Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria

by Zipp Storm

Episode 33: Music is Magic

It's been a week since Scarlet, Jose and Rose came to Ponyville and stayed with me in my castle. I lived up to what I said and had my pokemon sleep with me in my room and have Moonshine, Winter and Storm keep a close eye on them. Well... only Jose and Rose cause Scarlet was not a full fledged vampire pony.

One day I was in my castle playing on my guitar. My guitar was in the shape of Moonshine with the strings going along the back like his spines and the tail was the nobs where I can change the sound of each string. It looked really cool. I was playing my guitar and singing aloud.

Got some time to share the sun is everywhere take my hand
let's do it together shake it up and dance take a-take-a chance
It's gonna last forever and ever we gonna have some fun we gonna get it done do-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ya!
And do it together now we gonna show you how...
We do it right everyday all we wanna have is fun, fun, fun...
fun anyway...
so just come and join us one by one

Show what you know-ow yea, yea!
n go-o!
yea, yea!
N know-ow we can't let this moment pass know-ow yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
n know-ow!
Let's just make this party last.

Now we're breaking free everyone can see it's our time
We're groovin' together shop until we drop no we never stop...
Summer fun we're having a party!
All we want is the best don't need any regrets No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Being with my friends means the world to me...
Let's do it like everyday all we want to have is fun, fun, fun...
Fun anyway so just come and join us one by one

Show what you kno-ow yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
n know-ow we can't let this moment pass...
n know-ow yea, yea!
n go-o yea, yea lets just make this party last...
yea, yea!
n go-o yea, yea!
n know-ow we can't let this moment pass!
n know-ow yea, yea!
n go-o yea, yea!
know-ow lets gust make this party last...

The song ended and I suddenly heard clapping and cheering. I turned around and saw Ren and all the others clapping and cheering, except for Rantaro and Nicole, who just stared with blank expressions. I was a bit embarrassed but I've been getting better at overcoming my shyness. "Awesome song, Sarah!" Ren exclaimed.

"Yeah, very upbeat." Jamie added.

Jack let out a laugh, "That song even had me dancin for a minute there."

"I agree." Rainbow said. "You should totally play that at the Talent Show tonight."

"Really?" I asked incredulous.

"Yeah, Ren and the boys can play as well." Pinkie added, coming out of Jacks' jacket, surprising him.

"Get out of my jacket, you brat!" He grabbed Pinkie by her mane and pulled her out. "Hehe, that tickles." Pinkie giggled.

"Calm down ya'll. Sarah that song of yours is amazin'. Where'd you come up with the lyrics?" Applejack asked.

"I got them from all friendships and adventures we've had together." I said.

My friends smiled at me. "I must admit. The song is very well written." Nicole said, adjusting her glasses.

"Yeah, you got some singing skills, Sarah." Rantaro added a bit gruff.

"So will you boys be in the talent show with me?" Sarah asked. Jamie's face turned a bit pale upon hearing that. “Yep!” Ren placed hands behind his back with a cheerful smile. “Don’t worry, I’ve played tons of Guitar Hero games so I know how to play a guitar.”

I rolled my eyes. That boy and his games. “Besides, I think you’ll do great. Besides, you’ll have us by your side.” Ren added. “Trust me, we got your back.”

“….O-Okay.” Jamie nodded with a meek look on his face.

“Well…I’m already in for you guys.” Mason smiled. “I guess we can try.”

“Hell yeah! Count me in as well.” Jack toothily grinned.

“So that’s it? What’s in it for me?”

“Duh! Make everypony in this party more upbeat by it!” Rantaro stared at her for a while before bluntly asking “Uh-huh, aaaand?”

“Plus, I’ll give ya 50 bits.” Pinkie added.

“Deal.” Rantaro smirked.

“Hmph…dirty money-grabber.” Jack scoffed.

“And so am I!” Ren nodded before placing his hands behind his head.

“And I’ll be cheering you guys on!” Kodi barked happily. “I wished I could play an instrument…”

“Don’t worry Kodiak!” WAH! Pinkie suddenly popped right between us and wrapped her hooves around us. “I promise that I’ll get you a mic for you to become a backstage singer!”

