//------------------------------// // chapter 29: Pyramid Head Pony // Story: The Dalek Invasion // by the ghost //------------------------------// Chapter: 28 The Pyramid Pony I try my best to block out the screams But they're haunting me in my dreams Please, break my shackles, I want it to stop Zek stood in the circular room with Lez and the Pegasus with a pyramid for a head. The smell of rotting meat filled the air. Zek was frozen with fear. “Lez, I thought you where dead.” Said Zek at last. “Well I’m not. Quickly you have to kill this thing. IT IS GOING TO KILL ME! ASSIST ASSIST ASSIST!” The pyramid pony started walking towards Lez. Dragging his great ax behind him. “ZEK YOU MUST SHOOT HIM! YOU MUST ASSIST ME! YOU HAVE THE WEAPON! YOU MUST HELP YOUR FELLOW DALEKS!” Shouted Lez. Zek looked down at his right hoof. It had turned into a Dalek death ray. He pointed the death ray at the pyramid headed pony. It stared back at him interested, but not scared. All Zek had to do was pull the trigger to kill it. He wanted to, but he couldn’t. “I-I can’t kill it.” Said Zek in defeat. “YOU MUST KILL IT OR I WILL DIE!” Shouted Lez. “I CAN NOT!” Shouted Zek. The pyramid headed pony lifted its ax into the air. “ZEK! YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO THE DALEKS.” Cried Lez. The pyramid headed pony brought down the ax into Lez’s armor splitting it. Lez’s soft body was exposed. “No. Not again.” Said Zek. The pyramid headed pegasus smashed Lez’s fragile exposed Dalek body with it’s ax, hitting him again and again, blending Lez into mush in a can. And then it turned to Zek. Zek’s death ray had transformed back into his hoof. He was defenseless now. The door behind him opened again. Zek didn’t waste any time standing around. He wasn’t about to try to fight something that was strong enough to break a Dalek with, only a wooden plank. He ran back into the main library. He ran. For the first time in his life Zek ran like he never ran before. The library had transformed. The once clean books where now rotten. Everything was rotten. The bookshelves, ceiling and the floor. Worms ate their way through the wood and the paper. Trash bags where piled high. Tin cans, beer bottles, candy wrappers, and other rubbish were scattered throughout the library. In short it was like a trash dump. Everything smelt of decay. The layout of the library had changed too. It was like a maze of bookshelves. Zek heard the pyramid headed pony breathing heavily behind him slowly making his way towards him. Zek could either take a left or a right. Zek took a right. He zigged and zagged past the piles of trash. There was another fork in the hall of books; Zek took a left this time. He felt something stick into the bottom of his hoof. “Ow, what the?” He looked down on the ground. For about a hundred yards in front of him the entire floor was covered with shattered glass. It was one of these pieces that was stuck in his hoof. It would definitely hurt to run across. He went to turn around… And saw the pyramid headed pony standing there with its ax. Well that ruled out turning back. The only way to escape was to walk across the broken glass; he would have to tough it out. Zek took his first step onto the glass. It wasn’t just a layer of glass like Zek thought. It was more like a pool of glass about a foot deep. Stepping in it hurt more then you could imagine. Glass shards sank deep into Zek’s hooves. But Zek had to keep going, the pyramid pegasus was behind him. The pool of glass got deeper and deeper as he moved forward until the glass was up to his neck. It hurt. It hurt so bad. He finally reached the end of the pool of glass and pulled himself up out of the pool. He was covered in glass shards and bleeding badly, but he couldn’t stop now. He heard the pyramid head pony crunching it’s way through the glass. When Zek walked forward the glass stuck in his hooves crunched as he walked. Another fork in the road. Zek decided to go for another left. He found himself face to face with another one of the mixed up creatures with the body parts from a jumble of different species. This one had a pony head and a human body, but tentacles instead of arms and hooves for legs. “Out of my way!” Yelled Zek. He was full of adrenaline. Zek pulled out his wooden plank and slammed the mismatched creature with all his might. The creature fell down easily. Most likely due to the fact that it was unstable on two hooves. “Ha. Take that… oh no.” Zek had been so focused on the monster that he hadn’t realized that he was fighting his way to a dead end. A pile of trash bags blocked his way through the hallway. He tried to break his way through with his plank. One of the bags ripped open and several dead ponies rolled out of the bags along with normal rubbish like banana peels and apple cores. He cut another one. This one was full of intestines, which spilled all over the trash-covered floor. Where all these trash bags full of dead ponies? He opened another one. A dead human rolled out it was clutching a slingshot, but that was useless without ammo, he put it away for latter. Zek was starting to feel weak. With all the running, the blood loss, and the dead body smell, the pony/Dalek was about to pass out. That’s when he heard it. The sound of the pyramid headed pony dragging his ax across the trash-covered floor. He turned and saw pyramid pegasus walking slowly towards him. Zek was trapped. He pressed his body against the trash bags trying to stay as far away from the pyramid head as possible. The mismatched monster that Zek had knocked over was still writhing on the floor. The pyramid head pony stopped and looked at it. Then it leaned down towards the monster. And picked it up with his hooves. Oh god, what’s it going to do? Is it going to—? The pyramid headed started to bandage the injured monster. Phew, for a second there Zek thought something else was going to happen. When the pyramid pegasus finished bandaging the monster it turned to Zek. Darn it, he thought if he stood still it would forgot about him. It walked towards Zek slowly dragging its great ax. Zek threw his wooden at it plank, but he might have been trying to attack a tank with a daisy. Zek was about to pass out. The room had started to go fuzzy. The pyramid head was within range of Zek now. It reached its hoof forward towards Zek… …And softly patted Zek on the head. Zek’s vision blacked out. The last thing he heard was the sound of medical tape being used. Zek woke up with a start. He looked over himself. Darn it still had legs. He was hoping the whole “being turned into a pony had been just a bad dream.” But it wasn’t. The second thing that Zek noticed was that someone had bandaged him from the neck down. The glass had been removed too. Who could have done it? Could it have been the pyramid head? Zek was still in the library, but the garbage was gone. It was back to being simply untidy. “Well that was weird.” Said Zek to himself. He looked around for anything else unusual. There was something. In front of where Zek had been knocked out was a blood stained letter. It read. You’ll find your second chance at the Silent Hill Historical Society. There was no signature. “Well I guess I’m going to the Historical Society.” Said Zek. Queen Harmony Silent Hill notes Entry 11: Zek was right that was weird. Pyramid head Is a ruthless killer (and rapist) of Silent Hill, But there is something weird about this one. he's too nice. Why would it heal that other monster and Zek? It makes no sense pyramid head is supposed to a punisher. Is it sick? Is it broken? Perhaps if... no i can not think of any logical reason he would be nice. I’m going to have to keep study this one very carefully. Entry 12: Zek’s otherworld seems to be a place where garbage is strewn out all over the place. This reflects Zeks subconscious. The meaning should be clear.