//------------------------------// // I Dare You To...... // Story: A Game of Truth or Dare // by Sunset Awesomness17 //------------------------------// "That was sooooooo AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She was practically vibrating with so much energy, you would have thought she was Pinkie Pie for a moment. The rainbow-haired athlete made it known just how cool the event that just took place not even two hours ago was. The group had just finished vanquishing the Dazzling with their singing and were cleaning up the stage from all the food and stuff that was thrown on stage when the Sirens where defeated, in which the students of Cantorlot High used as bullets to hit them with. Now, they putting away the instruments and the equipment for the night. "Dugh! We know Dash!" Applejack said back, already annoyed by Rainbows constant reminder every few minutes. "we get it!" She pulled a rope, closing the curtains on the stage. Rainbow just stood there on stage watching the others clean up. "It was!" "Darling, I must agree with Rainbow here. That was quite the ending." Rarity chimed in, as she and Fluttery finished moping the floor. She put the mop away and turned back to her friends. "You all just looked fabulous in those outfits I made! And I---" She was interrupted by a loud scream from Pinkie Pie. "This calls for a party! Slumber party at my house!" She jumped from seemingly out of nowhere, somehow managing to not break a leg. "Indeed!" "Awesome!" "Woowee!" Sunset Shimmer joined them as well, her guitar strapped over her shoulder and went to stand by Fluttershy. She had her biker's helmet held in the same hand. She extended her other hand to Fluttershy and handed her something small. "Hey Fluttershy, I found your barrette on the ground." "O-oh. Thank you." She smiled at Sunset and took the barrette from her. She placed back in her hair. Sunset was about to say something in return but had her wind knocked right out of her as Pinkie Pie trapped her in the biggest bone-crushing hug she has ever had. “Yay Sunny! We’re going to have a slumber party at my house, and you just have to come!” Pinkie said. Sunset’s eyes went wide as she felt her back pop loudly. She winced as she felt the pain that came afterwards, but then let out a sigh of relief for although it did hurt like hell, she needed it anyways. “Pinkie Pie, darling I think she needs to breathe, don’t you?” Rarity said. “Oops!” Pinkie released Sunset, who put down her guitar and helmet and stretched out her back to let out another satisfying, audible pop. “Don’t worry about it, I needed that popped for a while now anyways, thank you.” Sunset smiled back at her as she picked her stuff back up. “No problem, Sunny! So are you coming?!” Pinkie questioned, she gave a smile, but the look in her eyes she was giving Sunset was ‘DONT YOU DARE SAY NO’. Sunset gave a nervous laugh. She was planning on taking a relaxing evening at the spa, by herself for the night, but she wasn’t about to voice that. She thought about something funny to make herself smile. She thought about how Rainbow lost to Applejack on a video game, and managed to give a genuine smile. “Sure, I’ll come.” She said with ease. Pinkie squealed at that and pulled Sunset back into another tight hug. She let go and looked at the others. “Let’s party!!! Meet you guys at my place in an hour!” Then she disappeared off to the direction of her house, which wasn’t far from the school. Sunset looked at the others who shrugged. “Well, I’ll race you guys to Pinkie’s! I just got to tell Dad I won’t be home tonight. See ya!” Rainbow said as she raced of the stairs, phone already pressed against her ear. Applejack rolled her eyes and looked at the remaining girls. “Anyone need a ride?” The question was genuine, but her eyes went towards Fluttershy. “Oh.....um, I’m going with Sunset.” Fluttershy replies. All of the girls eyes went wide, including Sunset’s. “W-What?” She said under her breathe, it was not meant to sound rude or anything, but she was a little shocked herself. “I-if that’s okay with you, that is.” Fluttershy told her. Sunset recovered from her shock. “Oh, no I don’t mind. Just wasn’t expecting it.” She giggled. Then she adopted a more serious look. “But are you sure?” Fluttershy looked at the ground for a moment, then back at Sunset. “Mhm.” She nodded. Sunset nodded at that and shifted her guitar to her other shoulder, she held her helmet on the other hand and walked back behind the certain to grab her bag (her backpack). “Alright then, let’s go!” She smiled. Fluttershy actually squealed excitedly, surprising Applejack and Rarity who were looking at her with surprise still on their faces. Sunset giggled at the shy girl’s reaction and started