//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Bad Days - Part 3 // Story: The Mandalorian of Equestria // by Arceaion //------------------------------// Nebula slowly approached the injured mare who watched him with weary eyes and slowly wrapped her wings around the two children with her. "Stay back." She growled causing Nebula to stop and look over her. "Gar shupuur, ures gaa'tayl gar malyasa'yr ramaanar." Nebula said in concern however the Alicorn looked at him confused. "Sir, I don't think she understands Mando'a, might I recommend you use basic." Echo said within Nebula's Helmet. Nebula sighed and looked at the Alicorn before clearing his throat. "You're injured, without help you will die." The Alicorn paused and examined Nebula carefully. "Who are you?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes. "I am Nebula Soull, a simple Mandalorian warrior." Nebula replied calmly. "Who are you?" The Alicorn relaxed slightly however remained wary of the man before her. "Are you not here for the bounty on my head?" She asked her voice even and calm. Nebula shook his head. "No I'm not, I saw a dragon attacking this home and decided to help. I'm not exactly from around here so forgive me for being a bit out of the loop." The Alicorn sighed and relaxed. "Forgive me for my rudeness but I have been on the run for quite a while." The Alicorn said as her wings loosened around the children. "I am Faust, and these are my children Celestia Sol and Luna Moon." Nebula nodded and walked over to Faust before kneeling down and looking over the injuries of the women. "These are deep, I'm not sure if I can help you here. Perhaps if I was able to get you to a medical facility they could treat you?" He asked only for the mare to laugh. "They would not help me." Faust said angrily "They would simply kill me faster and claim the bounty." "What did you do that warranted you becoming a criminal?" Nebula asked. "It's not my actions but rather my power." Faust said as she coughed up some blood. "I can create life, to the Unicornia Council I was a threat however when a prophecy foretold I would bring the downfall of the council they decided to issue a bounty for my death." Nebula nodded. "Did you ever plan to destroy them?" Faust shook her head. "No, I wanted nothing to do with them however the prophecy foretold I would give birth to two children that would do such and because of this I am hunted." Nebula sighed and pulled out a Kolto pack before injecting it in to her. "I can't heal those wounds but I can at least make you comfortable. This is Kolto it will dull your nerves and suppress the pain, it can heal small injuries but yours are too severe." He said as he sat down next to her. Faust chuckled before coughing up more blood. "I know I won't survive much longer, if I could I'd ask you a favor." She said as she slowly sat up before coughing again. "I know you don't know me and I don't know you but could you watch over my children? Protect them from those who would harm them and even teach them to survive?" Nebula hesitated before sighing and removing his helmet. "Faust, I know nothing of this world, your people or anything." He said as he looked at the mare. "If I were to raise them they would be raised to be Mandalorian." And what does that mean?" Faust asked. "What is a Mandalorian?" Nebula leaned back in the chair. "What is it to be Mandalorian?" He asked as he looked up at the ceiling. "I guess the short explanation is that to be Mandalorian is to live the life of a warrior, honor and loyalty to ones Clan are what we value." Faust smiled. "Then I have no regrets leaving them to you." She said with a smile. "One more thing Nebula, like me my children are immortal, they will age till they are in their late second decade and after that will stop." Nebula turned to Faust confused. "If you're immortal then why are you dying?" Faust chuckled. "That's a misconception, Immortality doesn't mean we can't die only that we live forever. If we are injured enough then we can die, just like I am now but there is one thing I can do." Faust explained as rose and sat her children down who looked around confused as she approached him. "You can take my Immortality." She said as he offered her hand to him. Nexus looked at the hand for a moment as he frowned. "I really don't need it, I'd rather be mortal than live forever." Faust nodded. "Immortality is more of a curse than blessing but if you are to raise my children you will need it, besides it does have its perks." She said sadly. "Like what?" Nexus asked as he raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm Madalorian; we don't need special powers to fight." Faust chuckled. "Immortality accelerates your body’s natural healing, in the past Alicorns that were warrior were able to surpass any mortal because of this simple fact." She explained as she sat down wearily. "I'm sure you know that the muscles in the body break down during physical exertion, because immortality accelerates the body’s natural healing it allows for muscles to rebuild faster." Nexus nodded. "Such an ability would prove useful." He said quietly as he looked at the children who had started to play with each other completely unaware of the severity of the situation. "And if they have immortality