perhaps they overstepped a boundary?

Fareed merely stared off, boiling quietly in his own blood before his eyes snapped to those present, having finally realizing they were still in his presence. With a glare and wave of the hand the advisors evacuated the room along with the servants, eager to escape and not bear witness to things yet to come.

Closing his eyes and leaning back the sultan twisted his head slightly towards Xerin. "Where were they caught? The scroll only says so much..."

"I believe they were caught trying to reach Kogil but your agents caught up with them before they arrived. The others were taken directly from their camps without incident."

"No assault was required?"

Xerin smiled. "When my soldiers arrived and announced their intentions the bandits were quick to turn over the offending ones in exchange for their lives."

"Good." Fareed nodded, "at least some still understand the agreement."

"True sire, but once in a while you have to torture a few in front of the others to remind them."

"Very true... I hope they were not injured?"

"Not a hair on their mane, save one who put up a fight but she should be recovered by now. There was plenty of time to recover on their journey and your agents would not dare deprive you."

"To be perfectly clear the raiders who turned the others in were separated and not to be confused with the others."

"Of course, five were the ones you sought were in charge of the various... "Organizations," that raid the road and the last were those second in command who betrayed them."

"That leaves two missing or who did not have... Assistants."

Giving a shrug Xerin shook his head. "It could not be helped that the bandit chiefs stooges put up a fight when their own kind turned on them. My soldiers were not responsible for bringing them out but merely collecting them."

"Ah... Oh well, what is done is done and the ones I truly want are alive, safe and hopefully healthy."

"Quite healthy if the crying and screaming I heard this morning were theirs."

A solemn grin formed on the sultans face as his personal executioner entered the throne room with a throng of servants bearing what he required to perform his duties. Of medium height, grey fur and missing his right ear the executioner was old, worn but above all, a true master of his craft. It was more a joke that Fareed called him an "executioner" rather than the stallions true title of "Royal Torturer" but it suited him quite well.

Not that either of them cared, it was a simple formality that suited them and thus the name stuck. As Fareed watched the preparations being made so he could properly welcome his "guests" the curious thought crossed his mind that Heinu, ruler of the region the traitors had been caught in, might not be so pleased. After all, his agents had entered Mfui and seized random travelers from the streets and spirited them away without a word, quite normal really as Fareed cared little for asking permission. But, if the foreign ruler was even aware of the incident it might raise some ire not that he really cared. Fareed knew quite well that Heinu would not go to war with him over some of his own who betrayed him. However, it was the principle of the matter that did matter.

As Fareed sat thinking quietly, coals were set alight and as they burned down to a glow his torturer began heating up various implements one after another while the servants who had carried the equipment in were dismissed save a few. Normally he would prefer to make a small spectacle of things in order to force his point home with those gathered but today was quite different. Today, the matters to be settled had to remain behind closed doors and off the books. Permanently.

The utmost discretion was required so only those guards who were of absolute known quantity would remain, Xerin of course was well within the know and his mercenaries who would deliver the prisoners unto him were no doubt hand picked. Both parties fully understood what was going on and that no one outside the throne room must hear of it less some damn fool get it into their head to rebel over it.

"Almost ready sire, but the carpet..."

Nodding at the executioner Fareed waved at the distant guard who slipped from the chambers before ordering others to roll up the carpet. There was no sense getting blood stains all over his richly colored and elaborately designed carpet, it would be a waste and also quite hard to find a new one as rich and elaborate as this one. Carpet removed the room settled into a silence as they waited for the prisoners to be brought in and the hush was only broken by the occasional popping sound as the embers sizzled in their brazier.

Sitting upright when the doors creaked opened Fareed watched with ears perked and eyes riveted as a handful of Xerin's mercenaries dragged several prisoners into the throne room. Some stood walking of their own volition and without any real restraints placed on them and were no doubt the traitors who sold out their bosses in exchange for their own lives. All had been stripped down to various degrees to ensure no weapons or other unpleasantries lay hidden within the confines of their clothes, assuming they had ever worn any proper clothes.

