Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 41: Green

"Rain has a way of turning a dusty, brown landscape into a lush, green and vibrant world."

Everything had gone quite well for the rest of the day after having been caught up in each others embrace and Verik was still a little stunned with the sheer passion Asha had packed into that one, last kiss. Many stares had been thrown their way for the public display they had put on but thankfully it had died down just as quickly. In no way had it been embarrassing to either of them from what he could tell but instead brought them even closer together. However, as they walked away Verik had to admit that Asha seemed to have gained something from it as she had a new bounce in her step.

Not only had their little world grown from the simple act of affection and love but when they looked across the landscape it too had changed. Gone was the dusty, brown landscape dotted with the occasional high, flat topped tree. In its place the grass had become lush and green, the distant scraggly trees were now budding and leafing heavily, it had transformed into a vast green mattress of dense vegetation or open grassland.

"Your world has really come to life with that rain Asha."

"Wait till the animals migrate, then you see even more."

"Wouldn't that be bad for your crops? Wild animals grazing through the fields killing off the plants and leaving you to starve."

"Chase them away, it normal. But maybe you kill some and eat yes? Less of them and more food for you."

"You have really gotten used to things haven't you."

Asha shrugged as they walked, "yes but not a bad thing."

"Some here would beg to differ with your opinion."

"Not care, you husband and what they think not matter, you not scary. Now... This mean you not hide anymore yes?"

"Hide from what?" Her annoyed glare was enough of a hint. "Ah. No, not that I really was to begin with but... I guess you can say that how I have seen you is much like a bubble."

"I am not bubble."

"Yes I know but ever since we got closer part of me worried that if I did anything you would be a like a bubble. That if I touched you that like a bubble you would disappear so-"

"You worry much over nothing. If I worry you touch or do more I not do those things-" Asha stopped talking immediately and her eye twitched at the accidental admission.

"Oh I know, the others told me already and part of me already knew. Like when you suddenly bent over to pick up nothing with your legs spread and tail-"


"My point is I was playing ignorant and even deluded myself a little, this is all very new to me and having someone as gorgeous as you all but throw yourself at me is. Well... I honestly did not believe it was happening for quite a while and once I did played ignorant until the others drove the point."

"But it not all for nothing, it work yes?" She smiled at him, "not worry about silly things and not hide anymore."

"Correct but a part of me wants to know something. You see, I have been around you enough to know that not everything you were doing-"

"Sibi's idea. She say you need big push and tell me how."

"Well Sibi certainly knows how to get someones attention... So that display was her idea?"

"Yes, nothing else work so Sibi say I need to do something that make you... I not say what she say but make you desire so much you respond."

"So Sibi is behind the torment... I will remember that. Did you honestly want me to jump you in the hut this morning? I was sorely tempted."

"We-... I... Yes? No? You so hard to understand. No tail, flat ears. Very hard but you always do nice things but then not respond. Very confusing."

Verik made a small nod, "I can understand that but I was taught that one does not lay hands on the other-"

"Maybe that true or not where you come from but I not do those things if not willing. Very embarrassing to me but do anyway because I love you."

"Of that there is no doubt in my mind so dont force yourself."

"You not like?"

"I think I liked it far too much as I was a hair away from just grabbing you this morning."

"Ah... Yes, Sibi's advice too good? Know she suggest that now because she probably hope we..."

"Nearly worked."

"But not enough."

Verik smiled a moment before taking Asha's arm and pulling her close. "Alright, how about this then. We both know and I can assume you not only want me but want me yes?" Asha nodded. "Well according to everyone including Nuru we are already married and now that everything is laid bare... If you tempt me like that again I will not be holding back."

Her hand reached up and moved along his chest as they smiled at each other before she stopped moving and grinned.

"Your heart beating very, very fast."

"So was yours this morning, I could feel it trying to escape through my well cushioned head."

"Not object though."

"Now why would I object to being smothered by the soft embrace of a beautiful emerald eyed, gorgeously patterened with eye catching stripes, soft fur and-"

Verik stopped as her eyes got a little bigger and hopeful, Asha had forgone the hand on his chest and was pulling him in closer again.