“Oh! Thanks Pinkie!” Kodi smiled happily. “And thanks to you, we’ll be able to sing together and make everyone and this party awesome than ever!”

“YAY!” Pinkie shouted, nearly getting everyone to stare at us in confusion and bewilderment before looking away and kept chatting within themselves. “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I can’t wait! I can’t wait! Thank you! Thank you! Thank-”

“Don’t make us regret our decision.” Rantaro said with a blank look on his face.

“Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry…” One look from Rantaro’s face showed that he wasn’t playing around her games, causing her to smile sheepishly and muttered “Sorry…”

“Y-you want us…to sing in front of everyone in the talent show?” I asked in worried.

“Don’t worry you guys! You’re all gonna love-love-love it!” Pinkie chuckled, only to get an annoyed look from Rantaro.

“Please don’t say that again.” Rantaro sighed.

“B-but still…! Singing in front of everyone…!” Jamie began panicking till Ren gave him a comforting smile and said “Hey, don’t worry dude. Everything is gonna be alright. I promise.”

“Y-you sure?” I asked nervously.

“W-well…alright.” Jamie sighed.


Jamie's POV

Okay…I’m starting to freak out! It was the night of the talent show. We had rehearsed the song with Sarah We were behind the curtains as everypony was still busy talking. Oh man, oh man, oh man. I’m really gonna screw this up.

“You alright Jamie?” I looked over at Ren and the others, who were giving me concern looks. Well…except for Rantaro as he was busy practicing with the electric piano.

“Yeah, you kinda look pale.” Kodiak pointed out, causing me to look away nervously.

“I-I’m sorry…I’m just nervous just singing in front of these ponies, including the princesses and our friends. I…I just don’t know what to do.” I explained sadly.

“Jamie…have confidence in yourself.” Ren said with a comforting smile. “You just gotta have faith in yourself. Have faith in yourself like you had when we were battling the Changelings. Just stay calm and we’ll be alright.”

“He’s right, you know.” Mason nodded. “Besides…I just don’t know why Pinkie picked us for this?”

“Ha, probably because we’re the only ones to do it.” Jack shrugged, sitting down near the drums.

“Well in the meantime, we just gotta believe in ourselves.” Ren assured. “Well…I’ve played enough guitar hero games to understand how to play one.”

“Well…a-alright then.” I sighed before the rest of us began getting into our positions with Me, Sarah and Kodi on mic, Mason with bass, Ren with electric guitar, Jack on drums, and Rantaro on another electric guitar. Oh man…I just know that we’re gonna mess up.

…No! I mustn’t think like that! I have to stop acting like a coward and have confidence in myself! Alright…let’s do this!

With that, we watched as the curtains gets opened up as it revealed everypony watching us in awe, including the girls and the princesses, as they became surprised to see us. Pinkie was with them and gave us a big grin and nod, implying that she was giving us a good luck gesture.

“Psst! Jamie…” Ren whispered towards me, causing me to glance at him. “You can do it…just speak what your heart tells ya. I’m scared too, but we just gotta keep going.”

“…..O-Okay.” I nodded before looking over at the crowd. Soon enough, Mason began playing his bass guitar, starting up a song. I soon let out a heavy sigh and held a slightly nervous yet confident look on my face. Soon enough, I began singing the lyrics of a song.

(Me and Sarah)

Got some time to share the sun is everywhere take my hand
let's do it together shake it up and dance take a-take-a chance
It's gonna last forever and ever
We gonna have some fun we gonna get it done do-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ya!
And do it together now we gonna show you how...
We do it right everyday all we wanna have is fun, fun, fun...
fun anyway...
so just come and join us one by one

Show what you know-ow yea, yea!
n go-o!
yea, yea!
N know-ow we can't let this moment pass know-ow yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
n know-ow!
Let's just make this party last.

The crowd was dancing and jamming along to the song and beat.

(Me and Sarah)
Now we're breaking free everyone can see it's our time
We're groovin' together shop until we drop no we never stop...
Summer fun we're having a party!
All we want is the best

(Mane 6)

Wait, whose that?

don't need any regrets

(Mane 6)

(Me and Sarah)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Being with my friends means the world to me...
Let's do it like everyday

Suddenly, Twilight and the girls came on stage with mic in their hooves and magic, surprising us and making the crowd cheer even louder.

