//------------------------------// // Talk of the Town // Story: Rarity Gets Enslaved // by MagicS //------------------------------// The party lasted for several more hours. Having no access to a clock since coming to this castle (I wondered how they even told what time it was) I was unsure of just how late at night it was. From the few windows we passed by as our little group made its way back to Duke Terluff’s home it was apparently completely pitch black outside. Always this place had a dark and dreary look to it and I suppose with the heavy storm clouds above that the light from the moon and stars was blocked out just as much as the light of the sun was during the day. It had taken a while for us to disentangle ourselves from the other trolls at the party but Duke Terluff was finally able to convince them that his wife needed rest and they would speak more about my dresses and capabilities at the next party. So already I was becoming a hot topic. Terluff didn’t do or say anything more after this, we all left while Tulepule continued trying to ask us questions. I believe my employer, a far easier term for me to say than master, was quite smart about this. He would let the rumors and talk of the new dress his wife wore made by his new slave of all things naturally progress and make its way through the castle. Duke Terluff was certainly prideful and had a bit of an ego but this would make him come off as more humble. I was surprised as well that he managed to hold himself back on singing the praises and virtues of his wife. Now I usually wouldn’t be glad to leave a high class party like that but being surrounded by all those trolls still made me a little nervous even if I had started to get them wrapped around my hoof. And next time would be so much better since the Duke and I will both be wearing fantastic outfits instead of just his wife. Oh I can’t wait! At least I know that Tulepule holds a lot of parties, and whatever the Grand Festival is I know it’s coming soon as well. I’m not sure what exactly Duke Terluff will have me do now, if I’ll continue to be his personal assistant or if he’ll have me just on dressmaking duties. I really hope it’s the latter. I already know what I want to make next, a matching tuxedo and dress for the two of them. I’ll make something for myself too that isn’t as eye-catching. As much as I would like to I’m certain that Duke Terluff wants himself and his wife to be the star attraction. There were quite a few trolls who had left the party with us, all following from behind and continuing to talk behind our backs. Naturally it was all good things though. I mean how could anyone disparage a dress I made? It’s just not possible. They kept watching us for as long as they could until their own paths took them elsewhere. I’m almost surprised that some didn’t follow us right to Duke Terluff’s door. The moment the door was opened and we walked back inside I let out a small and unladylike groan as I stretched my body to get any bits of soreness out from all the standing I did today. I was a bit tired. “Hm, I think that went rather well. Don’t you?” Duke Terluff said to me while his wife leaned against him. “Absolutely.” I replied with a smile. “They loved the dress, you were the center of attention while you danced and they’ll surely be talking about it for weeks!” I was quite proud of myself. “Yes.” Duke Terluff chuckled. “This will bring me much prestige and notice. Nobles of all sorts will be begging me to attend their parties and functions.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I thought you were busy and didn’t like attending all these parties?” “Exactly. I’m going to get so much joy out of refusing them. Hah!” He barked in laughter while I rolled my eyes. “We’ll be such a hot commodity that I’ll have enough power to refuse even another Duke’s invitation if I feel like it, after all they’ll be clambering over each other to have us at their parties. I can manipulate things quite well to my desire by showing favor to who I want when I want now.” “Quite devious of you.” I said flatly. His wife meanwhile nuzzled him and excused herself to the bedroom while he wished her a pleasant night’s sleep. When she was gone he turned to me and scoffed. “Oh please, I have no desire to do anything ill-intentioned. I just don’t want to be held hostage by castle etiquette and all that nonsense anymore. Especially when my wife isn’t even around to join me for the parties.” He said and stretched his back, making an audible popping sound as he breathed deep. I hummed to myself as I walked over to the table and took a seat. “Also you said “we” and “us”. I take it you’re including me in that?” “Of course.” He took the seat across from me. “You’re going to be the real topic of conversation after all. Especially when they see that you can make another dress as great as that one. It’s good to know that your bragging wasn’t misplaced when you said your dress would captivate everyone at the party.” “I do not brag, I sell.” I said with mock-indignation. “I’m happy to know that you’re not forgetting about me though.” A greedy smile broke out across his face. “Credit where credit is due after all. And besides, they’re even more marveled by the fact that you’re a slave who can make such dresses. And you’re my personal slave. That hard work you do and the final product reflect very well on me.” He stood up now and walked to the door leading to his bedroom. “It’s always going to be “us” from now on Rarity. You can get started on a new dress the first thing tomorrow morning.” And then he retired for the night and I as well lifted my tired hooves to my quarters. The Duke gave me much to think about but for now I wanted to also catch some sleep. The last few days have been very busy and if tonight was any indication those busy days weren’t about to stop. First thing in the morning was no joke. I suppose Duke Terluff didn’t need much sleep because I was still