"Yes, yes?"



A scowl formed on her face and turning her head towards Altayih she glared at him a moment while Verik let out a defeated sigh.

"What you want? Can it wait?"

Asha had beaten Verik to answering Altayih's question but he did not back down, instead he had a very serious look on his face as he stood his ground waiting.

"Alright, what went wrong?"

"Nothing but our supplies are low and I just learned that Tendaji and Subira are planning to send out foragers..."

"After all this rain that would be wise... Collect what you can before the animals pick it off."

"It not be much." Asha stared into Verik's eyes a moment before looking back. "Very little grow fast enough to be worth picking."

"Yes but every bit counts and this rain might have been just enough to push some plants over the edge."

"Are we going captain?"

Taking a deep breath Verik ran a hand down Asha's side which made her smile before nodding.

"We will all go."

Asha had been a little let down with how things had ended after the interruption at first, or at least until Verik reminded her that he would prefer to keep her close so that he did not pick the wrong plants. Things had turned around after that and the two began moving lazily through their assigned area searching for anything edible. Subira and Jelani had gone along as well as the first was well versed in what plants to look for and the later because someone must always stay on watch. Before Tendaji had sent off the various groups to forage Verik's little band had been stopped so that something could be made perfectly clear with them: the grand total of their collection was not for their personal use.

They would keep a portion for having collected it but some must also be tossed in the communal pile to help feed those who were ailing from a lack of food and while it was agreed too, there was also the nagging issue that so far they had collected little. Hours had been spent traversing the area back and forth in lines while Subira continued to walk along with them and constantly reminding them not to take too much. If they took everything then there would be nothing left to produce seed later and thus in one short season the forage available would be all but wiped out.

Because of this they could only pick a few leaves here or there, maybe yank a small tuber in one spot but be forced to leave the other alone. None of the groups had much to show for their effort but by noon most had enough to feed themselves and maybe one or two others if they were willing to stretch things out. However, looking into his shared basket with Asha he also knew they would have to really stretch it thin. The call to stop was given not long after noon and hiding under some brush trees to avoid the sun they gathered to see what they had managed to collect.

There was no great celebration as the baskets were checked and anyone who had high hopes was left with their ears laid back or grumbling quietly to themselves. Asha did not seem to mind however along with a several others who understood that while it might not be much it would mean dinner was on the table tonight. Everything was muddy to some degree so everyone stood rather than sit on the damp leaves or ground with Asha choosing to stand as close as possible to Verik before poking him.

"This enough for one night but tomorrow Altayih and Shahid have problem again."

"Already have a solution to that but I dont think anyone will be happy with it."

"You raid across river again?"

"Keep your voice down... And you are half right but what I was really thinking was something else. You said zebra's will eat fish right?"

"Rare, not like too but can."

"Good because I have a use for some of those big pots that never get used."

"Fish rot and your salt-"

"No not that," he shook his head. "We just need a few fish cleaned up, toss them in the pot with the greens and other bits, add water and then boil the contents."


"Fish soup, lots of it. It will mean stretching these greens out but by adding the fish which everyone can stomach-"

"But fishing take too long, big nets and-"

"Bah! With all that rain the water level rose and you saw where the river overflowed in a few spots right?"


"There is a chance those pools have fish in them, between a couple of us we can wade in with spears and collect them. If that fails we catch the fish that hide in the reeds along the riverbank."

"Maybe that work." Asha's ears and head twisted a little as she thought it over. "My tribe used to do that but we had nets."

"I take it no one in Wete does this because its easier to put people on water hauling duty than fishing. Plus the tax man has no interest in fish and would probably say that since you are eating fish you dont need as many of the crops..."

Asha let out a small sigh and nodded.

"Well this will be our little secret, no fishing boats or anything fancy, just nick what we need to flesh things out."

"But you still plan on going across river again."

"Altayih and Shahid will go this time as the first knows what to do and look for. That and he knows where the logs from our... Raft, were left."