Only a few were completely stripped and left utterly naked save for their iron shackles that bound their wrists and cannons securely. Any attempt to run would be met with disaster as the metal would go taunt at any speed greater than a shuffle, but namely that they would collapse in a heap if they dared to try. That was not the issue here however, instead those shackled were being drug along like a fettered corpse that was still kicking and twitching. Only their muffled protests could be heard as they had been gagged quite thoroughly but the moment the guards dropped them they froze.

Seeming to realize where they now were despite having never seen the interior of the palace proper, the myriad of bound stallions and mares turned their heads back to look upon Fareed's smiling face. A rush of motion broke out as some tried to crawl away from his grinning visage while others tried to beg and plead despite their gags. A few even gave up, going limp while one passed out on the spot after seeing the executioner standing beside his tools waiting patiently.

"Sit them upright so I can properly address them and you." The sultan pointed at those not bound. "You will stand and listen with your mouths shut."

Nodding furiously the traitors backed up a bit and seemed to go rigid thereafter hoping he would at least pretend that they did not exist. There would be no such luck but as Fareed watched the prisoners being forced into kneeling positions he knew their desire would come true more or less. Only this handful were of true interest to him and the others were here merely to bear witness and leave this place so they could warn their ilk. Today, punishment would be served and examples made. Examples that would burn into the others minds and not be so quickly forgotten.

Satisfied with their prostration he gave the order to un-gag them but as they opened their mouths to speak he glared, a simple enough act but they slammed their mouths shut content to shiver and shake in his presence.

"You know... I have a very. Simple. Rule. Do as you are told. How simple can that possibly be? Is it too hard for your simple brains to process? You, traitors. Your only purpose in life is to serve my will where and when I see fit, that meant protecting that merchants convoy and not selling it to them!" He pointed quickly to the bandits before giving out a sigh and closing his eyes while shaking his head. "There is a deal I have with certain merchants of various... Well to do families. Of this you should at least have some degree of understanding as it was explained to you once, yes?"

One hesitated not certain if they should respond before shaking their head as the other stared blankly.

"Ah well... Be it as it may allow me to explain this simple little arrangement so you fully understand how you damaged it, you three in the back... Pay attention." If the three bandits could have turned into insects to make themselves smaller they would have but nodded quickly. "I could care neither head nor hide about the foreign merchants nor some... Petty, common... Peasant merchant that barely makes me enough tax income to be worth my time. Now the noble and wealthy merchants on the other hand..."

Fareed trailed off as he spoke while leaning his head to the side, his eyes roamed back to his prisoners and a glare formed on his face.

"We have an understanding. They receive protection from the army, are free to travel far and wide under my personal protection, pay lower taxes and for it are left to their own ends. In exchange they make certain the coin flows like a river and that anyone who tries to upset the cart is turned in post haste. You see, I cant have everyone being raided or else the coin would stop and despite your low intelligence one can only hope you understand how much trouble that would cause hmm?"

"Now, you three." His attention turned to the officers who flinched. "Your duty was to protect that caravan and act as a marker to the bandits that these merchants were not to be touched under any circumstance. Such sacred trust was betrayed and now those wealthy and noble families are deeply upset with me and are all but demanding, and to my face no less! That reparations be made, would you agree something must be done to set matters right?"

The sultan almost sighed as the buffoons in front of him nodded at first and then realized the executioner was smirking at them before shaking their heads "no" wildly.

"Thus is your lot in life you see? Not only did you betray my agreement... But you betrayed me! ME!" Fareed almost lifted himself off his throne before settling back down again. "Promises were made that the guilty would be punished and gods save your worthless hides I shall make it so! Did you really think you could escape me? Take money from them!" He jabbed a finger at the bandit leaders. "And then I would just let you walk away!?"

Fareed shook his head. "No... No, no you are not smart enough to be officers and as to how you ever achieved your ranks I will never know as I dont care to find out. As for you..." His glare turned to the bandits. "I am not certain who is dumber, these sorry excuses for traitors or you."