tossing and turning under my covers when I heard a knock on the door. “Just one moment!” I called out and tidied up a second before answering. Normally I would like to shower and do up my mane before I allowed anyone to see me but I doubt I had the time for that nor would the Duke appreciate me not answering him as swiftly as possible. Making sure my mane was at least straight I pulled the door open and saw exactly what I expected to see. “Ready to work?” Duke Terluff asked. “As long as it’s doing something I love.” I replied. Really though, it may have been far nicer to be making dresses than cleaning or working on the farms but I was fully aware that I was still a slave. Even one that may have a little bit of power of her own now. And I knew that as… pleasant… as he could be Duke Terluff was still mostly just using me for his own ends. I knew he wasn’t evil or anything and I believed him when he said he didn’t have any bad intentions but that didn’t mean he was good exactly either. He could stand to be a lot nicer and more sympathetic you know? Still, I would call him a friend at this point. “You really hyped yourself up last night. I’m not sure what public event we’ll be going to next but I thought you’d want to get started on your next creation as soon as possible.” The Duke said as the two of us walked through his home to the front door. “I had heard others saying you said you would make something brand new for my wife, something new for every occasion?” “You heard right. And not just your wife but I’ll design something for you and myself to wear next time as well.” I pulled open the door with my magic as we got to it and stepped outside, the Duke following me. I turned my head to look back at him as we walked. “Also I’ve been meaning to ask you but just what is this Grand Festival you mentioned? I’ve heard others talking about it as well.” Duke Terluff scratched under his chin for a bit before replying. “The Grand Festival is, as you can probably guess, the most important celebration of the year. It’s a single large holiday and festival that lasts several days and it’s one of the few times the King and High Priest will appear in public for an extended period of time instead of staying inside their personal palace.” “My, that does sound quite important.” I thought about what he said about the King and High Priest. Tyluck told me that they decided everything here but I hardly heard word about them otherwise and from what Terluff just said it sounds like they almost totally detached themselves from the rest of the troll kingdom. A far cry from Celestia. Comparing any other ruler to Celestia is already unfair but from what little I knew of the King it truly seemed like no contest. “So what actually goes on at the festival?” I pressed. At my question Duke Terluff just shrugged. “Anything. Everything. The typical dances and parties, parades, operas, plays, mock historical battles, gladiator matches, a fair is held in the central castle grounds where merchants from all over the island gather to sell and advertise their wares. It’s the only time of the year when they’re allowed in the castle. The Grand Festival has no set schedule and it’s been known to end early or drag on occasionally.” “Well it sounds like quite the event in any occasion.” So it wasn’t just a simple party like the Grand Galloping Gala. It seemed to combine all sorts of holidays and events I could name from Equestria into one massive celebration. After that our conversation ended for the moment and we merely kept walking to my new office. I’m not sure why he was coming with me in the first place, I knew the way and he certainly didn’t think I would try to run off somewhere now did he? On another note it was kind of silly of me to think of this as my new office. I did not plan on staying here for long. It was a temporary workplace, no more and no less. “Is there a reason you’re coming this way too? I don’t think you’re just escorting me.” I asked after getting a little more curious and too bored of the silence. “I have business to attend to here since you no longer have the time to run errands for me. Funny that I decide to get a slave just for this kind of work and immediately the situation changes, maybe I should find another one. Or just a hire a new normal servant.” He said. “I see.” A thought struck me. “So you’ll just be leaving me to my own devices here?” “Try not to sound too happy.” He chuckled. “But yes, I rented this office for you to use however much you wanted or needed. Create whatever clothes you can, I don’t even mind if you spend the night there instead of returning to my home as long as you’re working.” “It will be nice to have at least a little freedom.” I said through narrowed eyes. “You don’t have to worry about my work though, fashion is my passion after all and I enjoy the opportunity to create all new kinds of clothes.” And there was no place to run to. “Next time I need you I’ll come calling.” He looked back at me and said. “Who knows when that will be so if you want us all wearing something nice-” “Darling, please.” I cut him off. “As I said there is absolutely no need to worry about my dress-making capabilities.” And even less need to worry about my dress-making desires. The conversation stalled out again and we made our way silently to the large room that contained mine and many others offices. I wonder what Twilight and the others would think of me rising up and overcoming all the hardship in this kingdom just by making dresses, they’d probably be impressed. Although I can also see the eye-rolling from Rainbow Dash and Applejack in my head already from when I’m telling them what happened here. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie will be much more supportive. I still haven’t gotten that far though, I don’t know if I can change things here or at the very least get away but there’s still a lot of work to be done before I’m back home and laughing with my friends about this whole affair. Maybe if things go particularly well I can open up a real shop here one day specializing in troll clothes and fashion. When we got to our destination Duke Terluff nodded farewell to me and went up the stairs. I wonder if he was going to White-streak’s office? Meanwhile I simply walked along the bottom floor until I reached my office, I heard a lot of noise coming from behind the other doors down here, things must be busier than they were before Tulepule’s party last night. Before I opened the door I looked up at the glass ceiling to see what it was like outside. Raining yet again. Not sure what else I expected. The sun and all the good weather of Ponyville didn’t help me out of my creative funk back before this trip so what was the matter with rain and dark clouds? Maybe I’ll make something with a weather theme? Either way it was time to actually get to work. I had a sketchbook to jot down ideas in if anything really good came to mind. So I opened the door and entered my one true sanctuary here. Boxes overflowing with all kinds of fabric, my desk with scattered papers all over, the sewing machine I was given, all sort so supplies lying on the floor or shoved into cabinets. Organized chaos. Just the way I like it! Now I needed to make an even better dress for the Duke’s wife, the sharpest and most dapper suit for him, and something equally stunning for myself. And that was just the beginning. I should start planning for the Grand Festival too, it sounds like I should make the most luxurious dresses possible for it but I don’t have any solid ideas yet. Likely it would take a bit of time and a lot of thinking before I was satisfied with anything for it. It just occurred to me that I didn’t ask when exactly the Grand Festival was. Soon was all I knew. Maybe if I had the time I could make a few prototypes or even some full dresses and display them at the Grand Festival’s fair? That would be delightful and allow my work to be seen by even more. Even just some detailed drawings might be good to show off. Enough of that for now. I was getting ahead of myself again. I need to focus on the here and now and make the dresses I promised. The images and ideas were all swimming there inside my head but actually getting them down onto paper and then making them was another story. The inspiration was there but turning a theme or an idea into an actual dress took some work. A word is not a dress. Ocean, castle, rain, island, order, tradition, new, different, all of it was forming something in my mind and I had to take the choice details and ideas and see what I could do with them and how I could turn something abstract into something real. But I’ve been in this situation before many times. I knew I could do it again. I wouldn’t have made it not just my job but my life otherwise. The bright side of this trip has been seeing a new culture, as dull as the current state of art and fashion is here that doesn’t mean I can’t get a good idea or suddenly be struck with inspiration by something bad. And that’s essentially all that’s happened here. I just need to find a way to make something that takes the culture and home of the trolls and turn it into an amazing dress or three. Hours passed with me just sitting at the desk, working my magic. At least I believe it was hours. As I had noticed, just like seemingly everywhere else in this castle, there was no clock on the wall. The sudden growling of my stomach alerted me to the fact that I hadn’t eaten anything yet today. Looking at a cabinet along the wall I spied the basket of apples that had been placed there by Duke Terluff several days ago. I had no idea what the shelf life of an apple was (sorry Applejack) but they were the only thing around so it’s not like I had a choice. It was good to get off my stool and stretch my hooves for a bit too, sometimes standing up and pacing around can help the creative juices flow better. Mm, the apple was delicious. The trolls really did love them and had quite a knack for growing them. They didn’t compare in the slightest to apples from Sweet Apple Acres. As I finished up my small meal I was about to get back to work when something startled me, causing me to yelp and jump up in surprise. There was a knock on the door. Who could that be? Why would anyone be here? It certainly wasn’t Duke Terluff, why would he ever knock, but who else knew I was in here? I was a little worried. The Duke wasn’t around to vouch for me and I didn’t have his seal on me. If they’re guards or some high-ranking troll and they just walk in here and see a random slave doing who knows what they might think I don’t have permission to be here. I’d really like to avoid any misunderstandings. The person outside knocked again, quieter, almost nervously. Well ignoring them could end poorly too. The door wasn’t locked and if they decided to open it themselves they might get irate at why I didn’t say anything when I was here. I’m stuck between a Hydra and an ugly dress. “Come in?” I finally squeaked out. Upon my answering the knocking the door was opened up and a troll walked in. He was rather squeamish looking and hi eyes darted about all over the place. He looked more uncomfortable and worried than I did. As he stood there wringing his hands together anxiously I realized he was not about to speak up first. “Can I help you?” I asked, getting into business mode. He jolted up and affixed me with his wide eyes. “Ah, yes, sorry...” The way he was speaking was quite unlike how any troll had spoken to me so far. “Pardon my intrusion but you are the one called Rarity correct?” “I am, yes.” I answered warily. What was this all about? “Good, good. You see, I am Earl Tsalim. I had heard talk that the personal slave of Duke Terluff was responsible for making that wondrous dress his wife was wearing at the party last night.” The Earl shuffled about as he spoke, his eyes shifting away from me as if he was worried about