"Why you not go?"

"Too obvious this time and also this dampness means we can really buckle down on getting that irrigation canal dug out before the ground dries and hardens again."

"Tendaji probably send most of tribe to dig."

Verik laughed a moment before looking at her, she was dead serious.

"Why do you say that?"

"Ground so wet we not need water fields only pull weeds and keep animals out."

"Hm. True. Well with all the extra hands we can probably get things done twice as fast and go in shifts so no one gets burned out."

"That also mean less time for us to be together again."

Putting an arm around Asha he pulled her close and placed his head against hers before smiling.

"Yes but once the canal gets done it means more time for everyone, also dont think for a moment I am going to give up the time I get to spend with you."

"But you have too."

"Well it wont be like the past few days but I will think of something."

Asha shifted into the partial embrace and closed her eyes, the past few days had been especially embarrassing but looking back on it she would not trade it for anything. There had to be some way to force the issue and grant the two of them more time together but how? As they stood there half hugging her mind raced trying to come up with a solution to the problem and when it finally dawned on her Asha's eyes slowly moved up to stare at him wondering what the outcome would be.

There was always "that" option to take as it granted a few the chance to have time together but it meant putting up with another problem some did not want. Not that it actually stopped anyone as it got them out of the fields and away from hauling the heavy pots of water all day long, unfortunately one was not just granted permission to be on that particular duty either. It would take a little time but she knew that there was enough justification on her part to pull it off along with some experience. So maybe, just maybe it was possible.

"Time to go again."

"Hm? Yes."

Verik shook her a little bringing her out of her plotting, Asha's muttered response was ignored as they gathered their baskets and headed back into the blazing sun to scour the land for just a little while longer. Soon they would be called back to the village and whatever they had would be it for some time to come.

As they walked strung out in a long line to continue foraging Asha took a long, hard look at Verik wondering how he would respond to the idea if she got permission.

"Okay, empty basket."

Subira waited quietly as each group or individual took a turn at up ending their basket allowing the contents to spill out and onto the large mat prepared. Without breaking a sweat she shifted through the pile removing the occasional questionable piece and throwing it away. Once satisfied the leafy matter was divided up with some going into a larger basket on one side for the tribe while the rest went back to the forager.

After having gone through the process themselves Altayih, Asha, Shahid and Verik were left with one basket between all of them. It was hardly enough but after returning to Asha's hut they gathered so they could listen to Verik's idea.

"Captain... It is an admirable idea but it will probably taste worse than it sounds."

"You can always take your little mouthful of green and-"

"No, what I mean is boiling a bunch of what will no doubt be bitter greens with fish will create a most unique flavor."

"I help with that." Asha raised her hand a little. "Always save a little just in case, maybe it help now?"

"Got anything strong enough to flavor this mess of greens and fish to make it edible?" Asha nodded at Verik who looked at the others who shrugged and nodded. "Alright, we still have daylight hours left in the day and that leaves some time to try and snag some fish, get water for the soup and prepare a fire outside because we sure as hell are not doing it in here. A fire that big would burn the place down."

"How big this pot going to be?" Shahid narrowed his eyes a little and Verik motioned to one of the larger ones in the hut. "You going to make this soup be very thin."

"Thin, but edible and nourishing. Alright, Shahid you take care of the wood ration for all of us... Altayih, you and me are going after the fish and Asha, water. Asha your also the cook because you are a hell of a lot better at cooking with this stuff than I am. Or that one..."

"You wound me captain."

"We got enough of each others cooking on that last jaunt. Alright lets go."

Departing on their various tasks Altayih and Verik grabbed the special fishing spears that had become a personal project of theirs. Of the equines in the group Altayih and Asha proved to be the only two with no qualms about eating fish while Shahid remained a little squeamish at the thought. Walking down the hill and towards the small overflow that had hopefully washed a few fish into the shallow depression the two stared at the muddy water a minute.