"Boss, they offered to leave the caravan in exchange for a cut! We even offered you-"

The filthy and scar riddled zebra mares blustering was cut off quickly when Fareed snapped his fingers. One of Xerin's mercenaries stepped forward quickly and in a flash drew their scimitar and using the flat of it smacked her hard across the jaw. A sharp crack filled the air announcing the damage done and leaning over and moaning loudly in pain as spit, blood and teeth flowed freely from her muzzle.

"And this is why I have the carpet removed before we begin... Now, as you sit there contemplating your stupidity allow me to... Illuminate you. Had you a brain greater than the size of a bean in that dense skull of yours it would be quite clear even to the dimmest of minds that I would not go back on my word. It should have been quite clear they were traitors and that they were violating the agreement, a fact you seem incapable of grasping!"

Rocking his head back he looked up at the ceiling and let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Egh... Yes, you offered me my cut of what would have been the take from your actions but you broke the agreement! Are you aware of what I had to do with what you sent? I had to use it to pay off the nobles and merchants in order to cover their losses. You even injured one of the nobles! This whole affair has been messy, far too messy. However, I promised them that the guilty would be punished and that quieted them. Along with a healthy supply of gold..."

Fareed stared off out one of the windows for a time in complete silence counting up the amount of damage they had done to his image and coffers. What not even Xerin really knew was that the take he got from the various raiders and slavers was what helped pay the mercenaries. By flicking that one single tile the whole system had almost broken down on him and the only reason it had not collapsed was by shucking out from his private treasury. Thankfully, he learned a great deal of thrift from his father on how to swindle and wring out every last coin without infuriating the population to the point of open and total rebellion.

This stockpile of gold and silver was then neatly sealed away in his private treasury where it would wait for a rainy day and oh gods above had it rained. Buying off wealthy merchants was simple: replace wagons lost, slaves, pay for damages and they left smiling. Nobles? Hah! No such luck, they wanted reparations to be paid and by his own law they had the unquestioning right to it. Not one to go back on his word Fareed had taken careful stock of their losses over their weeks of lamentations in his throne room. Once the tally was in for each and every family that had suffered he not only paid off the sum total of their losses with interest but paid additional fees on top of that.

Fees that were nothing less than glorified bribery to keep their mouths shut and walk away smiling. It had worked perfectly and after all had parted his household spies reported that most had actually dropped the matter, being quite content that he was sincerely apologetic about it. Which of course he was not but he was no fool and understood the importance of keeping the nobles fat, happy and content.

A sigh escaped him as his attention turned back to the huddled masses and he rubbed his head in aggravation.

"One price has already been paid to cover this incident up and smooth things over and now you, will pay the final price. As for you three in the back, pay close attention and you might learn something about what it means to disappoint me."

They nodded quickly but one of the officers fell onto the floor as the executioner began picking out which tool to start with. Sobbing furiously and in all sincerity the stallion let out a long string of praises and offers to his "rightful sultan." Begging for his life the officer even dared to try and scoot towards the sultans throne which raised a few eyebrows of those watching as he continued to weep and plead for mercy.

The pleading stopped and blood ran cold while others fur stuck upright when Fareed began laughing. It was not a sudden outburst, but a slow giggle at first that slowly built up as he continued to watch the sobbing wreck with great amusement. His light, jovial laughter soon filled the throne room as everyone gathered held on to their grim expressions. Waving off the guard who was ready to skewer the former officer Fareed turned to the executioner. His laughter died in an instant as he waved for him to begin but pointed to the stallion on the floor.

"You may begin but start with this one. Oh and that one tool you use on stallions... Yes... That one. Make him feel it."

Fareed's voice had gone utterly cold as he finished talking and leaning back on his throne he watched as the executioners personal assistants rushed the sobbing stallion and laid him out firmly and face up on the cold tile floor. With both hands full of various tools the executioner walked over to the helpless stallion and laid out his instruments carefully while ignoring the howls of protest and attempted thrashing. Shackled arms held well above his head while the officers legs were sat upon by two others so he could not move, the executioner finished and picked up the first tool and worked the mechanism.

A small drill began turning slowly and satisfied it was working properly he placed it over one of the stallions testicles and began drilling. Nightmarish screams reverberated off the walls as those present watched in either sick fascination as the executioner worked diligently at his task or locked their jaws and tried not to gag.