(Me and Sarah)
All we want to have is fun, fun, fun...
Fun anyway so just come and join us one by one

Show what you kno-ow yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
N know-ow we can't let this moment pass...
N know-ow yea, yea!

Sarah went to the crowd and pulled Princesses Luna, Celestia and Cadence onto stage. Cadence and Shining Armor were visiting that day and we all sang the chorus together.

N go-o yea, yea lets just make this party last...
Yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
N know-ow we can't let this moment pass!
N know-ow yea, yea!
N go-o yea, yea!
Know-ow lets gust make this party last...

The song ended and all of Canterlot was cheering loudly, clapping their hooves on the ground with excited looks on their faces and whistling at our performance. Ren gave me a big smile on his face and said “Alright! I told ya I knew how to play the guitar since playing so many Guitar Hero games!”

“Your knowledge of gaming never cease to amaze and surprise me at the same time.” I commented with a light chuckle.

"That was epic!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"You bet! You girls can sing!" Jack laughed.

"Thank you." Cadence said.

"I can't believe you put them on stage." Carrie laughed. Sarah smirked. "Even Princesses need to have everyday fun." Celestia and Luna smiled, "Thank you for your performance and for involving us." Celestia said.

"Your welcome." Sarah said.

Soon, it was time to announce the winner of the talent show. "And the winner of the Canterlot Talent Show is...... the Rebel Rockers!" Luna announced. My heart leaped for a sec with Ren and the others cheered aloud at their win. Celestia came over with the trophy that said "First place" on it. Sarah grabbed it and she held it high and the ponies all cheered for us.

Gotta admit. It was definitely a memorable night and an experience I will never forget.

POV Ends

The Next Day

It was the day after the Talent Show and I was walking into the living room. "Hey guys."

"Hi Sarah." Ren said. The trophy was placed on the table near the couch. "I can't believe we won last night."

"I can, we're awesome." Jack gloated.

Mason rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, I guess we are awesome."

Rantaro came into the room, "Hey, where's Nicole and Kaede?" he asked. Now that I thought about it, I didn't see them at all when I walked in this morning. "I didn't see them at all. They weren't in their rooms." Ren said.

"Okay... that's odd." Jamie said.

Suddenly we all heard a familiar siren song thought the air. "Please tell me that wasn't." Jamie whimpered.

"Those bastards again?!" Jack exclaimed Me and the boys rushed outside and sure enough we saw the three Death Songs before flying away with something in it's mouth. "They've got the girls!" I cried.

"Oh crap!" Jack added.

"Dragons! Everyone!" I exclaimed. The boys called their respective dragons and they all came. We mounted them and we flew into the air after the Death Songs. One Death Song had Carrie, Kaede and Nicole. The second had Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie. And the last one had Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity. "Mason, Jack, go after Carrie, Kaede and Nicole." I said. "Ren, you, Jamie and Rantaro got after Twilight, Flutters and Pinkie. I'll go after the last one."

"Right." the boys went off.

I went after the last one. "Winter, Plasma Blast!" I called. Winter fired a plasma blast at the Death Song, making it turn around and growl. "Drop the girl, Death Song!" I yelled. The Death Song growled when Storm suddenly blasted the Death Song in the mouth, forcing it to let go of the girls. "Moonshine, Storm, dive!" Moonshine and Storm dove for the girls. Moonshine grabbed Rainbow and Applejack while Storm grabbed Rarity.

The Death Song growled and started firing amber at us. "Lookout!" I cried. Winter and the others dodged but the amber hit me, knocking me off of Winter. "GAAAHH!" Winter roared and flew for me, but the Death Song drove her away by firing it's amber at her, forcing her away and it grabbed me in it's mouth.

My dragons flew towards the Death Song, "No, guys don't it's too dangerous. Go back to the others!" I cried as the Death Song flew away with me in it's jaws.

Ren's POV

Phew! Well... we got all our girls and we landed in a clearing. "Okay is that all the girls?" I asked.

"Yes." Jamie said. Striker and Firestorm blasted the amber, freeing the girls. "Thank ya'll." Applejack panted.

"Wait, where's Sarah?" Jack asked. Suddenly, Winter, Moonshine and Storm landed beside us, "Guys! Guys!" Winter cried.