themselves then they will be around for a long time, longer than me at least. It's always me that has to deal with this shit." He groaned. "First it was the Great Hunt and Tarro Blood, then it was that Jedi calyarnr Jun Seros and his madness, then it was the bloody Eternal Empire." Nebula sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Why can't I just have a peaceful life?" He asked with a groan "It sounds as if you have seen and done much in your time alive." Faust said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Nexus chuckled. "You don’t know the half of it." He said as he looked at her with tired eyes. "I've live through more battles than I care to recount and the fate of the universe has rested on me just as many times, I mean I'm not complaining but for once I’d like to live a bit of a peaceful life. Add to the fact that I got the memories of two lives up here and it just adds to my tiredness." He said before sighing and turning to face Faust. "How do we do this Immortality transfer thing?" He asked tiredly. Faust looked at him for a moment before holding out her hand again. "All you need to do is take my hand, I'll do the rest." She said with a faint smile. Nebula nodded and took the offered hand, the moment he did he felt as if he was being filled with some sort of energy and slowly he began to glow. "As my time ends I pass this power to you, may you stand the tests of time and walk this world with wisdom." Faust said calmly before slumping forward. Nexus quickly caught her and set her down as Celestia and Luna ran over to her. "Mommy, are you going to be okay?" Celestia asked sounding afraid. Faust smiled sadly and looked at her children. "Celestia, this is Nebula." She said as she pointed at Nebula. "He'll be taking care of you from now on, listen to him and look after your little sister." Faust said tiredly before looking at Nebula. "Mind taking me to that bed in the corner?" She asked as she pointed to a bed tucked away from the rest of the house. Nebula nodded and wrapped an arm around the dying mare and helped her to it before laying her down. Faust smiled as Celestia ran over to her mother with Luna following close behind. Nebula backed away from the bed and watched as Celestia began to cry and Luna looked confused as to what was going on. As Faust closed her eyes she smiled and passed on. Celestia began to cry harder and Luna simply hugged her sister not fully understanding, Nebula slowly walked over to Faust and felt for a pulse only to find none. Nebula sighed and looked at Faust before bowing his head. "Asas gar gebi gar sur'haai at nuhoy darasuum nuhoyir, kar'taylir ibac ku'nr gar ba'slanar malyasa'yr niyura par ti ijaa narir gar oyacyir bid at hwa ti ijaa gar ramaanar." After several moments Nebula turned to Celestia. "Are there any shovels around?" He asked causing the young filly to look at him and nod. "They're behind the house." She said as she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. Nebula nodded and left the house for several minutes before returning and picking up the body. Celestia and Luna followed him out and watched as he lowered their mother in to a grave that had been dug and slowly cover it. Celestia walked to behind the house and returned with another shovel; calmly she joined Nebula in burying her mother. Once the task was done the three stood looking over the fresh mound before Celestia turned and looked at Nebula. "Is there anything you have that can be used as a marker?" She asked. Nebula shook his head. "Not at the moment but we'll return here one day with one." Celestia shook her head. "This is the middle of nowhere; we won't find this place again." "We will, No matter what I will always have this place marked." Nebula said mysteriously before looking at his wrist console and tapping it several times, after a minute he pulled out a strange object and put it to his mouth before playing. As the song ended Nebula stopped playing and sighed. "You know as fitting as that song is for this scene it sure doesn't fit this story." He said as he returned the flute to his inventory. Celestia looked at Nebula confused before shaking her head. "What did you say earlier to mom as she died?" She asked. Nebula looked down at the young filly and considered the question before answering. "It's an old warrior’s prayer said to those who died with honor." He said before closing his eyes and reciting the prayer. "As you close your eyes to sleep the eternal slumber, know that the world you leave will morn for with honor did you live so to shall with honor you die." As he finished reciting the prayer he looked at the two fillies he now had in his care. "I've really got myself in to some deep Gundark osi'kyr now haven't I?" He asked with a sigh as he placed the helmet back on his head. "Looks like I need to make a phone call." Well now you're all caught up on what's happened to me. Seems no matter where I go the Universe loved dumping a shit ton of responsibility on me and telling me to deal with it. Honestly I have no fucking idea what I'm going to do but I know the Merchant's about to get an ear full form me on this. Well, look out world because you just got a very grumpy and pissed off Mandalorian with two kids and basters with infinite ammo.