"Alright, I will go first and just swing the spear around and see if anything makes a run for it." Verik removed his boots and what was left of his torn socks before wading in and up to his ankles. "Shallow so if anything moves it should make a splash."

"And then I stab it?"

"That's the idea."

Verik disturbed the water as he walked watching for anything that caused counter ripples, he hoped this would work but as they continued in vain he was beginning to think it would be better to try their luck in the reeds.

"What you doing?"

Raswan stood on the muddy bank smirking and holding back a laugh as they sloshed through the muddy water.

"Trying to find some fish so we can make fish soup."

"Fish soup?"

"Yes because we need to make our supplies stretch and soup is a fine way of doing so."

"Fish in river not here." He chuckled as they continued to walk through the water.

"I had hoped that the overflow had washed a few in here but so far you would appear to be correct."

"Fish never get washed in there."

Verik and Altayih stopped and looked at each other before turning to stare back at Raswan, the Arabian stallion held a smirk on his face.

"The voice of experience?"

"Ah... Yes... When big rains come there is big depression that way on other side of Wete. Waters rise and when they go, fish trapped."

"Any suggestions on where to get fish at the present time?"

"Reeds, there. But I not here for that. Tendaji have message for you, say that tomorrow you get as much of canal dug as can. Very wet and mean more can dig."

"Does he require you to go back and say I already figured as much?"

"No... Why?"

"Good, get your striped ass down to the river and help us catch some fish."

"I am not your-"

"No you are not but the three of us have better odds than two, plus if we catch enough you can take some home with you. I am certain your family would not object to having some extra food."

"They not object." Raswan sighed. "Okay, I help."

"You know if you want... We can take everything we have and make an extra pot or two of soup and make things stretch even more."

Raswan raised an eyebrow as they walked, "want me to ask family to what? Donate food so we can make even more food?"

"For all of us, gods knows we could use it and I know at least one of your family was out there with us foraging today."

"Yes... Maybe."

Dropping the subject till they either succeeded or failed at catching anything the three waded into the slightly swollen river. Picking their way forward carefully they entered the dense reeds that covered the banks and wading knee to waist deep worked their way through the forest of green stalks. Spears held up and ready they peered into the murky water hoping for movement or a shadow.

A small ripple spread out as a bug lit on the water and a second later something rose up quickly to snatch it. Throwing his spear at it Verik watched as the bug disappeared and the spear splashed harmlessly into the water, to his left Raswan began laughing.

"You still terrible aim with spear."

"Well Raswan I have yet to see you actually hit the broadside of a barn with a bow."

"What is barn?"

"One doubts you could hit Tendaji's hut from five paces."

"I not that bad." Raswan looked at the muddy water and shook his head. "Too muddy, not see anything and water too high."

"He is right captain, this is getting rather pointless."

Verik watched a bug skitter along one of the reed stalks before getting an idea, smacking it free and into the water he watches as the bug tried to right itself. Waiting to see if he was right the bug fought for a moment and with spear raised watched patiently until the water make a violent ripple. As the bug was snatched the threw the spear again but instead of impacting harmlessly it stopped short after having hit something.

Yanking the spear up quickly a small river fish hung twitching from the blade and pulling it off held it up by the tail for the others to see. The spear was never designed for this task and had made a mess of the fish but it had still worked.

"Knock a bug in the water and wait for the fish to make a go for them."

"Even if it small fish?"

"You want to eat tonight dont you?"

Nodding they began looking and after finding some hapless bug minding its own business, Raswan and Altayih smacked them into the water and waited. Sometimes it look a while but other times the fish drove up quickly resulting in a hit or miss, not all of the fish were very big but as they continued to catch them and dump them on the shore the pile grew. Most were so small they were hardly worth the effort but none of them complained as they dumped them all into a basket Altayih had brought along.

Asha watched Shahid prepare the wood for the fire, the stallion's eyes were vacant, distant and troubled. She already knew from the others what was bothering him so deeply and had herself seen the fruits of his attempted rescue that had gone sour. It weighed on him heavily and over the past few weeks it seemed to have drained the life from him. His step was becoming more troubled all the time and while Verik said his fighting ability was rapidly increasing as was the rest of them, Shahid was simply putting up a front for them.