"Winter, what's wrong?" I asked. "Where's Sarah?"

"Sarah was captured by one of the Death Songs!" Moonshine cried.

We all gasped. "Not again!" Mason groaned.

"Come on, let's go get her!" Firestorm exclaimed, but before he could fly off, Moonshine stopped him. "Firestorm, wait. We can't just rush in there. We'll get trapped for sure. We need to plan to rescue Sarah."

"But what can we do against them?" Striker asked. "They're big and fast."

"Well... what did Sarah do the last time, they struck?" I asked. We all flashed back to a while ago when the Death Songs first appeared.


She suddenly broke out into song.

It doesn't matter what tricks you play
Still gotta help you find your way
Come on down, let the hunting spree end
Maybe you and I can still be friends?

"What is she doing?" Mason asked. "Singing is not going to save us!"

"Think again, young Mason." Discord said and we saw him, Pyrite, the guard and some more dragons stalking towards us. "Discord, who are these things?" Kaede asked.

"Dramillions and they here to help break all of you out."

"How?" Carrie asked. Discord nodded at the Dramillions and they blasted the fire with Monstrous Nightmare fire, breaking it and setting us free. "It worked!" I said.

"Shhh!" Pyrite hissed. "Let's get the others and all these dragons." Pyrite whispered. We all nodded and we quietly walked off to free the other dragons while Sarah distracted the Death Songs with her... well... song.

Yes, I'm wondering why
Can't we just see
Eye to eye?

Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You're always up to trouble
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You make that trouble double
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
I wish we could go our separate ways
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!

Being hunter okay for sure
What you're doing here is something more
Hunting my pony and human friends
Won't make you friends so easily!

Yes, I'm wondering why
Can't we just see
Eye to eye?

Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You're always up to trouble
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You make that trouble double
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
I wish we could go our separate ways
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!

I know you rule
Act like you do
I might admit you're kinda cool!

Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You're always up to trouble
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
You make that trouble double
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
I wish we could go our separate ways
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
I wish we could go our separate ways
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!
Death So-oo-oo-ongs!

Flashback End

"The Death Songs like her singing and were distracted by it so the others could rescue us. What if we did the same thing?" Mason asked.

"But what song would distract them long enough?" Kaede asked.

"Oh, oh, oh, I know! That song you all played last night!" Pinkie chirped.

"Pinkie's right! The song is sorta long and it should lure the Death Songs away from Sarah." Mason agreed.

"Alright." Jack said. "So what's the second part?"

"I've got an idea." I smirked.

POV Ends

The Death Songs took me back to the cove and placed me on the ground. They all stood around me. "Eh, hehehe, hi." I said nervously. The Death Songs roared at me and I winced. "Please don't eat me. Please don't eat me."

Suddenly, I heard a beat nearby and the Death Songs perked up at the sound of it. The Death Songs started to walk away from me by a few feet. "What's going on?" Suddenly, I felt something by my face. I turned and saw... nothing? Hmmm... odd. Suddenly, Winter appeared, having cloaked herself with her plasma blast. "Winter?" I whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here." Winter quietly flew up and grabbed my cocoon and flew off with me far away. I looked down and saw Ren and the boys playing the song we did for the talent show. The stopped at the second chorus and green smoke appeared before them, followed by an explosion, frightening the Death Songs a little. When the smoke cleared, the boys were gone and the Death Songs were confused. Either way, they thankfully did not notice me and Winter as she flew me back at the home-ship. She placed before anyone. "Are you alright, Sarah?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied. Firestorma and Silverspike blasted the cocoon, freeing me. "Why do those Death Songs target you when we're not around, newbie?" Jack groaned.

I shrugged. "Guess I'm 'loved' by all dragons. Hehehe."

"We're just glad you're alright, Sarah." Mason said.

I smiled until Jack got in my face, "If you do this again, I'll beat you into next week, Got it?!" Silverspike bashed him away. "Oof! Hey!"

"Relax, Jack. I'll try not to be kidnapped by dragon-eating, mystery class dragons." I said.

"You better newbie." Jack growled. We all rolled out eyes at Jack and his temporary big brother instincts. Somethings never change.