Fareed did not smile but his his icy glare was warning enough to the rest.

Most of the advisors had already called it a day and fled the premises in favor of the gardens in the hopes they would escape the noises coming from the main building. Some had even gone home taking the daring action in the hopes that Fareed would be so caught up in serving out justice that he would forgo any other activities for the day as he normally did when this happened. Not that is was normal, torturing spies and prisoners was quite normal but rarely something he personally oversaw.

To draw such wrath from the sultan meant a horrible crime had been committed and that meant he would be personally seeing to their torment. The sounds that had filled the air for three straight hours had made the servants and slaves lock themselves away while others broke down sobbing. They knew not for whom they were crying be it their own sanity or the ones being tortured but the general consensus was it terrified them that one false step... And it might be them.

Zahir was on his own, his other two compatriots having long gone. Basir had gone straight for the main gate one hour in and would not return for the day he was certain, that left him sitting in the palace library trying desperately to focus. It was always a gamble on leaving the palace grounds without being bidden to do so and everyone had at some point been on the receiving end of barbed comments or a few lashes. The sultan however was generally lenient with them when he was handling affairs privately and when they took hours it was even rarer to be punished for leaving if ever.

Three hours of hearing the screams continue till they had turned into dry, raspy animalistic howls was more than his conscious could bear. He had thought it was over when the howling ended but the moment it picked back up he could take it no longer, he had to get out. Now. Dropping the book onto the table with a thump Zahir stood and rushed from the room, straight into a group of mercenaries. They were quite busy with the removal of a tortured lump of unrecognizable flesh and fur and his sudden arrival made them stop and turn on him while rapidly grasping for their weapons.

In so doing their pitiful cargo hit the floor with a hard thump causing them to moan in pain. Recognizing him they relaxed immediately as he took one quick glance at what was left of the horribly twisted and agonizingly tortured equine. Closing his eyes Zahir turned sharply and marched off in the opposite direction they would have to take, they would probably take them to their cell meaning the barracks which meant a right turn. If he went left that would spare him hearing the moans and smelling the blood and... Other things.

This meant detouring through the servants quarters and their little kitchen in order to make a large loop till he could escape through the palace gates. Hearing the soldiers hoist their cargo behind him along with a few gallows humor like laughs when a certain stallion body part finally detached and fell away he broke into a run.

Why in the hell did he stay?

For that matter why did anyone? Some had families who would be snatched immediately, it was of no question that Fareed kept spies in nearly every important household even if no one could prove it. Zahir's thoughts drifted to his own family and as he ran while holding his robes so as not to trip he realized that was exactly why he kept serving, his own family was at risk if he fled. No matter how far he tried to run an assassin would probably find them and not because Fareed generally cared, but because an example had to be made of anyone who disobeyed him.

Bursting into the servants quarters and slamming the door behind him only muffled the new chorus of screams that echoed and reverberated throughout the massive area that made up the palace grounds. Finally taking stock of his surroundings he noticed the servants quarter was utterly devoid of living bodies. Raising an eyebrow he stalked through carefully and into the inner cloister that served as kitchen and dining hall for servant and slave alike.

Here the huddled masses clung to each other in a large mass of fur, ears laid down, some covering them with their hands but all were in various states of mental collapse. Mares, stallions, slaves, "free," foal and old had taken shelter in the one area they had access to that might offer some protection from the noises. Eyes bulged out when Zahir burst into their room and glared down at them, some trying to scoot away others turning their heads and praying they had not been called upon only to fail to answer their summons.

Letting out a sigh he shut the door quickly and held the palms of his hands up before struggling to walk through the mass. Realizing that he was leaving the palace they stood as one giant mass and began to mob him, begging for the advisor to take them with him on "errands." Anything would do, no task was too great so long as it got them out of here for the day. Pushing back and fighting his way through them he reminded the throng that they were not permitted out unless under order and escort.