She could see he was wearing two masks when others were not watching. One was what Verik and Altayih saw when they were together training or carrying out some other mundane task. But here in private, with the other two gone and his guard down it was to her clear as day. His mask had dropped not long after they left had left to catch fish, only once springing back when Raswan came by looking for Verik. Watching him quietly Asha stared at his dead eyes and for a moment they locked contact before he looked away.

"Still afraid for sister yes?"

Shahid jerked for a moment as he struggled to light the fire, the pot was full now and waiting. He ignored the question till the fire was burning and after sitting on his mat looked at Asha blankly.


"That why you lie to them?"

"I not lying to them."

"You are by not saying what bother you."

"They not able to help me yet, maybe later... Until then-"

"Sister maybe sold again, lost, killed, yes?"

Shahid nodded.

"But you not leave to find sister anyway. You know more about fighting now than when you first come."

"It not enough, Verik was right. This no so easy and take many not just one."

"So you wallow in pity and doubt he succeed?"

He twitched and remained silent for a few minutes before opening his mouth. "Many doubts, he want to take ship, not just any ship but ship that belong to Fareed... He mad, completely mad but maybe he help, his plan make sense but..."

"Yes it sound crazy but what he do before now crazier."

"Hah! Nothing more crazy than what he planning to do!"

"But you still agree to serve him in exchange... Something must keep you here."

"If he free sister I serve him for rest of days."

"Still believe it possible then."

"I not afford to pass up help."

"Hmm. True but you still doubt him and that make you miserable. You think you fail again and loose sister for good, maybe die and she suffer worse fate. Yes?"

"Yes... Why-"

"You like stories?"

"Mind too troubled for stories."

"I like stories, I tell you one, maybe it help?"

Shahid sighed and waved at her to continue.

"Long ago travelers find lost one on road, they bring him along to help protect them but not trust him. Treat him not so well but he stay because they all want same thing: survive. Much travel later they still not trust him and when they walk into bandit trap they leave this one alone to die. Maybe they go after him so rest have chance but they not, ignore him. Lone one stands and watches alone and then begins killing and killing."

Asha picked up her borrowed ladle and held it up for Shahid to see.

"This one barely know which end of spear or stick to hit with but fight anyway, not to save self but keep killing until he alone. Come to help other travelers, could have walked away but no, he stay. Kill even more, not just kill them but beat to death. Covered in blood. Take one and beat head open by smashing into wagon. Wounded, many times."

She motioned to points on her arms and legs, Shahid had turned his head and his ears and eyes showed mild curiosity.

"Bleeding horribly but refuse to stop killing. Others join him and fight back, soon all bandits are dead but things not over yet. Still must reach city, so they keep traveling with this one. Many worried, some scared of him now. Some hate. At city things get worse, slaver try to seize one of travelers by calling them thief. He not hesitate, steal from guard and slaver in daylight, middle of market! Clear for all to see! Steal big coin purse and knock guard and slaver down then run for life."

Asha watched Shahid carefully, a smirk was on his face as he listened to her little story but he was not turning away. She smiled to herself and put a little more effort into the story by moving her hands around including the ladle to emphasize points.

"All city looking for this one now, not care about others no more. Chase and chase! Then he disappear. Like smoke he gone, they not find him nor others. Whole city locked up because of this one! No one allowed out because he make someone very, very mad. Trapped in city but they not find him even day later, gates open and travelers leave. Some want to abandon him, others want to wait. He help them so much they want to help in return but not know how so they wait."

She began thumping the ladel on the mat slowly hoping Shaheed would feel the passage of time, indeed she had his attention now as he had turned around to face her with a puzzled look on his face.

"But he not come at first... Then, he appear with other walking openly from city. Want to know what happen so they ask him: "how you get out?" He tell them how: "I walk through the gate." No one believe him!"

"I not believe him either."