off the stage. “A-are you sure, Darling?” Rarity asked Fluttershy as she started to follow Sunset. “Yeah, don’t those things scare yah?” Applejack said. Fluttershy turned to face them and smiled. “Oh, um.....well....yeah.” She admitted. “But it seems fun, so....” She looked back to Sunset who was waiting for her at the bottom of the stage. “Yeah...I’m sure.” She smiled and hurried up to her. Rarity and Applejack both looked at each other with wide eyes, they had never seen the girl so excited for anything. They shrugged and went off on their separate ways to meet at Pinkie’s place. As they climbed down the stage, they heard a motorcycle passing by. They looked up to see Sunset and Fluttershy zooming off on her motorcycle, ‘Black Beauty’ as Sunset called it. Their jaws dropped as they heard Fluttershy shout a loud but quiet, “Woohoo!” as she clinged onto Sunset’s midsection. They caught a glimps of her huge smile before the motorcycle slowed down a little, and proceeded onto the highway in a normal speed. _____________________________________________ As Sunset waited for Fluttershy to get off the stage, she smiled to herself, thinking of how she would have thought Fluttershy to be the last to want a ride on a motorcycle, let alone with her. Not that she wasn’t a good driver, but considering her past deeds and the type of person she is, and let’s not forget the fact that she has that bad girl vibe on her, which she vowed to not admit the fact that she loves to be a little reckless to her friends, but it just was not something she ever thought would be a possibility. At least not now. She saw Fluttershy exchange a few words to Rarity and Applejack that she couldn’t catch, but the look on their faces was all that she needed to know what kind of chat they were having. They could not believe it either, which made her end up having to hide another laugh under her hand as Fluttershy half walked, half ran to up her. “Ready to go?” Sunset inquired. “Oh, um, yes.” Fluttershy said. A nervous smile appeared for a few moments as if she was starting to rethink her choice, but she shook her head and smiled back up at Sunset with a determined glint in her eyes. Sunset nodded and continued down to the parking lot where her motorcycle was. “Alright then, let’s go.” Sunset was glad that she kept her old helmet with her at all times. She had planned to give it to the goodwill or something, but she couldn’t really find it in her heart to part from the thing. She looked at Fluttershy. “I have another helmet, but it’s in my locker. Mind waiting here while I go get it? The doors are still open since Luna had to come back for some paperwork and the janitor is still out.” She said as she pointed her eyes to the janitor’s vehicle. Fluttershy’s eyes widen. “Uh, I’ll go with you.” She said as she looked around as if to be sure no one else was around. “Please.” “Oh, um, okay sure.” Sunset smiled at her and headed towards the school. They got to her locker, she dug into her box of stuff and pulled out the helmet. It was a black with a magenta stripe on the side of it, and flames around the edges of it. She handed it to Fluttershy. They walked down the hall and passed by the janitor. He was an interestingly weird old man, but no one really questioned much about him. He was tall and never really spoke much. He took a liking to Sunset however and waved when he saw her before he continued on with his work. Both girls exchanged looks and continued on their way back to the motorcycle. When they got to the bike, Sunset swung her leg over and looked back to Fluttershy. “Just make sure to keep your arms secured around my waist, kay?” Sunset asked. Fluttershy followed Sunset’s lead and swung her leg over the bike and sat behind Sunset. “Okay.” Fluttershy replied. She put her arms around Sunset’s waist. But then Sunset got off of the bike and took her guitar case and her leather jacket off. She handed Fluttershy the jacket and put the guitar case over Fluttershy’s shoulder. “It’s cold tonight, so you’ll need that. And I can’t have my guitar over my shoulder, so you have to hold it for me.” "Oh, um okay." Fluttershy responded. Sunset got back on the motorcycle and wrapped Fluttershy’s arms around her waist. She looked over her shoulder, “Ready?” Fluttershy thought for a moment, and gave an audible gulp. She looked at the motorcycle then back at Sunset. “I-It is safe right?” Sunset smiled at her. “I wouldn’t let you ride it if I didn’t think it was safe Fluttershy.” She assured her. Fluttershy relaxed at that and gave her a small smile. “Okay.” She nodded. Sunset then started up her bike and slowly eased out of the parking space. She felt Fluttershy’s grip tighten around her as she picked up a little