Sadly, Zahir did not have the power for the first nor count towards the second. Not caring they continued to harass his every step till it had become impossible to move forward, being quite tall compared to them he finally looked down and into their pleading eyes. For the entirety of his life he had tried to offer aid where it was needed and shield them from the wrath of others, but at the same time he knew there were times he had to let go because to hang on would pointlessly drag them all down together.

Shutting his eyes he fought to get his hands up into the air and clapping loudly a few times they went silent, waiting. He couldn't do it. Leaving to save himself would be cruel beyond measure because unlike them he at least had the ability to walk away.


Hesitant at first they obeyed the command and sat down as the eerie screams continued to filter into the room. Zahir had an idea, one he hoped would work on them as it had worked a long time ago on his daughter when she had become frightened. Fighting his way to a spot where he could sit down on an old, raggedy mat he sat and looked out at the gathered faces.

"Sing, drown out the sound but not so loud they might hear us."

Nothing happened for a moment but swallowing his pride he began slowly and quietly singing a tune he hoped they all would know. It soon caught on and the terrified mass was soon singing quietly to themselves in a desperate attempt to divert their attention from what was happening outside their doors.

Alive only by the sheer skill of their tormentor the officers had been removed from the throne room, each one having been given a full session. One of the bandits had quite surprisingly vomited on the floor, a fact that made Fareed and Xerin stare at each other with raised eyebrows and a clear mark of disgust. For such hardened bandits their ability to stomach a little torture was quite the let down to the sultan, he had always assumed that their own "fun" was more brutal than anything he had ever dreamed up.

This one was apparently the exception to the rule however and as she continued to dry heave on the floor as the session continued from one traitor to the next Fareed finally became annoyed.

"Vomiting on my floor is quite offensive but... I can somewhat understand. However, you have been retching on my floor for some time now and hearing it is getting on my nerves so I give you a choice. Eyes or mouth?"

"B-Boss?" She continued to gasp for air while looking at Fareed bewildered.

"Oh for... Eyes or mouth? How hard is it to choose?"

Realizing what he meant the bandit began back peddling with her legs in the most vain attempt to escape he had ever seen. Allowing her to scoot all the way back to the witnesses before waving the guards to intervene she was brought back and with a swift kick forced to kneel again. Quivering violently while looking wild eyed as the royal torturer continued to go through his paces, oblivious to anything else going on the zebra mare shook her head and broke down sobbing.

"Very well... Hm... Eyes, yes the eyes. Since seeing this is too much for you perhaps it would be best if you could no longer see. Yes. Amultawi?" The executioner stopped what he was doing and turned his head. "I do not mean to interrupt but if you could spare an assistant I have a simple request to make."

"Of course my sultan, Majnun! See to his request."

Turning back at once to his duties Amultawi continued to make the object of his attention gurgle and scream in ways that defied imagination, his assistant rose quickly and gave a sharp bow to Fareed and awaited her instructions. Fareed had more or less learned their names as it amused him to allow their victims to know who was tormenting them before dying. Smiling at the newest addition to his executioners staff he looked her thin, lithe Arabian form over quickly. No one would imagine she held the second most gifted mind for torture in the realm within that head of hers, truly an example of how one could hide the worst of demons within a positively glowing rose.

"This one has a problem as you can see and... Smell. It would appear she can not stand to bear witness to those paying for their crimes and I think it would be best if her eyes were removed, perhaps then she will be more amiable. Would you not agree?"

"Yes my sultan!" Chirping out her words sweetly Majnun then gave the sweetest smile he had seen in a very long time and hustled to the table and began holding up various implements. "Which would you desire my sultan?"

"Ahh... Hm... That one, what is that?"

"New, it came from Piemro two days ago and we have not had the honor of testing it yet, though the merchant who sold it did not say how to use it. We have discussed its possibilities however and it is quite... Adaptable."

"Use it, oh and take your time. There is no rush as she has already emptied her stomach. Once you have finished by all means continue, I would very much like to know what this little device is fully capable of. After all, I paid for it..."

With a smile and youthful zeal the mare went to work on the zebra with the assistance of two guards to stop her from thrashing. It took some time to get the tool working properly but some in the audience were enjoying it greatly, every time she had the device just where she thought it would work best Majnun would change her mind and try a different approach for the maximum effect. Utterly dedicated to her craft no matter how much it terrified and horrified those around her she worked studiously until it was right where she wanted it.