"But he did, walk through gate in front of guards. No one stop him, he just walk away! Rejoin travelers and help them many more times during journey home, take much time but he kill more times to help them then stay with them."

"Why you tell me this story? It mean nothing."

"Mean everything. That traveler was Verik."

Shahid almost laughed but after seeing the look on her face went deathly silent before sitting upright.

"That was Verik?"

"Yes, the guards try to take me in market but he stop them. They try to kill him for two days and fail. Not able to even find him. Verik stand out too much, easy to find but they never find."

"But what that have to do with me? Interesting yes but-"

"If he able to do that when he NOT know how to fight... What you think he capable of now?"

Shahid looked down the hill towards the river, in the distance they could see the little fishing party at work in the reeds.

"He very lucky but more dangerous."

"You there when fighting snake and after that you still doubt? He done much more. More dangerous too. Very lucky yes but also care very, very much. Verik say he get sister I believe he get sister."

"How he get her back or even find if Alriyah sold again or dead? This take so long that anything happen."

"Maybe but if he say it take time, it take time. Nothing easy, what you ask even crazier but he agree. How many agree to help you?"

"I never ask others."

"But you ask him. You trust him. Much doubt but you still trust, some part believe. Doubt because it take time and you worry for sister. Worry not help... Alriyah. You worry too much it make things worse and then you help to her."

"Maybe you right... But it not make it easier."

"No, it not make it easier but not less true. Verik say he take ship to get sister he mean it, but you not help if so worried you make mistake."

"How would you know?"

"I worry too much too once, worry so much it haunt my dreams and bad things happen. Now I not worry."

"Easy to say but hard to do Asha."

She nodded towards the river, "it easier because I trusted him and not regret it."

"You want me to trust Verik that much?"

"Not that way no... Trust him, you serve him now yes? Then trust him to help you."

"But what if-"

"Always many ifs, no help that. Even if go right now there be many questions, he like to plan and remove questions. No doubts. Only answers."

"I not help but worry for sister. She all I have left."

"If he fail I loose husband."

Shahid stared at her a moment before pushing the burning embers around and adding a few more pieces of scraggly firewood to keep it burning. He ground his jaw back and forth then looked back at Asha.

"He survive that and crazy enough to make that work maybe this work."

Asha smiled at him. "You get sister back I think but you not worry to death now yes?"

Shahid nodded slowly, still somewhat unconvinced.

Returning to the hut they could see Shahid manning a large fire while Asha sat to one side on a mat waiting with a knife. Dividing the fish up between them Raswan stared at their pot for a bit before shaking his head in amusement and taking his share of the fish with him. Asha on the other hand wasted no time in scaling and gutting the fish, even glaring at the others and motioning for them to help. Using their spearheads to scale the fish was an experience and they washed them off in the shallow jar of water provided sped the process up.

One after another the fish were cleaned, cut up and thrown into the large simmering pot. As the sun lowered in the sky the smell of boiling fish, greens along with whatever concoction Asha had come up with for seasoning the soup filled the air. Content to sit on their mats as things stewed quietly in the giant pot a few curious onlookers came by now and then to see what they were doing before shuffling off.

When it was time to eat the bowls came out along with a borrowed ladle from their neighbor who in return had asked for a bowl of the contents. Asha obliged Nuru in her request and no one challenged it, Shahid offered to make the delivery and after returning had a haunted look on his face but would say nothing else.

Sitting beside Asha on their shared mat Verik spooned some of the flavorful and very unique tasting broth into his mouth as the embers crackled and burned down. They leaned against each other quietly as they ate and after the others were gone, the pot was cleaned and for the first time in a while they had all eaten their fill and then some. Best of all they still had enough of the greens left to make a smaller pot of the same tomorrow if they were able to catch a few more fish.

Come nightfall everything was washed and put away, ready for the morrow. Asha went to bed first but Verik watched for a moment and looked at his own mat. Laying down he scooted up as close as he could before putting an arm over Asha and pulling her a little closer he moved his head around Asha's mane and gave her neck a small kiss before closing his eyes.