bit of speed and they were off. As they almost off to the highway, she felt Fluttershy relax her grip a little. “Woohoo!” She shouted in a loud but somehow quiet voice. Sunset laughed. She continued down the road, the two girls enjoying the cool winds that whipped against their faces as they disappear into the night. _________________________ They soon arrived at Pinkie’s house. As Sunset slowed to park near the house, she saw Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack were already there. Rainbow’s mouth fell open when she saw Fluttershy behind Sunset. “Fluttershy?!” She almost shouted. She looked to Sunset then back at Fluttershy. Fluttershy turned to face her. “O-oh, h-h-hi Rainbow.” She tightened her grip around Sunset. Sunset looked at Fluttershy and then got off of the bike. Fluttershy let go of her long enough to get off of the bike and then she threw herself onto Sunset. “Th-Thank you so much!” She said to Sunset in a loud whisper that could only be heard by her. They walked over to where the others were on the front porch. Sunset knocked on the door, without any second thought as she looked at Fluttershy and smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Rainbow opened her mouth, but then Pinkie Pie opened the to her house. Sunset turned just in time to get a face full of confetti as it shot out of the door. “Ah!” She gave a loud shreak as she closed her eyes and attempted to bat the tiny pieces of paper out of her face. She somehow managed to get some inside her mouth and she immediately spat them out right into Pinkie’s face. “Oh! Oh my gosh! I am so Sorry, Pinkie Pie.” She slapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide, a light blush spreading across her cheeks. She dug for a clean handkerchief that was in her jacket that Fluttershy still had on, and gave it to Pinkie. She then faced away from the group and continued to spit out a few more pieces papers. Rainbow laughed her head off as Pinkie wipes her face and smiled at Sunset, unaffected by what just happened. “It’s okay! Come on in!” She grabbed Sunset’s arm as she stood back up from her little episode, and yanked her inside. The others followed in behind. There was candy, soda, chips, and dips on the kitchen table, and the smell of cupcakes in the oven could be smelt as the girls walked into the living room. “So whose ready for some Truth or Dare?!” Pinkie asked her friends as they got themselves comfortable. A wicked smile spread across her face. Rarity sat in a love seat on the far side of the room. Applejack and Rainbow sat on the floor and Fluttershy and Sunset took the couch. Fluttershy took off Sunset’s jacket and gave it to Sunset who got up and set it over a chair in the kitchen. Her friends all groaned. All except Rainbow Dash. “Ah yeah!” She said rubbing her hands together. There was a ding that went off, and Pinkie rushed and pulled out a batch of fresh cookies out of the oven. She looked at her friends. “Who wants pizza?” There was a chorus of agreements and Pinkie grabbed her phone and ordered three pizzas. “Okay, while we wait for that to get here..... Who wants to go first?!” The girls looked at each other not wanting to go first. But before anyone could say anything, Rainbow stood up. “Me! I’ll go!” She said, as she grinned widely. She looked at Applejack then back at Pinkie. “Also, Pink, throw me a Sprite will ya?” Pinkie got a cold soda from the fridge and tossed it to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow’s smiled grew as she caught the can of soda. “Okay, truth or dare, AJ?” She asked. “Truth.” Applejack replies. “Ugh! That’s so lame!” “Ah said truth.” “Fine.” Her smiled returned. “Is it true that you kissed your cousin?” All eyes shot towards Applejack as she she blushed. “Wat?! Ah did not!” Applejack glared at Rainbow. Rainbow laughed. “That’s not what the students at school say.” “Well it ain’t true!” Rarity and Sunset giggled as they watch Applejack glare at Rainbow. “Haha! Okay, okay I’ll go next!” Pinkie said. She looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershyyyyy, truth or dare?” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she looked back at Pinkie. She took a deep breath and scooted closer to Sunset. “U-uh, um, truth?” It was in the form of a question but it didn’t matter. Pinkie took a sip of her root beer and smiled at Fluttershy. “Are you Fluttershee? Heehee!” Pinkie giggled. Fluttershy glared at Pinkie Pie. “Um, no. What? Why?” She made a ticking sound with her lips. “Ugh, no. I don’t know why Siri calls me that! I keep telling her, ITS FLUTTERSHY! Not FLUTTERSHEE!” She said, raising her voice as she did. Everyone looked at her with wide eyes before bursting out laughing. “W-Well, um she does!” Fluttershy said boldly. “BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Rainbow rolled on the floor holding her stomach, while AJ tried to hide her laugh behind her hand. “Yeah why.....haha.....does sheeehehehe.....call...... you that?” Rainbow asked between laughs. “Um, well, I don’t know.” Fluttershy said quietly. Then she stood up, looked to the ceiling. “I AM NOT FLUTTERSHEE!” She grabbed her phone and turned it on. “Siri, um......w-what’s my name?” “Are you asking me? Fluttershee?” The device responded. Fluttershy glared at the phone. “Uh! Um, No. Siri, my name is Fluttershy! Not Fluttershee! “I do not understand Fluttershee” “What? Um, okay. Siri, What do you not understand?” Fluttershy asked the device. “I do not know what you mean.” It pauses and then,” Fluttershee.” Everyone kept on laughing, AJ joining Rainbow rolling on the floor. Pinkie was holding her sides, Rarity was trying hard not to snort (because a lady does not snort according to her.) and Sunset, was actually snorting so hard, she couldn’t help it. “Ugh! Siri, we’ve talked about this!” Fluttershy said to the device. “I don’t know what you mean, Fluttershee.” “You-you know what? I’m not going to argue with you. I’m just going to ignore you.” Fluttershy said. She went to turn it off but then.... “Okay, Fluttershee.” Fluttershy glared at the phone in her hand and turned it off. She huffed as she sat onto the coffee table next to the couch. Pinkie wiped tears from her eyes. “Aha! Aha! Hahahahaaaa! Okay, Fluttershy......heehee......it’s your turn ask someone......truth or dare! Ahahaha!” Pinkie laughed. Fluttershy looked at all of her friends and her eyes landed on Sunset. “O-okay. Um.........okay, Sunset, uh truth or dare?” She said in a quiet voice. Sunset fanned herself as she was still laughing. When she got a hold of herself she finally answered her in a breathless tone. “Dare.” Fluttershy nodded, and thought before she smiled back at Sunset. “Um, okay, I dare you to....um.....let Rainbow Dash text Flash Sentry.” Sunset’s smile dropped and her eyes went wide. “And she can’t tell him that it’s her.” Sunset looked at her phone on the charger. “It’s.....dead.” She lied. Her friends gave her unconvinced looks, Rainbow and Rarity were looking at her with amusement. Pinkie went over to her phone. “Nope, it’s almost full battery here.” Sunset facepalmed. But she was not about to lose a dare. “Fine.” She said through gritted teeth. She got up, unlocked her phone, she hugged it to her chest so that they couldn’t see her wallpaper, tapped on it for a few moments and then gave it to Rainbow. Rainbow grinned but then frowned when she saw that the chat was blank. “Wait a minute, why is it blank?” Sunset laughed. “Oh no reason. Just thought it’d be good to have a clean message box.” She crossed her arms and glared at Rainbow. Rainbow groaned. “Oh you’re no fun!” But then a wicked grin quickly formed on her face as she looked up at Sunset. Then she took the phone and started to tap rapidly onto the device. Sunset looked back at her, worry naming at her stomach as she heard the send button sound go off. Rainbow handed her the phone back which Sunset snatched away from her as soon as she had the chance. She looked down and gasped at the message. Hey Booger bear, want to go out? Sunset’s cheeks burned as she read the message over and over. Panick was going through her body. She did not like Flash in that way anymore and she even hated him. “Well, what does it say darling?” Rarity asked. Sunset gulped and read out loud. “Hey.....” She faked gagged on as she got to the next word. “B-booger bear, Ugh!” She stick her tongue out in disgust before she continued, “want to go out tonight?” The girls snickered at her reaction. Then Sunset felt a vibration and the song, ‘I don’t Fuck With You’, her ringtone for Flash went off. Her blush darkened as her friends all stopped laughing and looked up at her with wide eyes. Rainbow Dash busted out laughing again. “Bwaaahahahahaaa! Damn, Sunset.” Sunset just rolled her eyes at her. “Well? Answer it, Sunny! Put it on speaker!” Pinkie said. Oblivious to Sunset’s irritation or to everything else for that matter. She looked down, she did not want to, but she really had no other choice so she answered the phone. “Hey......” She looked up as she said the next word, as she forced it out of her mouth. “...Flaaash.” “Hey baby, you decided to come running back to me huh?” “What? No.” Sunset replyed, rolling her eyes again. Flash laughed. “Hehe, really? That’s not what your text says. You don’t need to be so shy. I know that I’m irresistible and I know how you love to.......horse around.” He said. “Oh! You’re a fucking ass!” Sunset growled. “Yeah, bet you’d like to get some.” He