staring at me for too long. “I did indeed. Talk travels fast around here.” I was surprised that already trolls were asking enough about me to find this office. “That’s great news, I came here as quickly as I could.” Earl Tsalim walked forwards to be standing right in front of me. “Could I please have you make a dress for my wife as well?” My mouth dropped open in a very undignified manner. “You’ve come here to commission a dress?” “Yes of course. I simply have to have one. I know it may be rude of me, and quite frankly a bit above my position, but please! After seeing your dress and the way everyone else reacted to Mrs. Terluff I must have the same for my wife!” He responded frantically. A smile slowly grew on my face. I coughed and turned around, strutting to my desk. “Well darling, I’m flattered that you are so interested and I would love to make a dress for your wife.” I looked back briefly to see him practically jump with joy. To think that an Earl, a troll noble, was acting this way around me. Acting like I was above him in station, I had no idea the power and respect I would gain so quickly. Oh I’m sure part of it is because of Duke Terluff being so far above him as well but to think any noble would act so nervous and respectful to a slave is unreal! “However I must also tell you that I have clothes to make for Duke Terluff first.” Earl Tsalim deflated slightly. “And I would need the measurements of your wife before I could make anything for her in the first place.” His face was getting rather gloomy. “Rest assured though.” I said before he could say anything back. “I’ll gladly do it, if you would like to bring your wife here I can have her measurements taking and see for myself just what kind of dress would perfectly complement her. You’re the first one who’s asked this of me, it’s the least I can do.” I gave him my best wink. He brightened up considerably and smiled. “Thank you, thank you!” He started bowing his head as he backpedaled to the doorway. “I’ll bring her by as quickly as possible, thank you so much!” Without even looking at it he twisted the doorknob and backed up out of my office, bowing and thanking me the whole time. “My.” I said to myself in a rather shocked state when he was gone. “He bowed to me. An Earl just bowed to me.” It seems I was simply too valuable. If even a mid-ranked noble was acting like that around me, so nervous and worried I’d be offended, things were turning around for me even faster than I had expected or even ever thought they would in the first place! Is it the good life for me now? I thought that as I went back to sitting on my stool, poring over my sketches and ideas. No matter where Rarity was she always impressed and made it to the top! That’s called genuine skill, class, and drive. Oh and humility too. I was awoken by the sound of my office door opening. It seems that once again I had fallen asleep at my desk after working too hard. What time was it? I had no idea how many hours had passed or even when I fell asleep in the first place. It felt like the next morning but I couldn’t be sure. Wearily blinking the sleep from my eyes I saw that it was Duke Terluff who had entered, he was carrying a bag with him. “Duke?” I yawned. “I’m afraid it’s far too soon for all of our new clothes to be complete, although you’ll be happy to know that I’ve settled on the final designs for them.” I gave him a proud smile. “No, I didn’t come here for the clothes yet. I haven’t even accepted any invitations to parties yet.” He waved dismissively as he came up to my desk. “Actually I’m here because I have something for you.” At the Duke’s smug grin I raised a questioning eyebrow. A gift? An order? It was difficult for me to tell if he was teasing or being genuine right now. “What is it?” I asked with a hint of apprehensiveness. “Just a gift, something I had Berten retrieve for me just now.” “Berten?” Who? Duke Terluff fixed me with a puzzled look. “I suppose you didn’t get his name but you visited him a few days ago, you had him sign those documents for me.” He was talking about White-streak. So that was his name. Rather curious, this was the first time I had heard of a troll whose name didn’t start with a T. I wonder why? “I see. Yes, I know him. So what did he find for you?” Now I was very curious. And with a smile Duke Terluff reached inside his bag and pulled out something wonderful. You. My beloved diary. “H-H-How?!” I was thunderstruck. He scoffed. “Please, something like this is easy enough for a troll of my connections. It was easy to find the ship you came in on and what had also been found with you. None of us new what was yours exactly aside from this, since your name is on it.” He handed you to me and I happily grabbed you and held you close to my chest. Oh how I missed you! I was so happy to have my most precious diary back. “I… Duke I really can’t thank you enough.” I said, tears welling up at my eyes. “Come on, don’t say anything like that...” He looked quite uncomfortable and embarrassed. “None of that sentimental silliness here.” The Duke coughed into his hand. “Well anyways, there are more recovered things back at my home that you may want to look at. I have no idea if any of it is yours or not. And we may not have everything that was taken from you either, some of it was probably sold under the table or in other discreet ways such that even I can’t find it all.” “I understand.” I might be more upset normally but I was just so happy to have you back. “It’s alright, just this really helps me.” I wiped my eyes with a hoof. “Thank you, Duke Terluff.” “What did I say about that...” He rolled his eyes and turned to leave. “You can come back whenever you’re ready.” And with that he left. I put you down on my desk and just stared for a second. My emotions all threatening to overflow at once. “Well.” I grabbed one of the pencils I had been using for sketching with my magic and levitated it in front of my face. “Time to get writing.”