As to which sound was worse be it the zebras screams or the sound of the eye slowly being removed and destroyed while inflicting the maximum amount of pain Fareed did not know. Satisfied with being unable to see her work his gaze shifted to the other as his ears were filled with the horrified screams of two different victims, it formed a sort of orchestra in his mind. Each scream a different tempo and sob a note which swirled, intertwined and danced in the air.

Finished, she turned around and presented the blind zebra for his inspection. Looking the drooling mess over as it tried to cry and sob Fareed nodded his ascent then smiled at his newest hire, she was worth every coin. Like her teacher this one knew how to make examples of others with just the right touch.

"What next my sultan?"

"What would you start with?"

"It is not my place to say, I am but an assistant."

"Oh come now, pick! Consider this a chance to prove yourself."

Fareed could see a wide grin form on her face despite her head being lowered.

"As she is female I would start with her pride as a mare."

He did not know what she meant and frankly did not care, nodding he watched her get to work quickly filling the air once more with howls of agony. Perhaps that little bastard in Iuny had worn off on him because this never used to be so greatly pleasing. Or was it that he always imagined the screams to be theirs and those who he hated but could not yet touch in such a manner? A swing of the torturers tail made his eyes drift from one to the other.

He realized Majnun was quite aroused with what she was doing and trying to hide it, but despite her best efforts it was giving her away more than hiding anything. Fareed continued to watch and wondered what this sick, demented mare would be like in bed but only on the receiving end of course. He could only imagine what she might do if she was allowed to "give." Maybe he would find out some time, she had the perfect body for it and was quite eager to please... No, that would be a mistake. Never mix business with pleasure.

His attention returning to the prisoners in front of him Fareed realized it was a fact that he always greatly enjoyed the sight and sound of those who had betrayed him being tortured but never others... When someone else was whipped or tortured it was just so... Impartial.

This was not, they had specifically wronged him on a larger scale than anyone else dared and were suffering for it horribly as they well should. As Fareed thought on it he formed the hypothesis that just maybe he was enjoying this because of who was doing it. The mare was putting the zebra through her paces as if it were a sacred act and something deep inside him lusted for her because of it. But no, the little bastard from Iuny had not worn off on him he decided. True, he had his urges as always but they were not in control, he was.

Still, he would never dream of doing this to his harem nor anyone in general. That was utterly wrong and immoral. No, this was reserved for those who deserved it and though he did enjoy it at times this would remain something that he would not widely accept. Standards, he had very high standards. This sorry lot had managed to meet them on a high order and so he would sit back and enjoy knowing they were suffering for it. Once this was over their bodies would be put on display as traitors and bandits thus serving another purpose to the greater masses.

This was the price paid to maintain his law and order, he did not torture for fun nor pleasure as that one did nor was he uncivilized. Quite the opposite, this was perfectly civilized and it brought him great joy seeing others punished for their crimes. Their screams delighted him as it meant they were paying the price for their actions but it did not bring him that other kind of pleasure nor should it. This was different from the other one as this was the law serving justice to those who deserved it, that being those who crossed him or broke their word.

With the last of the prisoners hauled away to be left in their cells to suffer in agony for a few days before being properly executed and left out for all to see, Fareed glared at the terrified witnesses.

"Do we have an understanding now? Good, you will take their places and find subordinates to assist you in leading the raiders. You will obey my rules and if you dare to even think of acting as foolishly such as they did or worse..." His hand motioned to his small staff of torturers.

"Understood boss! Never question! We obey!"

They bobbed their heads furiously and their eyes were wide enough to prove they were completely and utterly cowed down before him.

"Good, now get out of my sight and learn to take a bath!"

The rush was on as they pushed and shoved each other out of the way in a wild race to see who could escape first. Watching them go he looked at Xerin and let out a sigh before shaking his head, he was absolutely correct. Sometimes you had to stretch a few necks now and then to get the point across but those survivors had learned something far more important today.

No one crosses Fareed.