laughed. Sunset's face went red, Alright, he wants to play that game? Fine, I can play that too. She thought as a horrible, evil grin crossed her features. She licked her lips and bit her bottom lip. “Oh?” She laughed. “Maybe so, but not from you.” The line was silent for a moment. Then there was laughter. “Hahaha, you have always been such a kidder, Sunset. You can deny it all you want but I know you. You’re so fucking desperate that you want to come over.” “Pfft! Oh that? Ah, yeah that was a dare.” She rolled her eyes. “What makes you think I’d come running back to you? Youre nothing but a fuck boy.” “Mhm, whatever. That’s what you say.” He replies. “Alright well, I got to go, but it was nice talking to you.” She said in a heavy sarcastic tone that was dripping with fake sweetness. “Oh! And, uh, by the way, I sent it.” “What? What are you.....?” There was a silence before he responded. “Fuck you, bitch!” “Thank you, but no thanks!” She hung up the phone and looked up to see her friends looking at her with a variety of shock and amusement. “Well that was quite interesting.” Rarity commented. Rainbow snickered, “Yeah.” Before they could say any more, she spoke fist. “Okay, whose turn is it?” She asked in a irritable tone. She plugged her phone back in and layed on the floor and stretched herself out. She let out a sigh of content as she relaxed with her arms and legs spread wide, closing her eyes. “Oh, It’s your turn to ask, Sunny!” Pinkie said. Sunset stretched again before she moved to her side and rested her face on her first. She looked to Pinkie Pie. “Truth or Dare Pinkie?” “Dare.” Pinkie replied confidently. Sunset thought. Then she smiled. “Okay Pinkie. I dare you to eat a cupcake.” Pinkie gave her a look that said ‘what?’ Before Sunset proceeded. “Without frosting.” Pinkie gasped. Her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets. “I don’t have any cupcakes not frosted though.” She said. Sunset smiled at her. “Oh?” She looked up at the cupcakes on the table. She then got up and went over to the sink to wash her hands. She dried them off and then picked up a cupcake and used her finger to scrap off the frosting. She tried to lick it off her finger at first, but then thought better of it and wiped it off with a napkin. When she finally made the pastry bare, she walked over to Pinkie Pie and handed it to her. “Here you go.” Pinkie eyed the cupcake and glared at it, sticking her tongue out at it in disgust. “Please! Don’t make me do it!” She begged. “It’s so.......plain.” She shuddered. As the mere thought made her sick. Sunset laughed at that. “Sorry Pinkie, you chose dare, you have to do it. Pinkie pursed her lips, and then took the cupcake. She looked at it, then at Sunset, then back at the unfrosted pastry. She looked back at Sunset one last time whimpering as she brought the cupcake to her mouth. She kept her eyes on Sunset, not daring herself to even look at the cupcake. Then she shoved it into her mouth in one fluid movement and chewed. She immediately wanted to spit it out but she forced it in as she chewed. Her eyes never left Sunset’s, and she made sure to chew with her mouth open and to make it as unpleasant for Sunset as it was for her. She smiled in satisfaction when she saw Sunset try to look away in desgust, but she quickly moved in front of her, forcing her to watch Pinkie eat with her mouth open. Sunset’s eyes water as she tried to hold in her breakfast. She was glad that she skipped lunch. She fought hard to keep from puking as she watched Pinkie complete her dare, regretting even giving her the dare. She closed her eyes for a moment to control herself. When she opened them, she saw Pinkie up in her face. Pinkie burped right into her face just as Sunset took in a breath of air. Sunset’s eyes went wide as she moved away from Pinkie and slapped a hand to her mouth. Her cheeks bulged for a moment before she forced her contents back down again. “Awww, what’s the matter, Sunny? Are you okay?” Pinkie asked in a wicked smile. Sunset looked back at her. “Okay, I get it, no more unfrosted treats!” Pinkie giggle and then burped again, fanning it to Sunset. “Ever.” Sunset added, turning away as she got another whiff of the putrid smell. Her friends laughed at the display of the two. Especially Sunset’s reaction to it all. “Oh! My turn ladies!” Rarity said, flipping her hair with her hand. She looked at Rainbow. “Truth or dare darling?” Rainbow sat up straight. “Dare!” She said without hesitation. Rarity smiled. “Alright then.” She picked up her purse and pulled out a makeup kit. “I dare you to let me put on some make up on you.” Rainbow gasped. “What?!” “You heard me. Now get over here!” Rarity said sternly. Rainbow Dash put her hands up as she glared at Rarity. “Uh-uhn! No way!” Rarity laughed as she got up and pulled Rainbow over to the love seat. “Come on now, Darling.” She told her before she whipped out a brush, brushed it against some powder and started dusting Rainbows face with it. “Sit still.” “Wait noooooooo!” Rainbow groaned as Rarity continued to powder her face. The girls around her giggled as they watched the scene before them. Rainbow tried to push Rarity away. “Rarityyyyy!” She whined again. Rarity laughed, “Now hold still Rainbow Dash. You’re worst the Sweetie Belle!” Rainbow gave up trying to push Rarity and looked at the others for help. “Fluttershy?” She asked. Fluttershy looked at anything but at Rainbow. She then looked at Applejack. “AJ? Help me!” Rainbow said to the farm girl. “Aw, lighten up Dash. It’s just a little powder.” She laughed. Rainbow glared at her. “You’re one to talk.” Applejack only laughed harder. “Sorry Rainbow, Ah can’t help ya.” “Honestly darling, I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss about this.” Rarity said to her. Rainbow ignored her and looked at Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie?” Pinkie smiled at her and shook her head. “Sorry Dashie.” Rainbow then looked at Sunset who was back on the floor with her eyes closed with her hands behind her head. Rainbow was about to ask her the same thing when she spoke up. “If you going to ask me the same thing, I would, like I really would but like, I’m a little comfy over here and I don’t wish to move anytime soon.” She paused and then added. “Also, think of this as payback.” “Aw come on, Sunset. It was a dare.” “Exactly it’s just a dare.” Sunset smiled, her eyes still closed. Rainbow frowned at that but then a thought came to her. “I’ll give 20 bucks.” Sunset opened an eye at that and raised an eyebrow. “Are you bribing me?” Rainbow nodded. She then gave Sunset her best puppy dog eyes, pleading her. Sunset closed her eye, but Rainbow could tell she was thinking about it. “Hold still, Rainbow!” Rarity commanded her. “And stop pouting. It’s honestly not even that bad!” She chuckled. Rainbow looked at Rarity then back sat Sunset. “Please, Sunny!” Sunset kept her eyes closed. “Pleeeeeease!” She saw Sunset scruntch up her face. “Pretty pleeeeeeeease!” She begged. Applejack laughed as Rainbow continued to pry on Sunset. Rainbow saw Sunset almost open her eyes, but then she clenched them close. Rainbow looked back at Rarity was about to apply fake lashes on her. That she REALLY hated those fake lashes. “Pretty please, Sunny.” Rainbow thought. Sunset finally open her eyes and lifted herself up to look Rainbow in the eye. “Ugh! Rainbow it is a dare. I can’t help you. Besides it is only make up, it is not that bad.” “Ugh!” Rainbow slumped in the seat and gave in to the make up. “I hate you guys!” That got a laugh out of everyone as Rarity continued to paint Rainbow’s face. After a few moments, Rarity backed up, took a sip from her hot tea, gave out a dramatic sigh and went back to work. After another couple of minutes she finished and put a mirror in Rainbow’s face for her to see. Rainbow gasped as she looked at herself. Rainbow actually looked pretty good, she had some mascara, fake lashes, silver eyeshadow, but she had a heavy blush, and some dark red lip gloss. Rainbow smiled, admiring her look but then remembered where she was. “Well it isn’t bad.....can I wash it off now?” Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled. “Nah-Uh, darling. You must keep it on for a whole five minutes.” Then she got her phone and took a few shots and then looked back at Rainbow. “Then you can take it of.” Rainbow groaned as the getting some more snickers from the others. There was a sound of a party cannon going off and the room suddenly was filled with confetti. “Pinkie Pie!” The group complained. “Oh! Pizza’s here!” Pinkie exclaimed as she rushed over to the door, oblivious to her friends reactions. The girls just looked at each other and just laughed it off. “That’s Pinkie for ya.” Applejack chuckled. Rarity brushed some papers out of her hair. “Yes, indeed.” They smiled at each other, then they followed their pink friend into the kitchen. Sunset watched them leave. She stayed behind for a moment. Thinking about what she just saw, and the new memories she just shared with these girls. Hehe, yeah this is great. She looked out the window and up into the sky. She saw a full moon was in the sky tonight and the stars twinkled around the big object in the sky. She had always took comfort in the night, especially a full moon night. Then she felt her stomach rumble. She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and proceeded to follow the others into the other room for some pizza.